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Fantasy BoN: Stone Age

The Giants of GlimmerHill

Action 1:

Jok got ideas of tossing cows in many places: What if there was one place they toss cows in, that they could change up, make things fun? Asking the others (an optional step in Giant Hierarchy, but there's no point in doing something people don't like), they thought it sounded like good fun. The next several years they began work on a large training ground and stadium near the base of Onan's Rock, so that they can have a central place for sport and training mirroring the Forum above. (Wood, Stone, Pigments, [HUGE], [Friendly], Puzzling Stone (+1 to noncombat rolls).

The construction takes far longer than it should. (Mainly due to the construction workers getting distracted by many things over the years). It eventually is completed over budget and at a far later date than originally envisioned by.

As such, Wood and Stone is currently unavailable next turn.

Cow Tossing Stadium (Work in Progress Name given by Giants)- Once per turn as a free action, can train 5 units. On a roll of an 8+, they become a hero unit.

ACTION 2: (Scene?)
Jok thought it would probably be a good idea to check out what the TOWER OF THE SUN was all about. Aike always told him wistfully that she never had a chance to enter, and there must be something neat inside. So he's gonna go with a small group to see what it's about. (Bringing Muzuq the Muddy, a Priest of ARMOK (duly cowed), a Grunkle Blood Weaver, and 5 Smartlings)

The Tower of The Sun appears to practically shine in the light. It is filled with engravings of the sun in a variety of different styles. The entrance is a thick stone covering, surrounded by red rubies. The surrounding land looks very inviting. Nice, soft grass to lay in, a small babbling brook for drinking from, small animals froliking to and fro.
(Continued on Discord)
The Stonekin

Movement/Action 1: Send the Rockmen through the Western Maw tunnel to create an outpost on the eastern ridge of the Misty Canyon. It will act as an intermediary as Rockmen scouts go north and south to scout the region. Southern scouts are to find the 'School of the Gifted'.
[Resources: Stone, 20 Rockmen - 10 to be split between the north and south scouting parties and 10 to remain at the outpost, 5 Rockmen Guardians - 2 to be split between both scouting parties and 3 to remain at the outpost.]

The Rockmen seem to only have a rudimentary grasp of what they are trying to do when building an outpost. What constituted an outpost, they wondered. Ah yes, something to stand inside, they all agreed.

They eventually settled on and built a small four person structure out of stone as an “outpost” for them to “rest” between scouting missions and keep a watch for enemies trying to travel into the tunnels.

The Northern Scouts didn’t manage to find much, mostly dirt and stone.

The Southern Scouts had no trouble trying to contact the School of The Gifted. They were greeted at a metal gate by an eleven woman in a blue robe.

“Hello visitors and welcome to The School Of The Gifted. Have you come to tour our prestigious facility to possibly join in on improving your education?”
(Continued on Discord)

Action 2: Observe nearby ruins for clues to superior research. Goro is unsatisfied with the quality of his Stonekin and their construction skills. He spends time figuring out how to program his Stonekin with the skills to build things better. (Looking for things like advanced construction, stoneworking, tools or architecture please! Also hoping this affects the outpost.)
[Keywords: Relic-linked, Reconstituting, Wise, Bunker of Ancients, Metal Box of Creation, Tower of Brimstone, Stone, Coal Mining]

Unfortunately, Goro doesn’t have too much luck in his task. He eventually manages to teach the Stonekin Stoneworking, but it took many more years than he was originally planning on trying to do it. As a creature of immortality, he had the time, but it felt to him as if he could have done other more worthwhile things with the time.

All in all, the Stonekin do obtain Stoneworking.

Gain: Stoneworking and UNIQUE RESOURCE: Fancy Inscribed Urns

It was dark when she awoke. A brilliant night sky overhead cast. She shifted her bulbous body, shifting her head upwards, the numerous multifaceted compound eyes taking in the environment. She had far greater color vision compared to numerous other animals, allowing her surprisingly good vision, even in the dimlight. The myriad of colors in the moonlight dazzled and surprised her. When did she awake? Who created her? Her memories were vast, but none applied to this current situation. There was no time to dwell on such unimportant matters, however. She was exposed. As big and massive as she was, she was vulnerable, even if she was a truly formidable foe in normal combat. It was not her place to fight, but that of her brood.

Propagate. Adapt. Swarm.

That was what she knew. Conquer. Expand. This world was new, unknown to her. She hauled herself forward, her many legs powerfully moving her forward. There. A large hole. Perhaps a burrow for some unknown creature? There were no pheromones she could detect, however. She moved into it. It was old. Unused. And it was perfect. To accomodate one of her size, the animal that had once resided her had to have truly been of considerable size. She positioned herself ideally, and focused herself. With a few spasms, she laid the first of her eggs. The first of her brood.

They would hatch soon, and they would feed her. Care for her. And expand for her. In this world, they were new. There was no name for them. But the Queen remembered. Visions of the past. A veritable sea of insects swarming, infesting, chewing. An unstoppable tide of blackness. The Black Tide. Time would tell if that vision would come true. But the Queen was weary. She shifted her body slightly, even as she heard the soft crackling of the first eggs hatching. How much time had passed? It was hard to tell. For one such as her, time was uncountable. Immortal, she could not die. Not through aging or disease, at least.

If needed, she could devote precious time and energy to cocooning herself, to change her body and shape. To adjust. But now was not the time for that. She rested, but not for long. It would be time for the next eggs to be laid. Already, she could hear the workers digging, expanding the burrow. She was too close to the surface; that would have to change. To go deeper. But for now, this was sufficient to start her Hive. Days and months passed, and she transitioned to an even deeper chamber, below the earth. More workers were spawned. And among them, a hero. Gayla, she christened him. For a brief time, he would fight for her, protect her. Champion her neophyte army that was still gestating. They grew, and more time passed.

Deeper, and wider, the Hive grew. The forest was rife with animals and creatures that would sustain their growth. And then finally, the present day arrived. Deep within the Hive, the Queen stirred. A peculiar scent filled the air, one the Tide were well familiar with. A command, if you would. An order.

