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Fantasy BoN: Stone Age

Black Rock


BREAK POINT: Trap the Seagulls

The Seagulls, as it turns out, are rather easily tamed by the Monkey men. Soon enough, they have a steady store of SEAGULL MEAT. Some have even proven easy to tame and can be used for long ranged communication with allies using written using Cuneiform on small rocks. GAIN COMMUNICATION UP TO 2 PROVINCES AWAY

Action 1: Build Defenses around the Child Village

With the amount of labor being used, the Wall was an impressive and imposing one. High wooden palisades with reinforced Stone Gates and Wooden Towers reinforced with Stone. The wood itself from the outside had nasty looking large spikes that would intimidate any that came across it.

The Village is now Defended with a Powerful Wooden Wall. Wall also has Fear 1

Action 2: Explore the Crystal Valley- (To be Resolved on Discord)​

Succession, 1st of this Era​


Ice 2.pngWroggi was tired. The sun beat down. The boar he was roasting were nearly done, but the last few were misbehaving, cooking unevenly in the afternoon light. His drum, broken time and time again, was being refashioned by his sons for the evening festivities.

Prodding the fire back into submission, he let himself have a look over the forum. Fatty torches and stone sconces lined the rings of rough hewn seats, ready to be lit in the evenings to keep the light a little longer. A mud pit had been mashed into the center stage for the event of his demise, and the Succession that comes after. Racks of different treats and meats were being gathered, as many of their smaller cousin's dishes have been sized up to fit on a giant's feast table.

It would be a pretty good funeral, all things considered.


Later that evening, as the time was drawing near, more and more talk came to Wroggi's ear of the succession. This sort of thing excited him a lot when he was younger, and wasn't the one that would die immediately before the fight began, but this time around, Wroggi felt... simply content. The world would go on without him. He was not needed, anymore. He would be remembered, for at least a generation, as a shepherd so great he even brought the weewards into the fold. Sure, it took a little prodding, but the forest was at peace, and he can rest well.

Digging into another hunk of deer, he decided to figure out what he new advisors were arguing about. They'd been going on for some time, and it's the chief's job to resolve these sorts of disputes.

"I don't see any room for disagreement here. Aike is the only serious contender in the running. Oglaf said he would, but would likely die of embarrassment if he actually won. The Odun twins, clever as they think they are, could not possibly share power, and would likely kill each other after a week. No one else can stand close to these contestants in raw power. It's simply inconceivable." Despite being with the Glimmerhill Giants for nearly a decade, the ghosts of the Crown of Thorns did not have a good grasp of Succession.

"There has been talk amongst the rabble- er, others-" a second stammered, fully aware that his conceptions of superiority will likely get him squashed back into the crown for a number of years. He continued after recomposing himself, "of another contender. This Vrizz spoke of a son putting their fist in the ring-"

"A son of Vrizz? Nonsense. Sure, a few of the rangers seem to have tapped into some feral brand of magic lately, but there's no way that will win them the Crown. I don't think I've ever seen a mage live through a melee such as this."

"Ah, no, you see," a third chimed in, "her tone made it clear that there was something else afoot, I'm sure you've heard the rumors, the Beast in the Dark, and all-"

"Bah, that thing has scarce been seen, and hardly leaves its cave. Besides, I've been questioning the others, and they've never heard of a cyclops on the throne-"

They all stopped, as Wroggi let out a great belch between them. "One eye a good omen to us. Shows focus. That good things ahead may be right in front of us." As the ghosts pondered that oddity, Wroggi chuckled. "Funny ghosts have much to learn about giants. There will be a good fight ahead. If it not seem so, even better fight will be had. Something will happen to make a night worth living by. Wait and see.”


And wait they did. The fires had died down, and the soon-to-be combatants were getting anxious. The drummer was joined by two others with their own instruments, a surprise, but welcome enough in the dying light. Wroggi was beginning to slow down, not that he was very animated to begin with. The rumors of another contestant for the crown were running their course, until finally, a lone figure was seen picking their way up the mountainside to the forum.

It turned out to be Vrizz, with her great horn bow slung over her shoulder. She had faired well over the years, her elvish blood extending her life far beyond normal for her kind. As she entered the firelight and was greeted by the forest giants she had grown close top over the years, she merely nodded when asked if one of her sons was joining the fight.

Wroggi noticed her arrival, and nodded slowly. It is good. A good fight to be had, as promised.

Just then, footfalls that were heavy even for a giant began to echo up the pass, and a fiery glow could be seenHorned Eye 1.png from the stair. What approached was not a Grunk as Vrizz was, nor even a true giant, as most of the contenders were prepared for, but a full blown colossus, torn from the nightmares of sleeping cities. Standing at near 100 feet tall, the hulk had a bestial air about him, covered in black fur streaked with grey, and occasionally loping up the steps on all fours. His face was similar to that of a great boar, with thick serrated tusks framing a single emerald eye on his brow. A large mane of fiery red hair glowing in the crisp air, catching the light of the torches and throwing it back as if in spite.

In a voice far more clipped than the giant's normal cadence, he merely said, "I have come for the crown. Those who would stop me, know that there is a place for you under my rule." As he spoke, an acrid smoke rolled from his mouth, enveloping some men who were not quick enough to get out of the way.

The Odun brothers, despite their big talk, looked to one another and met their odds in the other's eyes. They suddenly kneeled, their gaze dropping to the mud pit before them, bowing out before they lost themselves as well as their aspirations.

Oglaf, coming from a long line of pranksters and fools, grew silent, looking between the burning figure before him and the ceremony he was planning on making light of. The newcomer was certainly out of place here, he had thought, and decided that now was likely not the time for fun to live on. He sat down, defeated before he began.

The rest of the smaller contenders also hurried out of the way, leaving only Aike still in the ring before the beast, uncertain of her next move. Not everyone could back out, there has to at least be a match of some sort, she thought, though idly began wondering if there were any traditional competitions where being three times the opponent's size wouldn't result in an immediate blowout. As she failed to think of any, the creature regarded the kneeling contenders with no small amount of disdain, and Wroggi began to stand. This took some time, and all other eyes were locked on him. He too looked down at the forfeiting masses, a look of confusion in his eye, and turned to Aike, the last other true giant standing.

"Our way is to fight," said Wroggi with a small smile. Not the fight he was hoping for, but a fight to remember. He then turned to the newcomer. "NAME YOURSELF, OUTSIDER!" He bellowed, his voice cracking in his age.

Paw 1.png"I am called GRAETULTKA," the beast replied, looking down at the frail chief before him.
"ARE YE GIANT? ARE YOU SON OF GLIMMERHILL?" Wroggi asked again, taking a few steps forward, into the pit.

"I am the true son of Vrizz, and have right to be here," the beast replied, clearly understanding the script ahead of him, if not knowing it.

"I am borne of ARMOK, GOD OF BLOOD, as declared by my flesh and in my dreams," the beast howled, pressing a stone as hefty as a tombstone into the earth, a jagged script crawling across its surface.

"Ah," Wroggi said, taken by surprise, and carried on the winds of illiteracy, "THAT IS WELL, YES. CONTESTANTS, SUCCESSION IS FIGHT WITHOUT WEAPONS. THE LAST STANDING WINS, AND IS CHIEF. YES?"


W2.png"Ye-es," Aike said, still taking in the last interaction. Did this creature just say he's the son of a god? She saw Graetultka looking down at her, though she is one of the greatest in her family at nearly 30 feet tall. Forest giants are often looked down on when it comes to Succession, but it usually isn't this literal. She could swear the beast was grinning, but the look in his eye was anger through and through.

"IS GOOD," the giant’s chief said, now standing between them with his ghostly advisors. "I LEAVE THEN," Wroggi added, and fell forward. What hit the ground was not chief of the Giants, but a caricature of mud and stone, merging with like in the pit of the forum.

A beat passed, and Aike realized the drum, a soft reminder of the importance of the occasion, had stopped beating. The beast lunged, scattering the bones of the chief across the pit. Before she could react, an excruciating pain had split her jaw, her feet had left the ground, and all she could see around the jagged spike of Graetultka's tusk was the great eye itself, mocking her with a creased brow.

She drove her fists as hard as she could into the tusk, and with a crack, she was freed, the beast howling as the world fell away from her and consciousness fled into the dark.​
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BoN: Stone Age



The Goliaths of The Stormwrath Peaks

A large horde of Kobolds have shown up at the Capital, demanding tribute for THEIR DRAGON GOD. If tribute is not given freely, they will TAKE THEIR TRIBUTE BY FORCE.

  1. Pay a “Tribute” to the Kobolds​
  2. Fight the Kobolds​
  3. Talk to the Kobolds​

Followers of Izel

A strange mist descends on your capital and with it comes the disappearance of the general populace. You awaken alone and there is no soul in sight. You can stay in your home to ride it out or you can go into the fog…what was that groaning?!

  1. Stay in the house to ride it out.​
  2. Go to the barracks to get help.​
  3. Go to the town center to check on the general population.​

The Moonsworn

A large sinkhole has opened up outside your town. People have reported hearing voices within and at night seem silhouettes climb in and out. Nobody has noticed anything missing or out of the ordinary beside that.

Current Copper: 100 Units

  1. Attempt to fill in the sinkhole.​
  2. Enter the sinkhole.​
  3. Ignore the sinkhole.​

Woodland Federation

The sound of hooves could be heard as a large vehicle arrived in the woods and began unloading, setting up a portable shop run by a Halfling with a piece of straw in his mouth.

“What’ll it be? We have all kinds of swell goods for purchase, if you want to make some sort fo trade?”

Elegant Toothpick

Purple Flower

Bucket Helmet

  1. Purchase items​
  2. Don’t purchase any items​
  3. Chase away the trader​

The Penitent

A small, wandering band of musicians arrives in town and begins to play music in the streets regularly. The population takes to them well but not long after their arrival people have started to go missing. Many people begin to call for the musicians to be arrested and tried for murder while others posit it as just a coincidence.

  1. Arrest the musicians​
  2. Allow the growing mob to enact their own revenge​
  3. Investigate rumors of another cause​

Blackrock Troop

While walking the coast you find a small shipwreck, it's ornately made hull crushed against the rocks. Face down in the sand you see the body of a man in strange armor, a tanned complexion and a strange curved blade at his side.

  1. Attempt to rouse the man.​
  2. Explore the shipwreck before it is completely destroyed against the rocks.​
  3. Kill the man and leave his corpse as a warning.​

Glimmerhill Giants

A strange odor has started to be emitted from a nearby lake with wildlife near it falling over dead after drinking from it. The smell is rotten and a strange haze now floats across the surface.

  1. Investigate the lake.​
  2. Drain the lake.​
  3. Do nothing.​

The Shifting Covenant

A Horde of Crystallians flood the land now that the Giant Behemoth is dead. They are moving into not only the crystal village, but other settlements as well. This is starting to make others uncomfortable.

  1. Let the Crystallians settle where they want​
  2. Confine the Crystallians to the Crystal Village​
  3. Ban the Crystallians from further entering Shifting Covenant Lands​


Tribes of Daeva


While asleep you find yourself approached by a mysterious being, promising you a wealth of power. They instruct you to complete three rituals before going to a nearby landmark to summon them. The rituals are: cut the hair from a holy person; shave the hair from a cat and drain the blood of livestock.

  1. Complete the rituals and attempt to summon.​
  2. Ignore the dream.​
  3. Do not complete the rituals and attempt to summon.​

The Valora Pod

There has been an over abundance of sea creatures as of late. At first, it was seen as a great boon, improving their stores of food. But soon larger creatures came from the deep. It seemed that they too came in abundance. There was something deep under the waters that was disturbing them.

  1. Investigate The Deep​
  2. Ignore the more dangerous creatures arriving​
  3. Other Player Option?​

The Flesh Prophets

The Sun seemed to be acting strangely. It was the connection to their god, but for some reason, it turned Green? Instead of its normal beautifully tinted yellow. What was the meaning of this? It seemed as though they were beginning to lose their connection to their God…..

As if to answer this, a woman dressed in a Forest Green Dress Appeared. With each step, flowers grew behind her footprints.

She sat down in midair and smiled as a deck of odd looking cards appeared before her. “Care to play a game?”

  1. Play the Game​
  2. Kill the Woman​
  3. Attempt to absorb the woman​

The Aros Tribe

A “small” group of goblins, numbering no more than 30 or so, showed up at the town. Most are women and children. The leader of the group was an old and grizzled looking goblin man with only one eye and using a cane to walk.

“Please let us join your village. We are all that is left of ours. A creature of pure FIRE destroyed our village after we refused to pay it tribute and we are all that are left.

  1. Let the Goblins Join the Village​
  2. Tell the Goblins that they cannot stay​
  3. Set up a village nearby for the Goblins​

Mystics of The Calm

An uncharacteristically cold summer takes hold and your capital is beset by multiple feet of snow. You do what you can to protect your crops but your farmers grow more concerned. Out of the blue a pale, robed woman arrives and offers her help in improving the weather. Her complexion is gaunt and her figure thin, yet there is plenty of life in her glowing, blue eyes.

