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Fantasy BoN: Stone Age

The Moonsworn


BREAKPOINT: (Resolved on Discord)

Action 1: Build the Moon Road through Moonsworn Territories

A laborious task, the road is constructed throughout the territories of the Moonsworn, improving travel through their lands. All units moving through the lands of the Moonsworn using the road gain an extra +1 movement due to the ease of travel opposed to the previous difficult terrain.

The people are now better able to make the journey to the Holy Lands and the word begins to spread further.

Gain an additional 10 population for each race within the Moonsworn.

Action 2: Build Hog Farms in Greenskin Pass

The Hog Farms are constructed to help provide more food to the growing population that make up the orcs and goblins of the Greenskin Pass. This allows the Greenskins to be better fed and are all the stronger for it. Greenskin units gain an additional +1 HP due to improved sustenance.​
As Kuro slowly came to he felt a deep sense of pain, the aches and pulled muscles of a man pushed far beyond what his mortal form should be doing, especially when one was as old as he was. He heard muffled speaking, feeling as if his ears were stuffed with cotton, and his eyes refused to open, feeling heavier than the largest of beasts. Struggling, he forced himself to speak through a throat as dry as it had ever been, the pain of it near unbearable, managing to whisper only a single word. “Asari.”

Instantly he heard the speaking stop before an explosion of noise came to his ears, he felt hands grabbing at his body, hands that sat him up in a seating position. He felt bombarded as words that seemed to be pointed at him were spoken, still nothing more than muffled sound to his ears. With greater effort than anything he had seemed to put towards anything else within his life, Kuro slowly forced his eyes open, hissing in pain at the blinding light that invaded them but pressing on regardless of it. As his eyes cleared he found that the voices had belonged to Asari and Nyra, the duo of women still frantically checking him over, the younger with tears dripping from her face.

Water…” The elderly mage was barely able to croak the word out, his throat feeling as if it was on fire through the path it took. Luckily though, the duo heard and a waterskin was pressed to his lips, allowing him to greedily drink from it. As he drank more and more came into focus, his hearing returning and his sight coming fully into focus, allowing him to see the duo of Green Soldiers guarding the entrance of what he could now tell was his home. Finally, after drinking his fill, he pushed the waterskin away gently, the strength in his limbs returning more slowly, and spoke. “Thank you, my loves. What happened?”

“I was hoping you would be able to tell us my love, the last thing I can remember was the sight and smell of a Jabberwock’s mouth as it tried to eat me. And then, I was standing before our home watching as you collapsed onto the ground beside Merasa’s body,” As Asari spoke she tried to motion the Green Soldiers away, scowling as the duo continued to refuse to budge. “As soon as I gathered myself, I had these two help Nyra and I carry you inside. That was yesterday, since then you’ve been muttering in your sleep about a wilting garden and a growing scorpion!”

“That would be due to the soon to be death of an Archfey my love,” Kuro sighed wearily, feeling once more the age upon his bones. “The flower that we succeeded in capturing will allow Lahara to take the realm and kill the one who claims it as their own, I was likely dreaming of it even if I do not remember know what I may have seen.” Kuro smiled gently at the duo of women. “But we succeeded in our own mission. You are an immortal Nyra, free to live so long as you wish to.”

The young woman’s face broke into a wide smile, practically glowing as she embraced her father tightly. Mother and father both smiled upon their daughter at the sight, one from joy with the knowledge he now had and the other more melancholic, believing that her husband had just ensured that only he would leave her one day soon. “Corvol, Sarin, I assume you both know that this stays among us?” Asari’s gaze moved smoothly over the duo of soldiers, both of them quick to nod with small smiles of their own. “Excellent, though I do still bare sad news my love. Merasa is gone, and the only spells I know which may bring her back as herself require reagents which we do not have.” Asari’s face grew somber as she spoke, a tear forming at the corner of her eye. The witch may not have been as close to her as her own family, but she was a friend through and through. “Serala has gone to try to gather them now but there is no guarantee she will succeed, at least, not in time for the spell to still work.”

“We will have to hope that she does,” Kuro gently pushed his daughter away, studying her face and smiling as he did. “I have other news as well, as Lahara spoke to me after our task was completed, she told me some information that shocked me.” He looked to Asari for a moment before his eyes returned to his daughter. “Nyra, when your mother and I first met Lahara she said something which has puzzled me to this day. She called me mostly human after correcting herself, and it was this statement that has kept me awake on many nights.” Nyra stared at her father, confused, at the statement, looking to Asari for a moment to confirm the statement.

“But aren’t you a full human father? That is why you undertook her task to ensure that I would inherit mother’s immortality is it not?” The half-dryad asked the question curiously, her own prodigious mind whirring as she tried to find the answer to the sudden riddle.

“That is what I have thought for all the years since that first meeting, but it would appear that she withheld a secret from me until last we spoke,” Kuro looks to his wife, staring deep into her eyes with a smile fit to act as a sun. “I am an immortal as well, I will not bea leaving the two of you anytime soon.”

A few moments passed, Asari and Nyra both staring at him in shock, before Kuro found himself once more embraced tightly by the duo. Tears flowed freely from the two women as the impact of the news was realized and with teary eyes of his own the Archmage held his family tightly, promising to himself that he wouldn’t dare to leave them anytime soon.​

1. Undertake Lahara's Task (Resolved in Discord)
2. Attempt to gather the Reagents for the Reincarnation Spell within time to revive Merasa (Mud Witch)

Let the Goblins Join the Village

Tell the Goblins they can not stay
Set up a village nearby for the goblins

Kuro Aros
Race: Human (Mutated)
Age: 99 (Aging Immortal)
Keywords: Intelligent, Archmage, Leader
Traits: We Know These Woods- When fighting in the woods, force a reroll of an enemies successful Action. (Once per Game Turn)
I know Magic- Choose one level 1 Close Range Spell and cast it at Long Range
Magic: 5 Martial: 0
Army: 1 Technology: 1 Leadership: 1 Relics: 2 Fate Points: 1
Character Strength - Highly competent command of magic at all levels
Character Weakness - Immortality prevents death in any form, but does not prevent Kuro from ageing, eventually leading to him being little more than skin and bones that can't move as he ages

Varos- Barn Owl

Lahara's Ward
Gain [Fey Presence] [Misty Escape]
Kuro is now immune to any and all forms of poison. Not only is he immune, but particularly powerful or deadly poisons will actually heal him.
[Martial 0/Magic 3] [Immortal]
My Tree, My Heart, My Home
When in their home region, Asari counts as being one spell level higher. [Meaning she is level 4 and can cast 3 level 5 spells while you are within the Crooked Forest]

Power of the Forest
Asari can cast 3 level 5 Spells from the Druid list an event.

The Tree Is Strong
The roots of the dryad tree have spread far, its bark is like iron and it stands to resist all enemies.. Love holds true, and so will it. The tree, itself, is immune to fire and sickness. It will never wither, it will never rot, it will never burn. So long as Kuro lives, so too does Asari's heart. Asari is no longer bound to the tree and may travel wherever she wishes. If she is slain, she will be reborn from the tree after a certain period of time. If Kuro falls, Asari and her tree will wither and die, unable to live alone. The duo may suspend all actions to cast a single spell together. If they do so, the spell will have much greater power. As they grow in magic, so to do does this grow in power.

While Asari is alive, gain D3 units of Dryad Wood a turn. Dryad Wood is stronger then any mundane wood and has natural magical properties.

Farin - Barn Owl
Swamp Witch
Martial 0 Magic 4
Summon Fishmen
As a action, the Swamp witch can summon 1d3+1 Fishmen from the depths of the Swamp to assist her in battle. (Usable Once a Turn)

Living Swamp
Her swamp domain gives her a +1 and her enemies a -1

Special Goods
Dryad Wood - 2 (+1) Units
Amber - 5 Units
Silver Ore - 12 (+5) Units
Gorgon Peppers - 2
Ice Pear - 1

Light Sword- A strange blade that forms out of Light from a small handle
Boots of Air- Boots capable of allowing limited flight
The MAYONNAISE Jug -This Pottery Jug can be magically compelled to fill with one of the below once a day. Once the jug starts producing, it can't produce a different one until the next day. The Jug has a 'maximum' of each thing it can create and will not make more of that until it is gone [The jug KNOWS]
Beer - 4 Units
Wine - 1 Unit
Honey - 1 Unit
Mayonnaise - A Disgusting Amount
Vinegar - 2 Units
Water, Fresh - 8 Units Worth
Water, Salt - 12 Units Worth
Stone Mask [One Use] - If the Mask is put on, it will allow the user to completely, and TRULY, alter their form. This spell counts as a divinely cast True Polymorph. As if casted by a Godlike being, the transformation is final and cannot be dispelled. Choose wisely.
Shield of Thorns - If struck by a powerful blow, the holder can force its striker to feel the same suffering they do. BOTH of them will take the full damage of the attack. This ability can be used even if the holder would, normally, be killed outright by the blow.

Forest Barbarians- 10 Forest Barbarians who wear Light Wooden Armor and wield Stone Hatchets. They strike hard and fast, giving in to blood rages that make them harder to take down
Green Soldiers- 41 (+3) Green Soldiers, called such because they wear Green Foliage draped over their Heavy Stone Armor. They wield wooden Spears
Wolfpack- 30 Wolves that are loyal to you directly. They obey without question and are capable of PACK TACTICS

29 (+3)

Writing (Cuneiform)
Basic Metallurgy
Flesh Prophets


BREAK POINT: Resolved on Discord

Action 1: The Assassination begins. The great dawn for Oakdale will begin. The Perfect Spy shall attempt to slaughter the Captain of the Guard and Take his Place.

The Perfect Spy manages to catch the Captain of the Guard in his home, alone, asleep. Or at least they thought he was asleep. Apparently the man was prepared, having had to deal with many assassination attempts over the years. And even in his older age, he was still not going to go down without a fight.

But went down he did. Not, however, before delivering a fatal wound to the Perfect Spy. The Wounds are severe enough that only DIVINE INTERVENTION can save them.

The Perfect Spy is able to stay alive well long enough to deliver and act upon 3 Orders within OAKDALE.

Action 2: The Flesh Prophets will try to make New Puddings and moving parts out of the Dead from the Card Battle and scrounge up more flesh from the Wildlife. They will use as much population as reasonably possible as Flesh Puddings/Helpers too.

From the remains of the battlefield and mostly the sacrifice of the available population, the forces of the Flesh Prophets have flourished and grown into a nice and large number.


136 Moving Parts
42 Puddings​
The Tendua Tribe


BREAK POINT: Cultivate New Growth

The New Growth is now controlled by the people using the MEAT. It is through this that a new symbiosis is crafted. They will attack outsiders, but protect The Tendua Tribe as they understand that they are their caretakers and suppliers of meat at all times.

GAIN PLANT DEFENSES: All those who must walk through your lands and are unguided by one of your fellows, will be attacked by the HOSTILE plantlife. ALL THOSE OF THE TRIBE WILL BE UNAFFECTED.

ACTION 1: Build a Burial Vault in the SKull Mound using Stone. Wood, Pigments and Cuneiform

A brilliant Burial Vault is crafted. It will be one that will stand the passage of time, colorfully decorated to show the previous and current rulers of The Tendua Tribe. Each location in the Vault contains a space for the name and an image of valor, bravery, or some kind of achievement to go above so that the people and other leaders could remember their greatest deeds, even in death.

The people are happy with this and throw a vast feast which leads to a greater boon in population. Gain an additional 1d10 population and an additional 1d10 every time that a feast is thrown.

ACTION 2: Build a Chronicle Chamber in the Skull Mound using Stone, Wood, Pigments and Cuneiform

The Chronicle Chamber will hold all the leader’s deeds in completion to be remembered. Not just their greatest achievement that will be in the Burial Vault. Each Leader will have their owns section which will detail in words and images all the vast accomplishments in their lives. The next generation of leaders will learn from this as they grow.

Gain +1 Martial or Magic. Every generation, gain an additional +1 Martial or Magic on top of normal generational upgrades.​
The Shifting Covenant


BREAKPOINT: Let the Crystallians settle where they want.

It isn’t long before small settlements of Crystallians begin to pop up all over the kingdom. Some of the people are grumbling about it, but there isn’t much that they can do. Gain 10 Crystallians population and 1d10 population every turn.

ACTION 1: Explore the Sky City in the North Forest (Resolved on Discord)

Action 2: Establish economy and trade the technology and support gathered.

Using the Coin Piles in reserve for the Shifting Covenant, the region begins to use Silver and Crystal Ingots for trading purposes. For the first time, a sort of currency has been introduced that is not just trading goods for other goods. The people take some time to get used to the idea. But it soon enough became common practice.

Gain +1 Stability of Government​
Black Rock


BREAK POINT: Explore the Shipwreck before it is completely destroyed against the Rocks.

Onboard the strange shipwreck, they manage to discover a number of objects that were odd and foreign. But the biggest gain was a large pile of GOLD BARS. Other than that, a chest containing a large number of COPPER SWORDS and objects later described by Melissa as being a COMPASS and A CROSSBOW.

The ship soon enough afterwards is completely destroyed on the Rocks and the man was found to have passed away. His CURVED BLADE is recovered at the very least.

Action 1: Settle within the Void. Melissa will oversee construction and integration of the new Black Void (Wood/Stone/ Cuniform/ Mathematics/Metallurgy/ Water Purification used)(Crystal used) (OMINOUS/UNBREAKABLE KEYWORD USED)(25 POPULATION USED)

The Black Void soon enough becomes a home to many of the Black Rock Troop. The areas are expanded and living conditions improve dramatically. The place is not only safe from the elements, but also has the access to the fresh water from the water purification. This helps a new breed of warriors to emerge from within the ranks of those that live within its walls.

Void Warriors- Gain 10 Void Warriors. These Warriors wear Black and Red pigment in intimidating form over their face while wielding Heavy two handed Spiked Stone Clubs and wearing Heavy Spiked Stone Armor. They Possess FEAR 1 due to their intimidating nature.

Action 2: Melissa will train Human Alchemists (20 Human Population used)(Inspiring Keyword used)

The Human population is eager to learn and take to it like a sponge in a puddle of water. It isn’t long before they are trained in the ways of SCIENCE.

