Happy Necromancer
- Group
- Nation Building
The Giants of GlimmerHill
Action 1:
Jok got ideas of tossing cows in many places: What if there was one place they toss cows in, that they could change up, make things fun? Asking the others (an optional step in Giant Hierarchy, but there's no point in doing something people don't like), they thought it sounded like good fun. The next several years they began work on a large training ground and stadium near the base of Onan's Rock, so that they can have a central place for sport and training mirroring the Forum above. (Wood, Stone, Pigments, [HUGE], [Friendly], Puzzling Stone (+1 to noncombat rolls).
The construction takes far longer than it should. (Mainly due to the construction workers getting distracted by many things over the years). It eventually is completed over budget and at a far later date than originally envisioned by.
As such, Wood and Stone is currently unavailable next turn.
Cow Tossing Stadium (Work in Progress Name given by Giants)- Once per turn as a free action, can train 5 units. On a roll of an 8+, they become a hero unit.
ACTION 2: (Scene?)
Jok thought it would probably be a good idea to check out what the TOWER OF THE SUN was all about. Aike always told him wistfully that she never had a chance to enter, and there must be something neat inside. So he's gonna go with a small group to see what it's about. (Bringing Muzuq the Muddy, a Priest of ARMOK (duly cowed), a Grunkle Blood Weaver, and 5 Smartlings)
The Tower of The Sun appears to practically shine in the light. It is filled with engravings of the sun in a variety of different styles. The entrance is a thick stone covering, surrounded by red rubies. The surrounding land looks very inviting. Nice, soft grass to lay in, a small babbling brook for drinking from, small animals froliking to and fro.
(Continued on Discord)
Action 1:
Jok got ideas of tossing cows in many places: What if there was one place they toss cows in, that they could change up, make things fun? Asking the others (an optional step in Giant Hierarchy, but there's no point in doing something people don't like), they thought it sounded like good fun. The next several years they began work on a large training ground and stadium near the base of Onan's Rock, so that they can have a central place for sport and training mirroring the Forum above. (Wood, Stone, Pigments, [HUGE], [Friendly], Puzzling Stone (+1 to noncombat rolls).
The construction takes far longer than it should. (Mainly due to the construction workers getting distracted by many things over the years). It eventually is completed over budget and at a far later date than originally envisioned by.
As such, Wood and Stone is currently unavailable next turn.
Cow Tossing Stadium (Work in Progress Name given by Giants)- Once per turn as a free action, can train 5 units. On a roll of an 8+, they become a hero unit.
ACTION 2: (Scene?)
Jok thought it would probably be a good idea to check out what the TOWER OF THE SUN was all about. Aike always told him wistfully that she never had a chance to enter, and there must be something neat inside. So he's gonna go with a small group to see what it's about. (Bringing Muzuq the Muddy, a Priest of ARMOK (duly cowed), a Grunkle Blood Weaver, and 5 Smartlings)
The Tower of The Sun appears to practically shine in the light. It is filled with engravings of the sun in a variety of different styles. The entrance is a thick stone covering, surrounded by red rubies. The surrounding land looks very inviting. Nice, soft grass to lay in, a small babbling brook for drinking from, small animals froliking to and fro.
(Continued on Discord)