  1. Pay the woman what she wants​
  2. Refuse her offer and attempt to resolve yourself​
  3. Apprehend the woman and force her to assist​

Tendua Tribe

A strange area of Jungle has been growing recently. Inside, it contains plants that eat flesh, vines that strange living creatures and growth that seems to expand much faster than any of the typical growth. Is this a boon of the Demon? Or some sort of parasitic plant growth that will threaten their new way of life?

  1. Cut down the new growth​
  2. Cultivate the New Growth​
  3. Wait and See What happens​

The Nowhere Herd

A trader dressed in dark clothes arrives offering you an array of items:​
  • Hardwood Pole​
  • Glowing Green Ring​
  • A Plain Looking Sack​

  1. Buy items​
  2. Attempt to steal items​
  3. Kill the trader and take the items​

The Brothers of Odin


A Large Skeleton Man with two Ruby Eyes arrived at the Bridge with a small army of lesser skeleton men. These seem much different than the ones before. Each one seems unique, laughing, telling jokes or even just talking with others around them.

The large skeleton Spoke in a deep booming voice. “I AM Xassin of the Black Concord and wish to pledge myself and my men to your cause IF you can acquire the Horn of the Great Horned Yeti!”

  1. Accept the Challenge​
  2. Fight the Skeletons instead​
  3. Tell them to leave, that they are unworthy to join​
The Golden Order
With her neighbors having accepted her into their pantheons and lives, and new followers joining her flock, Tikal was more than a little confused as to why her power had not begun to grow, even a little. So much time had passed and now she had started to grow angry with her lack of progress. While she took comfort in the fact that she and her friends had managed to create and maintain peace in their regions, so felt she was still far from achieving the purpose for her own creation.

Seated on the highest level of the Tower of Stars, the Goddess watched a glimmering sun setting on the horizon. "I have King Izgil's respect, Alexandros' admiration, and...Orpheus' love? What am I lacking to earn their devotion?" She posed her question to the sky, hoping her mother in the heavens would send her a sign, an answer. "is it fear?"

So far she has committed herself to peace and to gaining followers through the maintaining of it, but perhaps that was the wrong way to go about it. "Perhaps a show of strength or power is needed." As the last rays of sunlight reflected off of her golden skin Tikal exhaled all of her doubts and worries.

She would need a clear mind for what was to come next...and for Tula's burial.

- The Next Day -

Gathered at the base of her tower, Amazon, Beastmen, and Hedgehogkin observed the Goddess' luminous visage. The sun high in the sky also bore witness to Tikal's radiance

"It is time we refocused ourselves on our purpose!" She started. "The world is still fraught with servants of chaos and darkness lurks around every tree! No longer can we rests here in the shade of our canopy while our enemies loom in the distance and grow stronger in our complacency!"

Cheers and applauds crescendoed from the Amazons and Beastmen and while the Hedgehogkin were not officially part of the faith, Tikal would not permit them any lazy days in her jungle.

"From this day forth I declare myself the Goddess of Order and Protection! Safety and purpose will be given to those who worship at my altars and divine judgement rained down upon those who revel in destruction and chaos!" Blades and spears clanked against shields as the warriors sang their battle cries to the Goddess' proclamation.

"We will spend every day striving towards the Golden Age! The time of order is upon us and we shall grasp it firmly in our hands and never let it go!" Tikal's voice flooded the air, shacking the birds from the trees of the jungle and sending ripples through the rivers and streams.

"Let the world rejoice for the Golden Order is born."

- Use 27 Amazon Pop and Copper to create new units.
- Construct Temple of Tikal in Devil's Hand
Free Actions:
- Priestess Hira to meet with the Hedgehogkin
- Send Priestess Jura to The Penitent
- Tikal joins Orpheus in the Sky city.
- Go to the Barracks to get help
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The Nexus
[Post Theme] - [Turn 4] - [Above Image Text Irrelevant]
On the Rising Sun “Hearts rebuilt from hope resurrect dreams killed by hate.”
- Aberjhani, The River of Winged Dreams

  • f719d92bde6564101635332b252c4890.jpg

    One bubble, two sides. So far away, yet he was so near. In the Astral Sea together for the first time. Our various lives always kept us away, even here. While I was here, he was alive somewhere and vice versa. And yet, I can't hear him and as I call to him, he doesn't respond. I look around the vast, seemingly empty place. And he is nowhere. Yet, I felt him in my heart as if my human senses were not the only ones. Here, I sensed more. But, I don't understand what they mean. At least, not yet. So, here I am standing, alone yet not so. A look into the sky above Lakeside, yet with some focus, I could see another sky. I could hear ocean waves, birds, and a long green leaf blowing in the breeze. A tree with fewer big leaves over the many leaved ones I knew in the North. Just into view. Eric looked to be going back to his clan. At least from what he told me. My eyes began to tear up at the thought. No, I shouldn't be like that. Hold him too tight and I will suffocate him. As Colekas said, "A love of titanic grip does not give attention to what it holds, only what it believes it to be." At the time, it was some dispute to a lover and her controlling nature over her husband. An absolute mess it was. Saigon was gossiping the entire time as the drama queen he was. Colekas always said that Morael was much like his father. So, I have that to look forward to in my nephew.

    But, it is something I should avoid. Something I should understand. I have to let him go. Even after all our time apart, all the pain in my heart, all the urges in my chest to be with him constantly, these feelings show my love to him. But, they will hurt him if I let them blind me. I've never had much experience with healthy relationships. Am I really afraid of losing him? My hands shaking, thoughts rushing around in my mind. Must be my old habits catching up to me again. Even here, I don't remember, yet I am closest to myself. So much more to flood through me, but it reminds. I shouldn't take him for granted. We may have always been meant to be, but that doesn't excuse me to control him. He has a life outside of me and I should respect that. I am but a piece of his life. A large piece I suppose. But, a piece nevertheless. That means, to truly love him is to let him go. And so I know we will be apart again. How long will it be? I don't know. But, I will manage. If it means I have to suffer, then I'll suffer.

    What I do for love.

    Maybe sometime in the future things will change. Have our own getaway where no one can find us here in the sea. What a wonder that would be. A dream that would be. He and I looking out to enjoy Can't blame myself that the only place I want to be is in his arms. I must be obsessed... must be annoying. I hope I'm not overbearing on him. Sometimes I can't tell. And the thought I've done too much sends chills down my spine. Am I too overbearing? Maybe I'm just overthinking... Maybe if I actually talked to him about this I wouldn't have this problem. Yeah, a snowball's chance in a firepit. I hope he doesn't take this the wrong way. I love him more than myself. Never about him. More about myself... But, there isn't a point to this. When I see him again, I'll talk to him about it. We really should.

    My body laid out on the bubble, sinking a bit as I gazed into the collage that was the Astral Sea's core. Reality fading in and out. Slowly, fragments of my body began to sweat off into sparkles, flooding into the air, into a ball. It was time. Time to return to Lakeside, to my people. I wonder what they see right now. I felt my body tense up as I began the next cycle. I laid my head back, closing my eyes. Slowly, I began to hear the streets, the bustle of people, its change to awe, and finally the hums and sounds of the Astral Sea began to fade. The feelings of him became fainter and fainter.

    I hate goodbyes, so until then, until I see you again, my love.
    Eliasdagood Eliasdagood
    The Second
    [3 After Chalice (AC)]

    The winter solstice, the darkest day of the year. That is when Ivan returned. Seven days after he departed to the Astral Sea. One week of held breaths, curiosity, and uneasiness. Ivan dematerialized peacefully. As a feeling in his bones, he knew when this life's time came to an end. And from that moment, a promise. He would be back... and soon. And that promise he did keep. On the dark, winter night. Lakeside buzzed with wonder and concern as a ambient glow crescendoed in the sky. Was this another trick? Another threat to deal with? Most were too tired to ponder the evidence. And they would not need to for very long. In the midnight sky, the glow would concentrate in a focused spec, lowering to the center of town. An exultation of bright sands glided across the ground, letting Lakeside be enlightened to where the streets could be easily navigated through. Rain and cloud faded away leaving a quiet sky. Any small sounds of the night subsided. Lakesiders rush to the scene. Guards readied their spears at the glowing mass. Their eyes shaking in nervousness. Then, as the light faded, skin and hair began to show and they quickly lowered their weapons. A familiar face and a rather large figure told them enough. Ivan had returned.

    What they had not accounted for was how he would come back. Nude, warm, and grumbling; Ivan held his head. His flaming periwinkle eyes unfolded from his eyes, noticeably . Rising to his feet, Ivan stretched his arms and let out a large yawn. Towering over the entirety of Lakeside, Ivan looked out and then down at himself. A smile formed over his face with a tug of nervousness. Those close to Ivan could see every inch of him, and some fainted at the sight of Ivan's nudity. Wasn't every day you gaze upon the body of your god, especially considering the size difference between Ivan and his followers. Did any of them have a chance? Definitely not. With a blush, he looked over to the guards. His arms behind his head, hands on his nape.

    "Could you grab me some clothes... Would rather not have most of town faint." Ivan whispered over to the nearest guard. The guard ran off into the city for Ivan's clothes. As he ran, another bright flash appeared behind Ivan. The guards pushed Ivan away facing their spears against a large white fox with a faint periwinkle glow webbed in its fur. Ivan held his hands out and the spears were lowered. The fox's tail wrapped around Ivan's waist, covering his parts and rear. With a snicker, the fox telepathically spoke.

    'Hey assface, how the hell are you?'

    Ivan raised his eyebrows, 'Who are you? And I am good.'

    The fox yawned, 'Name's Trey, Trey Solfren. Been wandering around in the Astral Sea forever. Now I'm here. I think we're related somehow?' The fox, Trey, curled up around Ivan.

    The name rang some distant bell in Ivan's mind. His face contorted as he thought, looking over the fox, 'I remember something about you. The name shakes the branches of the trees. We should talk about this later and privately.'

    Guards nervous, shaking as the fox wrapped around Ivan until a Disaaran approached and held up his hand. They looked at him and held confusion. A mystic here? The Disaaran wrapped in blue dyed leather wrappings with his hands held together in a circle. He looked over to the guards, "It is alright. The fox came with Ivan for a reason."

    One guard spoke back, "Who are you?"

    The Disaaran smiled, "Morael Kindras-"

    Ivan looked back and spoke, "My nephew. Do not be worried. Good to see you, Morael."

    Morael shuffled a little dance, "Good to have you back, uncle. Looks like we have much to catch up on."

    Ivan rolled his head in a stretch as the guard from earlier returned with a fine set of clothes. A fine purple and black outfit with some fur inlaids. Tunic, grieves, and a primitive leather jacket with a sewn collar. Far too fancy than Ivan was comfortable with. But with the crowd, Ivan gave a smiled sigh and clothed himself. He ruffled the hair of the guard that brought him clothes, then he turned to face the crowd.

    "I am back. Please everyone, I know it is late. Please, get some rest. We have much work to do. In the morning, I will explain." Ivan watched through the crowd as those that fainted recover. Mostly women, though there was one guy amongst them that fainted. Trey curled around Ivan almost naturally with a protective stance. Ivan continued, "Until then, rest well." The crowd gave a cheer before shuffling back to their homes. Smiles all around. Ivan came back as he said he would. And looks to be something new to buzz about in the morning. To be someone during this time is to learn something new everyday about your god. Depending on the person, it was an exciting time. And there was no shortage of mystical events happening. And just as they dispersed, multitudes of rice appeared in town. Food! Food for free. Ivan raised an eyebrow until Trey gave a wink. The crowds rejoiced again. The regular scheduled programming of mystical events have returned.

    Trey smiled, 'That's me. Or this ole fox. I'm kind of piloting it right now. Why? Who knows?'

    Ivan held his face, 'We need to figure you out immediately... For multitudes of reasons.' Trey stood up and stretched his paws, legs, and body. Ivan started to walk back to his residence with Morael at his side. Trey curled before them, blocking their path.

    'Want a ride?'

    Ivan nodded, 'Sure. Thank you.'

    Trey kneeled down to let Ivan on. With some jostling to get the balance right, Ivan laid face down, resting his head on Trey's neck. Morael raised an eyebrow. Ivan gave a soft smile.

    "Morael, it will be fine. We can talk in the morning. You must be tired. And anyway, I should speak to Trey alone."

    Morael opened his mouth to speak, but he closed again before saying anything. A nod and Morael walked away with the other mystics that had arrived with him. Leaving Trey and Ivan to move through the streets to his residence. A peaceful ride with Ivan laying on Trey. Strange feelings in his chest. A deep trust but Ivan couldn't place why. And he had yet to know how reciprocated that feeling was.
    Dear Brother of Mine
    Ivan's residence stood near top portion of town, near the coast. A beautiful place, one that Ivan didn't ask to be the prime real estate of Lakeside. But, that is his theme. Guards were nearby as always. Ivan gave them a polite hug as he jumped off Trey. Trey carefully entered, moving to a back room with a sleeping mat and a straw pillow. He was quite large for the house. Ivan's towering height encouraged Lakeside and the Mystics to built Ivan's residence large, so Trey's size didn't inhibit him as would every other house in Lakeside.

