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Fantasy BoN: Stone Age

The Black Tide

Action 1: Send out a war party consisting of Gayla with the intent on obtaining corpses and bones to further the expansion of the Hive and accumulate bones for the artist.

While killing all sorts of animals to expand the hive and collect bones, they first manage to collect a decent amount of them for their mysterious "friend".

In the Quest for obtaining corpses However, they soon encounter a group of HOSTILE TRIBALS. Humans wearing HEAVY WOODEN ARMOR and Wielding HEAVY STONE AXES.

They don't understand what is being said, but it seems they are angry about the killed animals and are ready to fight.

((To Be Resolved on Discord))

Action 2: The Queen will dispatch yet another group of individuals with the intent on discovering options for ranged poison (same action as last time. I'm getting those units dammit!)

Another search for critters that have Ranged Poison Attacks. They come across three promising one.

-The Jonker
- Florp Flipper
- Quap


While expanding the Hive, some Drones come across a LARGE WOODEN CHEST. It has a symbol of a Skull with two bones across it.

((To be opened on Discord))
Turn 8 - The Zgaki Tribes - Map 2
Current leader: Zlurm Toadsmoker
Age: Generational (Short-lived)
Population: 34 Zgak (+19 Zgak this turn) = 53 Zgak
Technology: Stone, Wood, Agriculture
Army: 15 Zgak Marauders, 10 Multiheaded Demon Leopards, 20 Planzards, 15 Poison Shooters, 3 Flower Mages, 10 Sludges, 61 Zgak Peons (+22 this turn from "Our Numbers are Legion") = 83 Peons

As the large procession of Zgak congas its way out of the gravewoods, a trail of vomit, excrement and trash leaves a visible and smellable mark in honor of the late Sqwak Snailchoker. Losing their beloved leader to an unfortunate cock-handling accident had threatened to send the tribe into a deep pit of Kha-Teer driven sadness, but instead his funeral party had been so rowdy and loud that the Zgak couldn't help but be enlightened by his Xee-Loo one last time. Their lack of leadership would soon sort itself out the way it had always done, by means of one loudmouthed warrior stepping up during the party and everyone mostly agreeing that he had the right vibe. In a way, it was similar to the democratic approach suggested by the great Kobold hunter living along them, albeit much less organized or formal. Jeb Bush had indeed pushed for a change in system for a while, but it never went anywhere, as most Zgak felt like it was too much of a hassle and noone was too keen on voting for him anyways.
As the party engulfed the main settlement of Bunghole, a fresh face did indeed step into the spotlight. With a bloated gut covered in drool, a warrior by the name of Zlurm boldly announced how the Snailchokers Xee-Loo had guided him towards an artifact of great power. Producing a strange device still covered in swamp weeds, Zlurm explained how his Fun Time Amplifier could absolutely zoot out anyone but himself. His slurred speech and lack of coordination during these proclamations would have deterred other species, but for the Zgak his foul-mouthed bragging was a pinacle in statesmanship and after sharing his discovery with enough folk to animate piles of runoff into moving Sludges he was proclaimed as Chief Zlurm Toadsmoker.

The ensuing coronation was sufficiently wild to drain the Zgaki supplies to dangerous levels and as such, Zlurm needed to act. Grabbing his best mates and the Flower Mages, he devised a cunning plan. If they grew more stuff, they could consume more stuff. And if there was enough stuff to go around, they could even get more exotic stuff from other folk around them. These revolutionary concepts were soon tested out, as a rapidly growing number of Zgak expanded the murky fields and floating pods in which they grew everything they could in their swamps. Spots with promising mushrooms weren't just sporadically plundered anymore but instead mapped out and genuine efforts to cultivate them began. The Flower Mages did their best to grow more herbs, inspired by their new leader Blart - recently promoted by virtue of being one of Zlurms mates. Though strange and crass in his methods, his eagerness to succeed or consume his own undergarments helped them. Zlurm meanwhile also had a way of motivating the regular workers, tricking them into believing their work to be an elaborate party game and encouraging offensive language, singing, hallucinogenics and alcohol (OSHA) during their work. But he knew, that it would soon become a hassle for his people and fearing they might not feel his vibe anymore, Zlurm set out to organize one of the greatest parties in recent memory. He would join together two people or at least scrounge from the Kobolds.

Arriving with his other mate, Liza Kos, the Kobold hunter Jeb Bush and a random gaggle of volunteers, Zlurm shared his Fun Time Amplifier with the Queen of the Kobolds. His intentions were clear, since their people were already friends and party buddies, they should really get a lot closer to protect each other from whatever the jungle had in its nasty stores. Of course, he would follow the honored Zgak tradition of flattering her with gifts, starting with the Cockatrice which slew Sqwak Snailchoker. His diplomacy was somewhat hindered, however, as he just couldn't stop giggling while he tried to make several attempts of bad puns around that gift.

Action 1: The Zgak will expand their fields and swamp pods to increase growing potential and produce trade goods. (Technology: Agriculture; support from Flower Mages and Sludges; support from Blart (Magic 4))

Action 2: A confederation is offered to the Kobold tribes, joining the Tribes together to party more and protect each other. (Probably a scene?)
Orpheus - Turn 8 - The Penitent

When the sun and the moon share the same sky, darkness will sweep the land and there will be no discrimination between man or beast. All will fight for their eternal salvation against that which lurks in the void.

Orpheus stood atop a weathered stone plinth, the camp around him was a hive of activity, men and women preparing their gear, sharpening swords, and uttering prayers to The Divine. He let the moment stretch, absorbing the gravity of what lay ahead, before raising his arms to command their attention.

"Brothers and sisters," he began, his voice carrying over the hustle and bustle, "Tonight, we stand on the brink of destiny. The darkness we march against is not merely a horde of demons, it is a blight that threatens our world, our homes, our very existence."