Human Alchemists- Gain 20 Human Alchemists. They wear Heavy Cloaks which contain a variety of chemical mixtures based on the learning of Melissa. They carry a Light Stone Dagger if needed, but their true capabilities are in SCIENCE. These units do well om the back lines as they are able to use their knowledge and mixtures to either: HEAL OR BUFF THE TROOPS DURING BATTLE or HIT THE ENEMY WITH DANGEROUS CHEMICAL MIXTURES​
The Aros Tribe


BREAK POINT: Let the Goblins Join the Village

The Goblins are overjoyed and throw a celebration with what little they currently possess. It is a momentous time for them in their lives.

GAIN 30 GOBLINS. Gain 2d10 Goblins every turn.

Gain Garlick The Goblin Chieftain (OLD)
Martial 1/ Magic 3
Goblin Chieftain- Garlick is old and as such will only remain for 1 turn. However, there will ALWAYS be a Goblin Chieftain as long as the Goblins remain alive and in your realm. When a New Goblin Chieftain is chosen, they are able to move the Martial/Magic stats around with an additional +1. They also keep current abilities and gain 1 new one every new Chief

An Old Goblin Trick- Goblins are Crafty and have ways of accomplishing things that would be considered difficult to others. As long as there is a Goblin in your adventuring party or army, gain +1 to non combat rolls. Also, will never SUFFER THE EFFECTS OF A CRITICAL FAIL.

Action 1: Undertake Lahara’s Task (Resolved in Discord)

Action 2: Attempt to gather the reagents for the reincarnation spell within time to revive Merasa (Mud Witch)

Through careful cunning and sweeping the region with a wide net, they are able to find all the ingredients to cast the reincarnation spell in order to save the Mud Witch from her untimely fate. In fact, they managed to secure enough that it can be cast a second time, however, the region has now been swept clean of the reagents necessary to cast such a spell a third time.​
Tribes of Daeva

Each labored breath pulled in suffocating sulphurous air that seared his eyes and seeped into his lungs. His feet, now curled and blistered, rhythmically pounded against the scalding red sand. Despite the agony, Alf pressed on, driven by a mixture of adrenaline and fear.

From seemingly impossible distances, skeletal hands and grotesque claws extended toward him. Each limb carried its own unique terror, connected to beasts and demons with an excess of eyes and limbs. These horrors were tethered by chains to the obsidian mountains encircling the desert valley, gazing down upon him hungrily.

Although the hands remained distant, almost minuscule from Alf's vantage point, an unshakable knowledge settled within him. He understood that these grotesque appendages had the potential to reach him, to elongate over immeasurable spans of space and seize him in an unbreakable grip, to haul him back toward their monstrous owners. Within the hands, he saw his fate. And so, he ran.

Ahead, the landscape stretched into an expanse of unending red sand, a monotonous wasteland that offered no respite. Alf's gaze darted desperately across the landscape, seeking an avenue of escape, a glimmer of salvation.

Gritting his teeth, he willed his gaze ahead, battling the onslaught of burning sand. At the summit of yet another dune, his weary eyes beheld a sight that ignited a spark of hop. A lone crypt, an ancient relic weathered by time, its weathered pillars and massive red granite blocks testifying to its enduring history.

A surge of newfound vigor coursed through his veins at the sight of this potential sanctuary. With every ounce of his remaining strength, he channeled his energy toward the crypt, the promise of deliverance propelling him forward.

The crypt loomed mere strides away from the dune's base, its grand metal gates mercifully eroded to dust, unveiling an obscure interior. Alf's cheeks were marred by streaks of tears, mingling with the sweat that trailed down from his brow, his heart aflutter with every stride that carried him closer. Fingers grazed the weathered pillars and his feet, wearied yet resolute, met the cool tiles just before the entrance, their refreshing touch offering solace to his blistered flesh. A cool breeze bellow from deeper within the crypt, never before had anything felt and tasted so pure.

Yet, in that moment, a searing agony, fiercer than even the scalding sands, erupted from his leg as metal fastened onto his ankle. His gaze plummeted downward instinctively, and his heart was plunged into an icy abyss. A chain, forged from obsidian-hued metal that glowed with an unholy fervor, seized his ankle in a vice-like grip, its malevolent intention undeniable.

With an unforgiving force, the chain yanked him down to the hard ground, his skull meeting the unyielding pavestones with a resounding crack. Agonizing pain surged through him, his vision wavering as though caught in a feverish dream. Despite the blurriness that threatened to engulf his sight, he drew sharp, shocked breaths, the acrid air cutting through the haze and grounding him in grim reality.

Yet, even as his consciousness fought to remain, the relentless chain had already succeeded in wrenching him away from the crypt's entrance. The dull throb in his head was a bitter reminder of his predicament, his thoughts sluggish as if mired in a swamp of terror. Amid the confusion, his instincts sharpened, his terror becoming a cruel tutor that guided his movements.

Outstretched hands flailed before him, desperate fingers seeking purchase in the shifting sands. The paver stones' edges became his lifeline, yet they too conspired against him, conducting the chain's blistering heat into his flesh. With each searing touch, his grip faltered, and he was dragged ever backward, back up the dune.

The chain's grip tightened. It wound its way up his leg, encircling his chest, Tartarus claiming its dominion over him. The dune was now transformed into an ominous mountain of obsidian, mirroring the black sentinels that encircled the valley like a cursed crown.

Chains continued to snake their way, constricting his arms and splaying them wide against the mountain's rocky facade. His body pinned, he found himself a captive audience to the desolate expanse before him, elevated and bound, a tragic monument to his own vulnerability. As the grotesque claws grew, blotting out the sun's feeble light, Alf's breath caught in his throat, a tremor coursing through his body.

A crescendo of terror reached its climax as the tip of an otherworldly claw grazed his cheek, a chilling touch that promised agony. Just as the darkness threatened to claim him completely, Alf was yanked from the clutches of Tartarus, torn from the nightmarish abyss and thrust back into consciousness. His eyes snapped open, his body drenched in sweat, heart hammering against his ribs as he gasped for air. The room's reassuring familiarity surrounded him, an anchor against the tempestuous memory of his dream.

Even in the realm of wakefulness, a residual sensation lingered, a weight pressing against his leg. The sensation was accompanied by an intense heat, a searing reminder of the torment he had endured in the realm of dreams.

On instinct, he kicked away, his body reacting before his mind fully registered the sensation. In the pale embrace of moonlight, a solitary chain link caught his eye as it vanished into the obscurity of his hut's interior, swallowed by the enveloping shadows.


1. Move army to THE PLAINS
The Rajmata (Leader)
3 Slaves
Alf (Champion)
2 Grand Plant Wizards
5 Green Wizards
10 Green Quickened
20 Moss Trappers
1 Humbled Controller
30 Humbled

The Daeva will contact the local BANDITS of the region in an attempt organize a coalition based on mutual kinship (fellow "humans!") and related interests- the Bandits love to capture and sell slaves, and the Daeva love to capture and buy slaves. It is only natural that the two should work together- they are all of the same Kind after all!

The Daeva will offer the Bandits/Slavers a military and economic alliances. The Daeva will gift to them the food they need to continue their operations despite the previous BLIZZARD and any future ones. The Daeva will also offer to them that they may build camps and cities within the outskirts and mountains of the Bogs from which they can operate with impunity under the protection of the Daeva, who will point out to them that there is an isolated tribe of Cainnites to the North, one which makes for favored slaves of the Daeva, and they are welcomed and ENCOURAGED to capture them, the Daeva protecting them from retaliation.

In return, the Daeva ask for a steady supply of slaves as tribute, and cooperation in efforts to ensure the flow of slaves remains free and the Daeva and all Assemites (humans) rule over all others.

Additionally, they wish to sell THE HUMBLED and HUMBLED CONTROLLER to them in return for RELICS, as a secondary thing to the main offer of an entrenched alliance.

3. Build THE BREEDING GROUNDS where slaves will be bred with cruel efficiency
The Quiet Grove

The First to take the Oath in this new era of danger and fear, Oswald, is laid to rest alongside the beast that he took great pains in protecting. Errt and Oswald's faces appeared slowly shifting into the bark of Kwerkus trunk before dissapearing, a statue erected in their honour, a symbol of the culture and Ethos of Kwerkus' children. A shock to many as he had seemed as permanent as the great Kwerkus itself. Having lived three lives he was ready to pass on to the next adventure, joining the tree in eternity. A moving ceremony was held by his successors as an attempt to waylay the uncertainty caused by the loss of the hero that even their great grandparents once looked to for hope.
Following this, a second ceremony was done in private to welcome a new Oathtaker to replace their fallen brother. There must always be three, or atleast that was the decree from Kwerkus as Mertyn understood it. Sir Oylivur joined them as the newest member of their solemn oath.

After the completion of the Ceremony Mertyn was determind to ensure the safety of the grove going forward. Assigning Lady Spinzer in charge of ensuring the future safety of the grove, he set off toward their southern neighbours, intent on finding a peaceful path forward between their two peoples.

Mertyn was expecting some level of recruitment or something similar from Lady Spinzer in his absence. She had a slightly different interpretation and began working with Kwerkus' magic to ensure the isolation of the grove against unwelcome visitors. Let them get lost and confused and ensure a wall for if that would ever fail.

Break Point: Take Option 1 - Purchase the Purple Flower
Action 1: Erect a statue to Oswald and Errt
Action 2: Work on the magical defences of the grove, using trickery magic and, failing that, a dense wall of trees and thorns in all but a few areas to stop or slow attackers
Movement: Sir Mertyn moves to begin diplomacy with their southern neighbours
Trektek Trektek


BREAK POINT: (Resolved on Discord)

Action 1: Contact the Bandits, Offering an Alliance

The self appointed Bandit King is intrigued by this offer. Especially as the recent uptick in anti-slavery that has been popping up from Lakeside and The Forests to the North due to The Mystics influences.

“Us Humans have to stick together”, he stated with a devious grin.

He certainly appreciated the information about the possible slaves to be gained from North of the Bog as previously, they had thought those lands to be uninhabited. Certainly they appreciate the information.

Gain 1d3+1 Slaves every turn

Upon selling The Humbled, they are quite interested and offer the following options:

For every 10 Humbled and 1 Controller you sell to them you may choose one of the following:

Claws of The Ancients
Sharp Claws taken from an Ancient Ice Creature. They Pierce through armor like butter

Staff of Power
This staff glows at all times and seem to occasionally spark with energy

Cape of The Cunning
A tattered cape that is said to make its wearer more intelligent

Boom Stick
A very loud metal tube that creates large holes in your enemies

Action 2: Build The Breeding Grounds

Slaves are forced into the cruel breeding ground which ensures that there is an even greater supply of slaves. Gain an additional 2d10 Slaves every turn. If an action is taken to further force slaves copulation, on that turn, slave gain is doubled.​
1693513665410.pngThe Quiet Grove

BREAK POINT: Purchase the Purple Flower

The Purple Flower glows and will resurrect one fallen ally in battle. (It will wilt after one use)

Action 1: Erect a statue to Oswald and Errt

The Statues bring out great pride in the those that reside within the Quiet Grove. ALL QUIET GROVE UNITS WHILE INSIDE THE GROVE GAIN A LARGE BONUS TO MORALE.

Action 2: Work on the magical defenses of the Grove, using trickery magic and, failing that, a dense wall of trees and thorns in all but a few areas to stop or slow attackers.

The magic of their great tree, along with their casters is able to fortify their defenses and make sure that it is now extremely difficult for anyone not in the know to be able to get inside their forest. Any attackers would have to travel through vast mazes of foliage, both real and imaginary, along with carefully cultivated shrubs and trees that would slow them down for easy pickings.

BoN: Stone Age




Map 1 Event

A bright flash crosses the sky for all of the continent to see, before disappearing in the north. Something similar had been seen before, that time a fragment of Meteorite found by the Penitent. This time it came to rest in the North Forest, the region of the Giants.

The Goliaths of The Stormwrath Peaks


While exploring near your settlement, your people find a vast cache of gold, gems and treasures amongst what appears to be a burial site.

  1. Leave the treasure be.​
  2. Claim everything for your people.​
  3. Something Else?​

Followers of Izel

A giant bird has been seen flying above the town in recent days, some claim an omen, others a messenger. While walking through the streets your leader was plucked into the air by the creature and flown over the continent before crossing the vast seas. The journey took its toll and your leader fell asleep. When they awoke they were on a small island, it's entire land mass covered in ruins. The bird sat atop its nest eyeballing them while the sound of rattling bones could be heard deeper in the ruins. Before them is a lit bonfire, a rusted sword driven into its center.

  1. Beg the creature to return you home.​
  2. Explore the ruins.​
  3. Something Else?​

The Moonsworn

A beautiful black monolith has been unearthed during construction works in your capital. At first it was a simple marvel that attracted people from far and wide, however in recent days people have started to have terrible night terrors. Some are now experiencing waking nightmares and starting to show signs of deformity.

  1. Leave the monolith alone and see what happens.​
  2. Attempt to destroy the monolith.​
  3. Something Else?​

Current Copper: 150 Units

Woodland Federation

Due to the new magical defenses, it seems to have managed to attract adventurers who now see traveling through your part of the forest as something to check off their adventuring lists. Even though none have managed to penetrate your defenses, it may only be a matter of time before someone does, if only for the bragging rights that go along with it. This could become an issue, but it may not.

  1. Let the Adventurers continue their adventure​
  2. Stop the Adventurers​
  3. Make things HARDER​

The Penitent

A family claims to have seen a man in the room of their young adult daughter before disappearing into the night with her in his arms. They beg your leader to act and track him down. They tell you that she recently met a new partner who lives outside of the town, a stranger who only recently arrived. They claim they have only ever seen him at night.

  1. Track the man during the day.​
  2. Track the man at night.​
  3. Ignore the requests​

Blackrock Troop

The Children Village is continuing to expand as the years go on. Many among them wish to go out and form a new town for the Troop. However, they request that this be an all human excursion and for the monkies to allow them this right of passage to try to fend for themselves.

  1. Allow the humans to go forth and build a new town​
  2. Allow the humans to go forth and build a new Town. But send monkies with them​
  3. Refuse the humans​

Glimmerhill Giants

Your leader comes across a strange puppet in a nearby woodland. As they approach, it laughs and a thick fog erupts from the nearby ground, knocking the leader unconscious. As they wake they find themselves strapped to a strange device, the puppet sat across the room from them.

"Hello <insert leaders name>, you have lived your life as the leader of your people, but your life is one of luxury. You have given little of yourself while your people toll in the fields, cutting their hands and breaking their bones. You sit atop of a throne of pain and suffering, caring nought for your people. The device you find yourself in will help you understand the pain they have suffered over years, in a matter of moments."