It was time.
ACTION 1: The Queen will adjust her internals to facilitate faster egg laying (research more population growth per turn, hopefully an extra 1d10?)

ACTION 2: Obtain an insect with paralytic properties and use that as a basis to develop a new military unit designed to paralyze opponents from range (modified urticating hairs, perchance?)
The Black Tide

Action 1: The Queen will adjust her internals to facilitate faster egg laying (research more population growth per turn)

The Queen adjusts her internals, but not as well as she would have liked. It was difficult work and one that perhaps under the guidance of one more skilled than she, could have made better progress.

Squeezing every last egg out that she could, she managed to boost their numbers to an additional 1d10 every turn.

Action 2: Obtain an insect with paralytic properties and use that as a basis to develop a new military unit designed to paralyze opponents from range.

The scouts searched far and wide for a new insect for which to base a new military unit. They were all eager to assist their queen in such a task. After much searching, they brought back three possible choices for the new creation.


-The Mugwug
-The Golden Horned Req
-The Buzzing Zig Zug

A thick fog rolled in out of nowhere and from within it, emerged a Black Robed figure. Its hands twirled around as though beckoning someone or something to it. It seems to have something for your kind and perhaps, to talk(?).

Who can tell with two leggers. If they even only had two legs. It was hard to tell with the thick black robe, after all.
Hive of the Great Mother


The Queen was lonely. She was telepathically connected to all the other members of her hive but they only followed her commands. They never said anything themselves.
And the Queen hated being lonely.
So she experimented. Crafted her own traits into the newborn. And eventually she heard it: "Mom?"

The Queen was no longer alone. She now had children that could communicate with her. And she loved them so very much. She spend her time to teach them all that she knew and raised them into fine members of the hive. And when the time came, her children also had children.

It had been many years since then, although time had little meaning so deep underground. The Queen herself stopped laying eggs and taught her children how to craft their desired traits into their eggs. And her children taught everything they knew onto their children and the Queen was so very proud.

The Queen herself also learned from her children. About desire and discourse. About ownership and trade. About sharing and keeping. And she loved it all so very much as she never felt less lonely before.

The children and their children call her the Great Mother and she wished that they could spend their time together for all eternity in the safety of their hive but she knew that was not possible. The caves were vast and dangerous and the hive was growing. Change had to happen.

So the minds of the hive convened and came to a consensus. They had to explore and expand. For their own safety and future. And although the Queen hated seeing her children leave the nest, she knew it was for the best.


Action 1:

The 10 Hunters in Darkness will explore the vast cave systems. Exploration is their main goal but they will also see what happens when they are away for a long time from the hive. They will also try and communicate with creatures as their telepathic communication is very different from others. Combat is only a last resort.

Action 2:

The rest of the Military and the hive population will expand the hive and prepare more space for future expansion.
(What The Maker Decides: +40)
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Shifting Covenant
Turn 7

Following the abysmal events of the last many years, Ekco only found more continued enjoyment in the delightful power that was bestowed upon to her by the great big floating mess of an afterlife that sat above the Split. Despite the fact she found pleasure in it and many still followed, having created a rather frustrating divide in the people that once followed. Having toyed with plentiful ideas over the years, Ekco raised herself from her own self-anointed throne that was merely a rather shoddily carved rock. Beckoning forth a Dark Mage servant in order to hear out orders, she only smirked a devious grin.

"Fellow adept, send yourself or others to band together. I will not tolerate such fragmentation of perfect unity in our covenant as well as such disgusting and intolerable disobedience among vile subspecies I have protected and given life to. If it wasn't for my own efforts and actions, they would not even have a home or brain to believe with, it is time we once more open our hearts for apologies and the welcome wagon in order to convince them to come and rejoin the right side. Perhaps we'll give them freedom of being sent up to the sky, but that is their own dejected outcome" Ekco voiced, noticing rather a gathering of others in her following that would come to listen to her plans. Looking among the barbarians and warriors, she hummed in thought before continuing.

"For those of you that actually wish to fight for glory and a purpose, simply continue to trust in me and follow my lead, but even if some of you... aren't as bright, it is right that we still open our hands to those who continue to reject us out of their own fearful minds. On that day, I made a statement that someone had to be in charge to keep control of our grand home, and that Crystalians and others couldn't go and do as they pleased thinking they owned the place. We had slain the grand titan that plagued and threatened them, and we had given them new home and purpose, and it's about time that they remembered such things. That, and the Tower Evangelicals, for it was my own and the first group whom walked with me who conquered the Tower of Dreams. They are not entitled to it as they so please, and they will be reminded of it" Ecko answered, for once sounding like violence and combat was not her first result to solving the problem. Smiling deviously, she made hand gestures to get people to clear out and leave, sending off her followers to spread the message and prepare for travel and diplomatic work. Meanwhile, she waited for things to be rather clear as she called upon another Dark Mage and a Beastmaster whose voice held experience and knowledge among those who practiced the same interests. Smirking deviously, she was not fully out of ideas.

"Of course, while I had other things to seek out, it would appear that I would need a back-up plan to if the Crystalians and the Evangelicals aren't easily cooperating. Now, I'd rather not put a dent in my own kingdom or throw away my people in war, and just as a pure interest to see if it could be done, I've got a much more fun idea" Ekco grinned with a delighted little laugh, letting them know of her grand visualisation.

"My fellow followers, we have experimented and trialed much in the arts of evolution and biological growth, but I must ask myself, are we truly the masters of our growth and power if we cannot undo what has been done or attempt to change the past?" she asked, making a hand gesture to them both.
"I'd like to see some of you get to work on studying evolutionary change once more, and evolutionary revertion. Not only might this provide some interesting answers, but if these people want to leave our perfected and unified covenant, then why not try turning them into the animals they so aspire to be? Beastmaster, I want your fellows to be on hand and ready for handling new creatures if they should come your way. If they're originated from those who chose to go against us, give them a quaint reminder whose in charge while they live in their unintelligent animalistic husks on a leash".

Evolution of the Body (Spearmen): 3 (+1 from Tower = 4)
Gain a Slime Champion every turn: Unreceived.