    A pile of rice appears to the right of Ivan's bed as Trey curls and lays on the floor next to it. Ivan walked inside with his hands behind his head. He sat beside Trey as he secured the door and covered the windows. Leaving the room in complete darkness. With a deep breath, a spark of light illuminated the room. Trey's eyes sparkled as he looked at the light. His eyes folded into his head and Trey crawled over to Ivan.

    'Wow. That's cool.' Trey held his breath in wonder. But, the spark dissipated as a familiar starlight glow emanated in the room. 'Wait, who's that?'

    "May these words bring you peace, Ivan."

    Ivan smiled, "Miriam. The Oracle of Miriam. That is her name Trey. I called her because I hope she can help us."

    Miriam looked at Ivan then at Trey then back again, "Two Astral signatures. What is your full name, Trey?"

    Trey spoke out loud this time, though Ivan suspected Miriam could hear Trey's messages, "Trey Michael Solfren, of Restfall. Long way from home."

    Miriam listened carefully to the name. Her gaze on Trey, never faltering. Gears were turning in her head. Then, it struck her. She approached Trey carefully, "Yes, I remember that name. You are far from where you hail from." Miriam turns to face Ivan, "Do you feel a connection with Trey? One that you cannot understand?" Ivan nodded. Miriam twinkled, "Could you describe that to me?"

    Ivan raised an eyebrow, "Yeah... I trust Trey. Especially considering I just met him. It is a feeling of trust, great trust. One of great love as well. Not as with Eric, but as a sort of self love or brotherly love."

    Miriam nodded, "As I suspected."

    Ivan scratched his head, "What is that Miriam? The name does sound familiar."

    "When you entered the Astral Sea, one of your past lives was reconnected to you. The Astral Convergence has started to consolidate all of your lives together. You will grow stronger over time. The first past life that was integrated was Trey Solfren."

    Trey turned his head, with his eyes sparkling with dashes of Ivan's periwinkle light. His fur brightened again with the same glow, "What. If I was integrated, how can I be embodying this fox?"

    Miriam looked over at Ivan, then back at Trey, "You once were Ivan. He was once you. When that cycle ended, you became an Elacyn. You gained a life of your own. But, your connection to Ivan remains. That remembrance, that bond, brought you to him when he reconnected with you. To a degree, you are Ivan. And he is you. Brothers... twins in the astral sense. That is why I sense two astral signatures within Ivan. For you are there, Trey. As your human self. And I sense your body in the Sea still, awaiting a time where you can enter this world. What do you remember?"

    Trey's tail wagged, bumping Ivan on the head, "Not much. Just the basics ya know?"

    Miriam nodded, "It will come back to both of you in time."

    Trey ruffled his paws together, "Wait, so Ivan and I lived the same life? If we did, then who am I? Is my name truly my name?" His eyes widen as confusion wrapped around his head. Ivan rubbed Trey's head with a soft pet before taking his hand back remembering that Trey was human. Trey grumbled, "This doesn't make a lot of sense. Who am I?" Trey began to shiver in a panic. Ivan leaned into Trey, with a squirm in his lips. A sudden feeling of anxiety surged and Ivan crept over to Trey, pressing himself against the top left of Trey's fox back. Ivan pet his head and stayed silent as Trey began to cry, "Am I a lie?"

    Miriam stepped forward to speak, but Ivan held up his hand. He looked up at her, "Let me talk to him." Miriam sighed, but with a short bow, she disappeared, leaving the duo in the darkness. In the brief moments, no more tears were shed... there was silence. Both still as the silence crept all around them. Ivan gave Trey a soft pet before he spoke again, "Its okay. You're alright. Trey, you're okay. Listen to me buddy."

    Trey sniffled, "A literal Oracle just told me that I used to be you. Don't you understand how insane that is? Was my life really mine? I don't even know that much about you, but the glowing eyes and the fact you have an Oracle on call tells me you're someone important."

    Ivan gave a hug, letting the glow of his eyes illuminate the room, "You feel me?" Trey nodded. "You hear me?" Another nod. "Then you're here. You're yourself. I have lived many lives, but that doesn't mean I've always been myself. I become different people. Only recently have I really became myself again. When we were together, I traveled through your life. Lived it with you. Your choices were yours. It's just, many of my lives become a part of me, they don't grow to the level you do."

    Trey ruffled his neck, brushing Ivan off, "Yeah, still doesn't help the fact that I am one of your lives. What, the fuck, are you anyway?"

    "I am an avatar of the Astral Sea, the Aether, the light. And here in Lakeside, I am their god, the Lord." Ivan held his stomach as he spoke. A sudden queasy feeling from Trey. Ivan looked at his hands. He could feel Trey's emotions. Could Trey feels his?

    "Holy shit... that does make me feel better. Don't understand the avatar stuff. But, god I understand. So, when I was alive... normally alive, you were inside of me? Was that why weird things happened all around me? I don't remember what, but I do remember them."

    Trey curled up, pushing Ivan to the center of him. Ivan snuggled around in Trey's fur, "Yeah, that was me. Trey, I have the honor to have been you. And now, I have the honor to be with you. Let's take this one step at a time. You'll understand as we go. How about we talk about something else. Get to know one another."

    Ivan leaned back into Trey as Trey's tail covered him, leaving Ivan in a cocoon of fur.
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Orpheus - Turn 4 - The Penitent

When the sun and the moon share the same sky, darkness will sweep the land and there will be no discrimination between man or beast. All will fight for their eternal salvation against that which lurks in the void.

The pain was still raw in his chest as he dismounted his faithful steed. His feet planted firmly into the grass as members of the public rushed towards him, calling his name with great joy. Orpheus had to do what any great leader does, put his people first. He buried the heartbreak deep and greeted his people with the widest smile he could muster. He stretched his arms out wide and embraced person after person, until a giant came bundling over.

"Fanks for lettin' us stays 'ere! We likes dis place!" The large fellow said, towering over Orpheus.

"It is no problem, your people are welcome here as much as anyone else. You have done so much for us already, helping turn this place into a home…it is as much yours as it is mine," the Archlector said with a smile.

The giant roared with excited laughter and nodded at Orpheus.

"Fanks boss. We'll keep buildin' and you keep bringin' dat warm light!"

Of course the giant referred to the warmth that The Divine blessed its followers with, Orpheus had little to do with it.

"Just keep in mind that we see you as brothers and sisters, not just builders. If you ever wish to try something else then you are well within your rights to ask." Orpheus was sincere, he did not want the giants thinking they were only there to build, they had so much potential that he didn't want them feeling like they could only do one thing.

"Are you serious? I can't do nuffin' else but some of da lads and lasses can do uvva fings! Please forgives me, I'm gonna let dem all know!" The giant rushed off to tell his kinfolk the news like an excited child, leaving Orpheus with the growing crowd.

Men and women alike swarmed around him as he made his way to the great cathedral he called home. His smile and welcoming embrace lasted the length of the walk, only breaking the moment he shut the door behind him. The thick wooden slabs drowned out the cheers and calls of his name, making them sound miles away. Orpheus led against the door until the sound completely disappeared and as it did, he slumped to the floor in an emotional mess.

For close to a day he was a ghost of his normal self, unseen by anyone. As he arose a day later he took a deep breath and exhaled.

"You have taken your time to mourn…you must focus now…true leaders handle defeat as well as they do victory," he thought to himself. He was being dramatic of course, but a generation of feelings had to be suppressed so as not to affect his job as Archlector of the Penitent.

In his quarters was a crudely drawn map with small figurines placed on it. It wasn't to scale and it wasn't totally accurate but it provided some idea of continents layout. His eyes were immediately drawn to one figure in particular, a large horizontal surface rising up from the ground below.

"We have tried once, but it's time to try again…"

Actions Breakpoint: Investigate rumours of another cause.

-Alois, Samson, Whispering Herald and Jokuun, along with the 59 Fanatics in Caerleon investigate. Jokuun with his ability to cast level 4 Holy and any other level 2 spells takes the lead. He uses spells like Divination and Zone of Truth to assist.
-Great Orator: Better at getting the truth from people.
-Divine Protection: Bonus to spotting deceit and from potential attack.
-Religious General: Able to better use the Fanatics to do what is required during the investigation.

Action 1: Orpheus and the 15 Holy Clerics go to the Sky City to investigate. Tikal joins him. [Discord]

Action 2: Build The Healing Church Workshop - The purpose of the workshop is to advance the weapons and armour of The Penitent. With the new addition of Tin to their resource pool they are creating a new alloy by combining it with Copper, they call it Bronze.

This will be used to equip all current units and all units created in future with bronze weapons and armour. The present units are:

- All Characters
- 15 Holy Clerics
- 59 Fanatics
- All Griffon mounts

Giants will not be equipped with bronze due to the quantity that would be needed. Instead, they would be granted large bows the size of siege engines with large, stone tipped arrows. They would be granted thick wooden armour made of overlapping plates. Priestess Jura will assist due to Amazon's having bows.

In addition, as part of the opening ceremony of the Healing Church's latest expansion, a new policy has been introduced in which all magic sensitive children are given a place within the church to train as Holy Clerics.

[Giants: Faster construction with greater development. In addition, high chance of unlocking additional ability/unit gain from construction.]

Movement: Father Perlig to Followers of Izel.

The Nowhere Herd
Turn 4


The night is silent as Ublureak waits for the cloud to pass. It is a true moment of peace. The weather had been calm all night; his people slept in the tunnels beneath his feet, and far past the extent of his magically augmented vision laid the Snow Masters, ever vigilant even at this late time. And of course, the immaculate night sky glitters overhead. His stars. Well, immaculate except for that single puff of cloud currently obscuring his view. A short ways behind him the Ruby Mammoth stirs, shifting weight as it lies, crushing tons of snow beneath its skeletal form. Carefully he sets down the hide he was sketching pigments onto in the snow, and picks his way through his scattering of supplies until he can lean against the exposed ribcage of his friend.

Quiet,” he hears the word echo in his mind, and nods by way of a response to the creature. Sometimes it astounds him that when he was an emergling he was terrified of the Ruby Mammoth, would run at the sight of its gemstone eyes. At some point, he supposes, that terror must have turned to fascination. And now, well, he is glad to have a friend in the cold.

Idly he reaches out a spidery hand and drums his fingers on a barely perceptible row of scratches along one of the ribs, an old scar. Noticing this, the mammoth brings its trunk around to lightly jab at Ublureak’s leg in turn. “Almost took me to the marrow.”

He ‘tsk’s at the teasing, recalling how the Path Finder-. How the prior Path Finder had to yank him off the bone when he was just a youngling. He lost a tooth in the process, but no real harm was done. She never did let him live that down.

The mammoth jabs at him again, and gestures to the sky, now clear of obstruction. Peeling himself away, Ublureak hops back towards his supplies and resumes his sketching. After a few moments, dark pigment on his fingers, he gives a frown of dissatisfaction. Turning back to the lounging mammoth, he sends it a thought, “I need you to give me a boost, I’ll see better.”

He senses the sigh more than hears it, but his friend dutifully rises all the same. It is with practiced ease that he climbs onto the lowered trunk, hide and jar of pigments in hand, and keeps his balance as he is lifted high into the air. It’s not that great a distance, really, when he could just fly himself after all, but it feels closer. He hurriedly finishes his sketch, taking a long thin bone from his waist and using its pointed end to put in some additional notes. It’s not the language of the Bone Carver, that will forever be left to that position of tradition after all, but this newer manner of short stories on hide and bone has its uses. Such as here, a means of slowly tracking the changing sky over the many migrations, a small hobby whenever the skies are kind to him.

In long arms he holds the finished hide away from his body to finish drying, and bids his friend let him down with a, “Thank you.” Feet back on snowy ground he takes a moment to adjust his cloak before bending down to gather up the last of his materials. Arms full, he bids the mammoth goodnight and it is gone in a barely perceptible puff of the arcane. At the mouth of the tunnel he steals one final glance up at the sky, his stars, before he drops down for a well deserved rest below.

The Herd travels to THE GREAT FOREST. The Blizzard leads their way.

Ublureak, 1 Bone Master, 2 Ancients, the Ruby Mammoth, and 3 Mammoths trudge to Water Market to speak with the locals and trade their wares. He casts a spell of Tounges upon himself to communicate with the locals.
2) The Herd goes about constructing sleds to be able to move overland from place to place faster (trying to give the effect of the Herd being Calvary so long as they have Mammoths to pull them). To accomplish this task they apply Wood, Wheels, Pigments, Mathematics, and lastly Cuneiform so they may be easily made once again.