The puppet turns its head to gesture to an hourglass fitted to a nearby wall.

"You have until the sand runs dry to escape your bindings or your people will need to find themselves a new leader, hopefully one more deserving of their efforts. To free yourself you must push your hands through the rotating blades and once your blood has filled the containers beneath, you will be freed."

The puppet returned it's glance to them.

"Live or die…make your choice."

The puppet laughed as it rode a small red bicycle off into a nearby room.

  1. Try to escape​
  2. DIE​

The Shifting Covenant

While exploring near the capital, one member of an adventurer's party found a plant they had never seen before. They sniffed it and immediately began to convulse. They were then comatose for a period of time before strange growths began to form on and under their skin. Soon enough he arose, his head twisted like the flower of a plant. He killed two fellow adventurers before finally being put down. However, moments after death the corpse released a cloud of pollen, catching all but one adventurer. They all fell comatose like the first victim and the lone adventurer who remained awake rushed home.

  1. Listen to the man and dispatch a hunting party.​
  2. Ignore his pleas, it's probably a practical joke.​
  3. Burn the entire forest to the ground.​



Map 2 Event

A large tremor shakes the land, felling trees and destroying some buildings. Everyone has their own theories as to the cause but the strength and ferocity grew the closer to the epicenter. Just south of the Giants Spine, a large tower has grown from the ground, its meaning and purpose appearing almost as sinister as the growing clouds above it.

Tribes of Daeva


A strange man has arrived to pay tribute to your leader. Dressed in ragged clothes, their face scarred from years of torture, he offers a small black box, etched with a variety of golden patterns over its surface.

"I hear you are a great leader and one deserving of great power. This puzzle box is a key to a place holding a great prize for those who are willing to take up it's challenge."

The man soon disappeared after offering the gift, leaving you to ponder it's worth.

  1. Attempt to solve the puzzle box and see what happens (your leader cannot take part in any actions/movements this turn)​
  2. Destroy the puzzle box.​
  3. Attempt to draw whatever power you can from the box.​

The Valora Pod

A man sitting eating with his family told the story of coming across a strange egg in the nearby forest, from which a spider-like creature emerged. He only remembers waking up on the floor with the spider next to him dead. As the meal continues he complains of chest pains that quickly amplify until his chest erupts in a fountain of gore. A small creature rushes from the sound and into the forest.

  1. Search for more eggs.​
  2. Burn the nearby forest.​
  3. Do nothing.​

The Flesh Prophets

A man arrives to see your leader who promises you a total of three wishes.

  1. Listen to the man and make wishes.​
  2. Send the man away.​
  3. Have the man executed for heresy.​

The Aros Tribe

A human that seems to have flames erupting around him arrives at the outskirts of the city and shouts so that all may hear him.

“I know that the Goblin Tribe has fled to your village. My Master wishes to consume them as he has done the remainder of their tribes. If you do not give them up, I will have the PLEASURE of warming you up for him.”

As he speaks, two Fire Elementals emerge from behind him.

  1. Give the Goblins up to Save the Village​
  2. Fight the Fire Mage​
  3. Ask for an Extension on your answer(?)​

Mystics of The Calm

To the great concern of your population, the burial sites of your dead have been dug up leaving nothing but empty holes. Few graves remain untouched but rumors abound of glowing lights flickering in the night, some claiming them to resemble eyes.

Footsteps were found to lead to a nearby cave…

  1. Block the cave or its entrance to bury whatever is within.​
  2. Lay a trap at the cave entrance the following night.​
  3. Enter the cave.​

Tendua Tribe


"Where is my son?!"

"My daughter, she's missing!"

At first the calls were few but in the last few days they have crescendoed into a mass cry of despair. The children of your home have started disappearing in great numbers with no apparent reason why. Travelers come and go but there is no correlation between any new arrivals and the sudden disappearances.


  1. Round up all non-natives and interrogate them.​
  2. Set up a trap, using a family's children as bait, without their knowledge.​
  3. Investigate.​

The Nowhere Herd

A small Army of Snow Men seemed to appear out of a blizzard. One of their members approached, branches up in a sign of peace(?)

“We are called The Blizzen, living snow people and we have heard many tales of your ways of the Ice and Snow. We wish to join your people if you will have us.”

  1. Accept the Blizzen into the Herd​
  2. Refuse the Blizzen​
  3. Fight the Blizzen​

The Brothers of Odin

In the Nearby Plains, Two ICE GIANTS are battling it out, causing massive destruction to the lands in what is surely a duel of epic proportions. If they keep this up, however, their destruction might directly affect your lands and villages.

  1. Fight Both​
  2. Fight one of them​
  3. Somehow redirect them so that their fighting heads towards land not your own​
The Golden Order

A Hero Reborn


From the realm of the afterlife a soul feels tugged and hears the familiar voice that brought her comfort and joy. From the afterlife a soul is plucked, pulled across realms and planes back to the continent of Astoria. "return to us Tula, Champion of the Ogun game, mother of Zulu, and...my most favored." Tikal Smiled down at the human form that appeared before her and watched as Tula examined herself. "Goddess?" She greeted with uncertainty and disbelief.

"Mother?" Zulu stepped forward from Tikal's side and echoed her mother's confusion and surprise. By the grace of the Goddess Tula had been reincarnated as a human, given a second chance at all things.

1691271817971.pngChange was on the horizon for the Ogun region and the nations who called it home as alliances forged by The Golden Order saw the spread of technology and the sharing of resources strengthen of Tikal's neighbors. The jungle welcomed outsiders for the first time in a century to come and set up homes beneath the canopy. Beastmen, Humans, Dawi Izgil, and the mighty Goliaths were all cohabitating under green banner of the jungle's foliage. The Amazons taught the the ways of the jungle, helping them all assimilate to the new lifestyle. No one could deny the fun and excitement of it all. The Jungle of Tikal was abuzz with new life and the tlachtli were worked day in and day out as celebrations gave way to competitions of strength and skill between the new residents.

1691272298696.pngFinally she felt as though she was making progress on the path towards the golden age. Not only her own people, but her much beloved neighbors were benefitting from cooperating with one another and coming together. Even the great Dawi King who had his reservations was willing to put his suspicions aside.

However all was not perfect in their little corner of the continent. The Iron Keep threatened the peace that she'd been working so hard to establish and maintain. With a heavy sigh the Goddess turned away from the games and merriment that happened at the base of her tower. And looked to the Southeast, where her eyes settled upon the Iron Keep in the distance.

"Will you march on the Iron Keep, Goddess?" The talking skull of Delilah inquired as Tikal laid her hand on the telescope. "They are not an easily beaten foe. " She added.

"If I am to secure peace and defend my new allies, then yes. The Iron Keep disturb a plan a century in the making with their unwarranted aggression. Actions like that must be punished lest we invite chaos into the land." She took hold of the telescope and turned it towards the Sky City.

"Too easily could any of us become like that distant rock.." Tikal said with venom on her tongue. "And I've claimed the Misty Canyon so I must protect it and those who live there from the Iron Keep's barbarism."

While she thought of war and the power needed to win, Tikal was reminded of the temples built in the neighboring lands by her priestesses. The last one would be going up soon and then they could direct their efforts elsewhere.

"I am glad to be able to continue to aide you in these trying times then, Goddess." Tula's familiar tones entered the room before she did and She knelt down when she did. Her new body did not ache like her previous one, but she would have taken all the woes of old age if it meant she could be her to protect and serve. "I feel I will never be able to repay you, My Lady, for reincarnating me and giving me a second chance to be at your side. A second chance...to be with my daughter." Tula rose to her feet with tears in her eyes, but she didn't dare let them fall.

Your dedication and loyalty to our cause is just the ingredient we need to ensure our success. But for now find Zulu and spend as much time with her as possible." Tikal smiled down at the familiar woman, who despite not having the face she once did, still managed to be the same person and carry the same air about her.

Construct Temple of Tikal in Caerleon -
The Amazons of Caerleon build a Temple of Tikal grander than any previous iterations in the homeland of The Penitent.
(Use Advanced Architecture, Copper and Bronze, and Carpentry)

Upgrade Tower of Stars -
The Golden Order endeavors to give the tower a grand redesign by increasing the height of the structure and its ability to chart the stars. Plus a facelift.
(Use Advanced Architecture, Gold, Astronomy, Carpentry, and Mathematics)

Free Actions:
Zulu moves to Skypiercer
Priestess Jura remains in Caerlorn
Priestess Hira remains in Moonhold

Explore the ruins​
Pain jolted from the tip of Tula’s finger and up through her arm as the raw-hide ball smashed into it.

Instinctively, she pulled her hand away, momentarily overwhelmed by the sudden pain as the ball bounced off her finger and began to fall to the soggy ground.

“Tula! Catch it!”

Ciko’s desperate cry ripped her back to reality and to the game at hand. Her attention snapped to the ball, which had nearly completed its fall back to the earth.

Heart leaping to her throat, she dove forward, pain already forgotten.

The ground absorbed her impact with a wet squelch as she landed elbows first, hands outstretched, ball just barely caught.

But she had no time to celebrate as the wet patter of feet sinking and ripping out of the mud was growing louder by the moment.

She looked upwards towards the noise, face covered in speckles of black grime, to see Gagasi and Dube sprinting towards her.

Scrambling to her feet as the duo gained ground, she took 3 leaps backwards as far as her short legs could take her, gaining as much distance as the game would allow. She whipped her head frantically about looking for Ciko, but the charging duo blocked him from view.

“Tula! I’m open! By the Man-Eaters!”

Tula’s head snapped to her right to see Sigle frantically waving his arms, standing wide open before a dense patch of tall reeds that stood as a wall that marked the line behind the safety of their camp and the wilderness..

Knowing she had just moments before the pair closed in and blocked the fifth and final pass, Tula dropped the ball and kicked it mid-fall towards Sigle with all her might. It rocketed through the air, flying high over his head as he jumped in vain to snatch it as it flew into the dense patch of reeds.

“Noo! Tula!” Dube whined, ending her sprint just feet before Tula. “That was our last ball!”.

Besides her, Gagasi stopped and threw himself to the ground in defeat. “Fikile said he wouldn’t make us another.” He began in a high pitched whine as he shoved his head into his hands.

“He said we’d have to make our own but I don’t know how to.” Gagasi moaned as he began to sniffle. “Mine never come out round like his.” He used his finger to draw a lopsided circle in the mud for effect.

“I-I’m sorry”. Tula could feel her face flush red with heat. She looked at the accusatory faces of her friends and began to back away as tears threatened.
“Why don’t we just go get it?” The statement shattered the mounting tension and all eyes turned towards Ciko, who had begun walking towards the reeds.

Gagasi’s head shot up, tears being replaced by terror.

“Ciko, you can’t!” He cried, immediately standing and running after him. “The Hunters said there’s Man-Eaters in there. The Elders told us we can’t play in there.” Gagasi grabbed onto the older boy's shoulder, trying to pull him from his course, but Ciko easily shook the younger Daeva off as he took the final steps towards the brush.

“Ciko…” Sigle’s voice trailed off as he strode past her, crossing the last few feet before stopping to stand just one step before the tall line of dense reeds poking up from the edge of the field, where muddy grass turned to the shallow stagnant water of the bog.

Gagasi stepped back, eyeing the mixed weeds with anxious suspicion while Sigle stood silently, rubbing the seed that sat in a pouch tied around her neck between her thumb and pointer. Instinctively, Gagasi reached up and did the same.
“Ciko! Ciko, I’ll- I’ll go tell!”. What was meant to be a harrowing threat came out a garbled whimper.
“G-get away from it!”. Gagasi bent down, grabbing a small stick off the ground and threw it at Ciko, who ignored both the boy's stammering and his assault.

Near total panic, the young Daevite turned and began to run towards their camp just a short sprint away, but was suddenly tackled to the ground and pinned by Ciko.
Gagasi opened his mouth to scream but the older boy’s had clamped down upon it before he could utter a syllable. Gagasi glanced to his right, towards the tree under which sat Elder Rumaski, and thrashed desperately in his direction.

As Gagasi struggled, head thrashing from side to side, screaming all the while into Ciko’s hand, the elder boy watched for any sign of movement from the old man set to watch them. Rumaski was often the one picked to watch the children while they played close to the tribe's encampment, only in the areas the Hunter’s had already checked and cleared. The old man was too battered by time to do much more than sit and, more often than not, sleep. The older man did not stir, even when Gagasi’s mouth slipped from its muzzle for a moment to let out a stifled scream. The slow and rhythmic rise and fall of his stomach was only punctuated by the occasional snort and shake of the sleeping Rumaski. .

Suddenly, pain erupted from Ciko’s palm as the younger boy suddenly bit into it. Cursing, he used his other hand to smack Gagasi on the head until he let go, not daring to remove the sacrificial gag.

“Do you want to keep playing the game?” He hissed into Gagasi’s ear, whose resistance had stopped as he reeled from the blow.

Shaking from silent, muffled cries, the younger boy nodded.

“Then we need a ball, right?”

Another nod.

“Then we need to go get it.”

Gagasi began to squirm and shout again, but was shushed back to silence by Ciko.

“You don’t have to come. I’ll go by myself and bring it back so we can play again.”

He pinched the younger boys neck, leaving a white mark in the boys dark skin.

“I’m going to let you go. If you shout or tell Rumanski I won’t let you play with us anymore.”

Slowly, Ciko uncupped his hand from Gagasi’s mouth. When the boy didn’t immediately shout, Ciko got off of him and stood up, walking back towards the reeds while keeping one eye on Gagasi and the other on Rumanski.

Gagasi picked himself up halfway to sitting, tears freely rolling down his face, but keeping silent.

Ciko looked at rest with a look that got across that the treat applied to them as well, before turning and pushing his way into the reeds.

“Wait!” Tula ran forward towards Ciko, who barely glanced back as his feet splashed into the water of the bog.

“I’m… I’m coming with you.” Tula nervously clutched at the small hide pouch hung around her neck by a thread. “Y-you can’t go alone. The Hunters always go in pairs.”

Ciko only nodded and then stepped fully into the bog, disappearing behind a curtain of tall grass.