He paused, his glance sweeping over the crowd. Each face was a testament to their shared resolve, determination and faith. "I see before me not just soldiers but the embodiment of courage and righteousness. Each of you has pledged your life not just to a cause but to The Divine. It is this faith that sets us apart from our enemies. They are driven by chaos and malice, but we…we are driven by purpose and unity."

Orpheus stepped down from the plinth, moving amongst his followers, his presence causing others to kneel in resorct. "You have trained tirelessly. You have sacrificed much. And now, The Divine calls upon us to be the shield and the sword, to defend the light against the darkness."

He approached a group of seasoned warriors, their faces scarred by past battles, the formidable Holy Clerics. "Remember, the demons we face are not invincible. They are creatures of fear and shadow, and in the light of our faith, they will falter. Hold fast to your belief in The Divine, and let that belief be your armor. Let it be your strength."

Orpheus turned gesturing towards the horizon. "Our path leads north, to the very heart of this demonic scourge. We will march into their lair, not as invaders, but as liberators. We bring with us not just weapons forged of steel, but the unbreakable will of The Divine."

He walked through the ranks placing his hands on shoulders. "Some of you are young, facing your first battle, others have fought in many, but know that age and experience matter little in the eyes of The Divine. What matters is the purity of your heart and the strength of your spirit."

Orpheus returned to the plinth, his voice rising once more. "The Divine has blessed us with a gift…the gift of unity, of purpose and of strength. Each of you carries a spark of the divine within you and together, we are a blazing fire, a force that no darkness can withstand."

He raised his sword high. "Let this sword be a symbol. As it cuts through the air, so too shall we cut through the ranks of the demonic horde. Let its edge remind us of our faith, to protect, to defend, and to vanquish the evil that seeks to consume our world."

The crowd erupted in a cheer, a roar that echoed across the plains. Orpheus felt their energy surge, a tidal wave of collective will. "Tonight we rest and prepare, tomorrow we march north and as we do, remember…The Divine watches over us. We are the chosen. We carry the light…and with that light, we shall drive the darkness back into the abyss from whence it came."

He descended from the plinth, moving among his people once more. "Hold fast to your faith my friends, for in faith there is no fear. In faith there is only victory."

Actions Action 1: Prepare the Crusade

Action 2: Launch the Crusade

The Golden Order
Turn 8


“Today Astoria is calling out for help! War has surrounded us and our Allie’s call for help!” The Hugh Priestess stood before the holy temple and addressed Tikal’s followers with authority and confidence.

“The legions of the goddess are ready! We will march out to meet these evils and put chaos in its grave!”

She raised her sword to the heavens and held it firmly. “For the Goddess! For the Ogun alliance!” A roar of eager enthusiasm caused the jungle to tremble as the warriors prepared for the upcoming battles.

Convert 37x Human Population to Copper Battalion.

Send Priestess Champion Ilia, Immortal Hero Delilah, 25x Exorcists, 5x Holy Clerics of Tikal, 10x Priestesses to fight alongside The Penitents under Orpheus’ command.

Tikal and Ratal Cyclops will travel to The Devil’s Hand with 5x Legendary Amazons, 26x Amazon Regulars, 18x Copper Battalion, 18x Amazon Riders, 14x Amazon Archers, and reinforce the Goliath armies.

Trektek Trektek
Last edited:
The Penitent

Action 1: Prepare the Crusade


Fanatics: 37
Giant Bowmen: 7
Werewolves: 6

Action 2: Launch the Crusade

((Massive battle of The Ogun Alliance versus Demons will be resolved on Discord))
The Golden Order

1. Convert 37x Human Population to Copper Battalion.

2a. Send Priestess Champion Ilia, Immortal Hero Delilah, 25x Exorcists, 5x Holy Clerics of Tikal, 10x Priestesses to fight alongside The Penitents under Orpheus’ command.

((To be processed on Discord))

2b. Tikal and Ratal Cyclops will travel to The Devil’s Hand with 5x Legendary Amazons, 26x Amazon Regulars, 18x Copper Battalion, 18x Amazon Riders, 14x Amazon Archers, and reinforce the Goliath armies.

((To be processed on Discord))

A Book arrives entitled, "The Divine Path to Godhood"
No one saw how it arrived, only that it did.
Lord Gloom
The Great and Might Lord Gloom have been chilling in his demiplane when a demonic butler reported the news of an imminent invasion.

"Eh? Who cares." Lord Gloom shrugged him off as he lay on the lap of the Demon Lord Abyzouma while being fed grapes by the all-powerful demon. Abyzouma, who heard of the news frowned. "How dare these puny mortals attempt to lay their hands on our joint vacation home in the mortal realms?"

Lord Gloom, sensing the shift in his wife's mood suddenly sat up as if very alarmed. "Yes! How dare them! This is our home, indeed. Worry not, my wife! We will deal with this and then we can go on that journey of robbing other demon lords!"

Abyzouma smiled.

Action 1: [REDACTED]

Action 2: Rob people


Turn 8​

The scouts returned early in the morning. Jok was just getting done with his morning workout. Soon to follow was breaking fast with his kinsmen, then the midmorning workout, then brunch with the weewards (he brings his own, after some confusion was had the first time around), surveying the tourney grounds for the next scenario, and so on, and on. Being Chief is hard work sometimes.

"Mighty Jok, the weelings of the south have come to our wood with talks of war!" the scout bellowed, nearly collapsing with exhaustion.

There was a pause, as Jok considered this. War hadn't been on the schedule. He might have to miss brunch. Or worse, his workshop with Oola and Grom. Stratagems don't develop themselves, and if they were going to win the tournament they'll need to find a way to break through the Mudrake's stone wall in the next bout...

"Uh, boss? It ain't fer us, we think, least. War with others."

Jok remembered where his was and began another set of pushups. "What? Others? Uh. Who?"


"Seems fine then."

And that was that.

Free Actions:

Gain a Smart Hero from the Blue Chalice!