Option 1:
Buy items.

The Glimmerhill Giants​

A great chief of giants has fallen, and as is custom, a new one full of youthful fire has taken its place. In this case, the fire is a bit more literal, as smoke continuously escaped from Graetultka's lips around his overlarge tusks. One of these tusks is now broken. Anyone foolish enough to mention it has been thrown down the mountain.

He surveyed the bumbling populace he now ruled from the top of Onan's rock, his bulky form parched right at the edge, balancing on all fours. His great eye glanced across the excavation in progress. His maker's power was instilled quite quickly in the populace, and they had begun to grow over the course of the past day. Most had shoveled their keepsake out of their homes before the growth had gotten out of hand, and were spending the afternoon using was few minor slops they had left to carve out larger caves for themselves. A few more trees have fallen to the hands of the men that joined them, and a few buildings had been fashioned among the rocks for the younger ones to brace for winter in, but most still lived under the stones or under the trees, wild and free.

As he watched, a commotion began near the Weaver's Chamber, a low-lying cave just beneath the rock.

Good. She was awake.

Aike awoke to the sound of chanting and the worst toothache she had ever felt. Didn't get much chanting nowadays, she thought, blearily trying to clear her head and eyes. The chanters stumbled a bit as she stirred, and a ragged cheer went up from her unseen company. After a moment more a deer skin was pulled off of her by a familiar figure. Viric, a man who often was seen to follow the wise crone Vrizz, was a friendly face to her, and often followed Aike on her hunts as well. Aike pushed herself up from the floor and tried greet him, but a sharp pain shot through her mouth and she collapsed back down. "Easy there, Achey," he said, looking over her nervously. "You had quite the, er, fall. Best be taking some rest here, while we try to keep you all together."

Aike sat back, trying to process this while her head swam. She remembered the feast, Wroggi on his throne of stone, the lads putting on a few shows, and lighting of the fires - and then she remembered him, just as a shadow blocked out the light from the cave mouth.

"Is she awake?" a deep and austere voice asked, as the figures around her moved away in a blur.

"Er, yes my chief, barely, but now may not be the best time-" Viric began, doing his best.

He was cut off by the voice, somehow harder, saying, "Enough. I will speak to her now. Remove yourself."
Viric managed to let out a squeak before his footsteps faded from Aike's notice.

The massive bulk of Graetultka coalesced in her vision, his brilliant green eye fixed on her. This brought the rest of her memory crashing back, of the same sight not too long ago. She groaned, pushing herself back, turning away from that monster, hoping to put him out of her sight and mind. But a low rumble game from the beast through, and it almost sounded like he was laughing.

"You fought exceptionally poorly, Aike, daughter of Haruud. But, you have survived, through the great effort of my disciples, so you may yet learn from your weakness. For this, and your brethren, you should be grateful." The beast's tone was measured, as if he had spent a lot of time preparing his next words. Aike turned back to him slowly, confused.

"You fellows seem to believe that while I did not use a weapon in our fight, that the spirit of the ceremony had been broken, much like that imbecile's drum. Therefore, I cannot bear the title of chief of the Glimmerhill Giants. This is nonsense, of course, but they seem fixated on this detail. The other point on what passes for their minds is that there is no one else who could hold the title, as you clearly lost under the eyes of every giant on this rock. You see how this turn of events is a problem, yes?"

Aike tried to focus on the figure in front of her. What the hell was he talking about? She could barely grasp anything he was saying. Was he... not chief? As she continued to stare, he sighed, somewhat dramatically.

"You don't get it, do you?" he said, the acrid smoke pouring from his jaws. "I can't be chief, and you can't be chief, but we're the only two possible options. You can see how this is a problem, right?"

Aike again moved to speak. "Wha-AAAUGH!" She ended up saying, as the splitting pain came crashing back, and blood began pouring from the hole in her jaw, reopening from the exertion. A few Blood Weavers rushed over as she set herself back down and began stitching the wound back together with their magic. Tears welled up in her eyes, as she stared at this abomination ahead of her. Graetultka simply watched the blood pool beneath her as his disciples worked to keep it inside her.

"It truly is a miracle you're still alive," he said with every hint of malice, "and though I won this fight of theirs, your clan will not accept either of us holding power alone. The only option left, unfortunately for you and I, is to... both... hold power." This outburst stuns even the blood weavers for a moment, who then quickly return to their work, redoubling their efforts. "Know that I have considered the weight of your life compared to the foothold I would lose here, and the balance is very slightly in your favor. If you get in my way, though, remember how easy it was for me to put you in this state. Now, it appears you can't very well agree verbally, and there's no other option available that wouldn't immediately tear this mountain apart, so I will tell the others that we are... sharing. Get better soon, chief of the giants," he spits, lumbering back out of the cave.

As he emerged from the cave, Graetultka immediately became aware that something had changed. Sure, some of the giants had heard already (the shorts ones scurry so fast) that power will be shared, but something had happened. Something in the sky, by the way the giants were staring upwards, passed the afternoon light.

As his eye finally began to figure out what was floating towards them, it nearly popped out of his skull. "Rally the marauders, and all but one with the Chieftess'," he spat the word again, "tenders. We need to meet these invaders head on. And especially before they're over the Rock."

The glimmering jewel of the flying city had entered the Giant's turf. And there was very little that would stop him from facing this challenger, in the first true hour of his rule.


A strange odor has started to be emitted from a nearby lake with wildlife near it falling over dead after drinking from it. The smell is rotten and a strange haze now floats across the surface.

  1. Investigate the lake. (not as an scene)
  2. Drain the lake.
  3. Do nothing.

Weird, supernatural problems were not formerly the giant's forte, but Graetultka was not one to balk at a challenge. He quickly ordered his priests and disciples to investigate the source of the lake using what magics they had available, and to try and root out the cause or any benefits this noxious pit could have. They would be well guarded in case of an emergencies (and to stop anyone from stumbling over and drinking it).


1. The arrival of a giant floating city over the giant's realm was a strange turn of events, as Graetultka and a retinue of his elite troops go to investigate. (Graetultka and company will investigate the sky city while Aike heals) (hopefully as a scene, maybe meeting trespassers on the way)
2. In the wooded groves the cult practices in, scripture has been brought, that may better help them refine the teachings and practices of their order in greater recognition of the blood god. While the final design eludes them for now, the ENSCRIBED ALTAR is constructed at the based of the mountains to create a greater connection to the GOD OF BLOOD. (Construct a CRUDE TEMPLE to deepen the cult's ties to ARMOK) (Resources: Wood, Stone, Leftover Bones of the GIANT DEER, stone bones of the FALLEN GIANTS) (Technology: Carpentry, Cuneiform, PIGMENTS, Rather Large Giants, level 3 casting)


    Name: Graetultka, son of ARMOK

    Martial 4

    Strength: SON OF ARMOK: improved mage strength

    Weakness: UNSETTLING: disadvantage on diplomacy when a giant in nearby


    -Crown of the Lost King (Can be worn as a Pinky Ring- Boosts a character up by 1 Martial. There might be a ghost attached to this.
    -Jekoby's Blade- A massive blade that can be used as a dagger by giants. Magical, grants a +1 to rolls I think
    -Crown of Thorns- Can summon 1d4 ancestral guardians once per scene or so.

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Breakpoint Selected: 2

After Canute sees the approach of the new undead army, he assembles his army of both living and dead warriors, the lizard and Oberon the Bear. (Literally every soldier except Dave and the contingent sent on the boating trip). He assembles the army in a giant shieldwall in front of the bridge and awaits the attack. (Those without shields will hide behind)

Action 1:

Training of the General population

Seeing how, despite our large army, our general population stands little chance - if somehow our army gets defeated - of winning or surviving a fight. Canute has decided to begin training every able bodied citizen to be able to fight.
This is so that, if it is ever needed, then we will be able to continue fighting even if our army is defeated.

Action 2:

Naval expansion

As was Bjorn's custom, Canute has ordered the coastal boat building settlement to continue to build more ships, and to see if they can improve the design to allow it to move faster through the water.

(BTW, if you haven't already guessed, this is going to show up every turn. I will rule the seas)
Eric feels himself fading. He could stay here. He could cling to Ivan, and never let go. But he could never dare disrespect Kendrick like that. The man gave him a home, a family, a community. And to turn his back on them now that Kendrick helped him get to Ivan would be absolutely disgraceful behavior from his son. He gives the book to one of the warriors, knowing they're coming back the long way, and runs to the water, as his body dissolves into salt and foam once more.

He answers the call of sea, and sun, and family, washing ashore to a confused Crab woman poking at him with her claw. When he opens his eyes, she helps him up, bringing him to Jace. He's been gone so long since he was gone. Jace was barely at an age to say a few words. But the stories of him remain, and many more are told now that he's returned.

He feels... different. The longing remains, but a lot of the rage has faded. He feels more... focused. Precise. Now it's time to try and make travel to the mainland easier. He can't go without Ivan for long.

Jace himself has had a strong start to his rule as chief. His mother left big shoes to fill though, and frankly, he's not sure he knows what to do first. For now, well... they do have a lot of types of mages. Why not have them teach each other? Perhaps new traditions of magic can form from it, and some will become stronger.

Break point: Investigate the deep.

Expedition team starts making its way back home through the Bog.

Druids and Sorcerers try to figure out how to make a bridge of ice to the bog.

Attempt centralized training between magic users.​
Flesh ProphetsFlesh ProphetsFlesh ProphetsFlesh ProphetsFlesh ProphetsFlesh ProphetsFlesh ProphetsFlesh ProphetsFlesh ProphetsFlesh ProphetsFlesh ProphetsFlesh ProphetsFlesh ProphetsFlesh ProphetsFlesh ProphetsFlesh ProphetsFlesh ProphetsFlesh Prophets

Mr. Shadows sat atop his rock, watching the endless joy of his fellow Prophets from down below. Even after Selassie failed to conquer or subvert the daemon circus, they did not chide her. They embraced her and said she did her best to keep the family safe. In their eyes, she was perfect.

His hands shook with rage. They never treated him like that. He was just a brain to them. He threw his flesh golem to the ground and screamed in the air. “ZOA! Why must you forsake me? Why must you show me something I will never have? I serve you. I embody you. I am an extension of your will! And yet you say nothing when I succeed. When I beg for your gifts, you forsake me. I was there to witness your betrayal. I watched you DIE.”

The furious bat held up an unstable chemical bomb near his face. The acidic contents sloshed around inside and gave off a sinister gray glow. He stared into the brew, willing it to begin detonation. “Selassie will take my crown,” he murmured. “Have it, you bitch.”

He awoke with a throbbing head, reached to clutch his temple, and didn’t feel his mind-controlling worm weaving through his skull. Puzzled, he looked down at his hands. They weren’t flain. He cried out in fear and heard his old voice. The one he lost hundreds of years ago at the betrayal. A glimmering reflection in a pool of water stared a hole in him. It was his old visage- a black, anthropomorphic bat with two sets of wings.

A dark forest surrounded the bat. Home. Bioluminescent fungus wreathed the woods in a soft yellow glow. Insects scurried about the underbrush and large mammals stared at Mr. Shadows from the nooks and crannies.

Sitting up, he cautiously explored the forest. Perhaps his suicide had resulted in him being taken back home. Maybe it was all a bad dream. A hauntingly familiar, cold voice echoed through the woods. “Hello there, honey. I made dinner.” His old wife sat in a tree with her legs crossed. Mr. Shadows didn’t know what to think. Part of him wanted to spill his guts about the lifetime he lived before this moment. But she wouldn’t listen. She never did.

“Thank you, dear,” he managed to muster out, still reeling from his old voice coming out of his throat. The female bat listlessly took him back to the den. He ate his food with his old family. Time passed and she took him to gatherings with his former friends. This repeated for years. The routine and lack of connection made a stone in his stomach that weighed heavy. Every day Mr. Shadows woke up, he cursed the gods for his life. The dreams of flesh golems and conquest faded with each passing hour. He rationalized it as an escapist dream.
1690670287066.png His wife only talked about minutia and never genuinely asked how his day was. His friends looked at him with something that was almost like contempt. They despised him for his leadership position among his kind. Once he fell and shattered his left wing. He cast magic to call out to each of them, and they all made some kind of excuse as to why they couldn’t come. He drug himself back to his den and his wife applied a salve while saying nothing. Mr. Shadows couldn’t help but think about what Selassie would have done if he broke his wing. She would have immediately rushed to his aid with an army in tow, patched his wing up, and invited him to a picnic or something stupid. But she was probably just a figment of his imagination.

Then he heard murmurs of the god of the night returning. One of the great betrayers. His children excitedly babbled about how a new age would begin. But there were other murmurs too, about how the night god was returning with a pantheon at his side. Mr. Shadows went into his room and grabbed his silver dagger, ready to do something suicidally stupid.