Tula caught the mix of reeds that shook in CIko’s wake, feeling the sharp edges of their triangular blades on her palm as she stood, foot hovering just above the water’s surface. Turning to look at the camp, it was no more than a few shouts away. The hide-covered tee-pees were arranged in neat rows and she could just barely make out the images and shapes painted on them in charcoal. She couldn’t see her own family's shelter, but she could see that of Ciko’s. His mother stood outside it, streaking black marks across the hide as she finished the decorations. Just past her, in the center of the row of tee-pees, various older children and others worked to finish setting up their latest camp, starting cooking fires while the hunters sharpened spears in preparation.

She briefly considered turning back and running to the camp, to Ciko’s mother, but kept her course. Hunters would be sent out, and the entire village would know. Fikile would chastise her for carelessly losing their last ball and her father would scold her for letting the other children play near the Man-Eaters. “The Rajmata’s daughter must take on the role” he would say. It was easier to fetch the ball and return to the game.

Tucking the pouch that contained her seed beneath her tunic, she stepped into the bog.


As the reeds closed behind her, Tula seemed to have crossed a threshold between worlds. The wall of grass seemed just as impenetrable from this side as it had before entering, blocking all sight of her friends and the camp behind them. Even sound seemed to struggle to weave its way through the stalks, which blocked the hustle and bustle of the camp and plunged the wilderness on the other side into deafening silence. Only the sounds of her bare feet sloshing through the shallow water and the rustle of Ciko ahead of her broke the calm.

Wet slime pushed its way between her toes with each step and she pushed through croppings of reeds to catch up with Ciko who pushed on ahead without pause. The bog beyond the reeds was a patchwork of clumps of grasses and bushes and the occasional tree that seemed to break the flooded landscape into a maze of corridors. Fog clung to the water’s surface, casting Ciko in a dark light.

“Ciko, let me lead. I saw where the ball went.” Finally caught up to the eldest boy, Tula made to squeeze her way in front of him but was stop by his extended arm.

“No, I saw where it went, I can lead us there.” He used his arm to shove her behind him as he continued to make his way through the bog.

“The Hunters have already cleared this place anyways, it’s safe, look.” He pointed to a nearby patch of brush, where trunks ranging from as thin as a finger to as thick as an arm poked up from the water, stopping short at roughly cut ends. Before them lay the trampled remains of Man-Eaters, large plants with bulbous heads that formed into a mouth with spines as big as fingers for teeth.

Tula bent down to examine the man eaters, some of which seemed big enough to swallow a small child whole, and saw them covered in slashes and punctures. One’s mouth hung open, seeming to form a sadistic, toothy grin. Reaching into it, she grabbed onto one of it’s thorny and yanked, ripping it from the rotting flesh. She placed it within the drawstring of her plants, securing the “knife” in place.

They continued through the bog, the water growing slowly deeper. Cut trunks emerged from the water line around them, but the leaves and bulbs of the felled Man-Eaters were increasingly submerged beneath the murky waters.

Tula could feel small vines wrap around her feet and ankles as she walked, grasping at her with just enough strength to make her movements jerky as she ripped from their grip with each step. Just ahead, she could see Ciko doing the same, feet kicking out forcefully with every step.

“Maybe we should turn back, ask a Hunter to fetch the ball for us.” Tula suggested as her foot became stuck, momentary panic rising before she managed to rip her foot from the grasp of the Man-Eater.

“No, it’s fine. Sometimes they miss the baby ones, they can’t hurt you anyways. Plus the parts beneath their water always last a few days after their cut.” Ciko brushed away her suggestion, and pushed his way through a strand of stalks.

Just as he did so, a shape lunged out from the brush. An open, bulbous head of a Man-Eater with a vertical mouth running across it, oval shaped head split in two, teeth reaching for Ciko.

Surprised, Ciko fell backwards just as the dog-sized head snapped shut inches from his head and he landed with a splash in the dark water, showering Tula. She reeled back, the dirty water stinging her eyes.

Through the burning, she tried to force her eyes open as she rubbed the dirt and algae from them, searching for Ciko beneath the ripples. The area where he fell was still for just a moment before erupting into a chaos of thrashing limbs as Ciko emerged from the water feet first, a tendril as thick as her arm wrapped around one of his legs, dragging him through the water and into the reeds.

Eyes still stinging Tula fumbled with the thorn at her side, trembling hands pulling it from beneath her belt and dropping it into the black water in the same instant. She knelt, hands in the water, searching the muddy bottom for the thorn as Ciko was dragged into the reeds, kicking and grabbing at the reeds.

He gripped onto a bundle of woody weeds, halting his advance. He strained, grunting with effort as he tried to pill himself from the Man-Eater’s grip, the dark skin of his knuckles turning pale with strain. With a lurch, the reeds snapped, sending him back into the water.

Thorn lost to the bog, Tula grabbed the first hard thing she could find- a broken femur of some beast and charged forward into the reeds just as Ciko disappeared within them.
Shoving them aside, she entered into a small clearing with the bog. In the center was Ciko dangling above the water, both feet now wrapped by a series of brown tendrils that were slowly inching their way up his body. The vines emanate from the creature at it’s center, a Man-Eater shaped like a small bush with a ring of leaf-filled branches arrayed around a bulbous head at their center.

Ciko was pulled into the mass of branches and the mouth shot forward to engulf his head. But Ciko was quick. He had a branch he had snapped off in his struggled in one hand and he shoved it into the mouth of the Man-Eater.

It bit down hard on the branch, but it held firm, keeping the mouth from closing and impaling his head.

While it struggled to crush the stick, Ciko reached into his trousers and pulled out an obsidian blade bound to a bone handle. He used it to slash at the fleshy vines, which peeled away from his legs as the plant let out a high pitched screech. It dropped him and he landed at it’s base.

Not wasting a moment, he stood up, soaked but with a look of determination. He lashed out with the knife at the struggling Man-Eater, cutting at it’s stalk.

It shrieked and flailed at him with its damaged tentacles. The small boy rolled to the side, out of the way and then lunged forward again, driving his knife deep into the stalk that connected the head to its body. He grabbed onto the hilt with both hands and ripped the knife through the stalk with all his might.

The tentacles thrashed and then suddenly went limp as the head peeled away from it’s severed throat and fell off to the side, only attached by a small leafy thread.

“Ciko! Are you ok?” Tula dropped the shattered bone and ran over to the elder boy as he picked himself up out of the water, an oversized grin spreading across his face.
“Did you see that?!” He pumped the knife into the air triumphantly. “At first, I thought I was screwed, but then I remember what my brother had taught me about fighting Man-Eaters.”

He sliced the air with his knife dramatically. “You gotta cut off their head, and then they can’t eat anymore so they give up.” He finished his flourish by stabbing the severed trunk of the Man-Eater.

“The stick in it’s mouth though? I came up with that.” He bragged, picking up the stick that now floated around the base in the felled Man-Eater. “Just wait until I tell Kafle, he said if I proved myself, I could start the trials early. Venture to the Tomb next year and get my first plant the year after.”

Ciko pounded his chest and let out a war cry, imitating the boisterous celebrations of the Hunters after a successful hunt as he danced around the fallen plant.

It was hard not to be drawn into the moment, as Ciko pranced victoriously around the Man-Eater, kicking and splashing the limp vines. Tula joined in the celebrations, the pair taking turns renacting the battle, one grabbing the vines and pretending to try and snag the other while they slashed at it with the knife.

The enemy defeated, the pair strode out from the clearing confidently, stick and knife at Ciko’s side, as they continued their search for the ball. The bog seemed to have taken on a different feeling as the waters continued to grow deeper. It seemed brighter, the fog cleared and the water clear.

One Man-Eater under their belt, the pair didn’t flinch when small tendrils lashed out from nearby reeds, slicing them away. They stopped and laughed and Ciko even brazenly chased after them into the reeds, dispatching the infant Man-Eaters.

Slowly, the sight of cut trunks just sticking out from the water line became less common as the water grew deeper. Small tendrils pulled harder at their feet, at one time they wrapped so tightly around Tula’s foot she was anchored in place until Ciko sliced her free.

But these small challenges didn’t phase them. Ciko boasted that he probably had more kills under his belt than most hunters and that when he got back, he would demand to start the trials early.

They trudged on until the maze of reed-crowded passageways opened up into a large clearing in the bog.

“Ciko, the ball!” Tula pointed towards the center of the clearing, where the hide ball gently bobbed up and down at the base of the largest Man-Eater the pair had ever seen.

It stood at the height of a small tree, set atop a thick trunk at the top of which sat a head large enough to swallow one of them whole. Emerging from the base of its mottled green bulb were thick tendrils that hung lazily down, floating on the waters surface.

Looking down at their feet, they could just barely make out a web of thin tendrils spread across the muddy bottom of the bog; a network of feelers for the sleeping Man-Eater.

Unfazed, Ciko strode forward towards the ball.

“Wait…” Tula grabbed onto Ciko’s arm, who paused and looked back at her with confusion.

“What?” He chuckled and tried to rip his arm from her grip. Finding it iron-tight, he sighed. “I have my stick, remember?.” He wiggled it in front of her face mockingly. It was about half his height and two fingers thick, but looked no more than a twig compared to the Man-Eater.

“That one’s too big Ciko”. She tugged on his arm.

“Let’s turn back, as the Hunter’s to get it for us. Or maybe we can get Fikile to-“

“No!” With a sudden, ferocious yank he ripped his arm from Tula’s grasp, almost sending her falling forward.

“We can’t tell anyone, we’ll get in trouble.” Red began to color Ciko’s face as he shouted.

“If they find out I was in here and got scared, they’ll never let me do my rites early.”

He slammed his stick down against the water in frustration, dangerously close to the feelers.

“But what about all the man-eaters we killed?” Tula countered, eyeing the man-eater.

“They were babies! Anyone can do that.” Ciko stomped the ground, resolve filling him.

“This will be the real deal. Sneaking past it to grab the ball. They’ll have to let me start the rites then, it’d be… it’d be wrong if they didn’t! All the elders would agree.” Tula could see the expectant triumph in Ciko’s eyes as he spoke and knew there was no stopping him.

“B-be careful.”

Ciko ignored her and began to pick his way through the minefield of tendrils towards the raw-hide hall, carefully, slowly placing each foot down in the water.

It was a slow process, as the water grew deeper the closer he came to his goal. The feelers grew thicker as he went, packing together tighter and tighter. At times he could only stand just on the tips of his toes, hairs widths away from feelers on all sides. Other times they were so dense he had to double back and pick a new route.

Tula watched from the sidelines with a sense of unease. One though that lessened as Ciko expertly picked his way through the network of mines until finally reaching his goal.

Now at the ball, he triumphantly shot a smirking glance towards Tula as he picked up the ball.

“Ohh no, it’s awake!” He shouted mockingly, waving his arms in mock terror at the sleeping giant.

“Knock it off!” She shouted back, half laughing.

Ciko laughed in return, and then turned to the Man-Eater, raising his stick.

“Ciko… don’t”

The boy grinned mischievously and slashed his stick through the air, stopping its momentum just before it hit the trunk of the plant.

“Ciko, I’m serious, don’t.” The laugh was gone from her voice.

Ciko only grinned wider as he pretended to beat the Man-Eater, each swing getting closer and closer as he grew more and more brazen.

“CIKO!” Tula shouted as loud as she could, anxiety boiling over.

The sudden shout startled Ciko as he was mid swing. Momentarily taken aback, the stick slammed into the trunk of the Man-Eater with a thick THUMP.

Ciko and Tula both froze as the thump rang out.

Ciko’s face dropped as both eyes turned
Towards the slumbering vines, his grin gone and cocky demeanor stripped away.

There was total, utter silence for a few moments as they both waited. Slowly though, after both realized they had been holding their breath, the world began to move again.

Smirk returned, Ciko scooped the ball up under his arm and stepped forward. He opened his mouth to shout a mocking quip but the words were suddenly ripped out from him as he was lifted into the air by a thick vine wrapped around his waist.

The dormant Man-Eater erupted into sudden life, limp vines now rigid and hovering in air above the bog, gently swaying in an invisible wind as Ciko was pulled up and towards its head.

In moments the plant was dangling him above it’s waiting jaws, which opened wide enough to swallow him whole. Ciko didn’t even have time to draw his knife before he was dropped head first into its maw.

Tula watched in awe-struck horror as Ciko’s upper half disappeared into the vertical mouth, which closed down around his waist.

But rather than snap him in half, the jaws jolted to a stop, the tips of the needle-like teeth just piercing their way into his flesh. Ciko’s lower half dangled out the beasts mouth as within the maw he placed his stick between it’s jaws, forcing them open as he had before.

Tula could see his hand reach out of the mouth, grasp the knife at his waist, before there was a loud SNAP and the mouth finished it’s motion, closing shut around Ciko’s waist, the lower half of which fell to the murky waters with a thick slosh.

All Tula could hear was her heart pounding in her head as she found herself tearing through the bog on legs that she did not register moving. The sounds of water splashing and reeds snapping seemed distant even as she could see her legs kick the water and her arms bat away the clumps of brush. The journey that had seemed to take an hour lasted mere moments before she broke through the threshold separating the bog from the village.

On the other side she saw the tear-stricken face of Gagasi standing beside the hunched figure of Rumanski, who wore a face crossed by worry. He knelt down, grabbing her shoulder with both arms. She could see his mouth moving, but all she could hear was a low droning sound as he seemed to speak in slow motion. Rumanksi repeated the sounds, shaking her gently at first and then vigorously until Tula felt as if her head threatened to snap from its place.

Rumanski said something to Gagasi, who turned and ran to the village as Rumanski continued to speak. Slowly, the words seemed to morph and the pounding in her head lessened, turning into a ringing that grew into a crescendo of itnensity until suddenly bursting.

“Tula, where is Ciko” His voice was slow, deliberate, but marred by a subtle quiver.

“He-he-” She felt light headed, her vision unfocused.

“Tula, where is CIko” Rumanski repeated carefully, gently grabbing her chin to focus her eyes on his.

“The-the ball.” Her words caught in the lump in her throat. “There was-was a Man-Eater”.

Rumanski grimaced, looking downwards as a group of Hunters, vines splayed out from their forearms like serrated whip, sprinter towards them.

“A man-eater in the bog, I thin-” Rumanski was cut off by Hunters, who sprinted into the bog.


Two dozen hunters entered that clearing. It only took a quarter of them to slay the Man-Eater, severing its stalk after carefully cutting its limbs. The rest were there to help search for Ciko’s seed so that he could be buried. They searched that clearing for days, digging in the mud around the Man-Eater and out the brush and tendrils to see if it had gotten caught in there. Some forced me to take them through the path I took to get to that clearing, searching as we went, just in case Ciko had lost his Soul-Seed along the way. A few even searched downstream of the clearing for a hawk’s flight, but none ever found anything.