Attempt to Open the Puzzling Stone (Rolled: 10! Probably success!)
The stone: It's got strange markings on it and the markings sometime to glow a calming blue. Once a turn, you can roll a d10 to attempt to solve the Puzzling Stone. Until it is solved, the holder gains a +1 to all non combat rolls.

Training heroes in the Cow Tossing Stadium (Rolled: 8! Success!)
Cow Tossing Stadium - Once per turn as a free action, can train 5 units. On a roll of an 8+, they become a hero unit.

Training heroes with Star Player: Failure!

Action 1: The Hammers of War (Devising war strategy through war games)
Jok and his friends, in their ever evolving conduct and sport, have grown fond of games with ever more complicated rules of engagement. The surlier giants were sure to drag Jok into enough talks of threats on the horizon that he thought that was a jolly good thing to make a game about. Through the method of visualizing and analyzing complex fields of battle, troop positions, and other key indicators of success by beginning war games in the Cow Tossing stadium, perhaps something could be gained for real scenarios.

(Boons: Cow Tossing Stadium, Giant Tactics)

Action 2: A Frolic in Foreign Grasses (Seeking a kinder patron for the Blood Priests in the Pink Forest)
Life in the Northern Forest was mostly peaceful. The Saurians tinkered away at the Tower of the Sun, learning what they could from the old orc before he passed and continuing their studies after. A few odd hiccups involving the followers of Armok occasionally muscling in where they don't belong, however, as brought their ongoing presence to Jok's attention. This is normally a difficult task. Jok, in his overestimable wisdom, has decided that Priests and Blood Mages and Blood Weavers and all that rot need to find a new direction, maybe some of that funny nature magic those lizards had.

Where were them lizards from again? The Pink Forest? Time to find something new for these folk to follow.

(Boons: [Friendly] Keyword, Peaceful Giants (Advantage on Diplomacy with NPCs))
Lord Gloom

Action 1: [REDACTED]

((To Be Resolved on Discord))

Action 2: Rob people

((To Be Resolved on Discord))

Free Actions:

Gain a Smart Hero from the Blue Chalice!

Gront The Wise
Smart Hero
Martial 2/Magic 4
Is That How It Went?- Reroll a failed roll, once per scene
I Forsee a Better Option- Roll a d1000. On a high roll, gain a HUGE advantage for that scene

Attempt to Open the Puzzling Stone (Rolled: 10! Probably success!)

The Puzzling Stone unlocks with a Loud CLICK. Inside is a small metal Circle. As soon as it is touched, a figure made of light emerges.

"Hello. I am SAI, Semi Artificial Intelligence. I will assist you in whatever endeavors you wish to pursue."

Gain S.A.I.
A.I. Intervention- Every Turn Action is Rolled at advantage.

Training heroes in the Cow Tossing Stadium (Rolled: 8! Success!)

Mongo The Magnificent
Athletic Hero
Martial 6/Magic 0
Showman- During battle, instead of fighting, can use his turn to distract the enemy with his athletic prowess
Far Thrower- Throws at Triple the Normal Rate with Double the Damage

Action 1: The Hammers of War (Devising war strategy through war games)
Jok and his friends, in their ever evolving conduct and sport, have grown fond of games with ever more complicated rules of engagement. The surlier giants were sure to drag Jok into enough talks of threats on the horizon that he thought that was a jolly good thing to make a game about. Through the method of visualizing and analyzing complex fields of battle, troop positions, and other key indicators of success by beginning war games in the Cow Tossing stadium, perhaps something could be gained for real scenarios.

The game turns out to be not only fun and Thought provoking, but also a great experience by everyone. People from all over the continent hear about thos wonderful game and eventually form their own teams.

The game is eventually called Strat- E- Gem. And the winner usually gets a pile of worthless Gems in a Copper Trophy.

The way it is played is thus: First, a battlefield is selected. This can range from Desert, to Forest, to Open Plain or even Mountain.

Then they select up to Five different types of units and place them in small contingent on the battlefield by The Commander. Then they have to attempt to capture an object that the enemy is Guarding.

This game provides great insight into battles and gives The Giants not only ADVANTAGE on Initiative checks, but also can give their own troops a +1 or the enemy troops a -1 by outmaneuvering them.

Action 2: A Frolic in Foreign Grasses (Seeking a kinder patron for the Blood Priests in the Pink Forest)

The Grasses seem warm and welcoming. But any and all attempts to reach out to a better patron unfortunately go unanswered.

Perhaps if they returned with a GIFT in the near future. It could make the difference.
BoN: Stone Age


Scholar Archibald moved into the dark room, sparked a light via his fingertips and moved slowly around the room, lighting candle after candle until there was a soft glow that one could see by. The room was filled with books that were well written with care over the years by many scholars, not just himself.

He was here for one purpose and one purpose only. To write down the events that had transpired in that far away age that was known as The Stone Age. It was one that had fascinated him from his youth and one that was encouraged by his benefactor.

He grabbed an empty book, a fresh bottle of ink and a quill pen for which to write down the tales. Taking a seat at the desk, he began to write, starting with the major battles that had occurred towards the end of that age and had further shaped the continents and the nations to come.



The Great War of the Von Erich Mountains

The forces of the Penitent along with The Moonsworn began a Holy Crusade against the forces of Lord Gloom with his Gloom Cultists. The large demonic fortress provided some protection for the cultists as Lord Gloom enacted his master plan.

He knew that his forces were no match for two of the most powerful religious armies on the continent to Crusade against his unholy nature and all those who supported his rite of ascension. So he opened up a portal just as the armies breached his walls.

The Dragon known as The God King was in a vulnerable state. Having his long time advisor be murdered by a demon, he had been flying on his way to burn down this Demon Kuro’s lands and all his people. Under normal circumstances, the God King would not have been caught within such a portal and something of that nature opening up above his city would have been immediately shut down by his mages.