Donations to Sky City: 5 Stone Elves, 5 Humans, 1 Giant

Action 1: Go pay the Tower Evangelicals a personal visit in order to return them back into the Covenant under Ekco's leadership, bringing along Parade Floats and some units too. (+1 Stability to Government)
Action 2: Research 'De-Evolution' and how to weaponise it. (+1 from Tower to non-combat rolls) (Techs: Mathematics, Cuneiform, Pigments)​
Hive of the Great Mother

Action 1:

The 10 Hunters in Darkness will explore the vast cave systems. Exploration is their main goal but they will also see what happens when they are away for a long time from the hive. They will also try and communicate with creatures as their telepathic communication is very different from others. Combat is only a last resort.

The Hunters in Darkness come across three creatures in their travels. They seem to be ambivalent and non sapient animals. It is possible that they could be tamed.

Choose 3 from this list to find what you discover:

Pit Killer
Guardian Dian

Action 2:

The rest of the Military and the hive population will expand the hive and prepare more space for future expansion.
(What The Maker Decides: +40)

At first, it seems as though expanding the hive is a complete and utter failure. They begun digging and very quickly come to a very hard, very impassable cold wall.

However, upon further digging, it seems to be a metal door of some kind. Perhaps they could open it? (SCENE ON DISCORD)
Map 2: Turn 7
Shifting Covenant

Evolution of the Body (Spearmen): 3 (+1 from Tower = 4)

The Spearmen do not manage to evolve into anything and remain the same.
Gain a Slime Champion every turn: Unreceived.

slime Champion Hero
Martial 2/Magic 2
Fight With Your Might- Deal an extra 2 damage with each attack.
My Magic Is Better Than Yours- Choose one spell in your level and you can Cast it at one level higher

Donations to Sky City: 5 Stone Elves, 5 Humans, 1 Giant

Action 1: Go pay the Tower Evangelicals a personal visit in order to return them back into the Covenant under Ekco's leadership, bringing along Parade Floats and some units too. (+1 Stability to Government)

You are recived by The Courier Of The Tower, a prestigious title you are told. They wish to keep their independence. But are willing to discuss terms that are favorable to them. (Discord Diplomacy)

Action 2: Research 'De-Evolution' and how to weaponise it. (+1 from Tower to non-combat rolls) (Techs: Mathematics, Cuneiform, Pigments)

The ideas were sound and perhaps in the future they can de evolve their enemies and stomp them into dust. But unfortunately for now, that ability lays beyond them.

The Pinstripe Fellowship
Turn I

It would be hard to notice, the growth of such vibrant creatures in such a gloomy place like the forests of Ashurst. With dry trees and gray skies, most creatures would never be able to flourish in such a desperate environment. Many stayed away, or at least, creatures of the surface did.

Yet despite every setback that life could possibly have, magic came and went within the crooked woods. A young and somewhat small clan of Dark Tabaxi discovered it some time ago, a lush (or as lush the still air of Ashurst would allow) glade, where curious people of fruit and vegetable roamed. They were a fresh species, to be sure, but with discovery came teamwork, and with teamwork came collaboration. Despite not having much, the Pinstripe Fellowship was born from the connection between these people, and the strange Poppets they encountered in the night.

With a gang of the strange and plenty, the Fellowship put a Gourdian in charge, a Mayor: Jack Horner, a jolly fellow with a good heart and nice disposition. With his guidance, they might have a chance to make survival more comfortable for everyone.

  • Use the Plantfolk's knowledge of irrigation to begin attempting to build farmland.
  • Begin constructing a large barn shelter to be used as a meeting place and temporary home for all folks of the Fellowship.
The Pinstripe Fellowship

Use the Plantfolk's knowledge of irrigation to begin attempting to build farmland.

The irrigation of the potential farmland goes well. Not spectacular, but we'll enough that they are able to begin growing crops.

Choose 3 from this list:
- Redmonts
- Pol
- Turpin
- Mitlorp
- Hornswaggle
- Wjop
- Glint

Begin constructing a large barn shelter to be used as a meeting place and temporary home for all folks of the Fellowship.

The large barn structure construction goes well. In fact, the people soon consider it the best place in the region for their kind.

It soon holds all kinds of parties and shindigs, boosting the happiness of your people.

The Barn- defensive structure that serves as a meeting/party hall for your people. Gives +1 Happiness and an increase in pop of +2d10 a turn.
The Mantle Taken & A Brother in Full - [Fluff WIP]
Mystics of the Calm - [Post Theme] - Turn 7​

  • 1715282369670.png

    [Lakeside] - [77 AC - After Chalice, Fall]

    A fair wind blow down from the Peaks of Music as the sun began to set. A little chill to show the coming winter in the Astral Forest. But, it was the season of Sai, where the balance of the Astral reached its apex. Ebb and flow coalesced into unity. Where leaves shift into radiant balls of light, falling gently into the Hajni river. Cleansing the water and the soil of impurities, of demonic corruption, should there be any. Cleansing and bringing balance to this world, return it to its primal state. And each passing year, the forest did its work. Leaves whistling through the wind, forming into many colors. Streaks of black, grey, and umbral color meandered through, tickling and carrying the orbs of light from the banks of Hanji to the rest of the forest. Sai, the holy season, where pilgrimages are made from Lakeside, Rejikhold, and other parts of the land. Afterall, when Ivan claimed the chalice, no one could pilgrimage for that. So, Sai became the new site for the pilgrimage and the Mystics of the Study prepared carefully for them to arrive. Working in conjunction with Scalvanes and its people who lived just on the forest's edge. Between the closeness to the Study and the tourism did Scalvanes become a town of its own. One that lived with the colorful dolls and toys the Mystics would make for the children, the healing when needed, and the companionship both holds had. But, that is nor here or there for today.