After a week, most had given up. A few continued, if only because of his mom’s constant pleading. Eventually, even these gave up, leaving Ciko’s mom to search the bog alone with his father for weeks until our tribe packed up and moved on. Every time we would return to that spot, she would be out there every day, searching for Ciko, convinced his seed had sprouted somewhere out there. Eventually, we stopped coming to that spot, and changed our path so Ciko’s mother could move on.

Father wasn’t there that day. He was at Able’s Tomb, as usual. But when he heard, he came to see us. The first few days, he didn’t really talk to me. Which was alright, cause I didn’t really want to talk to him anyways. We would sit there, by the cooking fire, alone, and just look at each other. He would open his mouth to say something, utter a few words maybe, but then trail off.

Eventually, I made the first move. I told him everything. Me kicking the stupid ball, Gagasi begging him not to go, his triumph over the small Man-Eater, and his stupid stick. He listened, not saying anything. When I was finished, he mulled it over for an uncomfortably long silence, before telling me that it was dangerous and foolish to go into the Man-Eater grove. That I should have considered the risks versus the rewards of my actions before taking them. That when I am the Rajmata, everything I do has to be judged against the lives that could be lost. That this was a lesson.

That was it, just a few sentences, and then nothing. He didn’t ask if I was ok, only gave me a quick hug and then went back along his way.


3. SLUUURRRRP the magic and power from it. Fuck Hell Raiser.

Army moves back to THE BOG

Action: Army then explores THE TOWER!

Action: RITE OF PASSAGE - For many generations, the youth of the Daeva must prove their worth, their mettle, their strength and abilities in order to transition to adulthood, bear the burden of responsibility and live as a DAEVA. In the past, this meant venturing out on ones own and surviving away from the tribe, venturing to THE GREED OF CAIN where THE RAJMATA would bless them and send them back along their way with their first SEED OF LIFE implanted beneath their forearm.

But times change. Surviving the bog does not pose the threat it once did, it does not prepare the young for the world that is to come. It does not teach them the skills that will saeguard Assemites against the Cainnites. Already Laketown has fallen under the saw of a SPIRIT, a creation of SETH.

To prepare their people for the dangers to come, all youth must prove their worth by spending TWO YEARS amongst the BANDITS and SLAVERS, raiding and pillaging the Cainnites, taking slaves and sharpening their blades with Cainnites bones. They will return as warriors, strengthened while their enemy is weakened. (Hoping to increase the martial level/power of my melee units! Maybe strengthen the cute little bandits a bit too :3 lets fuck shit up!)
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Lux Aeterna
[Post Theme] - [Turn 5]

  • 1691861482219.png
    Doomed to Die, Destined for Else
    [Time: Pre-turn 1] - [World of Kern] - [Outside City of Redam, Redfall Republic]

    Running, pants of breath, broken arm; nothing had been bright for a while. If ever in memory. Despair, the littering of bodies, rotting blood; a dense fog made vision limited. Only twenty feet in any direction could be seen. A winter chill rolling down the spine as one lone man ran and ran. Where was he going? Slip and slap of water as the mud beneath his feet crashed. His legs covered in scratches, welts, and dried blood. A torn and ragged pair of jeans tried their best to shield them from elements. But, running this long with little rest would enact its toll. Legs stumbling, buckling under the pressure. He stumbled to the door, bonking his head on it. Looking around, he found the knob to the door and busted it down with his foot. Was it the panic? Stupidity? Raw confidence? With this man, any guess was good. He runs inside. Glancing over his shoulder, the fog covered what he hoped he would learn. Not even their glowing eyes could pierce it. But, a soft gargle and a just audible moan told him all that he needed to know. They were here and not too far behind.

    "Gods damn it. I...I need some sleep damn it." He leaned up against the wall, panting... his eyes desperately trying to close. His left arm slung against his chest. He pushed forward, scrambling through the lobby into the store room multiple rooms down. Throwing down bookcases and shelves to obstruct the hallway. Passing many doors, he comes to the supply room of the structure. Plastered across the wall, the words "Installation 38". The wires, pipes, and stores of bullets covered the room first. As if some desperate scavenger sprayed its contents everywhere. To be fair, the if is almost certain. The man throws down more shelves and pushes some boxes after locking the door, as best as his one arm could manage. He pants and checks the room. Flashlight in hand, he scanned the shelves. MRE's, blankets, and water; there was a lot here. He paused as he saw it. Suspicious. How did so much go untouched? Then again, the installation looked relatively untouched entirely. Eerie. How was that possible?

    A deep sigh, and he collapsed to the floor. He pulled a blanket over himself and another under his head. Was it the best decision? No. His eyes stayed wide for just a moment as he listened. Moans, grumbles, and shuffles move all around him. Idle sounds. They lost him as what his ears could hear. And that was all that he needed. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Away into sleep. Away into dreams.

    Pray they do not turn into nightmares. In this case, they won't. They already are.

    [Time: Present Day, 28 AC (After Chalice)] - [Lakeside]

    It was on the outskirts of town, within the starhelm wall. Clanking of tools, astral words, and overall grumbles filled the air as a Disaaran worked away over a medium-sized structure. A runed rock hovered in the center of a covered assembly. Multiple connections of periwinkle energy flowed from it to runes around the sides and vice versa. A web of carefully created energies to mimic various effects without the need of conscious intervention. Was a marvel of an idea. It was the dead of night, with the structure itself illuminating the space. Multiple dirt pillars supported webs of fire. A faint shimmer of a bubble echoed around the structure. Warming and the wind calmed in its influence. But neither was needed on warm, summer night. Next to a lone tree amidst the plains, the Disaaran worked away until a set of footsteps approached from behind.

    "Hard at work still Morael?"

    "Yes, the only time I can concentrate is when the noise sleeps." Morael's voice gruff and coarse. Not of dehydration, mostly of his mood.

    "Take a break, talk with me. Its about Trey."

    Morael sighed and climbed down the structure. Once he landed on the ground, he wandered over to the tree and sat down, "Uncle, you know my opinion. Not a positive one. I could care less about him and his tendencies. He would not be in our care if it wasn't for you."

    Ivan sat beside Morael, scratching his chin and thin shroud of facial hair pondering what to say, "Morael, you really need to get out more. Be social. I understand that you are busy. So am I. It sounds like you distrust Trey because he's social and active. He has never meant any harm with his pranks. And they are pretty hilarious at times. Its clear you need to loosen up and relax."

    Morael grumbled, "Clearly he needs to calm down and act like an adult. No one goes around scaring people as a bear. We've had to help the elders who had befoulments of illness because of that. He makes messes, he says terrible things that don't need to be said."

    Ivan stretched his arms, "What did he say?" His eyes focused on Morael, but the slight furrow showed a hint of distaste. Ivan glanced down at Morael's bag, full of writings and bindings of books. Many of them written in extensively. Notes and musings that would be used for generations to come. A place to store Morael's notes would be good. Maybe in the Study, a library could be made.

    Morael coughed with a hint of annoyance, "The bitches follow the butter because they hope it buttercreams." Morael grumbles, "Only HE could say that. Only He could think of that."

    Ivan raised an eyebrow, "To be fair, he has a point."

    Morael twitched, "Are you kidding me? Ivan. He doesn't look good for you. He speaks his mind. He's a risk to leaking information or insulting someone."

    "And what is wrong with honesty? But, I get it. We can't have him risking information or relations. But, how we do this is work with him to ensure that won't happen. Let me do that. He listens to me. Alone. And this time, don't stalk us with invisibility like last time. I'd like to have private conversations with him." Ivan stared at Morael.

    Morael glared back, "No. I don't trust him with you. He's possessing a large fox. Clear enough threat to you. I rather you have someone with you."

    Just in view, a small mouse looked on the pair and Ivan noticed as Morael spoke. It acted strange. Why be out of night with all the predators out? It was a day mouse, usually collecting seeds from the local trees that would wait to drop the seeds at large amounts. Then, it hit Ivan. Inari can shapeshift. That wasn't a mouse. That was Trey. Watching right now. Seeing how this would go. Ivan growled, "Why? I get that you care about me. But, that is for me to decide. If I wish to speak to Trey alone, I will speak to him alone. He is my brother, your uncle. He never asked for this, and I want him to feel loved and welcome with so much going on for him. His memories gone. But, he knows this isn't his world. His nightmares of his life. Of how it and his world ended. He has a lot on his mind. Please, give him some slack."

    Rolling his eyes, Morael facepalmed, "My job Ivan is to manage affairs and advise you. That is what Colekas set me out to do. And that is the role of the Medium. I handle the clan so that you can do your destiny. Be the Lord, be the Avatar, attune yourself. You trust too easily. You make friends too quickly. You see the best in people, overshadowing the bad. I have to be the voice of reason when you fail to see the problem in front of you. Trey is that problem. He came with you from the sea. We have no idea where he came from. Sure, Miriam told you what he is, but she spoke nothing of his intentions. Only what we have is his word. And with his mouth and his actions, I can't trust that. I'd get rid of him to be safe."

    Ivan boiled but he took a deep breath. Before he could speak, the mouse transformed into its true form, an inari. With a sniffle, Trey spoke, "I just wanted to be loved." And he ran swiftly back towards Lakeside.

    "Trey, wait!" Ivan called out to him. Trey sprinted faster. Ivan jumped to his feet, "Morael. Your drama is far worse than his pranks."

    "Sure... Maybe he'll actually run off." Morael yawned, stood up and climbed back onto the structure. A belfry it would be called.

    "This must be what Eric meant with hard to deal with family."

    [Time: Pre-turn 1] - [World of Kern] - [Outside City of Redam, Redfall Republic]

    Our survivor, Trey, awoke from his sleep. Moans, screeches, scratching; the sounds filled the air from all around. There was no where to go, no where to hide. The store room was vast, but the shelves were designed to prevent anyone from comfortably using them to hide. Not like it take the Iysayil long to sniff him out. Hiding from world eaters of death never lasts long. With his broken arm, jammed gun, and lack of armor, resistance looked bleak. He stood to his feet slowly. His body shivering and shaking. Tired but less tired. He began scouring the shelves for anything that could help. He managed to find a pistol, more of a handcannon. But, it would do. A good amount of shots but only 3 shots could be inside. Problematic with the hordes Trey would face. A faint mist entered the room but he paid it no mind. He continued to scavenge, finding some grenades and a flashbang. At least what we would consider their "WW2" counterparts.

    The moans, the screeches stopped. Eerie silence. Why? Trey glanced over his shoulder. There was nothing there. Then as he gazed through the stacks and shelves of supplies, a sickly humanoid shape appeared. Sickly in shape and thickness. Something that even to Trey's eyes was not organic. Or really matter. Iysayil. One of the horde's masters had arrived in the supply room. Splatters of Unlight appeared and marked its arrival. The graying of the world, then a sudden burst of depixelization marked a haze. A Rendam Air Corps uniform on the top. The name Spinners brazen on its right chest with various runes underneath signifying awards.

    Coughing under his breath, Trey sobbed immediately on the sight, "What have they done to you Max?" On cue, the white eyes of the Iysayil gazed in his direction. Neither Max's arms, legs, or eyes remained. Just the head and torso. And they were 'corroded' by the Iysayil. It took long strides, almost hopping step to step. Its feet leaving audible slices in its wake. The floor unchanged as it moved. Trey skittered away, keeping his eyes on 'Max'. Not hard given the depixelated haze around the creature. Trey focused his mind, let a flood of periwinkle embers form above his head, rolling onto his arms. Then, a collage of sounds entered the room. Footsteps, talking, and banging on the shelves. They looked metal, so an approximate sound would be easy to make. The creature looked around at the sounds and crouched, sending out tendrils of energy to probe the surroundings. Trey sighed and snuck through the shelves searched for something useful. Claymores! That would work. Maybe the creature would fall for them. As he rummaged, the Iysayil looked in his direction. It approached the door of the supply room and sliced its claws through the barricades. Door open, the dead fumbled through the doorway and began to fan out. Mostly in Trey's direction. Trey crouched as he collected the explosives. A damage in the floor clipped his feet and he flopped on his face. The loud thud and soft moan from Trey pinpointed his location and the dead began to crowd around him. A wall of them. The supply room L-shaped, the long portion of the L had no where to go outside into the loving arms of the dead. Fish in a barrel.

    Trey hobbled to the back and began setting down claymores. Tunnel vision, a buzz of electrical equipment, and the moans of the dead made him blind. Horrifically blind. Only with a slicing sound did Trey turn around. Too late. The claws snagged his neck and held him off the floor. The creature extending its legs to support lifting Trey off the ground. With a broken arm and his other restrained, he was helpless. The face of the creature approached and multiple tendrils encircled Trey's head.

    Vision blurring, body enfeebled, hearing lost; the creature dropped him onto the ground. Skin greying, eyes darkening, and hair fraying; only the moans of the damned signaled the end. Tears streaming down his face as the glowing eyed monsters hovered around him. All looking down. A swift bite to Trey's neck and a swift death, in a pool of his own blood. Looking at the face of his best friend. Or what was left of it.

    To Hide Amidst Friends
    [Time: Pre-turn 1, Shortly After Trey's Death] - [Core of the Astral Sea] - [Section Theme]

    In the swirls of color and shadow of the core, a warm house laid in the 'empty' expanse. It looked like a large log cabin hotel fixed in space and time. Yet, on the inside, the interior could not be any more different. White, pure, and techy; there were murals and complex architecture between various rooms. Everything seemed alien and foreign to our modern eye. Various diamond cut outs, orbs of light fluttering around, and various folds of space concealed more of its functionality. Yet, there were little people. As if designed for occupants that have yet to exist. A young woman with starlight white hair and lime eyes shuffles through the spaces until she holds up her hand and a grand shift in reality revealed a small room. A small slab autopsy bed, various screens with runes behind them. She sat down on the fluffy chair with a sketchpad in arm, pens in pocket, and headphones on her ears. She laid on the chair and flipped the sketchbook open, flipping through countless pages of drawings (impossibly too many) while the shift in reality reverses. The room opens again to a colorful river ravine with periwinkle trees and dancing golden lights twinkling like the Northern Lights.
    She stopped at a drawing of Trey dying in a pool of his blood. Yet as she investigated and added details to the drawing. Trey's body disappeared and in a yelp, Trey slammed into the river of the core. Swimming in the tides of creation, Trey flailed as he adjusted to his surroundings. A dark cloud appears beside the woman. And a black-haired woman holding a plushie raccoon in her arms stood beside her. While the white-haired woman wore a large hoodie, that a man would wear, the black-haired wore a dress belonging in the 1960's. They both look at Trey in shock, wonder, and glee.
    "Did you plan that Titania?" The black-haired murmured as she hugged her plushie. The air whiffed with the smell of candy canes.