However, he was caught out in the open on a mission and was distracted with REVENGE, being brought through the portal at a pivotal moment.

The Crusaders clashed with the Cult inside the fortress as the Dragon’s intense flame breath fell upon the fortress. Death was abound on all sides as parts of the Fortress crumbled from the high temperatures.

In the chaos, it is believed that Lord Gloom retreated with his wife Abyzouma, Lord and Mistress of Pleasure and Pain to her realm of Pleasure and Pain.

As the cult was either scattered or wiped out depending on which historian one talks to, I believe that they still exist, worshipping Lord Glom and Abyzouma from the shadows, eager to participate in the world stage once more.

As for the Crusaders, once the cult was destroyed, they turned their full attention to the enraged God King. He proved too strong, even for the mighty armies assembled as a holy host before the darkness. Holy troops were dying left and right, until Archlector Orpheus prayed to the Divine. As their holiest speaker, they were given aid in the form of the God King sent back to his own kingdom on his own continent.

After making sure that Lord Gloom had fled, the two armies gathered up their fallen and returned home. Each had sustained losses, but it would not be the only battle for them in this age.

The Iron War

The Iron War was what was called the fighting between the Iron Alliance which consisted of The Iron Kingdom, The Stonekin, The Culexus Sicarius Tribe and the Hive of the Great Mother against the Ogun Alliance which consisted of The Penitent, The Moonsworn, The Goliaths and The Golden Order.

The Iron Kingdom continued its war against the Goliaths to the south. As they held out against the technology and large numbers of the Iron Kingdom, the Goliaths were reinforced by the Amazons of the Golden Order from the South while the Penitent and the Moonsworn came from the North.

The Penitent and the Moonsworn were intercepted by the Stonekin and the Hive of the Great Mother. As they fought for their alliance, they attempted to sue for Peace. But unbeknownst to them, the Culexus Sicaius Tribe had infiltrated the Forest of Tikal and poisoned their Great Queen, Tikal.

Upon hearing this, the Penitent’s leader, Archlector Orpheus fled the battlefield quickly to her side. His forces retreated, leaving the embatered Moonsworn being attacked from the both their southern and eastern flanks without any additional support.

When Orpheus arrived, Tikal was laying on an altar, surrounded by her remaining top Amazonian Priestess as her closest advisers had been killed by the same poison that now flooded her demigod veins.

Orpheus held her hand as he prayed not only to his One True God, The Divine and also Queen Tikal’s mother, the Goddess Izel. His love for her was only beat out by his devotion to his own god. But the thought of her dying to such treachery was one that he could not bear.

It is said that the Divine and Izel infused their energy into Tikal, reviving her anew, giving her life once more in the mortal realm. The ability to go forward.

But without the full might of the Amazons and the Penitent, it was difficult for the the power of the Goliaths in the South and the Numbers and ability of the Moonsworn to the North to compete against such violence on multiple fronts.

When it seemed that the Iron Alliance would finally push past the Ogun alliance’s front lines and break through, the fighting stopped and a White Peace was declared. Goromedes Earthmaker, the leader of The Stonekin, ceded all of his land to Lord Dannicus Verdun, the Lord of The Iron Keep.

Satisfied for now, the war ended, much to the delight of some, and the anger of others.

The Goliaths of The Stormwrath Peaks

The Goliaths as a people had many years of war. Mostly against the Iron Keep. This helped to hone their warrior instinct and improve their skills in battle. Especially those who defended the Bridge from the invaders, seeking to cross into their molten homeland.

The Great Wizard Niktos of the Southern Flames, a long time ally of the Goliaths, continued to educate the Stormwrath Peaks Clan in reading, writing, arithmetic and eventually, even magic to pave the way for a well educated tribe.

Though he stayed on as an advisor of sorts, he stayed in his tower, away from the rest of their civilization. But he offered education and training and all for a modest fee.

The benefits were multiplied, leading the Goliaths to undergo a renaissance. Painting, statues and Jewelry was commissioned commemorating the great battles during the Iron War. Each city even had a statue of a favored hero from a battle in its town square.

Those who participate in the Glimmerhill Grand Tournaments, often wear a special adornment of their favored hero and a colored headband to competition.

Years after the war, the Ogun Alliance fell apart, leaving the Goliaths in a strange state, as they were without allies for the first time in many hundreds of years. They anticipated a full scale attack from the Iron Kingdom, but when that did not come, they fully settled into a new normal.

Stormwrath jewelry and painting soon spread throughout the continent. It was commonplace for Goliaths to be commissioned by a Lord for years at a time to work on some great creation. And the Goliath people became well respected and known for being GREAT ARTISANS.

The Golden Order

After the Iron War, Lady Tikal had withdrawn the Amazons inwards, pulling back any that had been envoys or clerics sent into foreign lands. Now was no longer the time to focus on other lands when their own had been so desecrated by the poison as it had during the war.

She had recovered from the deadly posion, but her lands had not. It was well covered up, but the Culexus Sicarius Tribe had poisoned part of her territory and it was beginning to rot away into nothingness. As the years had passed in what would later become known as the time of the Great Plague, the people had grown desperate, calling to their demigodess to do something about this plague.

She had been unable to do anything to stop its spread, watching as her lands fell to ruin and death. So instead, she further focused inwards, growing her goddom so that she might have the POWER to do something.

In the end, this allowed her to rise above being a demigod and extend herself into becoming a true goddess alongside her mother Izel. The process of elevation, allowed her to expend her energy, curing the land of its disease and bringing about its rebirth.

The Golden Order, losing the earthly form of their Goddess was a bit of a blow, one that would decline their power on the world stage, but not eliminate their nation entirely as they focused inwardly on their more holy nature.

They became a civilization known for their Holy Priestesses, Paladins, Knights and Warriors. A culture of worship and daily holy prayer to their goddess filled with devotion to the light.

