Happy Necromancer
- Group
- Nation Building
The Moonsworn

BREAKPOINT: (Resolved on Discord)
Action 1: Build the Moon Road through Moonsworn Territories
A laborious task, the road is constructed throughout the territories of the Moonsworn, improving travel through their lands. All units moving through the lands of the Moonsworn using the road gain an extra +1 movement due to the ease of travel opposed to the previous difficult terrain.
The people are now better able to make the journey to the Holy Lands and the word begins to spread further.
Gain an additional 10 population for each race within the Moonsworn.
Action 2: Build Hog Farms in Greenskin Pass
The Hog Farms are constructed to help provide more food to the growing population that make up the orcs and goblins of the Greenskin Pass. This allows the Greenskins to be better fed and are all the stronger for it. Greenskin units gain an additional +1 HP due to improved sustenance.

BREAKPOINT: (Resolved on Discord)
Action 1: Build the Moon Road through Moonsworn Territories
A laborious task, the road is constructed throughout the territories of the Moonsworn, improving travel through their lands. All units moving through the lands of the Moonsworn using the road gain an extra +1 movement due to the ease of travel opposed to the previous difficult terrain.
The people are now better able to make the journey to the Holy Lands and the word begins to spread further.
Gain an additional 10 population for each race within the Moonsworn.
Action 2: Build Hog Farms in Greenskin Pass
The Hog Farms are constructed to help provide more food to the growing population that make up the orcs and goblins of the Greenskin Pass. This allows the Greenskins to be better fed and are all the stronger for it. Greenskin units gain an additional +1 HP due to improved sustenance.