    "No, I did not. Of all the lives Ivan is to have or had, this one was the last I expected would become an Elacyn. But, it is a welcome surprise. A cocky prankster may be the best companion he could need. At least once he starts to be himself again."

    The black-haired woman giggled, "What's his name?"

    "Trey Michael Solfren, Juliette. Just died, his world now consumed by the Iysayil. Let us see how his form responded to that." Titania sketched on a fresh page, Trey standing before them. Dry, as the river is not truly water. He looked up at them, readying his fists in case of a fight. Titania laughed and drew a bubble around him and encased he was. A soft ring alarm appeared before her, "Oh of course, Joi is trying to get in again. Doesn't he know better?"

    Trey blurted out, "Who the hell are you people?"

    Juliette yawned, fanning her hand, "Later darling." Titania gave a glare, "Sir." Titania sighed, phasing out. A distance scream could be heard before a burst of energy scattered across the expanse. Juliette shook her head, "Took you long enough to deal with that arrogant god. Did he learn anything?"

    "No. He learned nothing."

    "Then the plan continues. Would you like to see my new weapon designs? I do say. Test subject 37,561 did particularly well with this Uhkyn minigun. The inhibiting effect on those captured demons were a third better than expected. I think its from the bullet accelerator runing mechanism that does the cake."

    Titania sat down in her fluffy chair. A screen with recordings, spreadsheets, and an AI assistant appeared to her. With a swipe of her hand, a comprehensive analysis of Trey appeared. Various biometrics, genetic reports, and more supernatural elements appeared; she read them, pondered, then looked at Trey, "A portion of the Iysayil's power still remains inside of you. How curious. A valuable opportunity for study."

    Trey growled, "I'm no damn lab rat. Where the hell am I? Why are you doing this!" He banged on the bubble to utter uselessness. His arm healed. His body looked fine. Clean, healthy, like all of his wounds on his world were gone in an instance. Or that they never happened.

    "I am sorry Trey. I know you have many questions. But, they cannot be answered now. Sleep now. You will awaken when he needs you. I am sure once the convergence begins I will add you back in first so that you may help him where I cannot. Until then, rest. You have suffered enough." Trey fell unconscious, flopping like a fish. The bubble came down and Trey floated with a trail of saliva waterfalling from his mouth. Titania epeed out a soft chuckle. "He is hilarious. Ivan will love him. No one would be better for him than a jokester with energy."

    "Especially for that old vet." Juliette yawned. She stretched her arms and brushed the raccoon's hair, "So, what are going to do with him?"

    "Stasis, wait until the convergence, then release him to help Ivan. An Elacyn as himself will be invaluable."

    "No different than an Anbrexi."

    Titania shook her head as Trey disappeared into a blanket of stars, "Elacyn are to squares as Anbrexi to rectangles. Similar but not the same. Anbrexi arrive from the clones and paradoxes that arise from astral phenonium and gain full independence. Elacyn, through sheer force of will, become a new life, a new 'soul', and a separate entity all together with an incredible bond. Anbrexi never achieve that. Only independence. Like standard androids across the multiverse a false slimily of sentience. Elacyn are new life, built derivative of another. Trey the extreme of all cases as the Elacyn of an avatar."

    "The light has replicated itself?"

    "More that Ivan now has a twin brother. Trey's relationship with the Aether will need to be studied. Unprecedented. But, I see he has wings now. An astral angel. A useful quality. Not many of those."

    "Try not to babble too much. He not have a soul or something?" Juliette sat down beside her sister, gazing at the screen.

    "Technically yes, something else. A hallmark of an Elacyn. Functions similar to a soul. But, naturally, it is not. Apples to oranges. I'll need some time to ponder it and understand it."

    "Well, you do that. I'll go back to what I need to do. You have a new cycle to prepare for. Where is Ivan going this time?"

    "In a remote reality on the opposite edge of the multiverse. A world called Uionboi. An old world with incredible technology. I think something is important there. Not my idea."

    "Trust in him. Not all of him knows what is going on. But, some of him does. The important parts."

    Titania nodded, returning to her sketchbook and drawing a spaceship. A hospital starship. Her sight granting her an idea of where Ivan would be born next.

    [Time: Present Day, 28 AC (After Chalice)] - [Lakeside] - [Section Theme]

    Ivan jogged through the streets, looking through the alleys and using his mind to detect his large fox companion. In whatever form he happened to be in. Would it be easy to find him? No. Did Ivan care no? Long ago, he did the same thing. Alexei searched and searched. He never gave up. And Ivan wouldn't either. Deep in Ivan's heart, its what a brother does. So, he searched. A commotion was coming over the town concerning the disappearances of the dead. Cyra already began to gather the townsfolk to gather information. Ivan held a queasy feeling like a stone. Bodies missing? Ivan stopped, found an empty alley and summoned Miriam.

    "May these words bring you peace, Ivan."

    'Miriam, I am sure you notice the missing bodies from the graveyards. Could he be connected to it? Could Trey be causing it?'

    'The mote of the Iysayil's power within him cannot follow him into a possession. It would stay inside of his body. If his body is here, the mote would be there without anything to control it. Possible. Yes. His body was stuck in the Sea as I remember it.'

    'It could have passed through. And be causing a ruckus... with his nightmares, that would make sense. They have become intense.'

    'Yes. The Iysayil are powerful. Even a mote can do many things. If his body has passed through and is causing issues, you will have to care with dealing with. As if you kill his body...'

    'We lose him.'

    Miriam nodded. 'You will lose him. You will have to help him gain control of his body again. Take Trey into the cave. All a theory as I have heard it Ivan. From what I understand from the complex processes within him and yourself. You must be prepared for it to be much different. If you endeavor to venture the cave, efforts to ensure the safety of Lakeside should be done. The cave could be a ruse.'

    'Let's not make the same mistake. I trust him Miriam.'

    'And that trust is not misplaced. He is loyal to you. You standing beside him has only ensured that. This may be a time to prove himself. Take caution as always. And trust yourself Ivan. You give yourself little.'

    'Thank you Miriam. I'll speak with Morael on how to handle this problem.'
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Aike plodded through the woods, the blood dripping down her chin as she gently brushed the treetops aside. It was a good day. The sun was shining down, and the meat had been plentiful. She had wandered for some time now. Many suns.

She heard a bellow from behind her, and her heart sank. Looking back, Crawma was flying through the air, his wiry form seeming to be supported by the stick he uses to carry two large pots of life's blood. She watched the scarecrow approach, impassive, and gave it time to put its thoughts in order.

"Aike, y'can't just leave, least let us know," the odd grunk said in admonishment. Aike shrugged at him, her catch of the past few days thrown over her shoulders. "Glad you keeping busy, at least," Crawma remarked, "ARMOK bid us strive and rage against our lashes, that they might break across our souls."

Aike looked around, half paying attention to the new prophet's sermons. It's not as if the bloody god has spoken to you or anything. Just the words of an odd, bloody cyclops. She wandered into the woods a bit further, the blood weaver following quietly, having said his piece. The towering trees and distant cries of pterodactyls made for an idyllic trek. It was easy to be at peace here, with naught but a bumbling priest to bother her.

As the sun set over the familiar vision of the Tower of the Sun on the horizon, she came to a favorite spot of hers. She gazed over the rocky ridge for a moment at the Tower, nodding her head to acknowledge a fellow figure standing alone. She uprooted a tree for Crawma to take a seat before setting about cleaning her catch for their supper. Crawma, knowing this ritual well, stayed silent, meditating on the words of the divine until the meal was complete, red and steaming from the fire pit dug many years ago.

Only after the meal was completed, and the leftover bones had been picked over for later use, did he say, "Graetultka has been gone for some days now. Your time may come yet, should the red god return him to the earth."

Aike glaring at him, straining to hear any sound of the lumbering movements of the giant's de facto leader. After another minute or so, she relaxed a bit, saying carefully, "Naaah good t' shay shuch. He con gak shoon enouh. Ya go' return, he 'ill." Aike found the less she moves her jaw, the better.

"He's not my god," Crawma replied, he voice barbed as he scanned his other chief's face for any sign of a joke. "ARMOK is god, and he more than just his son.

"Hnnnn. Eh," Aike eventually responded, laying out her sleeping furs and dozing off, the lonely Tower centered in her mind.

BREAK POINT (scene):
Graetultka laughs at this puppet, clearly a strange incarnation of his cruel bloody god, who knows nothing of how the giants live and bleed. He will, of course, prove himself the [BLOODY BLOODY] heart of his tribe. He will gladly mar his flesh and give his blood to this weird little puppet demon, for he is the Son of ARMOK.

Should he die anyways, his head will be brought back to the temple of ARMOK to act as a mouthpiece for his priests (likely via speak with dead and such).

1.) Supposing Graetultka lives, the meteorite landing will be investigated and revered, funnily enough, as a powerful omen and gift from their god. Assuming it's moonstone, they'd probably grind it up and use it to clot and infuse the bloody remains of Graetultka's arms, trying to empower him. (If it's metal, they'll keep it in the Temple of ARMOK until they figure out how metal works.) (HUGE, CUNNING, BLOODY, Many blood priests (specializing in BLOOD and BONE magic), knowledge of STONE and how it works)

Supposing Graetultka dies, the giants will use the slops they have to carve the moonstone into a statue of Graetultka in all his glory, and move it to the Temple of ARMOK, as he is the son of god after all. (HUGE, CUNNING, BLOODY, 7 slops (due to the dead Reavers from last turn), knowledge of STONE and how it works, prior creation of glorious TEMPLE OF ARMOK)

2.) Supposing Graetulka lives, he will try to commune with the demonic corpse in his dreams and antagonize it/trick it into revealing secrets and technology to further his understanding of the strange metal he found in the flying city (obviously for bloody and nefarious ends, if that helps his cause). (The priests and other giants will of course try to figure it out as well through more mundane means). (HUGE, CUNNING, BLOODY, Old World Flamer (heat stuff good), Knowledge of Copper Smithing (a good starting point))

Supposing Graetultka dies, the giants will still attempt to seek understanding of the metal they found, and how they might work it to create great things, but they will likely not commune with the demon corpse to do so, because that's kinda weird. (HUGE, CUNNING, BLOODY, Old World Flamer (heat stuff good), Knowledge of Copper Smithing (a good starting point))


    Name: Graetultka, son of ARMOK

    Martial 4 (5 with items)

    Strength: SON OF ARMOK: improved mage strength

    Weakness: UNSETTLING: disadvantage on diplomacy when a giant in nearby


    -Crown of the Lost King (Can be worn as a Pinky Ring- Boosts a character up by 1 Martial. There might be a ghost attached to this.
    -Jekoby's Blade- A massive blade that can be used as a dagger by giants. Magical, grants a +1 to rolls I think
    -Crown of Thorns- Can summon 1d4 ancestral guardians once per scene or so.
    - STRANGE METAL ARMOR: May only be worn by Graetultka. Graetultka may only be damaged on crits, and is weak to lightning damage.

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Orpheus - Turn 5 - The Penitent

When the sun and the moon share the same sky, darkness will sweep the land and there will be no discrimination between man or beast. All will fight for their eternal salvation against that which lurks in the void.

Orpheus stood watching the construction of the multiple new buildings in the city, the grandest of all being the Divine's Lighthouse. A structure of unparalleled scale and brilliance, it towered far above the giants, even if they were to stand on each other's shoulders. He looked around and saw his people going about their daily lives, each with a purpose to further the cause of The Penitent. Those that weren't assisting the building of the Lighthouse were either training, researching or helping to construct the monstrous wall around the city.

"It is a shame we need a wall to keep our people protected, but if we must, we will do it correctly," Orpheus said, turning his glance to The Whispering Herald who had recently taken the name Gaius.

"It would certainly make sense, particularly if the demons are to return. Before then however, I dare say we will have other threats knocking at the door."

Orpheus sighed, he knew Gaius was right. The continent was too small for the number of personalities on it. He only had trust in one person, the lady who held jod heart, however the rest were unknowns. His recent missive to King Izgil was an attempt to build bridges but one nation was of particular concern, the giants to the north. The previous king had been a reasonably warm and welcoming person compared to the almost feral beast that now led them. He was clearly of the mindset that it was his way or the way of his fist. That made him extremely unpredictable and dangerous.

"I fear that is true my friend. We must do what we can to bring in a closer alliance, not just with Lady Tikal's people but that of the Moon Dwarves and the Goliath's. This is why I offer support in the retrieval of the meteor. It risks the ire of the giants but for longevity, we will need the southern people."

Actions Breakpoint: Hunt for the man during the day - [Discord]


Movement: Send units to assist the Moonsworn in the retrieval of the meteor if they require assistance. Numbers to be decided on request.


Action 1: Build The Divine's Lighthouse: A great structure that looms tall in the sky, towering over the entire landscape and all of Caerleon. It is a de facto shrine to The Divine and a link to the great protector. The Lighthouse amplifies the prayers of those who pray to The Divine but more importantly, it acts as a beacon to lost souls in search of meaning in their life. No matter where in the world they are, the Lighthouse allows The Divine to reach out to people in need. People travel great distances to begin their new life in Caerleon and bring with them their own knowledge and skills to further The Penitent's cause to protect life in the world.

Furthermore, the Lighthouse has a tribute area to the greatest heroes and contributors to The Penitent to inspire the general population to achieve their own feats of greatness. Most will be inducted upon death but in certain situations outsiders may be inducted while living to pay homage. Initial inductees will be Zerrod The Demon Slayer, Alois, Father Perlig and Lady Tikal of The Followers of Izel.