One day, a powerful Knightly Order would rise up from their ranks to take the stage upon the world.

The Moonsworn

The Great War of the Von Erich Mountains and the Iron War had both taken their toll on The Moonsworn. Lives had been lost as their technology had not proven enough to make the breakthroughs that they had wanted. This had opened up the doors to civil war.

The nation made up of many races in the center of the continent had suddenly closed all of their borders. During a time when Izgil, their Golem Leader was in a shut down state to recharge his moonly energies, a great and deadly argument had erupted among the leadership of the Priests.

The wars had taken their toll and many had disagreements on the way in which it was handled or if they could have done things differently in order to do better for their people. Without Izgil to put out the flames of anger, instead, they were stoked by arguments of vanity and Violence.

Iron called to Iron and when all was said and done, many of them lay dead upon a cavern floor. Their blood pooling upon the ground, one of the survivors began to hear the whispers of The Iron God.

This was the beginning of the end for the nation known as the Moonsworn, before the rise of The Iron Cult. They worshipped The Iron God, one that pushed forward progress, but through a tint of darkness.

Civil War erupted within the Moonsworn, erupting through the center of the continent. The Orcs and the Goblins ended up seceding back into their home territories while the true loyalists of Izgil retreated to parts unknown with their GodKing.

There are rumors that they fled to the Mountains of The Great Plains, but no one has ever found evidence of such.

The Moonsworn were remembered by history as Great and Powerful warriors with Bronze and Copper weapons and armor that were devote in their worship of the moon, embodied by their holy leader, Izgil.

Culexus Sicarius Tribe

The Culexus Sicarius Tribe was a seemingly innocuous tribe of creatures that were almost an antithesis to magic, itself. At least that was what the rumors said. They had been unheard of until discovered by The Iron King, becoming a part of the Iron Alliance, acting as the Iron King’s assassins and spies.

After helping deal a major blow to the Ogun Alliance by poisoning the lands of the Amazon and their leader which helped to remove troops from the battlefield, they were given their forests as their home territory to control and to govern as they see fit. All not of the Iron Kingdom have to answer to them.

They became vassals of the Iron King, gaining all the prestige that came with it and as time had passed, were allowed to grow and flourish.

Sicarius Assassins and spies became well sought after after the Iron War, their services always holding a high cost. Espionage and counter espionage became their game. Poisons their main calling card.

The Penitent

The Penitent were devout worshippers of The Divine and in this, they continued for many, many years. It was not until the elevation of the Amazonian Demi Queen to goddesshood that their was a change in their own ways.

The two nations had always been closely intertwined as their leaders had formed a relatively close bond, even if it was one that neither could fully commit to due to serving different gods. But with the Amazons now without their eternal leader, The Archlector had remembered what the Divine had told him, that when the time came, they would all be elevated to the next plane of existence to more directly serve The Divine.

As their homeland grew in number and stature, exemplifying all that was a worshiper of the Divine, The Archlector was given the vision. It was time for all the ascend to the heavens and leave this mortal plane of existence for one that was eternal and without pain.

In a week's time, The Penitent were given to prepare themselves for the journey or to stay behind. A few Giants opted to stay behind to continue to care for this place. But all the rest wished to gain the reward for their true faith and they soon ascended to be with their god.

Ages passed before the former home of the Penitent was discovered by a band of mercenaries. By this time, the place had fallen to ruin as the last Giants that followed the cloth had already passed away.

But these mercenaries were taken in by the writings of The Penitent and soon began following a version of what those that came before had been, but in their own manner.

In the Medieval World that is, they would be needed in these dangerous times.

Blackrock Troop

Not much is truly known about the fate of the Blackrock troop. The humans that had been a part of their clan had broken off and formed their own civilization away from the trappings of what had come before. They were raised by the powerful apes and would grow to create a cabal of powerful human scientists known as the Philosophers of Science. They crafted great potions that could do any manner of things from curing dangerous ailments to improving quality of life.

These potions and the knowledge that the Philosophers brought with them were closely guarded secrets, but were high in demand, especially by the Iron King for those in his court.

As for the Blackrock itself, it went silent one day. At least according to those who could hear it. It no longer called forth to others. Rumors were abound that it had created a humanoid form and was capable of moving among the people. But that has never been substantiated.

As for the Apes, some say that they retreated underground, deep in the confines of a bunker of the Old World. Scholars and adventurers have attempted to locate this place for many generations but have been unsuccessful. Perhaps they might be rediscovered in the future? Only time will tell.

Glimmerhill Giants

The Giant civilization never achieved the great heights that many of the other Stone Age civilizations had achieved in terms of growth and ability. But what they did achieve was something that was far and long lasting, even being held to the current age.

The Glimmerhill Grand Tournaments is a test of skill, strength and ability that drew in species of all ages and locations. Many travel from all over to represent their homelands and do them proud. Being held every four years, there are those that are in constant training to participate for the Grand Prize, the ability to drink out of THE CHALICE. A prize that is only for champions and it can bestow a gift upon them.

What had once been solely to choose the leadership of the Glimmerhill Giants had over time been something that had become open to all. Many different games had been added to the originals as more Games had occurred.

Ten different games were in the lineup. Those who competed earned points towards total victory and the one who earned the most total points over the course of all ten games was declared the winner.

The Glimmerhill Giants were capable of controlling the weather and this allows the Games to have events that can and will take place across all four season. Winter, Summer and even in between style events.

To this day, the Giants remain in possession of controlling the weather and that has been a deterrent to fighting them. No one wants failing crops due to an eternal winter to fall upon them.

The Shifting Covenant

The Shifting Covenant was a civilization that did not stand the test of time. They were a people built upon change, but were in the long run, not built to withstand that same change. Rebellions of the Crystal people from the North and South hampered their trade with nearby civilizations and the constant need to give people up to the Flying City eventually drove them to madness.