    For in the season of Sai is when Ivan makes his trips to the Astral Forest. To enjoy the solitude from the bustle of Lakeside. Not like he would be gone if the need rose as his power grew to allow easy transport between Lakeside and the Study. It did mean Ivan was rather difficult to nail down. As much who needed him could send him a sending spell. The ability to do so rather widespread amongst much of the Higaarans and Disaarans. Some of Soverigian could do so as well. A nice benefit to speak with those of other towns easily. Slowly, a code was forming to transmit great deals of information in such a short span of a phrase. A language of itself. One, to be written and catalogued for future generations. So, Ivan laid on a rocky craig of the Hajni river watching as the orbs of light flutter by, as the trees whistled sacred tunes. As his very being felt at ease and in its element. Balance, harmony, as prescribed so long ago. Truly it was a miracle that all of this had happened. Uplifting of the mystics, intervention with Lakeside, tethering of the Astral forest, and so much more. And with each passing day, Ivan could feel more and more colliding together. A thump in his mind growing stronger, a pulse through his body ever stronger with each passing moment.

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The Culexus Sicarius Tribe - Turn 1

"... Tell me young one... why do you think we feel pain?"


"I see... an interesting... perspective.... and yet, you can not be any farther from the truth."

"...? ....."

"You see, the reason we feel pain is far more complex than simply being a 'weakness'. Its to remind us of who we are... creations of the Earth, casted into the endless cycle that nature puts us on. To feel pain is to be alive, to be mortal. It is what reminds us that we are alive, and strives to encourage us to try and survive. To not feel pain is to not accept the blessing that the Earth gave us. To refuse natural death is to sever your ties with what gave us life. Without pain, there would be no death. No death, and too many shall be born on this planet. And too many... means unbalance, resulting in the evetnual demise of the Earth."

"So, do not call the gift that was given to all life on Earth a 'weakness', instead, find happiness in such. For it means that you are truly alive."

"... I will... Father..."


The vast forest within the Misty Canyon… a harsh environment for those considered not native to these lands. Whether it would be the various beasts that trail the floor of the forest searching for any unlucky creature to crossing paths with them, to the very plants themselves feasting on the living to grow. It was a fight to survive within such a location, certainly not a place not meant for many. However, despite just how harsh a living was… some individuals managed to make a life in the forest, not thrive, mind you. But they certainly were in no struggle as of yet.

High above the dangerous foggy floors of the forest were a series of makeshift huts, camouflaged with leaves and branches, hanging along trees… a small civilization. A variety of what seemed to be humans can be seen traveling about from hut to hut, whether by climbing the trees themselves or using a series of vines to climb to another. Many of them adorned cloaks made of branches and leaves, each movement they made carefully planned out as to not reveal their position to anything that may be wandering below, speaking in hushed whispers or speaking through hand signals to communicate with one another. Many would simply pass this off as individuals fearfully attempting to survive in such a place.

But a closer look would reveal that they were certainly doing better than some others, the small population of ‘humans’ wore masks made of bones and skulls. And with the stone weapons that they have at hand, they were no strangers when it came to fighting for survival. Spirits were as high as it can be in a place such as this… some of the hunters had come back from their task, having slain a pack of Direwolves after noticing their numbers have been rising just a bit too quickly. It was their task to ensure that the balance of nature wasn’t tipped too much in one side, after all… if naught a thing was done about it, then the planet would spiral down until it meets its demise.

One of the hunters had made their way to a hut in particular, dragging about the head of a Direwolf, soon dropping it on the floor in front of them and kneeling. On the other side of the hut, a large figure began to get up. They wore a large black cloak that covered most of their body, wearing an oversized raven skull in front of their face. They had rose a large clawed hand, some parts of the skin having been replaced by that of an avian’s own, creating the sight of a sickly and mutated limb. The clawed hand reached down to grasp onto the Wolf’s head, pulling it closer to himself and inspecting it, soon glancing at the hunter.

“… you have done well, fletching. Take this moment to rest. We will begin scouting outside of the forest to see what may lies behind the veil of fog.”

Short and straight to the point, the large figure wasted no time speaking. The other hunter, seemingly getting the hint, nodded, having no need to waste any precious words as they exited the hunt to gather their resolve for the next day. The leader of the tribe gave a soft sigh as he casually tossed the wolf’s head to the side, soon getting up and slowly making his way out of the hut, taking the moment to glance about the different huts and seeing the makeshift irrigation system that was being made to water the few plants they were growing here, makeshift abacuses being used to keep track of the crops. At the very least… even if this scouting party were to fail, they certainly weren’t going to come back empty handed.

Free Actions:
Scouting party shall head towards the East, engaging in diplomacy with the ‘men made of stone’.

Paid actions:

1. Creation of a makeshift irrigation system on the tree tops, using bowl like structures to store water within them, in order to help water the plants within small garden beds. The plants themselves will be kept in check, harvested using sustainable practices as to not use up too much of them at an time or waste any that is harvested and stored, only using when necessary.

Technologies used: Abacus, Irrigation, Clay

2. Scouting the area within the Misty Forest, with scouts sticking to the treetops, hoping from tree to tree and avoiding contact with the forest floor as much as they possibly could.
The Moonsworn
Turn 7

Call to War
King Izgil looked upon Moonhold with pride, the eternal king of the Moonsworn surprised how much the ranks of the faithful had swollen. Another era flowing by as the new threats began to arrise. The need to face a demonic incursion was now upon them. The Moon had not love for those things, he could feel it deep inside. These things came to destroy and harm those who had taken the Moon into their hearts. To spread death and mayhem that only they could enjoy. The priests were ordered to begin preaching for war and toil, to forge the tools of war needed to slay the powers of darkness that now posed a threat.

"War is coming."

The entire chamber was silent as the Golem King spoke to the court he sat before. He was often silent, simply watching his subjects as they went about their lives. None were foolish to think him asleep or dormant. Izgil thought long and hard about problems, as was his purpose in being the King. The Moonsworn as a whole knew he cared for them and for the faith of the Moon. His every action intent upon improving the lives of the faithful and their allies. His every though bent towards expanding the faith and forging ties with those less interested in conversion.

To be told that was ominous. Izgil once marched before in pursuit of a Moon Shard. That very treasure now linked Moonhold to an entire other continent, bringing ice and oak wood that could be use for craft, fire and charcoal. Word had indeed come of grim tidings in the far north. Demons. Even the Moonsworn knew to dread and hate those things. It would seem that Izgil had come to a conclusion about that matter.