- Giants: Faster construction with greater development. In addition, high chance of unlocking additional ability/unit gain from construction.
- Wheels: Use wheeled equipment to expedite construction.
- Gemstones: Imbue the gemstones with magic.
- Old World Reading Comprehension: Use the old world language to write books of the knowledge passed on by fallen heroes along with the stories of their accomplishments.
- Advanced Architecture: Better quality construction.
- Basic Demonology: Use to provide a protective aura over the region against demons


Action 2: Build Fortress Walls and Defences: Build a giant stone wall around the capital. Build tall and thick walls with battlements while also incorporating the watchtowers of the Amazon's. Using the template of the Giants large bows, combine with wheel technology to create moveable ballistae to be placed in the towers and on top of the walls. Equip the bolts with barbed, bronze arrowheads.

- Giants: Faster construction with greater development. In addition, high chance of unlocking additional ability/unit gain from construction.
- Stone: The only viable option for strong defences.
- Bronze Forging: Improved quality of defences.
- Wheels: Use wheeled equipment to expedite construction and create mobile ballistae.
- Advanced Architecture: Better quality construction.
- Basic Demonology: Use to provide a protective barrier against demonic attacks.

The Nowhere Herd
Turn 5

The sun is rising over the snow-dusted desert as Path Finder Ublureak climbs up the slippery slope. The only other figure on the hill, the Bone Carver, sits and observes the Nowhere Herd’s daily preparations. Truly ancient in his age, the Bone Carver’s leg had fallen just one migration ago, and the wooden crutch that has assisted him since sits in the snow beside him as he gently pats a worn and thin hand on the other side to encourage Ublureak to take a seat. Ublureak pauses for a moment, gentle breeze catching his cloak and he feels Puck, the iridescent faerie-like dragon, shift his weight on his shoulders so as not to slide off. He’ll get used to his new perch, Ublureak is sure.

Fanning his cloak out around him, Ublureak sits next to his old friend, and watches as Puck wastes no time in leaping off to trot about and nose around in the snow and soil. The Bone Carver watches him for a few moments, mild amusement clear on his face, before a harsh cough rakes through his body, and he returns his attention to the Herd down below as they load up the mammoths and sleds. Ublureak speaks first, voice weary despite the morning hour, “What’s on your mind, Bone Carver?”

“I was just about to ask you that very question,” comes the raspy response, a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. With a shaky hand he gestures out to where the Herd is now gathered, “Not a dull day, is there? How go your star pelts?”

“Star charts, Bone Carver,” Ublureak corrects him, not for the first time, and, given his health, hopefully not for the last. “And they are fine, still working on the newest. The skies are clear here, almost all the time. Wish we could have snow and clear skies. Ha.”

The Bone Carver merely nods at his response. They had discussed at length the weather, and the Bone Carver assured him that the storm’s fading was not without clear president. Still, it had the Path Finder somewhat nervous, the harsh weather being otherwise consistent throughout his life. “And the day’s hunt? All is well?”

“Yes, I think the Lady of the Axe will be heading it. She’s, ah, right there,” Ublureak points down below where the young champion is stashing wooden javelins onto a mammoth, and watches as the Bone Carver’s gaze follows, his expression becoming unreadable. Ublureak lowers his hand and idly pets the frigid dragon head being rammed into his arm as he awaits the Bone Carver’s next words, the old creature obviously thinking something over with due care.

At last the Bone Carver speaks, “She reminds me much of another, at that age.”

Ublureak can’t help but bristle slightly, and Puck nips at his hand as his attention falters, “Yes, well, the Lady says that her story was an inspiration to her, like many others. It’s common, after all.”

The Bone Carver can’t help but grin at Ublureak’s apparent embarrassment, assured as he is in the truth of the old stories, “I did not say that our young champion reminded me of her, rather, I meant of him, the hunter.”

Ublureak is silent at that, gaze breaking from his people down below to watch and prod the nimble dragon demanding his attention. After some time Puck loses interest and returns to searching the snow for anything of interest, and Ublureak looks up to find that the Bone Carver had been watching him. Sighing, Ublureak asks the question he knows he has been waiting to hear, “What is your wisdom on the Blizzen? They’ll be returning for an answer in a few days time.”

The Bone Carver leans back gingerly, not bothering to hide his smile at being consulted for this new issue, “It would seem, Path Finder, that a unique opportunity has been offered to the Herd.”

Ublureak squints for a moment, not entirely following what the Bone Carver means, “As in, interacting with a new peoples?”

“No, don’t be ridiculous, we do that frequently,” the Bone Carver frowns, waving that train of thought away, “A new opportunity in having a sentient people walk alongside us. Many have offered, but such temperatures and diets would be their death, and thus they had always been turned away. But, here are a people unaware of the gift of the Deep Freeze that still live and need not eat that which we ourselves need. Such an opportunity, of course, is not without its own risks.”

“Go on, then,” Ublureak prods.

“By their own admission they seek us out on reputation alone, a reputation that, you may very well know, does not tell of our lives. Our hunts, our failures, our showings of cowardice and deceit. We follow where the Path Finder leads, but the Path Finder is the leader of the Herd, first and foremost, to maintain such a trust. What then happens when the Path Finder is the leader of two peoples? Blizzen and Herd? Who does he turn to save first when the Ice Worms double back on the trail? His people who know of such hardships, for they are their lives? Or the newcomers, who came expecting happiness and good faith, with little else but their own bodies to offer? Perhaps they are excellent hunters, or practitioners of the arcane. But it is not a question of their worth, but of the worth of the one that leads them. A flock is measured by its shepherd, and thus the question is this. Are you a skilled enough shepherd to manage two flocks? Or will one be eaten by the wolves under your watch?”

Ublureak frowns, suddenly wishing he did not ask the Bone Carver to continue as the ancient sage finishes with, “Such is my wisdom, Path Finder Ublureak.”

Silence stretches between the two, the answers to the Bone Carver’s questions becoming ever clearer as the sun steadily rises higher into the sky. At last, the Bone Carver grabs for his crutch and hoists himself up to stand. With a nod, he begins his journey down the slope, to the Nowhere Herd, as they await their Path Finder below to begin the day’s trials.

The Herd travels to THE SCORCHED. The Blizzard finally ceases, giving way to far less violent winter weather. (Bring on the Snowstorm leadership ability has ended, it will recharge turn 7.)

Ublureak, 1 Bone Master, 2 Ancients, the Ruby Mammoth, and The Lady of the Axe journey to Oakdale to speak with the locals and trade their wares. He, as he was taught, casts a spell of Tounges upon himself to communicate with the locals.

2) The Herd creates two icons of the Deep Freeze, small statues to aid in the ritual that creates the Ancients to grant an easier and deeper connection with the spirit of the Ice. During the ritual one is to be held by the Path Finder and the other is to be held by the Bone Carver. To accomplish this task they apply Stone, Mathematics, Basic Metallurgy, Astronomy, Cuneiform (tales of the Deep Freeze are inscribed along the bases), Macuahuit (idea of them knowing how to use obsidian), 2 Units of Silver, 2 Units of Obsidian, 2 Units of Monster Bones, 2 Units of Mysterious Bones, 2 Units of Dryad Wood, and 2 Units of Werekin Fur (to protect the icons when not in use). (Relevant Keyword: ICE MAGIC, and the Bone Masters will use their BONE MAGIC to assist).

For better or worse, Ublureak meets THE FLESH PROPHETS, what shall be gained when these groups meet? He casts a spell of Tounges upon himself to so he may be clearly understood.

Option 2:
Refuse the Blizzen. They can be allies, but Path Finder Ublureak cannot lead them. Ublureak tells the Blizzen of their ancestral home, The Glacier, far to the north. There they may be safe, and when the day comes that the Herd can welcome them to walk beside them, they can be easily found.
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  1. Leave the treasure be.
  2. Claim everything for your people.
  3. Something Else?
The Goliaths refuse to desecrate a grave to a being that was clearly once of great renown and standing. They will, however, study the treasures and contents of the tomb to see if anything can be gleaned of who the being was in life. Once all that can be learned has been learned, the Goliaths will leave it as a memorial and respect the distant dead; if the tomb's occupant appears particularly noteworthy, they may even dedicate a ceremony to respecting this hero of a distant past.

SEARCH FOR COPPER AND THE CASTING OF BRONZE: The Goliaths will search for copper, and if found, they will begin to produce great armaments and armor of Bronze from such copper deposits and the already existing tin deposits they have found, girding themselves in the finest armaments for war against their tin-plated enemies with their great expertise at metallurgy.

2) KNOW THY ENEMY: Scouts will be sent to investigate the lands around the Iron Keep and learn what they can about the foe; particularly regarding contact with peoples who the Iron Keep may have subjugated in their aggressive expansionism, tried to subjugate, or otherwise. When the Goliaths march to war, they shall not face the Keep unprepared to face the full force of the Keep's armies.

Speak to the Great Wizard Niktos and ask if he knows anything about the Iron Keep and/or the nearby Great Tomb.

Devil's Hand -> Misty Canyon
Moonsworn - Turn 5 - New Moon

King Izgil stood within his Hall and gave one of his deep and sonorous sighs, like wind passing through a canyon. To be made to lead was not something he had desired, but his people required it of him. He was called to rule by now dead friends, whose memory he would not soil with cowardice. They had all seen it, the Skystone falling northwards towards unknown lands. His army was preparing to march north, for there was no other option. They must try to seize the stone before some other rogue element took it and destroyed it for their own gains like the last one lost. The Moon had gifted this world another piece of itself and he hoped it was his destiny to bring this portion home to Moonhold.

It was a dire consideration as even now another stone idol seemed intent upon harming the Moonsworn since its unearthing. It was twisting the flesh of the faithful and assaulting their minds with nightmares. This was unacceptable. The answer seemed simple enough though. The stone was resonating a signal. Dwarves understood resonance, for stone could be heard and tuned. It sang if you did it correctly, but also could crumble and crack should you match just the right tone. The Moonsworn and Izgil would resonate the Monolith until it shattered to pieces, its stone to be checked and cleansed as needed should it still hold some sinister property. Only the Moon was allowed to engage with their flesh and frames, to heal and guide it. This Monolith was a device of hubris that would be shattered for the harm it caused.

Beyond that, missives were going out between Izgil the and Penitent. The brave souls and their curious faith had proven allies again in the seeking of the new Skystone. Already word was sent of the mustering crusade army the Moonsworn would bring to march north throug hthe King's Desert. Preparations and supply lines being set. The Moon Road would be expanded to allow this as the army marched. The Desert portion to be gifted to the Penitent if anything else aside from other future boons for their support.​

Movement: The Moon Crusade marches through the King's Desert, joining with Pentient forces before continuing North in search of the Meteor

Decision Point: Destroy the Monolith - The Moonsworn will use their knowledge of stone to attempt to resonate and shatter the Monolith. They will also commence cleansing and blessings to ward against its horrible effects, in the hopes of saving their people.

King Izgil: Utilize his Illusion magics to guard and conceal the Moon Crusade against attack or harassment on their march.

1: King Izgil command the Moon Road expanded, being constructed by the Moon Crusade as it marches to provide them a stable supply line and means of quick retreat should they secure the Meteor.

2: Scout the Kings Desert to ease passage of the Moon Crusade or prepare to face resistance.​

Moon Crusade
King Izgil
Bishop Mork
Bishop Mindy
Copper Golems (3)
Dwarven Crossbowmen (10)
Dwarf Soldiers (5)
Dwarven War Priests (20)
Greenskin Militiamen (20)
Human Moon Paladins (5)
Human Pikers (10)​



Vetaal wandered around the Chronicle Chamber in the Skull Mound, gathering up the various tablets that lay scattered haphazardly across the room. He was diligent in his documentation of events and so had already amassed a significant collection of them. Their underground haven had been struck by a great earthquake that seemed to shake the entire realm, laying waste to its jungles and threatening everything that called them home. The Tendua were fortunate, although some of their number had been injured by the tremors, no lives had been lost. Their settlement had also managed to come away largely intact but had needed significant repairs. After fixing the damage that had befallen the village, Vetaal had begun assessing the damage to the mound. The cave appeared to have escaped unscathed as well although the Chronicle Chamber lay in shambles.

He reached down and picked up a tablet from the cavern floor. On it was a pictograph, illustrated in black pigment, of stick figures around a crude table representing the remembrance feast the Tendua held in honour of those who had passed on following the completion of the Burial Vault. Filing it away, he proceeded to pick up another, this one depicted a stick figure wearing a distinct hat presenting small offerings to long, green objects which represented Aurin's efforts to cultivate the carnivorous plant life that had appeared in Patala. Putting it back where it belonged, Vetaal reached down and picked up another. On it was an image of two stick figures, identical in appearance apart from their size, both with tails and bands in yellow pigment, a yellow starburst between the two figures. This one was of special significance to Vetaal as it represented the rejuvenation of Muskaan.

Huddled around his aging brother's bedside as he drew what he thought was to be his last breath, what should of been a time of sorrow had quickly become one of surprise then joy as Muskaan was engulfed in a bright light and when it faded, instead of an old man, in his place lay an infant. The Tendua had no idea why or how this miracle had occurred but they were grateful all the same. It was a curious role reversal for Vetaal. Although he had been his brother, Muskaan was the closest thing he had ever had to a father figure in his life. He was the one he had looked to for guidance and wisdom, and now with their positions suddenly switched, Muskaan would be looking to him for protection and advice.

The whole thing had been made more challenging as of late with the startling disappearances of children from the village. With children vanishing in greater and greater numbers, no child was safe and Vetaal feared for Muskaan's safety. At the forefront of his mind was the emissary of the Great Necromancer, Tarkoof. He had promised to return and claim one of his two children, could the tribe's missing children be a prelude of events to come, a testing of their defences, or something more ominous? Yet, even if it wasn't the work of the Great Necromancer, his forces were coming. That much was certain. It wasn't a question of if, but when, and the Tendua had to be prepared. While the tribe's fighters primed themselves to combat the threat, Vetaal would look into the matter of the missing children.

Once that situation had been resolved, Vetaal and some of the warriors from the tribe would begin preparations to venture outside Patala for the first time in a generation. Vetaal had conferred with the Panther Demon and the entity informed him of the source of the tremors; a large tower that had grown from the ground above, its meaning and purpose unclear but almost certainly sinister. Vetaal felt the demon may have known more than it was telling him but did not press the issue. Vetaal had no idea what to suspect in the land above. There was the possibility that something may befall he and his fellows and so he wished to ensure the chronicles were in good state so, if the worse happened, the tribe had the benefit of its wisdom. That unfortunately would require every tablet, slab, slate and stone to be in its proper place and so Vetaal took a deep breath as he steeled himself for the laborious task that lay ahead of him.