The metal draconic two headed leader of the Shifting Covenant was called Ekco A’thuun. Once upon a time, she had been an elf. But one that craved power above all else. This insatiable need to power drove her to feed into magical abilities far above her station which altered her form, giving her the aforementioned double heads and draconic like appearance. The final straw though was when she made a deal with a metal devil of the sky and became a metal devil of the earth in exchange for giving her people at times to the Sky City.

Over time as the people were tired of being cut off by the Crystal people and being sacrificed to the Sky City, they rose up against Ekco in rebellion. It is said that even still, she fought the elves, slime creatures and humans in a battle that shook the very ground that they stood upon.

The lands of the Shifting Covenant were in turn swallowed up by the ground and lost to the ages. Some say that to this day, Ekco still a metal devil fights against the ghosts of her angry people.

Pinstripe Fellowship

The spooky people of the Pinstripe Fellowship had undergone much hardship in dealing with those from the outside world. But they did not let that get the best of them. Working with the Woodland Federation, they were able to insure that what remained of the Circus folk were terrified enough to never bother them ever again.

Generations told the tale of how Giant Spiders followed them home while Squirrels invaded their larders telling them to never look back or they would be the snack next time.

After they dealt with such intrusions on their persons, they focused on growing as a people, forming trade with the Woodland Federation as they prevented becoming vassals of the Iron Kingdom which seemed to continue to expand their influence.

During the Fall months, it became a Pilgrimage of sorts for some of the more adventurous members of the Fellowship to travel across the continent putting on performances to the delight and screams of those who watched.

Known throughout the lands as the Pinstripe Carnival, it is encouraged for those who come to see the show to dress up as something scary to get in on the fun. Sweet treats and warm food are usually served at booths and fun games of skill are offered for prizes.

Hive of the Great Mother

The Hive of the Great Mother became heavily invested in the lore and learnings of the Old World. While now it was known that the HoGM had found an old world location of power, at the time, very few knew how they amassed such abilities and power over the course of their civilization.

Of course, outside of the Iron Alliance and the Ogun Alliance, their people had been unknown and secretive. Harnessing some technology of the Old World, the Great Mother Messaging Services were born. In every major settlement and some more prominent minor ones, a member of the Hive would set up a Message Station. Inside for a fee, they can send messages across large parcels of land to another station and from there, a message can be hand delivered.

Information is power and with their Messaging Service, they soon grew in wealth. Over time, the GMMS became separate from the Hive of the Great Mother, having the power of a great nation without any of the other baggage that would come with it.

Woodland Federation

The Quiet Woods were not to remain quiet for very long. Beneath their feet lay the Hive of the Great Mother and with their growth, came the inevitable forward motion of progress. The woodland creatures that supported their Great Tree tried to stand fast against these changes, but time would not stand still or even reverse to the way that things would have to.

They had to grow and change with it or they would be left in the dust and fall to the wayside of history.

And in that, they began to change to combat the growing world around them. Great cities were grown into the trees that supported the woodland creatures. The Great Tree was at the center of one of these cities.

Squirrel Knights became a common sight, with many Orders of them arising. The Order of the Acorn being one that expanded outside of the Quiet Woods in order to keep them all safe from the harm of the larger races that existed outside their realm.

Eventually a pact of non aggression was signed with the Iron Kingdom, allowing much of the woodland creatures to live in peace. This peace allowed their religion to grow.

The Pact of the Great Tree. Priests would spread to the corners of the continent and give the good word of the wonders and wisdom of the Great Tree. Many of the larger races did not feel as they did, but over time, their followers outside of the Woods grew and their belief with them.

Stone Kin

The Stonekin became a vassal under the Iron King as part of bringing about great peace for the age after all the pointless fighting. His expansion done for now, the leader of the Iron Kingdom turned inwards towards further developments. For which he had the assistance of his vassal, Lord Goromedes Earthmaker, a fellow eternal leader of his clan.

Intellect would be expanded. They would grow as knowledgeable people. Earthmaker raised up the School of the Gifted and eventually over time, it was renamed Goromedes Academy. A vast college of learning which drew in people from all over the continent to partake in the knowledge that could be gained there.

The stonekin themselves over time also became more individualistic over time. As reports of the time period showed that originally they were mere extensions of Goromedes, the eternal leader and outside of the more powerful and unique versions, did not respond as anything other than basic actions.

But now, now you could hold conversations with an unconnected Stonekin. They had names and positions of society. Which was more than there had ever been heard of previously.

Lord Earthmaker continued to delve into the ancient ruins under his control and used relics of The Ancients to help improve the lives of those who lived in his lands when he could. But these uncovered secrets are shrouded in mystery and the Eternal Lord has not revealed them to the public at large.


The Invasion of the Flesh Prophets

The horrific creatures of the mutilated flesh that had ruled the southern part of the continent had over the years been slowly advancing. They absorbed villages, towns, cities and the like into their ever enlarging cult. Many creatures within their ranks did not even appear human or have human like intelligence.

They pulled many into their cause with a strange psionic draw that pulled many people susceptible to its dark whispers. As their numbers grew, soon it didn’t need to be subtle about their devouring.

First, The Great Forest was engulfed, then the Flaming Crooked Forest. But none seemed to truly begin to push back against them until they had arrived in the Southern portion of The Great Bog and the West and South of the Plains of Plenty.

In the lands of The Great Bog, an alliance was struck by The Tribes of Daeva, the Valora Pod, The Tendua Tribe and the Zgaki. So great was the needed desperation over the completely inhuman Flesh Prophets overcame their human supremacy. At least for the moment. And the Zgaki were understandably upset at having their constant pleasure parties interrupted.

In the North, an alliance was formed between the God King, The Mystics, The Nowhere Herd, The Brothers of Odin and The Blizzen. An alliance of convenience for many, but one that was necessary for their survival.

The Northern Alliance after a number of setbacks where the God King attempted to melt them to a crisp and only seemed to embolden the enemy, they soon found not only their footing, but managed to drive them back again and again.