"We must prepare. A great foundry will be built to forge stronger armor and weapons in greater numbers. I must divine the means to harm these fiends. To battle them so that we endure what Doom they seek to bring upon us. Let the work commence!"

1: The Moonsworn commence work on the War Foundry to begin a major arming and militarization against the Demon Horde.
2: King Izgil will engage in Divination magics to research the Demons to find weaknesses and intel to prepare for war.
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Flesh ProphetsFlesh ProphetsFlesh ProphetsFlesh ProphetsFlesh ProphetsFlesh ProphetsFlesh ProphetsFlesh ProphetsFlesh ProphetsFlesh ProphetsFlesh ProphetsFlesh ProphetsFlesh ProphetsFlesh ProphetsFlesh ProphetsFlesh ProphetsFlesh ProphetsFlesh Prophets

You feel yourself lying across the warmth while the sun beats down in such a loving manner. It speaks to you, it tells you how beautiful and perfect and marvelous you are. It lusts for you to become one with it, to become one with everything. You feel a great yearning deep within your breast. You have spent your entire life alone before this. You lie in the hot sun. You lie in the hot sun and feel the blood ooze from your torn midsection. You laugh at the cruelty of it all. You laugh as the blood bubbles and oozes in your throat and drips down your mouth and sizzles on the hot sand. Why. Why must they have been enemies? Their loving shards of bone lace your body and sap your life. It hurts. It hurts and makes you angry. Why do they give you parts of them, and then take your life away? They've shown you the truth. You want this. You want to be one flesh with them.

All you can do is laugh at the cruel irony of the world. All its secrets laid bare before you, in your last moments of life, the slivers of bone working deeper and deeper into you as your nectar runs out and is lapped up by those ambling past you, in their perpetual state of orgasmic bliss. It could have been you, too.

Such a boring day turned into such a marvelous thing. You weep. You weep and laugh and rage at the cruelty of it all. But the tears are not just angry, they are thankful. Thankful for seeing the ultimate axiom of the world.

"Do you really want this, Bahram?"

You cry out to the sky, your broken body twitching in the sand, "Yes, please! I am sorry I fired my arrows at you! I didn't know!" It hurts to move, a firey ripple dancing across your body. You want mercy. You want them to know you love them and lust for them and want to be one with them. Even if you die, you do not want to die with them thinking you hate them.

"It is ok."

You feel a wave of emotion. You scream to the sun, choking on your own blood and hurling a gurgle out to the world. It is happiness to surpass all happiness, this is all you ever wanted. You didn't know you wanted this until now, but had you known, you would have spent your entire life clawing your way to this moment. Tears stream down your face, mixing with the grime and blood and snot. You're not pitiful though, you're saved.

The sun fills you and scalds away your filth, an itching surges across your body as your wounds close and your muscles swell and your skin snaps and twists and bones sickeningly crunch into new and greater forms. Your head is filled with a choir of your family, your kin, your lovers. You love them and are one with them.

You dance through Oakdale, singing with your family and finding new things. It is true heaven on earth.


You didn't think we'd tell you, really? You aren't us. You aren't one of us. Your flesh is selfish and refuses to share its love with us. Scurry away from the sunlight you treacherous sow. Just as our love is infinite, so is our hatred. We hate you. We hate everything you stand for. Most of all, we hate how you sway others away from our truth. You deprive your kin of dizzying and intoxicating love. Fuck you. Die in the mud and be forgotten as we exist eternally.
Turn 7

Reginald twirled the training spear in his hands, staring down his opponent icily. Resisting the urge to let loose a scream, the same kind that stories of his ancestors mentioned, he lashed out with his weapon at his opponent, a simple probing strike. Smirking across at him, Nyra slapped away his weapon with her sword and stepped forwards into his guards. Reginald smirked and dropped the spear, stepping forwards and throwing a heavy strike into her face, shocking her and causing her to take a step back as a slow trickle of blood began to flow from her nose and burn away the ground where it dropped.

“And a point to Reginald, first blood!” Irnon spoke from the side of the small arena, sliding a knife along a smooth piece of wood as he carved yet another mask. “I believe that makes the score 7 to 926. Are you sure you will ever catch up there Reginald?”

“Ah quiet ya masked Bastard, she has near a hundr’d years on me!” Reginald rolled his eyes at the masked being, picking up his spear and giving it a small glare as it snapped in half with a hole burned in the center. “Damned, gonna have ta make a new one again.”

“I’ll carve you one Reginald, it was my fault it broke after all,” Nyra’s hand glowed for a moment and her nose snapped back into place, a sigh of relief escaping her as it was fixed. “Though I suppose that puts an end to sparring for the day.”

“Good, I don’t have near as much energy as you youngsters,” Prif grumbled from her position opposite Irnon, one eye opened to watch the others as she rested. “Gods how did I ever have that much energy.

“The effects of aging Prif, always a joy to discover,” the quartets eyes shot to the speaker, taking in the sight of both Sarala and Merasa approaching them hand in hand. The Swamp Witch smiled at the aging goblin sadly as she continued to speak. “I’m thankful that we no longer feel their effects, and I do so wish we could allow you to do the same.”

“Bah, don’t you worry about me ya old witch, I’ve got a few years left in me before I turn control of the tribe over to that granddaughter of mine,” Prif smirks at the witch for a moment before turning back to face the East with a troubled expression. “He is preparing again, and I don’t think we will be able to stop him this time.”

“My father is still shackled by his promise Prif, we know this,” Nyra sighs as she faces the same direction as her friend. “That we have kept him here so long, I am amazed that he hasn’t lost himself to the demon within yet.”

“Oh he should just let it out already, give us a real show!” All eyes shot to Irnon as he spoke, the mask on his face having changed to a blood red one with a smiling face carved into it. “It would be oh so interesting to see after all!”

“Ya would think that, wouldn’t ye ya crazy bastard,” Reginald rolled his eyes at the ‘man’, rolling his shoulder out of habit. “I’m hoping we can convince this fae of yer pa’s ta turn him back, or at least inta somin that won’t drive him insane.”

“I doubt it, you’ve never had the misfortune of meeting her,” Sarala shivered slightly, mind shooting back to her own brief meeting with the Archfey.

