Happy Necromancer
- Group
- Nation Building
The Black Tide
Action 1: Send out a war party consisting of Gayla with the intent on obtaining corpses and bones to further the expansion of the Hive and accumulate bones for the artist.
While killing all sorts of animals to expand the hive and collect bones, they first manage to collect a decent amount of them for their mysterious "friend".
In the Quest for obtaining corpses However, they soon encounter a group of HOSTILE TRIBALS. Humans wearing HEAVY WOODEN ARMOR and Wielding HEAVY STONE AXES.
They don't understand what is being said, but it seems they are angry about the killed animals and are ready to fight.
((To Be Resolved on Discord))
Action 2: The Queen will dispatch yet another group of individuals with the intent on discovering options for ranged poison (same action as last time. I'm getting those units dammit!)
Another search for critters that have Ranged Poison Attacks. They come across three promising one.
-The Jonker
- Florp Flipper
- Quap
While expanding the Hive, some Drones come across a LARGE WOODEN CHEST. It has a symbol of a Skull with two bones across it.
((To be opened on Discord))
Action 1: Send out a war party consisting of Gayla with the intent on obtaining corpses and bones to further the expansion of the Hive and accumulate bones for the artist.
While killing all sorts of animals to expand the hive and collect bones, they first manage to collect a decent amount of them for their mysterious "friend".
In the Quest for obtaining corpses However, they soon encounter a group of HOSTILE TRIBALS. Humans wearing HEAVY WOODEN ARMOR and Wielding HEAVY STONE AXES.
They don't understand what is being said, but it seems they are angry about the killed animals and are ready to fight.
((To Be Resolved on Discord))
Action 2: The Queen will dispatch yet another group of individuals with the intent on discovering options for ranged poison (same action as last time. I'm getting those units dammit!)
Another search for critters that have Ranged Poison Attacks. They come across three promising one.
-The Jonker
- Florp Flipper
- Quap
While expanding the Hive, some Drones come across a LARGE WOODEN CHEST. It has a symbol of a Skull with two bones across it.
((To be opened on Discord))