They discovered a weakness. The Cold and the Ice. Both of which, The Nowhere Herd, The Brothers of Odin and the Blizzen as well as The Mystics had in abundance. Great Heroes of Ice became champions of their causes as word spread of the frozen magics. The fallen soldiers on both sides, soon began to flood to the army of undead of the Brothers, swelling their ranks to the cause.

The Southern Alliance did not proceed as well as the battles in the North. Only the Valora Pod had access to Ice Magic to combat the Flesh Prophets and the different nations had trouble coordinating with each other. Wether it was the extreme racism from the Daeva to the lack of focus from the Zgaki.

This led to a disastrous battle in which the arrival of an ally of the Flesh Prophets, the insectoid nation aptly named, The Black Tide, decimated the attacking forces of The Tendua Tribe as they were caught flat footed during an attempted sneak attack raid and were not expecting another enemy nation to appear on the battlefield.

This caused what remained of the Tendua Tribe to retreat back to their home. No one had heard from them ever since.

A plan was concocted by the Valora Pod, ever the creative types. While the others in the alliance would distract the Flesh Horde with battle, they would sneak across the waters and attack their stronghold to assassinate their leaders and hopefully end the fighting. It was an extreme solution, but the only way.

Not much is known about the strike as The Valora Pod were very quiet about it. But what is known is that The Flesh Prophet’s “leadership” known as Mr Shadows was “Removed” from the battlefield.

The fighting continued for years afterwards on the continent, but it seemed that the army had lost its main connection and eventually what was left was either destroyed or in hiding to strike in the future. Though the Southern portion of the continent was decimated from the many decades of fighting, it was finally over. The nations involved were all changed by the experience. But now the land could heal.

Tribes of Daeva

The Tribes of Daeva were practically forced to work alongside non humans and it disgusted them. Rather than build upon mutual understanding and togetherness, they instead became even more insular than they had ever been before, closing off their lands with impossible to get through foliage and muck.

The only outside connection they had was with the Bandits, Raiders and Slavers that they continued to support because they were human. Through them, these groups grew stronger and more dangerous to travelers in the region and managed to grow fat on the wealth of those who had fallen.

But as for the Daeva, they focused more on their version of humanity and magics. In the long run, this made them much more alien to other actual humans as they became even more entwined with the plant creatures.

At least, that was how the story went. In reality, none have seen a member of the Daeva in hundreds of years at the very least. Or if they did, they did not know what they were looking at.

They became yet another mystery in the forgotten history.

The Valora Pod

The Valora Pod grew after the war, encompassing more sealife into their ranks while still honoring those humans that had become a part of their tribe. While the Pod never gained the same levels of technology as other people in the region, their magic had grown in strength and ability.

The athleticism of their people had spread throughout the lands as competitions on the sea and land as The Aihe and Natalie Challenges or ANC for short. The ANC was celebrated throughout the continent on a yearly basis. Though the location often was changed as other nations were given the option to host which was a great honor. The two who the competition was named after are celebrated ever year with their exploits told as a play and dance at a large feast on the opening night of the competition.

Once the continent had begun to rebuild, so did their mercantile nature which continued as they traveled from port to port. Which helped spread their culture and the hype of the Challenges all across the land.

The Merchant Prince made a name for his people as Valora soon became almost synonymous with shopping and deals. The people had made their mark on history, though not necessarily how they might have thought it would happen based on their earlier stories.

The Flesh Prophets

What remained of The Flesh Prophets had fallen into the shadows and outside of the major historical significance, talked about with whispers or threats to children to obey their parents. Go to Bed or else The Moving Parts will take you away to the large maws with legs and the like.

It is theorized that their leaders were sealed away by ancient magics so that they would be unable to command the horde of flesh creatures. Without the two that controlled the flesh monstrosities, they were without true direction in battle and moved back more towards an animalistic relationship with those not of the cult.

Even in this day and age, pockets of Monstrous flesh creatures can be found in more isolated locations, hidden away from those who had once been their prey.

As long as its leaders do not emerge from wherever they had been taken to, the true threat should be gone and relegated to the history books such as this one.

The Aros Tribe

There are many that believed that the Aros Tribe had been consumed in the fiery destruction of the Crooked Forest by the God King. That with the massive heat, killing most outright and then when The Flesh prophets arrived in those lands, absorbing the survivors as they did not emerge from the flames and that was the only thing coming from that direction.

But there are many theories from those who studied the fragments of their ancient culture. That they were not in fact destroyed, but that they were taken to another realm by the patron of their demonic leader, twisted and deformed into mere mockeries of what they had once been by the realms of the fae while Aros the Demon Lord laughed at the misfortune of those fools who had followed him to this path.

This is the thoughts of scholars on what had happened. But there is also word of having seen The Demon lord Aros once more in this plane, surrounded by others. Perhaps these are the twisted descendants of his villagers. That was cannot say. But what we can say is that he has fallen so far from the righteous man that saved many others as written in the ancient texts.

Only time will tell of what horrors he will unleash next.

Mystics of The Calm

The Mystics after the war, begin to rebuild much of the continent as they spread out their faith, often at odds with the God King, jockeying for power. Their religion having a living prophet makes many waves. Especially when word arrives after his passing of having been born again after they reached adulthood.

The Mystics were the most welcoming of people, taking in many people of all races and species that were displaced by the war, expanding their territory for a time. It bloomed and eventually put them at odds with both The Daeva Tribe and The God King.

A brief series of skirmishes emerged over numerous years until after the passing of The Prophet another time. This led to a fracturing of The Mystic Nation due to differences in how the religion should be followed.

Various sects were formed including: The Cold Front, Psions of the Fur and The Cult of The Holy One which resulted in the fracturing of Mystics lands back into a smaller location where they could wait once more for the Prophet to emerge.