“Even if she doesn’t, I’ll find a way to help turn him back, to free him from the hell he is in now,” Nyra’s voice was filled with determination, the iron will that both her parents held fully in evidence. “No matter what it takes.”

“I suppose you’re stuck with us then,” Merasa’s own fanged smirk met the daughter of the Aros’, Sarala leaning in flush to her side. “I owe him my life after all, not a chance in hell I abandon him.”

“He took my tribe in when we didn’t have anywhere else to go and protected us from the elementals when they attacked,” Prif groaned as she stood, grumbling under her breath for a moment about her knees. “I owe him the life of every living goblin in the forests.”

“I swore my blade ta him, aren’t a chance in hell I’ll abandon him now,” Reginald cracked his knuckles as he spoke, the pops coming one by one. “Not till he is saved and them fleshy bastards are all dead.”

“I suppose that I’ll stick around to see what happens then! Why, this is the best entertainment I’ve had in years!” Irnon’s mask had once more changed, this time to yellow wood with a face of pure glee. “Oh will this turn out to be a tragedy? Or a story of true heroics?”

“We are all in agreement of a sorts then,” Once more all eyes shot to the West, back towards the home of the Aros. Asari, as radiant as ever and yet appearing tired and worn down, approached them. On her shoulder stood Farin, the familiar watching the group as she had been doing from the air. “We set out tomorrow for the Crossroads. All of us. Kuro is taking no more risks this time, Kharis can not escape us a third time.”​

Action 1 - Recruitment - The Aros will attempt mass recruitment into the Green Soldiers and Forest Barbarians (20 Human pop, 20 Goblin pop)

Action 2 - Kuro will lead his forces in an attempt to locate and capture the ELF within the Crossroads

Movement - Kuro, Asari, Nyra, Sarala, Merasa, Reginald, Prif, Irnon, 10 Blades of Aros and 20 Green Soldiers (10 Equipped with Fire Pikes) will travel to the Plains of Plenty

Race: Demon
Keywords: Intelligent, Archmage, Leader
Traits: We Know These Woods- When fighting in the woods, force a reroll of an enemies successful Action. (Once per Game Turn)
I know Magic- Choose one level 1 Close Range Spell and cast it at Long Range
Magic: 8 Martial: 0

Lahara's Ward
Gain [Fey Presence] [Misty Escape]
Kuro is now immune to any and all forms of poison. Not only is he immune, but particularly powerful or deadly poisons will actually heal him.

Demonic Form
Gain [Fire Immunity] [Cause Fear] [Flight]

Varos- Barn Owl

Green Laoying Serpent
Swims through the sky, poison breath. (Bonus when fighting alongside bonded partner)
[Martial 0/Magic 4]
My Tree, My Heart, My Home
When in their home region, Asari counts as being one spell level higher. [Meaning she is level 5 and can cast 3 level 6 spells while you are within the Crooked Forest]

Power of the Forest
Asari can cast 3 level 6 Spells from the Druid list an event.

The Tree Is Strong
The roots of the dryad tree have spread far, its bark is like iron and it stands to resist all enemies.. Love holds true, and so will it. The tree, itself, is immune to fire and sickness. It will never wither, it will never rot, it will never burn. So long as Kuro lives, so too does Asari's heart. Asari is no longer bound to the tree and may travel wherever she wishes. If she is slain, she will be reborn from the tree after a certain period of time. If Kuro falls, Asari and her tree will wither and die, unable to live alone. The duo may suspend all actions to cast a single spell together. If they do so, the spell will have much greater power. As they grow in magic, so to do does this grow in power.

While Asari is alive, gain D3 units of Dryad Wood a turn. Dryad Wood is stronger than any mundane wood and has natural magical properties.

Farin - Barn Owl

Blue Laoying Serpent
Swims through sky, breaths Lightning. (Bonus when Fighting alongside bonded partner.)
Martial 0 Magic 4
Summon Fishmen
As an action, the Swamp Witch can summon 1d3+1 Fishmen from the depths of the Swamp to assist her in battle. (Usable Once a Turn)

Living Swamp
Her swamp domain gives her a +1 and her enemies a -1

Obeah - Weasel

Barely sentient mushroom, tough and surprisingly fireproof. Constant stream of poisonous spores streaming from underneath.
Martial 1 Magic 3
Mud Golems
As an action, the Mud Witch can create 1d3+1 Mud Golems to help in battle (Usable Once a Turn)

Quick Mud
The Mud witch is capable of creating traps if mud-based quicksand to place in locations to trap her opponents.

Allures - Raven
Martial 4 Magic 1
So long as Nyra is 'close', she can elect to 'step in front' of a blow and take the damage for another character. If she is damaged in this means, any damage reduction or armor she has will be ignored [takes pure HP damage].

Eldritch Knight
Nyra can 'charge' any weapon she has with her magic, picking one of the primary elements: Fire, Ice, Lightning or Acid, and infuse her weapon with that power. If she is using a magical weapon that already grants that damage type, its damage is improved.

Queen's Child
Nyra has been granted immortality by Lahara and, in a strange sense, has also become Lahara's child. Nyra has acidic blood and extremely poisonous saliva.. which does make future potential partner options a bit limited. Once per scene, Nyra can 'give herself' over to her fae blood. If she does this, four chitinous limbs will emerge from her back and greatly increase her power... But every time she uses this, she can feel she is becoming something... and isn't sure she wants to go down that path.

Etheri - Spider
Martial 4/ Magic 0
Hate The Prophets
Gains +2 to hit and +2 Damage against all Flesh Prophet units

A Leader to His Men
When leading from a battle, all troops under his command gain +1 to hit and +1 HP
Martial 3/ Magic 4
Insanity Under Wraps
As a full round action, the Masked Man can remove his mask. Any that can see underneath MUST pass an 8+ Sanity Check or be incapacitated

Our Magic Is Our Magic
Can cast Magic even when in anti-magic fields

Gozin - Imp

Flying Tree
A large sized Tree that flies through the air at will. Can fight in battle at 2d10 dice. Has 1 natural Armor.

