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Fandom Boku no Hero: Peace Sign Academia OOC

I was referring to the fight itself, sorry if I wasn't clear. In particular the dialog during the fight.

See that fight pretty much encapsulates what re:creators is, in a nutshell. If it's not your style, then maybe re:creators is not for you. I don't like saying that (it IS my favorite anime after all), but it's the truth
I was referring to the fight itself, sorry if I wasn't clear. In particular the dialog during the fight.

See that fight pretty much encapsulates what re:creators is, in a nutshell. If it's not your style, then maybe re:creators is not for you. I don't like saying that (it IS my favorite anime after all), but it's the truth
The dialogue itself seemed pretty cliche, but it said what needed to be said for exposition's sake, so I can forgive it.
I'll give it 2-3 more episodes and if that won't work I'll drop it. :V
As a sidenote, the majority of characters start out pretty bland on purpose. They get much better later on.
I never understood that. Making a character bland and boring just for character development sake. I'd prefer if the character started out unlikable, or have no developement at all rather than be boring. But then again that's just my view on the matter :V
The dialogue itself seemed pretty cliche, but it said what needed to be said for exposition's sake, so I can forgive it.
I'll give it 2-3 more episodes and if that won't work I'll drop it. :V

I never understood that. Making a character bland and boring just for character development sake. I'd prefer if the character started out unlikable, or have no developement at all rather than be boring. But then again that's just my view on the matter :V
I see. Well, it may be a lost cause. I can guarantee you the dialog was using cliche words but it certainly was not cliche, though if you didn't pick up on it with that scene, I don't think you will later on either...
Oh it's not for character development so much as because of the fact that they are characters of fiction within fiction.
I see. Well, it may be a lost cause. I can guarantee you the dialog was using cliche words but it certainly was not cliche, though if you didn't pick up on it with that scene, I don't think you will later on either...
Oh it's not for character development so much as because of the fact that they are characters of fiction within fiction.
Well JoJo is cliche as hell (or at least I think so :V) and I love it.
Anyway, gotta get to that plane. Later!
Good luck with the airport!

This is a boy.
I've returned from the ether.

On Re:Creators, I have a middling opinion. Mamika is great, though, the concept of her character was really interesting and she was well executed. Unfortunately I don't think the rest of the cast is as strong as her, but there aren't any characters that I actually dislike. I've only watched up until Episode 10, though, after which I put it on hold because it seemed like a nice spot to wait for completion.
Oh you're a fan of re:creators too? (Yay!)

I certainly didn't know what to expect when I started it, but when I had started it I bench watched it up to the break (the recap episode was hilarious).

To be honest, I found the start rather slow character wise and was more hooked by the well-executed fight animations. *Ehem* has the freaking coolest weapon EVER.

However, when the show actually starts drawing you in more and makes you actually think about what would happen if not someone from the real world gets dragged into a fantasy world, but fictional characters get dragged into ours instead, I started to get more invested in them and actually learned more about writing and creating characters. Any show that makes me think is a good show!

"It's like making a good CS. It's rather difficult to just make up the perfect "human", flawed, but likeable, personality on the spot. Understandable, since our own personality is partially formed by the circumstances we grew up in, hence why it was recommended (thanks, Idea!) to write a backstory along side the personality. Now, these fictional characters were "born" with a purpose and lived in a world of black and white where the good and bad are clearly defined by the author. Some don't even know the concept of death, since it may not have been required, making them rather one dimensional.

However, when you take away their purpose and throw them into a world that mimics our own, a world with multilayered shades of gray where nobody can truly tell you what is right or wrong, I found it very interesting to see how they would develope and react as their individualities began to clash. Their initial personalities allowed them to develop different views on the world, some may be indifferent, some may find it interesting, some may even grow fond of it and want to protect it while others are made to face their own morality and even grow to despise it. One may even argue that they became more human than the actual humans of the show. Even though in the end two sides are still formed, which are labeled "good and bad", I find it difficult to dislike any of them, simply because I was given enough time and insight to be able to comprehend their respective motives.

It's comparable to the Hero Killer. His methods and flawed personality clearly defined him as a villain, but his motives and aspiration were not only made clear and understandable to me, it actually left such an impact on me that he became memorable and caused me to grow to like him, even though he was only there for like 3 episodes."
Good to hear :V

I just came back from my friends place just to see the cat I've found yesterday peeing on my bed. Ungrateful little bastard :v
Other than that I'm pretty good. Although a bit tipsy.
And how are you?
Ah, cats can be that way. It could be that he's not litter trained yet, or that he's just trying to mark his territory.

Glad to hear that you are well! I would suggest water for your buzz and maybe a nice nap unless you want to be tipsy, that is XD

I'm doing just fine myself~ Watching a little Midnight, Texas before my mom heads off to work :3
Good to hear :V

I just came back from my friends place just to see the cat I've found yesterday peeing on my bed. Ungrateful little bastard :v
Other than that I'm pretty good. Although a bit tipsy.
And how are you?
Well I mean, even with my Dog it takes time for it to know where and when they needs to go. And if it's young, it's bladder control might still need time to develop
Well I mean, even with my Dog it takes time for it to know where and when they needs to go. And if it's young, it's bladder control might still need time to develop
Ah, cats can be that way. It could be that he's not litter trained yet, or that he's just trying to mark his territory.
Yeah he's pretty young; about 3-5 weeks I believe, so I don't expect him to be litter trained :V
Tomorrow I'm giving him back to his owners though.

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