Mr. Shadows ran to the mouth of the woods and saw a sight he’d never have imagined in ten thousand years. He saw the night god tending to some plants. The thin, pale figure got up from his nook, dusted himself off, and held out a wineskin. “Hey there! Fancy a drink?” Mr. Shadows’ hands were trembling. Dozens of emotions flashed through his mind all at once, and it felt like his heart would beat out of his chest. The world got dim, and he felt dizzy. The night god cocked his head to the side. “Are you alright?”

Mr. Shadows thought quickly and pointed at the night god. “Sorry, you appear to have a grave centipede crawling up your back. They’re quite venomous. Let me get it for you.”

The twinkish man turned quickly, fear crossing his face. “Oh shit! Get it off!”

This was too easy. Mr. Shadows slid the dagger from his sleeve and drove it into the night god’s armpit, pouring every antimagic spell he could muster into the god. The night god screamed and thrashed, blood spraying onto the forest floor. Mr. Shadows pulled the dagger out and drove it into his stomach, wrenching it in a wide arc. Steaming entrails poured from the dying god as he brayed in agony into the empty forest.

After the screams died down, everything was eerily silent. Mr. Shadows wiped the dagger down and returned it to his sleeve. He hunted through the forest for the site of the betrayal- hoping to catch the second betrayer. The search lasted hours, and he was beginning to get discouraged.

Then, something found him. A bolt of pure fire assaulted the bat, throwing him backwards into some trees. A stern looking man flanked by giant black iron constructs stepped out from the darkness. Beside him was a limping night god- his wounds already healed over. Mr. Shadows cursed himself for thinking he could take on a god. “Is this the local that assaulted you?” the stern man asked in an almost bored tone. The night god nodded. One of the black iron constructs moved with a surprising haste and grabbed Mr. Shadows. It punched his head with a staggering blow, and teeth flew out of his mouth. The stern man continued. “This is why you shouldn’t trust filthy locals,” he said through clenched teeth.

A misty-step spell allowed Mr. Shadows to escape from the golem’s grasp. The single punch was humbling though. His vision was blurring and he could barely stand up. Mr. Shadows wished with every fiber of his being that his army was here, even a smug Selassie bailing him out would be a welcome sight. He stood up straight and began casting a spell. The stern man countered it like an afterthought, and then retorted with a beam of pure energy.

Mr. Shadows barely dodged the beam, then the beam turned around midair and seared through his abdomen. Blood dripped from his mouth and all he could smell was burnt hair and cooked flesh. One of the golems rushed up to Mr. Shadows, pushed him to the ground, then stomped on his spine. The sickening crack resonated through his body.

With his last bit of energy, Mr. Shadows screamed into the forest. “Zoa! They’re going to betray you and the jackal! Get out of here!” The golem slammed his chest repeatedly, and each time he choked out Zoa’s name, tears in his eyes. Eventually each “Zoa” was nothing more than a whimper. Life faded from the bat.

He awoke once more in a seething red realm. The sky, floor, and walls were a twisting, infinite expanse of flesh. Eyes and mouths formed and faded on the flesh rapidly. Limbs spawned from the expanse and then withered as quickly as they came. It felt warm. Familiar.

When Mr. Shadows realized where he was, he sobbed. “I’m sorry I failed you Zoa. I’m sorry for screaming at you on the rock. Please ju-”

An authoritative voice cut him off. “You have every reason to hate us. We used what was left of our power to reach out to you and show you that vision.”

He looked up and saw his god- ZOA, sitting on a throne made from wrought bone. Their current form was a form so human it was alien. They were muscular, perfectly symmetrical, and exaggerated in their physique. A red cape ran from their neck into the swirling expanse, making Mr. Shadows realize he was technically wrapped in a strange flesh-cape. The bat stood up, too ashamed to even look ZOA in the eye. “I don’t care if I’m never one with the hive. I want to go back. Please.”

ZOA smiled, revealing polished white teeth. “You’re going back, don’t worry. We just want to explain why you haven’t received our gifts.” A fleshy pillar grew from the ground. Two reeking flesh flowers popped onto the table, and blossomed. In the center of each was fragrant tea. ZOA stepped down from their throne. Their muscles flexed with each step, revealing carefully crafted striations. They sat down at the table, and gestured for Mr. Shadows to join. “Have some tea. You’ve had a long dream.”

The tea smelled like home. Mr. Shadows wiped tears from his eyes and sat down. He clutched the teacup in his hands. It was just the right temperature, and tasted of lemon and honey. “Why am I not one with the hive?” he asked, still looking away from ZOA in shame.

ZOA sighed and slumped their shoulders. They ran their fingers through their sea of shining hair. After sipping tea awkwardly for a few minutes, they finally came up with the best words they could muster. “The worm in your brain no longer affects you. You have as much free will as any other conscious being. But the devotion you show is legendary, beyond that of even desperate neonates. Many beings would recoil in horror and abandon us if they fell out of our spell. But not you.”

Swallowing a hard lump in his throat, Mr. Shadows contemplated if he should even talk. It sounded like heresy.

“You know, we can sense your emotions. Say what’s on your mind.”

Mr. Shadows tensed his body, awaiting a fiery rebuke. “But I hate being an outsider. It breaks my heart to see Selassie experience something I never will for a quarter of the effort. I don’t mean to question your genius, but I don’t understand why I have to be like this.” He felt his chin being gently lifted by ZOA, so his gaze met theirs. He saw tears in the god’s eyes.

“It is our own hubris. We wanted to witness something serving as devoutly as you without the incentive of biology. After being thrown from two pantheons, we were worried that we were not worthy of admiration. But after speaking to you face-to-face and feeling your pain, we will make you one with the hive if you want.”

The words hung heavy in the air, the duo staring at one another. Mr. Shadows broke the silence, shocked at the god’s vulnerability. “If watching me serve on my own free will makes you happy, then that is what I will continue to do. Fuck Selassie. Maybe someday I will ask to join the hive, but I don’t want to right now.”

ZOA had a strange look on their face. It was like a parent hearing their child was accepted into a respected but dangerous branch in the military. “If that is what you wish.” They touched Mr. Shadows’ head and lightning coursed through his veins. “Take this blessing. And don’t fret about Selassie. She means well, but is a young champion. Goodbye Mr. Shadows. We will always be with you.”
With that, he woke up crackling with newfound power. A mark of ZOA dripped on his head, much to the surprise of the Flesh Prophets surrounding him. When he saw Selassie, he hugged her tight. “Fuck I missed you,” he choked out.

Suffice to say, she was taken aback. She stared enviously at the mark on his head. Sunshine poured from the mark- unlike hers. “What…what happened to you?”

“I saw ZOA,” he said, staring at the crowd with a massive dopey smile on his face. “I saw our god, guys!”

Selassie’s mouth hung agape. She felt the newfound power emanating from Mr. Shadows. She heard the conviction in his voice, and sensed the emotion of honesty pouring from him with her empathic magic. A sinking feeling clutched her chest. This abomination was the true herald, not her. She sulked off wordlessly.

A few weeks later, Selassie returned from a journey. She ran to the center of the desert and tried getting the Prophets to play a game of beachball with her. But they were all surrounding Mr. Shadows, watching him work on a flesh golem and teach the new converts about fleshcraft.

She tried peeling the group away from him, but she actually got shushed by Melenik in the process. Eventually Mr. Shadows stopped his craft and indulged her in the beachball game.

And now the shoe was on the other foot.

Population: 83 -3 sister tax = 80
Hag-Slime: 2

Hag Slime
Mr. Shadows, being the old tinkerer he is, will begin researching the black ooze coming off the Three-Sisters, and investigating to see if it can be used for anything useful.

It seems to be a remarkable POISON. In small doses it will corrode the insides of any LIVING CREATURE and in large doses can even do so in mere seconds. If applies to non living weapons it will add +1 to Damage and POISON.

If ingested by a creature such as a FLESH PUDDING, it will become a CORROSIVE BOMB. This affect can ONLY be done right before battle or else it will violently explode.

Rules and Troop Counts
  • Offensive capabilities increased in the sun
  • Passive defense bonus
  • Gain a flesh champion every turn
  • Our Cause is Just- Gain a +1 on contested rolls
  • Monster Haven- When a new region is claimed, gain a Powerful Monster Champion

Cartography. Helps with Navigation. Living mimic maps?
Base Units
20 flesh pudding- amalgam of flesh bits with tendrils. CAPABLE OF DEVOURING

72 moving parts- dismembered bits capable of moving and attacking independently

7 flesh guardians- heavy stone armor, stone axes, thick flesh. IMMUNE TO PAIN

3 Hell Mouth- Walking Mouths filled with rows and rows of incredibly sharp teeth. These things have a Hardened epidermis and if necessary can safely keep 5 full sized units inside for transport.

10 Hivards- These are of the Flesh that have a stronger connection to the hive mind. For every 5 together, they can attempt to mind control a single unit. Especially strong minds such as Champions and Leaders will not be able to be controlled this way.

20 Cultists- These are normal humans that have not yet been accepted as part of the hivemind. They wield Stone Clubs with no armor. Just Tattered clothing. CAN BE SACRIFICED FOR ADDITIONAL MOVING PARTS AND FLESH PUDDINGS. 1d2 a sacrifice for flesh puddings, 1d6 a sacrifice for moving parts.

Selassie, the True Herald

Martial 2, Magic 2

Absorption - Selassie can absorb an organic creature and take an ability from them of her choice. Selassie can gain 2 new abilities in this manner, but may swap them out as she wishes if she finds new, better abilities she'd rather have. [Kill bosses or champions to really enjoy the benefits]. A queen thrives on the sacrifice of pawns.

Control - Selassie can 'hijack' another scion of FLESH to 'oversee' them, letting them push past their limits. She can sacrifice her attacks to grant them a bonus to any action they take. [Can grant a creature a +2] In a major battle, this would be giving up attacks to grant a +1 to hit aura.

Zoa Is Watching - She has caught the eye of Zoa, for better or worse. Whenever she prays to Zoa, she rolls two die and takes the best... However, if Selassie fails or proves unworthy, she will be punished.

... But there was a downside to her change..

Golem's Burden - The Rune still bears that final command, the command that haunted the golem for its existence.. but Selassie is a being of FLESH, she can resist it. Normally. If she rolls a crit 1, she loses a turn as she is forced to walk in a random direction. (edited)
[3:18 PM]

The Three-Sisters
[Unique Life - Stages]

This creature is.. kind of immortal. When it would 'die', it instead reaches another stage in its life and 'molts' into something new. At turn 5, The Sisters Three will become something new.

The Young, the Old, and the Prime
Before it goes to attack or do an action, roll a d4 to see which head is in control. The Young is Martial 2, Magic 1. The Old is Magic 3. The Prime is Martial 4.

However, if a 1 is rolled on the D4, they bicker and become much easier to hit [the youngest defaults to being in charge on a 1]

1 - Bicker, Youngest
2 - Youngest
3 - Old
4 - Prime

When fighting something smaller then it, it has a chance to utterly engulf a target. While engulfed, the prey takes large amounts of Acid damage until dissolved.

Sucretts a magical mucus that can be colleted. It is, sadly, not flammable, but you may discover unique properties with study and experimentation. Gain 1 Magical Mucus each turn.

Martial 3/Magic 0

Delayed Gratification - Melenik can voluntarily go last in the initiative order [must be decided before initiative is rolled] to gain increased offense and damage.

Less Talk, More Fight - Melenik imposes a -1 to diplomacy checks, but a +1 to intimidation checks with his presence. If fighting anything considered to be 'Large' or larger, gain a bonus to damage rolls and gain Fearless

Bring The Hammer Down - Melenik can sacrifice all his attacks to, instead, do a single massive hit with his hammer. If it connects, it will automatically count as a crit and a nat crit goes even further beyond [to Super Saiyan 3] super crit

((Flesh Champion- McRoy- Gained start of turn 2
Martial 1 Magic 2
The Flesh is Strong- Subtract 1 from an Enemy Martial if they attack this unit
Light as Air- Counts as a Flying unit(But only in Battle)
Weapon: Flesh Staff with an Eye at the Top))

Gain Flesh Champion- Artur Gained start of turn 3
Martial 3 Magic 0
Downtrodden- Artur was from Oakdale, the lowest of the low class. When fighting an enemy more powerful than him, Gain +1 Martial against the target.
True Believer- A believer in the cause, he is immune to all NEGATIVE PENALTIES

Olga Gained at start of turn 4
Martial 0/Magic 3
Holy Fudge Batman- Gives 3 rerolls in a battle
Dancing Sludge- Summons 1d3 Dancing Sludge Minions at the start of battle

Tower of Belonging- Radio tower covered in meat. +2d10 population a turn.

LARGE 'N SLOW- A Strong, but SLOW movable Old World Platform Vehicle. Only moves 1 province, and requires 5 population a turn to operate. Can transport the tower of belonging and can carry 75 units. Without tower can carry 150 units.
The Goliaths of The Stormwrath Peaks

Breakpoint Select: TALK
While the Goliaths were willing to face the Kobolds in battle, they decided to speak with them, to see if an equitable resolution could be reached. The Goliaths knew the Kobolds for generations, and this merited at least the extension of a bit of leeway.