Martial 5/ Magic 0
Goblin Chieftain- There will ALWAYS be a Goblin Chieftain as long as the Goblins remain alive and in your realm. When a New Goblin Chieftain is chosen, they are able to move the Martial/Magic stats around with an additional +1. They also keep current abilities and gain 1 new one every new Chief

An Old Goblin Trick- Goblins are Crafty and have ways of accomplishing things that would be considered difficult to others. As long as there is a Goblin in your adventuring party or army, gain +1 to non combat rolls. Also, will never SUFFER THE EFFECTS OF A CRITICAL FAIL.

Hidden Strength- Despite her small size, Prif is capable of dealing a large amount of damage with her Axe that is twice her height. Deal an extra 2 damage on a successful strike.

31 - Human
27 - Goblin

Green Soldiers - 40
Forest Barbarians - 8
Wolfpack - 30
Blades of Aros - 10
Dire Wolves - 5
Dire Foxes - 10
Dire Bears - 2

Silver Ore - 5 (+5)
Dryad Wood - 7 (+2)
Gorgon Peppers - 2
Amber - 5
Ice Pear - 1
Fire Pikes - 20 (One Wielded by Reginald, Nineteen by Green Soldiers)

Light Sword- A strange blade that forms out of Light from a small handle (Equipped by Nyra)

Boots of Air- Boots capable of allowing limited flight (Equipped by Nyra)

Shield of Thorns - If struck by a powerful blow, the holder can force its striker to feel the same suffering they do. BOTH of them will take the full damage of the attack. This ability can be used even if the holder would, normally, be killed outright by the blow. (Equipped by Nyra)

The MAYONNAISE Jug -This Pottery Jug can be magically compelled to fill with one of the below once a day. Once the jug starts producing, it can't produce a different one until the next day. The Jug has a 'maximum' of each thing it can create and will not make more of that until it is gone [The jug KNOWS] (Carried by Sarala)
Beer - 4 Units
Wine - 1 Unit
Honey - 1 Unit
Mayonnaise - A Disgusting Amount
Vinegar - 2 Units
Water, Fresh - 8 Units Worth
Water, Salt - 12 Units Worth

Writing (Cuniform)
Basic Metallurgy​
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Mystics of the Calm

1. Diplomatic Mission: Attempt to Integrate Rejikhold and Scalvanes into the Clan as the close ties made sense. And in the coming decades, as Ivan's followership in the hold grew, it made less and less sense for Rejikhold not to be apart of what would be known as this budding nation. A lot has happened since Ivan walked into the Jarl's palace so many years ago. And he hoped this would be better. To return not as a diplomat, but as a patron deity, even though he didn't like the thought of that. But, Ivan never wanted to be a people's god. He simply knew he was the man to do it. So, he does. Out of love and service to those that take his faith. For his purity, his simplicity, his observance of the pleasures of life, his moral strength, made him into the force he was today. An icon for prosperity, freedom, and safety in a time where it wasn't so. The Mystics enjoyed an abundance, they know it so. And their efforts to help those of the North show that they don't mind sharing. And Ivan was ready to put past the Inghard ordeal. Time to move forward in unity.

A large group of friendly people arrive at the outskirts of the settlement to greet the arriving ambassadors. They give a gift of A FLOCK OF SHEEP.

((To be Resolved On Discord))

Implement Astral Tradition: Astral Arms, Armor & Tools. Jorgen is a psionic prodigy. The Mystics first success in humanity of this world has gained exotic abilities. Mainly his astral blades. This skill would be invaluable for many respects. The obvious military applications are there. Weapons need not be made for the soldier has their own unbreakable one. And in conjunction with the psionic armor of the Rejikhold Defenders would be a major step forward in the Mystic military. Though, this idea would be taken a bit further. Afterall, if you could forge a sword of energy in your hand. Why not bows? Why not shields? Or even further. Why not tools? Like hammers or pickaxes? That is where the most interesting part comes in. How revolutionary would it be to make a hammer that does not break? THat need not be repaired? Need not be carried? It all seemed in sight now.

The training was not easy in any regard. But it led to a complete success for a specialized group of Psionic Warriors that can use Psionic Weapons

Psion Blades- Gain 5 Psionic Blades. These Warriors have been trained to create a single psionic blade. 2d10 dice.

Psion Bowmen- Gain 5 Psion Bowmen. These ranged Warriors can create a psionic bow and as many arrows as their abilities can handle. 2d10 dice

Psion Builder- Gain 2 Psion Builders. They create their tools using psionic abilities. If used on a project, ignores a crit fail. If both are used on a singukar project, it can increase the effect of a crit success

Free] Lakeside Restoration Trigger - A soft reminder.
"Laketown survives, and with their Lord's Return, they are willingly annexed by the Mystics [You may play with this in fluff however you wish, but for all intents and purpose, you own Laketown]. Laketown's wealth and military had been devastated, you will not gain anything until they've had time to recover [Will not gain resources or units from this town until next generation, but will get a large influx when you do]."

-Green Dye
- Sheep Milk
- Red Clay

Every turn Gain 1d3 of these units:

-Laketown Summoner- These mages focus on using summoned units in battle. Cast at lvl 4 (But can only cast summon spells)
- Laketown Mountains- These Warriors are the strongest and toughest of the men and women of Laketown. They wear Extra Heavy Armor and a Heavy Blade. 2d10 dice
The Culexus Sicarius Tribe

1. Creation of a makeshift irrigation system on the tree tops, using bowl like structures to store water within them, in order to help water the plants within small garden beds. The plants themselves will be kept in check, harvested using sustainable practices as to not use up too much of them at an time or waste any that is harvested and stored, only using when necessary.

Technologies used: Abacus, Irrigation, Clay

The irrigation system is a HUGE success. The people rejoice as they enter a period of GREAT PROSPERITY. Your people have enough food stores that they CAN SURVIVE a BAD FAMINE or BAD HARVEST season.

2. Scouting the area within the Misty Forest, with scouts sticking to the treetops, hoping from tree to tree and avoiding contact with the forest floor as much as they possibly could.

Scouting does not go particularly well. Much of their traveling involves avoiding the forces of The Lord of The Iron Keep as they have begun moving troops towards the South West.