Their technology and magic allowed them to stop any invasions by outsiders or Mystic offshoots. One day they would be a whole nation once more. But that day has not yet arrived.

Tendua Tribe

The Tendua Tribe are mostly a mystery after their retreat from the battle against The Flesh Prophets from their disastrous lost that required them to lick their wounds back at home. Losing so many powerful and capable warriors hurt. But they would recover in time.

However, when others attempted to check in on them after the war, they could no longer find the entrance to their home. As if the very entrance had gotten up on two legs and walked away. Many adventurers have tried to search for the homeland of the Tendua Tribe, but as of this writing, none have managed to succeed.

If it wasn’t for many written statements and evidence that they had a presence upon the lands, one would think that their very existence would have been made up.

Perhaps once day they might grace the world with their presence. Until then, may their panther god keep them well.

The Nowhere Herd

The Nowhere Herd has legends. Legends that tell of The Holy Sword Nevermore that will be found by their rightful ruler and bring their people back to greatness. The tales tell of how this person made of snow and ice will create a utopia for the Nowhere Herd and raise them from the mediocrity that they have fallen into.

As it stands, they are an unobtrusive people. Many still travel around the continent as part of their rituals which have been constant since the Stone Age. But some of the more civilized members have settled in their own cities to the North where it stays cold.

The tales of old say that the Tribe was protected by a constant snow storm which had protected them from the elements. But none in recent times have seen such a thing. Members of The Herd have more often been seen within other nations, joining in with high and low society alike.

Though they are far different than you or I, they have much to offer the world. There are however unfounded rumors that they are in fact a group of shape shifters that have not only intermingled with what had been the Nowhere Herd, but are also planning on infiltrating other nations and cultures.

But such talk is ridiculous.

The Nowhere Herd are great warriors and traders, especially those that still travel around the continent with their wares.

The Brothers of Odin

The Brothers of Odin as they are still called are a strange bunch. Even though they have not followed the God, Odin in millennia and instead follow Hel, they have kept the name. Perhaps it is to mock the god that they had once followed but now have discarded after having been discarded by him, themselves.

But as it stands now, they are a fierce undead people. Long ago as each of their living members fell to old age or battle, they came back due to their pact with Hel to become legions of the Damned in her name.

They go about their day, just without having to eat or drink or be merry in the way that many had done in their living years. Thai has not hampered them from still having a good time. Especially for invited guests.

I, myself have gone to one of their FEASTS and they are a wild good time. The Hellions as others have taken to call them at times, proceed to duel each other in brutal, but entertaining bouts of fighting. Not only for the entertainment of their guests, but also to keep up their fighting prowess when they are not at war with others.

Due to their undead nature, it can be hard to figure out what they are thinking and at times, they can be an unpredictable people. But if you are on their good side, they can be great allies in a fight.

The Black Tide

The insects of the Black Tide had joined up with the Flesh Prophets, being one of the few nations to ally with them willingly. An alien mind in nature, they couldn’t be reasoned with and would fight to the death, killing as many of their foes as they could. For a time, they were a terrifying breed of enemies in the southern portion of the war.

But once the battle began to turn, soon they could not be found anywhere. They had retreated from all front before their home could ever be found. Though it was known that it was supposed to lie within Flesh Prophet territory.

Base camps were left empty and unattended. Weapons were left littered on the floor. It was almost as if they had disappeared in a puff of smoke.

Perhaps they were not even native to this plane of existence and once their summoners were taken care of, poof, they did indeed go.

Or… perhaps they merely saw which way the winds were traveling and decided to cut their losses and retreat before they were wiped out in much the same way as their ally.

Only time will tell if those bugs will resurface and attack in full force once more.

The Zgaki Tribes

Life within the Zgaki has not changed even to this day. They live short lives, but throw absolute parties that one MUST attend within their lifetime. They are full of interesting food, drink, substances, and music. Taken apart, they are not necessarily anything to write home about. However, taken all within a short time of one another, it transcends the mind into a higher plane of existence.

Some of the Greatest Art and Music of our age have been created by those who had envisioned them during a Zgaki party. Which is why, if you are one that is able to travel, you MUST go at least once in your life to such a momentous event.

These are a people that only think about the here and now. As they live such short lives, they do not think about the future and what will be. Only what currently is or very shortly will begin. Every day is about their pleasures and sharing those pleasures with others.

As they have been since the beginning, so they continue to be and so likely will they continue to be even further in the future, should they survive.

The Great Conflagration

It was a time of great flashes of light and spectacle out in the middle of the Vast Ocean. From the time, people could say they saw Gods and creatures of unimaginable size and scope fighting in the space between.

It was something that could be seen in both Boltavia and Astoria. The fighting raged for what seemed like years. The chaos and destruction must have been immense because when all was said and done, the waters between the two continents had been evaporated and the very continents combined into one Super continent.

Now, it would be all overseen in one arena of the planet and no longer separated by a vast ocean, unable to interact with friends and foes on other sides. The world had changed immensely from this very change and as such, nothing had been the same anymore.

Now, in the time of the Medieval Age, there are just more factions to claim more land than ever before. But one wonders where the various nations and clans will go next. Will there be a era of peace greater than any that have come before? Or will instead a war of unimaginable horrors be laid upon us instead?

I look forward to hearing this answer from the passage of time.


Scholar Archibald waited until the ink had dried upon the last page before he carefully closed the book that he had just written. Inside were his thoughts and opinions about the resultant ends of these various factions. Perhaps in the future, there would be another that will write events in his time. And perhaps he might even get to be a historical footnote.

He stood up from his desk and stretched his arms as they creaked and cracked from the movement. Sitting still for such lengths of time was a task for the young. He chuckled to himself as he walked over to each candle, causing his hand to glow as he plucked each flame out.

He took one last look at the dark room before giving a sigh and closing the door, engulfing the room itself in darkness as he moved back into the world at large, to experience history for himself in the making.

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