Action 1: Bounties of the Earth
The Goliaths would prospect for resources, in particular that boarded-up mine they found, Arvek leading the expedition into the mine with his fire-immunity boots and flaming sword. Copper and Tin in particular were in demand, for the GOliaths hoped to be able to forge Bronze now that they had the knowledge of it.

Action 2: Reach Out
The Goliaths would travel to the Academy of the Gifted, hoping to find friends and allies against the threat of the Iron Keep there, and hoping to trade for arcane knowledge with their own wealth and knowledge gleaned from exploring the world and from their allies.
Turn 04

The streets of Moonhold were bustling with activity as the countless souls of the city were moving to the plaza before the Moon Ziggurat. Already the sound of various copper instruments could be heard as the funeral was starting. Dwarf War Priests were making their rounds in the crowd to offer blessings or solace in a time of sadness. The pair of stone sarcophagi were solid looking with carved versions of those within on top of the lids. The face of Izmir and Izwot looked at rest rather than dead thanks to the skill of the stone masons.

King Izgil stood behind the pair, looking solemn in his stance while being silent. He left the priests to their works as they continued to move among the countless Dawi, Goblins, Humans and Orcs. Moonhold had swelled in population and size. Thankfully Izgil had long ago planned ahead with what improvements had been built. More such work was about to take place to only continue to expand the reach of the Moonsworn but also ensure an ongoing flow of goods and people into the grand settlement.

"Izmir and Izwot were the closest things to fathers to me," Izgil declared in a sad but firm tone. "They turned to me to guide you all together under the auspices of the Moon. Even now I feel its flow and change, and a certain sadness that two such great servants have moved on. Yet they move on to join the Moon, as all souls who embrace it do. We have the comfort of knowing our souls are secure in their destination and future."

"These two great men were integral to the peace forged with others along with building the future that I have seen for our great faith. Four peoples have come together beneath the Moon by their works. I may have been the guiding hand, but their hands were that which forged that which I asked of you. Let us not mourn but celebrate them! Praise the Moon!"

"PRAISE THE MOON!" The entire city seems the shudder as those words echo through it.​

Izgil eventually sat in his Hall again, four chair sat where once there had been two. A Human Paladin and Dawi Warpriest were joined by the Greenskin Bishops who even now had taken up roles of leadership as age was coming upon Krug and Dakon. Mork and Mindy were arguing at the moment, almost making a game of it while the Paladin known as Regis and the War Priest Izton were talking. Izgil soon entered and sat on his stone throne and regards the four as they go silent.

"It is strange to see new faces here, yet it also pleases me. You are the souls entrusted with the next era of the Moonsworn. Welcome to the Moon Council. I had no name for it before, but now four races have joined in worship of the Moon. Your peoples are all bound together in a great journey with me. Our faith shall keep us strong and guide us. We shall continue to grow and change," Izgil declared with a happy toney.

"Beggin' yer pardon, boss. What work can da Pass do fer da Moon? Da great Ring gives us plenty of fun in da worship and fightin' but we want ta do more," Bishop Mork said as he managed to fit in his seat despite his orcish bulk.

"Yeah, like Mork said. We wants to do somethin' worthy of da Moon!" Mindy declares as she stood up in her seat excitedly.

"We all serve," Regis retorted with a sigh as he regards the Greenskins.

"Aye, but they want something to do more for the faith. Nothing wrong with that," Izton, son of Izmir declared as he looks to Regis with a calm smile.

"Right, King Izgil gave us purpose. So we wants ta do more!" Mindy said while Mork nodded with her in agreement. He favored letting her do more the speaking when both were present. His charm was more with his own kind when he wasn't ready to go to battle for the faith. His preaching was blunt and loud but worked well with Orcs.

"Sure, but we have plenty of joint workings that could be done," Regis counters with a frown but at least nodding in acknowledgement.

"Well, I have an idea," Izton said as he grins a bit more. "Moonhold has swelled in population. We need more meat to go with all the farmland. And we could use a more suitable means to feed the land. Hogs are prevalent in the Pass, why don't we make Hog farms. Lots of meat for the people and muck for the farms."

"That... is actually very useful," Regis admits as he leans back in his seat thoughtfully.

"We can raise hogs fer da faith!" Mork declared with wide delight. "They make fer good eatin' and fightin'. This sound like a fun job fer da Moon."

"Plenty to make of the muck that don't go to da farms too! Lotsof burny things..." Mindy grins widely like only a goblin could at the prospect of pyrotechnic endeavors.

"Hmmm, these Hog Farms will be an excellent idea. The Pass has the Hogs and clearly the desire to explore this. More food is good for all, especially Moonhold in meat and fertilizer. I command this done. Have Krug and Dakon help. I'm sure they'll enjoy the challenge," Izgil commands with a nod. A generation of leading had made him less hesitant in his decrees when his advisors gave him a good option to pursue.

"With that said, I have another great working all can work owards. We shall build a Moon Road through the Great Plains and Greenskin Pass. We shall use our great knowledge and resources to build stable paths to move goods, people and our soldiers more easily. With it we can spread the faith as we find regions or areas to extend it to," Izgil delcares as his second commandment for the Moon Council.

The four bowed in agreement and then erupted in who and how this Moon Road should be built. It would be a lively night for the Moon Council, yet a good sign that the faith had strong leaders who cared for their people to give their all to the workings.​

King Izgil looked over the tablets where the new metal lores were recorded. Copies had already been made before even more copies were carved from those. The metallic lores would help greatly in the coming years. They would need to get the materials for Bronze, for they had much Copper to convert. Iron seemed fascinating, yet they would need veins of it. Their Geology would help to find it, but for now they would study and learn. Even if they shared the knowledge, the Moonsworn had greater expertise in such things. The Tunneling One had taken almost all that Silver from the vein, but it was a worthy sacrifice for his people. Metal was the power of this world if the Moon's shards could not be found and gathered. They had lost one, but gained many faithful for forgoing war.

So much to do for those who have taken me as their guiding hand. I must tread carefully. My allies worry me at times. I must watch this Golden Order. I must hope the Moonsworn are not dragged into ruin by the ambitions of those I have given much to. Geminos, give me guidance in these times. May I continue to serve you and your people who have embraced you with all their hearts.

Current Copper: 100 Units

BREAK POINT: Enter the sinkhole.
-King Izgil negotiated with The Tunneling One.
-Trade agreed to sacrifice the majority of the Silver Vein in the Copper Mine in return for Rare Knowledge in Metals.

-Build the Moon Road through Moonsworn territories
-Build Hog Farms in Greenskin Pass​
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Flesh ProphetsFlesh ProphetsFlesh ProphetsFlesh ProphetsFlesh ProphetsFlesh ProphetsFlesh ProphetsFlesh ProphetsFlesh ProphetsFlesh ProphetsFlesh ProphetsFlesh ProphetsFlesh ProphetsFlesh ProphetsFlesh ProphetsFlesh ProphetsFlesh ProphetsFleshProphets

Turn 4 Actions and Lore Bit
(I posted a more detailed story and unit writeup a couple of posts back. Intelligent, chadly beings should read that as well)

One of the lesser-known facts about the Flesh Prophets is their propensity for games. Even adult prophets are known to play for several hours a day. These games can range from something as simple as catch to highly complex card games. A favorite sport of the tribesman is something called "handball," in which teams of 7 will try to throw a ball at the opposing goal. Occasionally they will play a version in which they assume combat forms and maul one another to help complete the objective. Due to their resilience to pain and quick regeneration, this is their favorite modification to the game. It also serves as valuable combat training. Unfortunately, pilgrims and random normies that join the game are NOT immune to pain and injury, so they can end up in ribbons if a prophet decides to get violent for fun.

Recently, Mr. Shadows created a new game he christened "Arcane, the Assembly." This is a card game where the objective is to reduce the opponent's health total to zero. There are 5 types of arcane spells one can cast. Green focuses on strong monsters, red focuses on fast damage, and blue focuses on slowing the game down and countering opposing plays. Black likes to do a little bit of everything, and will often harm the user for benefits. White likes to play fair- and to force the enemy to play fair.

It should come as no surprise that Mr. Shadows favors blue. It is said he gets quite angry when he loses. The more skilled Selassie often outmaneuvers him with her simple but effective white aggro deck.




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Vokar, great chief of the Tendua Tribe, prophet of the Panther Demon, first to step in the sacred realms of Patala, was dead.

Muskaan was the one who discovered Vokar's body, sat slumped upon the grand throne that he, with his own two hands, had carved into existence. After completing the monumental task of constructing the throne room, his aging frame had seemingly just given out. Muskaan had raced off to find Zurin, in the vain hope the medicine man could do something, but when they returned Vokar's body was gone. All that was left of him was the vestment he wore, made from the pelt of the shadow panther he had slain so long ago, and the golden bracelet that Muskaan had given to him as a gift.

The tribe soon learned of Vokar's fate and a simple ceremony was held in his honour in the centre of the Tendua settlement. The sound of the tribe's chants and prayers filled the air as they mourned their fallen leader. Yet, amongst the heavy hearts and crying faces of the Tendua, one individual stood apart from the rest. Clutched closely by Muskaan, Vetaal's heart remained empty. Despite sharing his blood, Vetaal felt nothing over his father's passing. He had scarcely known the man, the few times they had crossed paths, they had exchanged only fleeting glances and awkward pleasantries, their interactions invariably overshadowed by the tension that still lingered between his mother and father. Looking up at his brother's heartbroken face, Vetaal couldn't help but feel guilty for the way he felt about the man who had undeniably touched the lives of the tribe so deeply.

Following Vokar's death, the aging Muskaan assumed his father's duties as chief of the tribe, until such a time that Vetaal was ready to take up the role himself. In the years that followed, Muskaan passed down Vokar's teachings to his younger brother, while also training and preparing him for the responsibilities that came with being chief. He shared stories and memories of their father, of his words, actions and deeds, and Vetaal was a committed and enthusiastic student, hungry to learn more about the father he never knew.

It was during this period that the Tendua also had a startling visitor to their settlement. Under the cover of darkness, one of the Panther Demon's shadow panthers began roaming the encampment. This was highly unusual behaviour for the phantom beasts, who rarely strayed from their home inside the Skull Mound or the surrounding jungle that was assumed to be their hunting grounds. According to those fortunate enough to glimpse it, the animal also had a peculiar coat. Typically, shadow panther's were absolute purple from head to tail but this individual's body was said to be adorned with unique rosettes of a faint emerald hue. Then one night, the creature's forays into the settlement simply stopped and it was never seen or heard from again.

In the days that came after, an unshakable belief took root amongst the tribe, a belief that the shadow panther which had visited their settlement was none other than their fallen leader, Vokar. It's emerald-hued rosettes, the same unique shade as Vokar's skin after consuming the magical elixir, became testimony to their beliefs. They came to believe that Vokar had not died, he had simply changed shape, transitioning into a form better suited to the subterranean realm they now called home. His ventures into the settlement were him checking in on each and every member of the tribe before he bid his final farewell and moved on to fulfil a new role within Patala. He had become an immortal being, a ghost that stalked the land and watched over the tribe in an eternal vigil. With this belief at it's core, a religious order was formed, the Panther Cult, to guard the Skull Mound and defend it from outsiders. At the cult's head was the Shadow Panther, a religious and ceremonial title given to the eldest of Vokar's bloodline, with the Shadow Vestment Vokar once wore, a symbol of his office.

At the age of nineteen, Vetaal became chieftain of the tribe, while the elderly Muskaan became his closest advisor and confidant. Amidst his duties to the tribe, Vetaal set about building on the work his father started by constructing two more rooms within the Skull Mound; a Burial Vault and a Chronicle Chamber. The Burial Vault would be where the Shadow Panther and his family would be interred. Vetaal laid to rest his mother here in a tomb and, in honour of the man he once was, erected a cenotaph for his father as well. While excavating the site, Vetaal also discovered the remains of a petrified man who had seemingly been entombed in the Skull Mound hundreds of years ago. Vetaal left him to rest in peace where he lay and fashioned a separate alcove around him within the Burial Vault. Meanwhile, the Chronicle Chamber would hold the collective experiences of the Shadow Panthers, a map of their lives that future generations could call upon for advice or information. Vetaal recorded his father's story here, as recounted to him by Muskaan, while also making a start on his own. Having never really gotten to know his own father, Vetaal wanted his descendants to know more than just the names of their ancestors, he wanted them to know who they were as people too.