They do manage to discover a strange wooden statue in the woods as well as a seemingly abandoned cottage.
The Moonsworn

1: The Moonsworn commence work on the War Foundry to begin a major arming and militarization against the Demon Horde.

The War foundry was constructed and behan militarization mobilization for the Moonsworn to help combat the Demon Horde to the North. Through their processing, they came up with 3 methods that they could do.


- Upgrade a Dwarven Unit to an additional 2d10 dice.
- Upgrade Greenskin Militiamen to Greenskin Soldiers
- Upgrade Human Pikers to Human Stabbers

2: King Izgil will engage in Divination magics to research the Demons to find weaknesses and intel to prepare for war.

There are many different kinds of Demons and with them, many different types of weaknesses. The most common types of Demons such as IMPS are weak to SILVER or ENCHANTED WEAPONS.
Flesh Prophets


Action 1 - Recruitment - The Aros will attempt mass recruitment into the Green Soldiers and Forest Barbarians (20 Human pop, 20 Goblin pop)

Recruitment goes well enough, though not from the massive recruitment drive that occurred. Merely because as soon as they heard that they would be going after THE ELF who in their mind was the cause of much of the problems of their people, that they needed to fight!

Gain 7 Green Soldiers
Gain 5 Forest Barbarians
Gain 5 Blades of Aros

Action 2 - Kuro will lead his forces in an attempt to locate and capture the ELF within the Crossroads.

It doesn't take much effort to find the location of THE ELF. However, it seems that he is hold up in a Fortified Manor that is protected by Heavily Armed Men and who knows what else!

((To Be Resolved on DISCORD))

Movement - Kuro, Asari, Nyra, Sarala, Merasa, Reginald, Prif, Irnon, 10 Blades of Aros and 20 Green Soldiers (10 Equipped with Fire Pikes) will travel to the Plains of Plenty

Turn 8

((All events will come to the players as their turn posts are processed))


The continent has been all abuzz as of late as The Lord of the Iron Keep has begun pushing into Goliath Lands.


It seems it is his intention to claim The Devil's Hand Region for his growing Kingdom.


To the North, people have heard about a DEMON that has brought a major fortress with him in the Von Erich Mountains.

That has people on edge.


A strange and deadly sickness has been spreading throughout The Water Market in The Great Forest.

This illness has caused the town to become isolated and quarantined for threat of its contagion running rampant throughout the region.

Frost's Rest has begun a major trading boom as it expands into a small township due to trade from another civilization through a magical portal. The word is that they are from another continent known as Astoria.​

The Pinstripe Fellowship
Turn II

The Barn quickly becomes a center of the Fellowship's culture. Many of the folks that need shelter sleep inside, celebrations of singing and folktales are held in a small campfire pit in a sullen area by the barn. Dance begins to form, including the Arc-Step and the Clap. On top of that, the beaten soil from the Fellowship's actions has helped with cultivated conditions, allowing for more citizens to ripen and live (+4 Gourdians).

Despite the tough conditions of the bitter forest, the initial success of new crops has given the community hope in helping Ashurst achieve a new full-leaved season. The Plantfolk and Gourdians celebrate by focusing even harder on bringing life to the gray soils of the forest.

Meanwhile, the Tabaxi and Poppets, creatures that need to eat moreso than their neighbors, begin to move on from simple berries and vegetables. What about finding a similar crop to grains, and mixing the two together? What great feasts could stem from that?

  • Continue to focus on cultivation of farmland, and the land in general. Primarily, there's a focus on helping Ashurst from it's sullen, near-apocalyptic environment, and into a more lush environment.
  • Attempt to invent new small structures for baking/fermenting/cooking/etc. in order to create food that isn't simply grown or found.
The Pinstripe Fellowship

1. Continue to focus on cultivation of farmland, and the land in general. Primarily, there's a focus on helping Ashurst from it's sullen, near-apocalyptic environment, and into a more lush environment.

The cultivation of the nearby land was a GREAT! success!! Through hardworking, careful diverting of a nearby stream and a steady supply of fertilizer, The Pinstripe Fellowship managed to bring back greenery to their home and the next surrounding handful of acres.

This manages to attract a large group of roaming Goblins! They wish to join you in your lush and verdant land.

2. Attempt to invent new small structures for baking/fermenting/cooking/etc. in order to create food that isn't simply grown or found.

Using the ingenuity that can ONLY come from a member of the Pinstripe Fellowship, they manage to construct a series of structures that allow cooking hot foods, ones that allow the fermenting of alcohol and for Baking!

- Wheat based Alcohol
- Bread


Two Men from the city of Ashurst arrive. They say that they have a wonderful opportunity for your people.

They have a show that they perform and wish to bring along a few of your members to BE in the show.

They introduce themselves as Sam and Eric of The Rumbling Circus Bros.
"It was strange. There were bones everywhere," An Emissary told his tale to a crowd of workers, Antmen, and other Emissaries, who were listening intently. By now the whole Hive had heard of the robed stranger, who was known only as the 'Artist'. For his efforts, he had been gifted two items of great value. The bone knuckle was nothing to write home about, but the cleaver was certainly of worth. It was currently being used by Gayla, who...speaking of which, was also there listening. "Get back to work. This is not productive." His chittering voice cut through the air, and the workers began to resume their daily workload. Tersk watched as they scattered, and Gayla approached him. "If you must tell others about your story, do it where it won't interfere with the work." The spider knight had a peculiar voice that seemed to grate on the ears. Not that Tersk had any ears in the traditional sense. He shifted his antennae, waving them in a gesture of acknowledgement. The spider knight grunted in response, turning around and proceeding further down a tunnel.

It was a peculiar thought, but they had a tangible goal now. Tersk quietly began to move towards the Emissary Quarters. In the Hive, there was always work to be done.
Free Action: Equip Gayla with the Cleaver
Action 1: Send out a war party consisting of Gayla with the intent on obtaining corpses and bones to further the expansion of the Hive and accumulate bones for the artist
Action 2: The Queen will dispatch yet another group of individuals with the intent on discovering options for ranged poison (same action as last time. I'm getting those units dammit!)

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