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Fandom Boku no Hero: Peace Sign Academia OOC

This is literally great Archy's gonna add like ten pages with just her reactions ^.^ Ultimate post day!
Archtoddler Archtoddler I can see Riba acting as the guardian of Mahouka :3
Person: And who are you suppose to be?
Mahouka: I'm sailor moon!
And who are you?
Riba: I'm eraserhead now give her the damn candy before you end up like the house 2 blocks away...who gives apples as treats?
*Hands over treat and slams door*
Riba: *Looks at floss treat* I'm going to smash her window!
Mahouka: Fighting evil by the moonlight!
Winning love by the daylight...
Thanks! :3

I like to think Zonbi looked up to his dad and he's kinda based his costume on a mad scientist because of it :D

Niku just wanted to be scary so she uses her ability to manipulate her flesh and bones to look like a monster....but then she turns into a adorable little shy girl :3
Riba: So Zonbi's in this play?
Setsuo: I can't wait! I got the camera and everything!
Niku: Strange, I thought he was a stage hand.
Kid on Stage: Oh Romeo, oh Romeo, where for art thou Romeo?
Zombie: *Bust through curtains* RAWR! :3
Zonbi: Your Romeo is no more! For I have created life!

Riba: That's my boy!
Setsuo: He's a star!

I really want a Shammy shipping

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