While Vetaal set about his work in the Skull Mound, one of the tribe discovered a strange area of jungle growing that contained carnivorous plants. Reporting his findings to Vetaal, Vetaal ordered the tribe to avoid going near the area whilst he and the elders decided what to do. Aurin, son of Zurin and the new medicine man of the tribe, shared his late father's appreciation of the land. While some of the elders believed that the plants posed too much of a danger and should be cut down as a result, he argued that the Tendua were not the masters of Patala, they were merely its custodians, and could not just do as they please. He asked to handle the situation personally and Vetaal gave him his approval. Using some of Bongo and Gaur meat, Aurin planned to cultivate the growth, influence its development so it might pose less danger to the tribe and allow the plant to find it's own position, in harmony with the land.

Break Point
The Shifting Covenant
Turn 4

(There is a new wall of history on Discord in the Covenant pagething)
The Uu'naened sat and pondered in silence within the prison of its own weakness and trapped state. It had been a while since that elf had stumbled into the chamber it knew as home. Although, it was hard to grasp how long it had been. From an internal feeling, it felt like forever. Perhaps the elf wasn't alive anymore. No, that wasn't the case. They were connected between eachother by the evolutionary capability that the Uu'naened had given upon them. The elf was still alive, the Uu'naened could feel its own split power being used albeit very faintly. There was all the pieces for change and perfection right within itself, it just needed to figure out how to-

The Uu'naened's vision came conscious, feeling itself as a projected fragment of itself somewhere on the outside surface during the night. It had been so long since it had seen the surface, but it could tell it wasn't really present. It was experiencing things as part of its own memory being projected from someone else. Being just a small imaginary conception of itself, it faced its broken visage to the same 'elf' that it had originally met, albeit something was very noticeably different about them. The scales, tail, wings and especially the two heads weren't there before. Someone had gotten busy with their new capabilities.
"How long has it been since we met?" The Uu'naened asked as its first introduction, Ekco whom of which wasn't expected to be eavesdropped on by some unnatural entity. Ekco recomposed herself and pondered on the moment, her two heads both sharing an expression of consideration as she took a rough estimate.
"Probably about an entire lifetime's worth of time. A generation come and gone" Ekco responded nonchalantly, which bewildered the Uu'naened even further.
'Did this elf just bypass their naturally given lifespan from their own discovery and just look past it like its nothing? Giving part of my abilities to a nobody on their own in primitive lands seems to have discovered some interesting developments on their own, even if I could've done and learned such in a matter of seconds' the Uu'naened thought to themselves, noticing that the stone elf's rather distinctive elven ears and features were somewhat shrivelled and covered up by the draconic scales and features. They had not told Ekco about the High Elf's empire, such information might be dangerous or too much for them to know. That, and she couldn't risk that from their potential given ancestors that they may hold a long-time hatred for the High Elves of wherever and whatever may have happened to them after the Demon Invasion. In the Uu'naened's life as Kindreth, they had managed to figure out a risky yet working escape plan. Surely there must be something left of that empire somewhere in existence, it couldn't possibly fall to nothingness that easily.
"Are you going to sit there ominously or are you gonna say something?" Ekco bluntly asked as she broke the Uu'naened's silence. They were visibly just a ghost in their heads to them, likely nobody else could see or hear anything the Uu'naened spoke or acted.
"Yes, I have transcended my prison albeit briefly and restricted in order to check upon your progress or if you were even still alive. You have surpassed my expectations, little one" they spoke, somewhat impressed Ekco had managed to get so far after accepting her new powers. The Uu'naened knew they would've done it way better though.
"Big words for a goopy puddle who can't move, I'll consider coming looking for you after I'm done with all my business like we said. I have my own lands to make prosper, and my own mortality to conquer. Besides, I'm infatuated with something else currently. Or rather, someone... " Ekco hummed with a small smile as she stared off into the distance, thinking about her dreamy admiree as the Uu'naened was silently questioning to themselves if they had picked a good candidate to receive their powers or should've tried to get Ekco to find someone else as the recipient.
"You have proven yourself smart, and must be a good leader in order to unite your people and bring them this far. I have trust that you will conquer your own limited lifespan and build the new world you desire. As for this man you must admire, I am sure that if you prove your resolve and how great you are, anyone will return your romantic interests" the Uu'naened answered. Truly, it was just trying to get her to remain on its side and remember that it exists. Having Ekco achieve their goals and dreams was just motivation that they were allies with that the Uu'naened's evolutionary gifts were very helpful. Truly, who cared about such romantic endeavours? If she was going to try to live forever, why at all would she need offspring? Must be some terrible mortal urges that she has fallen prey to.
"Man? What man? I'm not talking about anyguy, she's a lady. A gorgeous, strong one at that, and the most perfect person I'll ever meet. A true master of creation and change, if you will. A beautiful warrior who faces any enemy with both power and smarts" Ekco rambled as she dreamed about the one she was infatuated with. At this point, the Uu'naened was just questioning everything that lead up to this moment before starting to get a sudden realisation that they might know who she was talking to.
"Are you... talking about-"
"It's her, she's always been with me" Ekco proclaimed as she dreamily stared herself in the eyes with a smile, both of her two heads facing eachother in love. The Stone Elves of the Shifting Covenant were greedy, cocky and had large egos which was what set Ekco apart as being an actual good leader. She didn't have those qualities. At least, that was what both Ekco and The Uu'naened originally thought about her.
"Oh, we're so in love. I love the crimson colouring of her scales, the way she commands charge but can demean anyone she comes across, oh how you pull living things limb from limb and remove their flesh just to add it to the body of yourself and your people for such insane but genius ideas. Nobody could ever come close to you" Ekco's second head spoke as she boasted about herself, the two heads sharing a romantic moment as both used a different hand to cup eachother's cheek. Sharing a silent and passionate stare at eachother under the starry night sky, they both passionately kissed as they shared a brief moment of pure expressed love.
Now, the Uu'naened was lost. Where did Ekco go so wrong? Did she just turn completely insane and couldn't handle evolution or were exiled primitive elves truly just idiots and nothing compared to the greatest that were the High Elves? The imaginary projection of the slimy entity sighed and shook it's head which was essentially just the mass of its ghostly image body as it came back to giving its attention to the Ekco heads who were both sharing a moment and talking like two different people, but the Uu'naened could tell they were both controlled by the same single Ekco and shared the same thoughts. It was hard to tell if she was just going completely insane or was just so full of herself that the Uu'naened had just started returning to listening to how they were going to hold a ceremony of wedding and eternal love for... well, themself.
"You're.... doing great, remember to keep a level head and focus on your progress. I will be looking forward to seeing if you bypass your own lifetime once more, you surely have proven to me you are capable person of great feats and potential" the Uu'naened struggled to say in full seriousness. Ekco was probably losing it and wasn't a good subject for evolution at all. Either way, Ekco would either succeed or pass and die with time. And if she died, perhaps a new successor would not be so ridiculous. Dissipating its projected self so it didn't have to be around the presence of Ekco any longer, the evolutionary hybrid of an 'elf' just glanced at the disappearing being before returning to herself.
"That thing thinks I'm completely deluded" she chuckled softly to herself, nuzzling the face of her other head.
"Perhaps you are, but you're my deluded little algamation" the other head answered in a soft tone as Ekco reaffirmed love for herself.
"Gosh, I absolutely love the way you incinerate living beings with fire. It's so hot" she grinned. She had lost the quality of selflessness and lack of greed, but gained new motivation by doing so. Whether it would turn out to be a positive change would be answered by time, but her identity of who she was had completely evolved into something else.

(Tower of Dreams +1, United Split (Extra 1d10))
Stone Elves: 27 > 38
Humans: 20 > 30
Monke: 5 > 13

Breakpoint: (1) Let the Crystallians settle where they want.
It was to be a kingdom after all, ruled by whom other but Ekco herself? The races of all far and wide would flock to reside in the Split and live in the best land. It would be important to set things straight that they're on her land however.

Action 1: Explore the Sky City in the North Forest. (Scene)
In order to build her own kingdom, she needed people, and whatever it was made the greatest kingdom. She could spot something in the neighbouring lands that caught her eye; an entire floating fort. Whoever lived up there surely knew how to live big. Time to pay their city a visit before it floats off elsewhere out of reach.
(Movement: The Split > North Forest, Flight)
Units Taken:
20 Flying Cavalry (Can carry an additional large unit, able to bring 1 unit for each one) (For note, 5 reserved to carry none/carry S'va as they are 1 size category larger) (Ekco has flight already)
2 Dark Mages
7 Slime Drinkers
4 Slingshotters

Action 2: Establish economy and trade with the technology and support gathered.
There was a lot to do, but they needed a basis. A language that everyone in the Split spoke and understood and encouraged more to come to the Split to be a part of the greatness. With people following her rules and guidelines, she would benefit from everything done, and potentially people would just help her build a kingdom in time if it would help themselves also. She also needed to get people who would help build the Colosseum, or just have more space for potential with all the new hands on deck it could bring. She would be out of the Split for a little while, luckily having the support of the Fort meant that a group of intelligent and capable individuals were there to handle things.
(Support of the Fort and being a part of its Council, Mathematics, possessing 25 Silver Coin Piles, Cuneiform (originating from Blackrock), Pigments, Tower of Dreams +1 to non-combat rolls, Labour Dinosaurs to transport goods (trade caravans))

Extra Things that need doing
Slime Alliance:
Every turn, gain a Slime Champion.

Evolution of the Body: Once a turn, you can choose one unit type to undergo a random transformation in the name of evolution.
(1d10, with +1 from Tower of Dreams and +1 from Evolving descriptor)
Chosen Unit: Beastmasters (10 Units), rolled a 5 (3+2).
Golden Order


BREAK POINT: Go to Barracks to Get Help (Being Resolved on Discord)

Action 1: Use 27 Amazon Pop and Copper to create new Units

Through experimentation and knowledge gifted from the dwarves of the Moonsworn, they figured out how to make a new type on infantry that would be able to attack enemy fliers. The Copper Battalion would be an élite squadron of Amazonian women.

Copper Battalion- Gain 18 Copper Battalion who are Amazonian women wearing Heavy Copper Armor and wielding Copper Tipped Two handed Spears. ARE CAPABLE OF ATTACKING FLYING UNITS

Action 2: Construct Temple of Tikal in Devil’s Hand

The Temple of Tikal in Devil’s Hand was constructed with no issues. Many Goliaths took to the worship of the goddess, causing her powers to grow from all the additional influx of worship. Tikal gains +1 Magic​
The Mystics


BREAK POINT: Peak with the woman about her assistance. If her offer is unfavorable, move to resolve independently with various methods (Being Resolved on Discord)

Action 1: Construct Structure: Lakeside Starhelm Wall (With Gate) Materials: Stone

A grand Stone Wall has been constructed around Lakeside, making the place feel that much more secure than ever before. Now it is far easier for guards to inspect people and goods before they reach the market from outside. Mercenary numbers allowed within the city limits armed has been severely limited as a result of the previous battles, allowing this to be done more easily as well.

The vast beauty of the wall carvings brings forth many sculptures and artisans from all throughout the region, making the place have a grand cultural boon.

As a result, many volunteer for training to protect the walls.

New Unit: Slingers- Gain 10 Slingers, Humans of Lakeside who wield Heavy Slings and wear light wooden armor.

Gain 1d4 Slingers every turn that the wall remains standing

Action 2: Construct Structure: ShrineShrine to the Heroes of the Night of Fate: Materials (Stone, Pearls) All 4 Pearls are consumed by this Action

The statues, commemorating the heroes of the Night of Fate brings an improved sense of national pride and welcoming nature of Lakeside to many other kinds of races from all over the continent. Specifically those that belong to the Nowhere Herd, Disaaran and Higaaran.

Gain a +1 Combat Bonus for the Plains of Plenty.

Gain 1 Champion from either Human (Lakeside), Human (Reijkhold), Nowhere Herd, Disaaran or Higaaran​
The Penitent


BREAK POINT: Investigate Rumors of Another Cause .

After an extremely thorough investigation, it seems that the Musicians were not responsible for the missing people after all. What was discovered were many large Rat tracks that seemed to lead deeper into the desert. Perhaps now that they have been discovered, the kidnappings will stop, but the people remain outside of their reach at the moment.

Action 1: Orpheus and the 15 Holy Clerics go to the Sky City to investigate. Tikal Join him (Discord)

Action 2: Build the Healing Church Workshop- The Healing Church Workshop is created and will help assist in furnishing all o the Penitent characters, 15 Holy Clerics, 59 Fanatics and all Griffen Mounts with Bronze.

With the new expansion of the Healing Church and all magical children being trained as Holy Clerics, it becomes much more easy to acquire them.

Gain 2d4 Holy Clerics a turn.​
The Nowhere Herd


BREAK POINT: Buy Items (Items Chosen)

Action 1: Ublureak, 1 Bone Master, 2 Ancients, the Ruby Mammoth, and 3 Mammoths trudge to Water Market to speak with the locals and trade their wares. (Resolved on Discord)

Action 2: Herd goes about constructing sleds to be able to move overland from place to place faster. To accomplish this task they apply Wood, Wheels, Pigments, Mathematics, and lastly Cuneiform so they may be easily made once again.