Break Point
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Race: Old World Obelisk
Age: Immortal
Keywords: Inspiring, Ominous, Unbreakable
Martial/ Magic: 4 Martial
Character Strength: The Black Rock has stood for countless lifetimes, and will remain for countless more. (Starts with a regenerating save.)
Character Weakness: Watching and waiting for those who seek its wisdom, the Black Rock remains constant in its vigil. (Cannot move or attack)

Monkey Madness- In the first round of a battle, all units do extra damage.
More Technology, More Power- When you use higher technology based units, you can reroll a failed attack once per battle.
It Will Be A Wasteland- When you attack an enemies lands, they'll lose 3d10 population.

Mighty Jo Young
Martial 3 Magic 0
Connection to the BlackRock- If this champion survives until a natural death, his lineage is guarantied to produce Champions that will grow progressively stronger over time due to this connection with the BlackRock.
Lead by Example- When charging into battle at the front, becomes a Martial 4 and gives his troops a +1 to attack.

Weapon: Heavy Stone Club
Armor: Heavy Stone Armor
Human Hero
Martial 4 Magic 1
Growth- Every turn until Death, Gerald will gain +1 Martial
Magic- Gerald can cast Holy Magic
Science Champion
(Will live for 4 Turns instead of 3)
Doctorate in Science- Every turn, unlock a new technology
Educator- Ability to convert Human population to Alchemist unit*
Crystal Giant
Martial 4 Magic 0
The Might of the Crystal- When fighting with additional Crystal units, Gains an extra +1 Martial
Tough- Has an extra 2 HP
(Son of Mighty Jo)
Martial 3/ Magic 1
Science Monkey- MOJO has been exposed to much science in the void, at least as much as he could manage. Reroll up to 3 failed technology rolls during an adventure.
Always A Plan- During a battle, can reroll up to 3 times

10 Monkey Warriors

Monkey Warriors that wield Heavy Stone Axes and wear Heavy Stone Armor. Capable of Pack Tactics
34 Monkey Battalions
Monkey Battalions wearing Light Stone Armor and wielding a stone tipped Spear and Heavy Wooden Shield. Capable of Pack Tactics.
7 Battle Wagons
Capable of throwing large rocks a great distance very hard and easy to operate. Covered in spikes with the front shaped like a large skull and painted Red, since everyone knows that Red Things move faster.

Ranged Boulder Attacks
Upgrade: Dark Crystal Ammo- When using Dark Crystal Ammo, gain a +1 to attack and living creatures need to roll against FEAR
4 Battle Podiums
A large Stone Podium on a thick wooden frame with two large wooden wheels. It would be pulled by two Monkey Men wearing Red Face Paint. On the Podium itself is a Monkeyman giving an inspirational speech to the troops or a demoralizing one to the enemy with two Monkey Men with Red Face Paint and spears on the podium to protect the speaker.

(Either +1 to Allied Troops or -1 to Enemy Troops. This can stack up to +/- 3)
10 Void Warriors.
These Warriors wear Black and Red pigment in intimidating form over their face while wielding Heavy two handed Spiked Stone Clubs and wearing Heavy Spiked Stone Armor. They Possess FEAR 1 due to their intimidating nature.
20 Human Alchemists.
They wear Heavy Cloaks which contain a variety of chemical mixtures based on the learning of Melissa. They carry a Light Stone Dagger if needed, but their true capabilities are in SCIENCE. These units do well om the back lines as they are able to use their knowledge and mixtures to either: HEAL OR BUFF THE TROOPS DURING BATTLE or HIT THE ENEMY WITH DANGEROUS CHEMICAL MIXTURES.

Copper Mining
Water Purification

Shiny Stick
Adds +1 Martial and lightning damage.
Once per encounter, can do a massive burst of energy, dealing an extra 4 damage. However this will render it unusable until repaired by Melissa
Curved Blade
Might be more to it..

BlackRock Troop - 33
Child Village - 10

The Shifting Convenant
Child Village

Trade Deals
10 Blue Crystals
10 Red Crystals
5 Purple Crystals
Gain an additional 1d10 Crystals every turn

Shifting Covenant
BlackRock Troop teaches the Shifting Convenant their written language (CUNIEFORM) in exchange for dinosaur beasts of burden (LABOUR).
BlackRock Troop teaches MATHEMATICS to the Shifting Convenant to establish CURRENCY, recieving 5 SILVER COIN PILES in exchange as future investment in the new system.
A Symposium of Apes (SHIFTING COVENANT PERMANENT POPULATION) is established in the Split to educate the races within it. Those more learned or receptive of the Split races will be brought in and recruited by the BlackRock Troop (BLACKROCK RECRUITMENT ROLL FOR EACH SPLIT RACE A TURN)

Seagull Meat
10 Blue Crystals
10 Red Crystals
5 Purple Crystal
19 Crystals
Gold Bars

Copper Club
Copper Swords


Turn 5

Gerard descended the stairs into the Black Void, the light of the Crystals growing brighter as he worked his way down the solid stone steps of the Troop's construction. Gerard shivered despite his downy cloak, the heavy garment lined with seagull feather, as he circled deeper, the air growing colder with every step. However the radiant smile on his face dispelled any notion that he trembled because of the cold but rather, Gerard was trembling in excitement.

Taking the last step Gerard was met with two Alchemists. "Hello Aliz." he greeted, looking to them in turn "Star"

The two women nodded. "This way" said the taller of the two, Aliz, as she gestured with her arm, the motion lifting her cloak to reveal long elegant feet.

Gerard nodded and fell in behind them with only a momentary delay, as the young Star lifted the hem of her cloak as to not become tangled in it as she walked. "How does your sister fare, Aliz?" asked Gerard.

"She is doing much better, thank you" replied the Alchemist steadily. "Lidde seems to have gotten over the worst of it. And just in time too"

Gerard nodded thoughtfully. Lidde had been ever so eager to join the 'pilgrimage' as he himself had called it. "That is good news indeed"

With long liquid steps, Aliz pushed further ahead through the network of tunnels, leaving the struggling Star to fall back beside him. Slowing his pace, Gerard made sure he kept Aliz in sight, as he matched step with the young Alchemist.

"We've missed you at Sermon recently, Star" said Gerard, aiming his gaze at the young lady. She halted for a second, and Gerard could see her cheeks redden.

"Sorry." answered Star quietly, tentatively looking at her Leader through the corner of her eye.

Gerard smiled "It is no problem, my dear. It was just an observation of mine. I'm happy that you have taken your studies so seriously."

She smiled shyly. The sound of marching feet ahead stayed the conversation as Gerard and Star pushed themselves up against the wall to allow the Void Warriors past. Burly and broad chested, the Apes that called this place home could just about fit two by two through the network of tunnels. Gerard nodded in respect to each of the passing pairs, watching them go with quiet admiration.

Star tugged at his cloak, and Gerard turned to see Aliz further down the way, the Alchemists head popping out from around the corner. Letting Star lead, they joined up with Aliz, and after a short walk down one of the corridors, they were met with a room.

The door opened automatically, a slight mist seeping out from within and revealing a beautiful woman in a white 'cloak' and a small Ape crowding around a large standing box. Gerard recognised Melissa instantly, grinning at her when she looked at him but the strange simian he could only infer was Mojo.

Keeping a long white 'mouse' on his person, it's tail bound around his neck, the Ape was brownish in colour with a long tail tipped with a spool of thick blackish material. Though he paid Gerard no mind, the human hero could not miss the resemblance to his hero, the late Mighty Jo Elder.

With a dour expression, Melissa approached Gerard, Aliz and Star moving away to their stations across the room. "Hello Gerard." her tone was low "Any complications, injuries, illnesses since we last met?"

Gerard shook his head.

"Any mental issues? Loss of memory, untoward voices..." quizzed the Scientist

"Feeling as fit as ever, Melissa" he replied, a grin still plastered on his face.

Melissa visibly winced as she looked up at the old man's childish grin. "You don't have to go through with this Gerard" she said quietly, her eyes darting to either side. "You could go with David. Start anew, Away from here."

Gerard's raised an eyebrow for a moment before relaxing, his tone soft and reassuring "Do not worry, Lissa. They do not need me anymore, especially David. Trust in them, like I do in you. And we all do in the Troop and the BlackRock. For it is by it's awe-inspiring will, we have come to this"

"You've... spoken... to it? Haven't you?"

"It is by it's holy hand that I've come here, Lissa. To perform my divine destiny."

Melissa let out a heavy sigh. "Drink this." Melissa said, the defeat apparent in her tone.

Aliz appeared beside her, handing Gerard a cup of water.

Gerard eyed it for only a second, the brew perfectly clear, before drinking it in one huge gulp. "Blessed be the spirits of water.." he whispered at the taste.

"Drink one of these, every ten minut... 'prayers' for the next... 'sermon'"

Star appeared next, holding a neat bundle of white garments. "Remove your cloak and put these on, please."

Melissa turned away to allow Gerard some privacy, putting her gaze firmly on the standing box in the center of the room. The Cryogenic Chamber. Beside it, Mojo ran his hairy hands over the device with wondrous intrigue and excited anticipation. She shook her head, sombrely, as everyone around her eagerly followed their monolithic masters plan.

1. Build the Black Road, connecting Black Rock Territory with that of the Split and beyond. Herms made of stone and crystal will line the road, giving directions and warnings to those who use it, in BlackRock Cuneiform. The Troop will use Astronomy to help navigate the project, as well as the tracks from their Wheels. The Crystal Giant will help with the construction. (Inspiring/ Ominous/Unbreakable Keyword used) (20 Population (Troop) used)
2. Melissa and Mojo, alongside 3 Human Alchemists, will attempt to use the Cryo Pod within the Black Void to preserve Champions of the BlackRock. Gerard will be the first subject of the process. (Unbreakable Keyword used)

I'm thinking Unit receives the Immortal descriptor but they cannot move or attack. Effect can be stopped at the beginning of any turn and Unit can act as normal.

Allow the humans to go forth and build a new town (Alongside 10 Human Alchemists)
Allow the humans to go forth and build a new Town. But send monkies with them
Refuse the humans

Seagull messengers are sent as far as two provinces away to find signs of civilisation, offering them protection and a chance to be connected by the Black Road in exchange for falling under their banner.
Golden Order

BREAK POINT: Explore the Ruins (Being Resolved on Discord)

Action 1: Construct Temple of Tikal in Caerleon- The Amazons of Caerleon build a Temple of Tikal grander than any previous iterations in the homeland of The Penitent

A Grand Temple is constructed in Caerleon and it soon begins to attract followers from the region. In some cases, drawing away followers from The Penitent. This begins to anger some of the more staunch loyalists of The Penitent that begin to question having such an elaborate temple to another God within their lands.

They begin to petition their Leader to do something about it. CaptainSully CaptainSully

Gain 5 Holy Clerics (Under the banner of Tikal)

Action 2: Upgrade the Tower of The Stars- The Golden Order endeavors to give the tower a grand redesign by increasing the height of the structure and its ability to chart the stars. Plus a Facelift

The already high heights of the Tower of The Stars has grown even greater. Though not as strong as the original parts of the structure (Due to unknown construction techniques and metallurgy of the Old World), it is still quite sturdy and easily holds up to the powerful winds at this height.

It manages to help improve their navigation by the stars. +1 to all navigation rolls as long as they can see the stars
The Mystics

BREAK POINT: Enter the CAVE (To be Resolved on Discord)

Action 1: Construct Structure- The Academy of The Mountain- Location Lakeside

The LAKESIDE Academy proves to be a popular training location and unifying force throughout all the different types of actual martial abilities that are currently residing in Lakeside. This allows a new style of soldier to be bred for battle and defense of the city, especially from Raiders.

Gain 10 Lakeside Defenders- They Wield Heavy Stone Spears with Heavy Stone Shields and wear Heavy Stone Armor. DON’T SUFFER FROM CRIT FAILS, BUT ALSO CANNOT BENEFIT FROM CRIT SUCCESS. (Count as Martial 2)

Action 2: Construct Heat field Belfries- Location BOTH Lakeside and The Study

The Bellfries were at great success. Not only did they provide large amounts of heat for both locations, but they provided extra light at Night, allowing the people to be out later and safer than ever before. Especially in this age of uncertainty, this allows more trade, crop growing, and celebrations to happen in both the nighttime and the winter months.

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The Penitent

BREAK POINT: Hunt The Man (Resolved on Discord)

Action 1: Build The Divine’s Lighthouse-

The Huge Structure becomes a SHINING BEACON for the region. People begin traveling from all over to at least see the massive construction. Certainly having Giants aid in its construction helped with the sheer size of the thing. Even those who do not directly join, SPREAD WORD of what they see. The majesty and beauty.

Gain an additional 1d10 population every turn. This can be Human, Elf, Lizardman, Monkeyman, Dwarf, Goblin, Orc, Goliath, or Giant. (MUST BE ANNOUNCED EVERY TURN BEFORE ROLL)

The tales of the fallen heroes of The Penitent are nothing less than inspiring. A woman rises up from the passing rabble and wishes to join. Her name is Ingrid and she wears engraved Copper Armor while wielding a Copper Lance from atop a Large Armored Horse. She does not take no for an answer. Gain Champion: Ingrid

Martial 4/ Magic 0
Mount: Heavy Black Stallion
Brilliant Charge- As long as Ingrid can charge, she can TRAMPLE. Weak enemies will be killed, while Powerful Champions will suffer a penalty to their attack
The Chosen- When leading a group of believers, gains an extra +1 Martial for every 10. (Up to a max of +3)
Defiant- Can not be affected by MIND BENDING MAGIC

Action 2: Build Fortress Walls and Defenses-

A strong and tall fortress wall is constructed out of stone in quick time by the Giants who make excellent laborers once again. Placed atop the walls on copper moveable track with wheels(Only truly moveable by a Giant or at least a dozen men), large ballista protect the Capital. Four of these Giant constructions add much protection, one for each Cardinal Direction. These large constructions are equipped with just as large bolts with barbed, bronze arrowheads.

A Giant comes forth to constantly man the Main Ballista. Hirog, the Big. He wants to do his part to defend the Holy Land

Hirog, The Big
Martial 4/ Magic 0
Ballista Expert- While firing a ballista, can reroll up to two failed rolls in the battle
Dumb, But Strong- Hirog can move two Ballista up next to each other and then fire BOTH
Devoted- OIf Hirog should fall in battle, chose one enemy and he gets a free, final attack on them.

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