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Fandom Boku no Hero: Peace Sign Academia OOC

Could I ask for a little help flushing out my character's personality? Like, what can I do or take into consideration to make him more well rounded? I play a lot of dungeons and dragons so I'm more used to post creation development and I don't know what steps to take for this specific thing
May I suggest perhaps trying to picture your character in hypothetical scenarios? Knowing them well is pretty much the point of me asking that you have them fully made.
I've been wracking my brain trying to figure out whats wrong with his personality and I still don't even understand what I am supposed to do.
Add more serious flaws. Remember when I asked you to read all the information? Right beneath the rules there is a terminology, which includes the definition of "serious flaw". I recommend you check it out but in the meantime, I will break down why the flaws you presented in that post are or aren't qualified to be a serious flaw.

Is it a requirement for people not to have a good head on their shoulders, to be emotionally broken?
No, such is not a requirement. You can be a generally good person and still have enough serious flaws. Serious flaws don't have to play a part in every decision, they just have to continually exist and really affect the decisions they are a part of. They are meant to make you fail at important times and have to learn and grow from those mistakes.
Your problem isn't the amount of flaws either, but the lack of flaws of the right kind. I will detail on this below.

He beats himself up and self-deprecates to a fault
azuo is inwardly critical of himself, but forces not to show his own self-loathing, knowing in his heart that it's useless even though it's a habit he can't break.
As you can see, there is no consequence. Or there may be, but none was made explicit. As such, I have no guarantee of this flaw ever making him do a mistake, of being something that would overcome his rationale or good-heartedness.

He is horrible at schooling and the thought of school puts him in distress
To begin with that first part is not even in the CS. Nowehere does it say he is bad at school, it just says it's uncomfortable for him. In fact it says he tries to put the same effort as "all of his time" into school....
He puts all of his time and energy to training, and tries to give the same to school, but the classroom isn't the most comfortable environment for him

But putting that aside, there is no way this would be a serious flaw. The major mistakes are obvioulsy not school-related they come at actual important times and that's not a class. Now if you said this made him unintelligent or something, that would be a serious flaw, but again, there was no mention of such a thing so I can't just assume it. And if this was so serious that he would be unable to make any activity in school, he wouldn't be in the PSA to begin with.

He forgets about manners in almost every interaction he is in, the technical "rude type" or whatever
e acts as a friend to almost everyone, sometime bothering others by how close he is acting to people he barely knows, but personally he trusts in the good of everyone.
This falls into category of flaws explicity said not to be serious flaws in the definition (the others too, but this one particularly) of the kind of flaw that is only an issue if the others make it one. If they are ok with your rudeness, there goes all potential for you to be making a mistake. Again, this is too mild. And even if it somehow wasn't, you didn't even really say the character was rude, you just said he was a little overly friendly.

He constantly pushes himself beyond his limits in any given scenario, with no regard of his own well-being.
There's a sense of “proving himself” to his peers and, most importantly, his father. He pushes himself past his limit often in high-pressure situations, partially because of ego, but also because he has a need to be useful.
Talking about his fears will cause him to act sporadically. He will never admit to his fears, afraid of being seen as weak, and it usually ends up in him freezing up when trying to prove people wrong.
And here we arrive at why I said you needed "more" serious flaws rather than just having serious flaws. Because you have one but it's nowhere near your qualities in number. And even in this one I'm pushing it a little seeing there is the word "sporadically" in there.

You are being too mild. You don't need to make some emotionally broken character, and you can make the rough but dependable type, but they can't be dependable on every situation.
Maybe don't be so constricting on personality traits and trust people to know what their doing when playing a character

I've been doing this a lot longer than a lot of you honestly
Maybe don't be so constricting on personality traits and trust people to know what their doing when playing a character
Maybe I should, but I can't bring myself to, because my experience has been of people overestimating themselves, pulling contrived and overly convenient (for themselves) traits and backstory out of nowhere, and a lot of other BS I don't have time to talk about right now nor would I necessarily want to.
you must feel as'salt'ed by my words, then?
you must feel as'salt'ed by my words, then?

Nothing a little creative explaining can't solve. Dey was there first, she was just out of the room for whatever reason and then sleepily walked back in and just plonked down and went to bed. It all fits if you want it to!
Nothing a little creative explaining can't solve. Dey was there first, she was just out of the room for whatever reason and then sleepily walked back in and just plonked down and went to bed. It all fits if you want it to!
Creative explaining or making nifty excuses?

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