Every Heavy Mammoth can now carry 5 units with the sleds. When this is done, the Herd can move 2 territories in a single turn.​
Glimmerhill Giants


BREAK POINT: Investigate the Lake- As it turns out, a rotting Demonic Corpse had fallen into the middle of the Lake. After it was carefully removed, the lake was soon restored after a number of weeks.

Gain: DEMONIC CORPSE: It seems to speak to you in your sleep.

Action 1: Investigate the Giant Floating City (Being Resolved in Discord)

Action 2: Construct a CRUDE TEMPLE to deepen the cult’s ties to ARMOK

A temple that was far better than the CRUDE one that they had envisioned was constructed.

The base of the structure was crafted using the Stone and Wood, but the vast majority of it was made out of the GIANT DEER bones and the Bones of fallen giants.

A crude, but effective image of ARMOK was pained above the Inscribed Stone Altar.

All mages gain +1 to all rolls.

Gain 2d4 Blood Mages every turn.​


BREAKPOINT (Being Resolved on Discord)

Action 1: Training of the General Population

Due to the vast training, if the army was ever wiped out or an enemy was attacking the village, Population can be converted to temporary Rabble Rousers.

Action 2: Naval Expansion

4 MORE BATTLE BOATS are constructed. Boats are now capable of moving 3 provinces per turn due to increased speed from better and more aerodynamic construction.​


BREAK POINT: Investigate the Deep (Resolved on Discord)

Action 1: Druids and Sorcers try to figure out how to make a bridge of ice to the Bog.

Through Careful research, investigation and trial, the Druids and Sorcerers manage to construct a permanent Ice Bridge that connects to the Bog.

As long as the ICE BRIDGE remains standing, gain 1d4 Ice Guardians every turn


Ice Guardians- Creatures made out of Ice and dirt to defend the Ice Bridge from invaders. They attack with Sharp Ice Claws or Ice Spears. CAN SACRIFICE THEMSELVES TO REPAIR ANY DAMAGE MADE TO THE BRIDGE

Action 2: Attempt Centralized training between magic users

Through carefully cultivated training and regulation of magical learning and education, all magic users are now raised to Magic level 2. One magical hero can now in addition, gain +1 Magic​
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Race: Old World Obelisk
Age: Immortal
Keywords: Inspiring, Ominous, Unbreakable
Martial/ Magic: 4 Martial
Character Strength: The Black Rock has stood for countless lifetimes, and will remain for countless more. (Starts with a regenerating save.)
Character Weakness: Watching and waiting for those who seek its wisdom, the Black Rock remains constant in its vigil. (Cannot move or attack)

Monkey Madness- In the first round of a battle, all units do extra damage.
More Technology, More Power- When you use higher technology based units, you can reroll a failed attack once per battle.
It Will Be A Wasteland- When you attack an enemies lands, they'll lose 3d10 population.

Mighty Jo Elder
Martial 3 Magic 0
Connection to the BlackRock- If this champion survives until a natural death, his lineage is guarantied to produce Champions that will grow progressively stronger over time due to this connection with the BlackRock.
Lead by Example- When charging into battle at the front, becomes a Martial 4 and gives his troops a +1 to attack.

Weapon: Heavy Stone Club
Armor: Heavy Stone Armor
Human Hero
Martial 3 Magic 1
Growth- Every turn until Death, Gerald will gain +1 Martial
Magic- Gerald can cast Holy Magic
Science Champion
(Will live for 4 Turns instead of 3)
Doctorate in Science- Every turn, unlock a new technology
Educator- Ability to convert Human population to Alchemist unit*
Crystal Giant
Martial 4 Magic 0
The Might of the Crystal- When fighting with additional Crystal units, Gains an extra +1 Martial
Tough- Has an extra 2 HP

10 Monkey Warriors

Monkey Warriors that wield Heavy Stone Axes and wear Heavy Stone Armor. Capable of Pack Tactics
34 Monkey Battalions
Monkey Battalions wearing Light Stone Armor and wielding a stone tipped Spear and Heavy Wooden Shield. Capable of Pack Tactics.
7 Battle Wagons
Capable of throwing large rocks a great distance very hard and easy to operate. Covered in spikes with the front shaped like a large skull and painted Red, since everyone knows that Red Things move faster.

Ranged Boulder Attacks
Upgrade: Dark Crystal Ammo- When using Dark Crystal Ammo, gain a +1 to attack and living creatures need to roll against FEAR
4 Battle Podiums
A large Stone Podium on a thick wooden frame with two large wooden wheels. It would be pulled by two Monkey Men wearing Red Face Paint. On the Podium itself is a Monkeyman giving an inspirational speech to the troops or a demoralizing one to the enemy with two Monkey Men with Red Face Paint and spears on the podium to protect the speaker.

(Either +1 to Allied Troops or -1 to Enemy Troops. This can stack up to +/- 3)

Copper Mining
Water Purification

Copper Club
Might be more to it..
Shiny Stick
Adds +1 Martial and lightning damage.
Once per encounter, can do a massive burst of energy, dealing an extra 4 damage. However this will render it unusable until repaired by Melissa

BlackRock Troop - 30
Child Village - 25

The Shifting Convenant
Child Village

Trade Deals
10 Blue Crystals
10 Red Crystals
5 Purple Crystals
Gain an additional 1d10 Crystals every turn

Shifting Covenant
BlackRock Troop teaches the Shifting Convenant their written language (CUNIEFORM) in exchange for dinosaur beasts of burden (LABOUR).
BlackRock Troop teaches MATHEMATICS to the Shifting Convenant to establish CURRENCY, recieving 5 SILVER COIN PILES in exchange as future investment in the new system.
A Symposium of Apes (SHIFTING COVENANT PERMANENT POPULATION) is established in the Split to educate the races within it. Those more learned or receptive of the Split races will be brought in and recruited by the BlackRock Troop (BLACKROCK RECRUITMENT ROLL FOR EACH SPLIT RACE A TURN)

Seagull Meat
10 Blue Crystals
10 Red Crystals
5 Purple Crystal
10 Crystals


Turn 4
Excerpts, marked IMPORTANT, from Melissa's personal station.

"It's been hard going but I've finally managed to restore my access to the main systems and my personal station. However it seems much of my data files have been lost or damaged, not surprising considering how long I've slept. In time, SAIA and I may be able to restore much of what was lost but for now I'm just glad I won't have to keep recording my findings on the back of old papers. When I have some free time, I'll digitize the hard copies I've made... as I write this I notice that I've had a lot of that in this new world.."

"Woke up with a hell of a start today. Had the horrible face of Jo staring down at me when I woke up this morning. With a hideous smile, Jo told me the Troop have come to collect on our agreement. Seemingly waiting for something, Jo's eyes lingered on me as I pushed myself upright in my bed. Pulling the sheets over my chest, I eyed him warily. I could see his black brow furrow in unknown deliberation. After a few long minutes, the Ape grunted and left. Note to self, lock door to personal quarters at all times."

"I heard them long before I saw them, the screams and shrieks as they traversed the cavern system loud enough to wake the dead. Pulling with them carts full of stone and wood, the Troop has officially begun to move in. While I am hesitant, Jo and I did have an agreement though I would like to note there was little leeway in the matter. But with the relative ease in which they dispatched the experiments that plagued the halls down here, I am somewhat indebted to them. They did after all bring life back to the facility and awoke me from cryo freeze so perhaps my fears are unfounded..."

"My convictions grow stronger with each passing day. Jo's actions, his gestures, his moniker for me 'Bright Eyes' — my certainty that he holds romantic intentions remains unshaken. His efforts during construction, the way he stands by my side, the food he brings—these are not mere acts of friendship. They are the foundation of a belief that I dare not speak aloud. The pressure of his presence intensifies, and my unease turns to resentment."

"My patience wears thin as Jo's protectiveness deepens. Every time he steps in to help, my conviction solidifies. The bunker, once my sanctuary, has transformed into a suffocating cage."

"The Troop it seems has advanced their knowledge. Bringing into the Void crystals, the Apes now seemed to ponder their use in construction. With their recent attempts to analyse the metals of the bunker's structure and foundations, I believe their 'Leader' the Old World Obelisk has begun to access more of it's data. A startling premise, by all meanings of the word."

"Frustration festers within me. Jo's attempts to protect, to provide, only fuel the fire of my belief. The food—seagull meat, a strange but heartfelt offering—only cements my perception of his intentions. As the construction progresses and he stands by my side, I find myself resenting his presence more and more."

"Jo informed me of his desire to start a family within the Void, to raise his offspring surrounded by this places technology. He believes it will make the child strong, and deepen the Troop's connection with the BlackRock. While I wonder whose intention such a goal truly is, Jo's closeness as he tells me this distracts me from thinking too deeply on the matter."

"Leaving the confines of the Void behind, I ventured into the Child Village today. Their ways are primitive, but their eagerness to learn is palpable. To them, my knowledge of science is akin to magic, a form of alchemy that can transform their lives. It's a strange feeling to be looked up to in this way, a stark contrast to the stifling dynamics within the bunker. For a brief moment, I find solace in the act of teaching, a respite from the tense atmosphere that has become my daily reality."

"Among the eager faces in the village, one stands out—the quiet and guarded young man named David. He lingers at the edges of the group, his eyes holding a mix of curiosity and wariness. Unlike the others, he doesn't hang on my every word, but instead he seems sceptical of my intentions. I notice he looks upon the Troop in a similar manner, and I find myself intrigued by it."

"With the Mighty Jo now an Elder, the Monkey Man has developed for himself a harem of females, each competing for his attention. Despite all their intentions, I can see his eyes staring at me as I go about my business and I can't help but shudder."

"The village becomes a welcome escape, a chance to share my knowledge and contribute to a world that is in desperate need of rebuilding. The Children's excitement is infectious, and their curiosity reminds me of the joy that once fuelled my passion for science. As I teach them the principles of chemistry, physics, and biology, I can almost forget the weight of my tangled emotions that haunt my interactions in the bunker."

"David's reticence intrigues me. As I continue to teach the villagers, I find myself drawn to him, seeking to bridge the gap he keeps between himself and the others. His questions are thoughtful, his observations astute. We engage in quiet conversations after each lesson, his guardedness slowly giving way to a cautious camaraderie. In him, I see echoes of my own doubts, a reflection of the unease that has taken root within me."

"David's quiet presence becomes a source of solace, a reminder that I'm not alone in my scepticism. His guarded nature mirrors my own, and our whispered conversations become a lifeline. As our rapport deepens, I'm reminded that not all bonds are born of trust alone; sometimes, shared doubt can be just as powerful a catalyst."

"I finally snapped today. A pipe burst in one of the halls, blasting hot steam everywhere. Lost in my head as I stood alongside Jo, the BlackRock champion narrowly saved my life, grabbing hold of me and taking the red hot heat in my stead. Thinking my fears had finally come true, I raked his face with my nails in a bid to get free, screaming at him my disgust, my loathing and my hate of him. Only after the flow had been cut off, did he let go. Burnt and bloody, the Ape Man threw me to the ground, his bloody visage staring at me with teeth bared like a vision of evil. But the look in his eyes, the fear and confusion as to what I had done to him, only then did I realise my mistake. Hurrying away, I fear I have been wrong about Jo all along"

"Jo and I haven't spoken since the incident and I'm starting to think we never will again. His partner of six months, Suzu, I have found is pregnant with his child."

"I saw Jo's child today, all bright eyed and bushy tailed, curiously exploring his new home. I couldn't help but smile at it's adorable antics though I found my mirth quickly replaced by regret as Jo heavy handily pulls the child away as it excitedly approaches me. Taking the babe away, I share a sombre look with Suzu before she takes after her husband. With unease I wonder what my actions have done for this child's future..."​

1. Settle within the Void. Melissa will oversee construction and integration of the new Black Void.(Wood/Stone/ Cuneiform/ Mathematics/ Metallurgy/ Water Purification used)(Crystals used) (Ominous/Unbreakable Keyword used) (25 Population used)
2. Melissa will train Human Alchemists (20 Human Population used) (Inspiring Keyword used)

Attempt to rouse the man.
Explore the shipwreck before it is completely destroyed against the rocks.
Kill the man and leave his corpse as a warning.
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BREAKPOINT: Talk (To be Resolved on Discord)

Action 1: Bounties of the Earth

The Expedition into the abandoned mines went well. They traveled deep inside, Arvek managed to find a source of TIN within the mine, untapped and untouched, ready to be mined to create BRONZE. GAIN A SOURCE OF TIN.

Action 2: Reach Out

The Academy of the Gifted wishes to remain out of any conflict with the Iron Keep, but they are willing to TRADE KNOWLEDGE. Especially for that OLD WORLD KNOWLEDGE that the Golaiths possess.

For Goliath Knowledge they are willing to trade for two of the following:

Improved Fire Mage
Improved Earth Magic
Improved Metalwork
Water Purification
Animal Husbandry​

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