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Fandom Boku no Hero: Peace Sign Academia Characters

Whenever I say that's the limit I mean that's as far she'll go even going through pain or straining to get there.
yes, that's what upper limit is, the absolute maximum your body can pull off

which doesn't have a complete limit on how far it can go
You can only secrete something and throw it up to a certain distancee...

and remind me what those distances were?
Idea Idea the resulting acid doesn't have a complete limit because eye of the beholder and stuff but for Yuki the best she can pull off with the resulting acid would be an area of 100 square feet(in other words your average backyard) and a volume(height) of 25 feet if that's okay and the secreted acid goes 6.3 feet in all directions at most
Idea Idea the resulting acid doesn't have a complete limit because eye of the beholder and stuff but for Yuki the best she can pull off with the resulting acid would be an area of 100 square feet(in other words your average backyard) and a volume(height) of 25 feet if that's okay and the secreted acid goes 6.3 feet in all directions at most
No. The directions is good, but filling a couple pool's worth of acid is not.
She can't fill it with acid that's just the area if she covered the ground around her to freeze it. Yuki isn't able to completely fill something that big with acid yet. The more acid she uses area wise the less she can use volume wise.
No. The directions is good, but filling a couple pool's worth of acid is not.
She can't fill it with acid that's just the area if she covered the ground around her to freeze it. Yuki isn't able to completely fill something that big with acid yet. The more acid she uses area wise the less she can use volume wise.
Ah... hmm.... I guess it works
Quote: "The way the world works is the way you work"
Name:Yuki Eto
Desired Hero Name: The Swift Concierge
Age: 15
Gender: female
Chosen Extra Class: support

(soon to be) Hero Costume: The costume is made to keep Yuki warm while also speedy and quiet. The arms don't have sleeves for Yuki to her quirk on her arms and on the gloves she has holes on the tip of her fingers and at the knuckles for ice to come out so she can use it for close combat. On the arms she has two bows,but the bows are also hidden water containers meant for Yuki to rip off and throw for different uses and effects. Yuki's boots are shaped to her foot for more silent travel and at the bottom of her shoe is a water compartment in the soles that Yuki can also use. The entire costume is acid proof so acid can't go threw it and also water proof and when opened the costume becomes a glider for Yuki to glide in which usually is used after ice pillar to bring her to great heights.

Yuki emotionally reactive, which means that she experiences her emotions strongly and can be very passionate., however she also has a higher tendency to experience emotions such as anxiety, anger and depression. Due to her independence and reserve, sometimes Yuki can be perceived as arrogant or unfriendly, however this is merely because she doesn't require the same level of social stimulation or interaction that others may seek. Yuki enjoys a good balance between the real world and fantasy, she is mostly aware of and in touch with her emotions. Being open-minded to new and unusual ideas helps Yuki to interact with the world. With a sense of social responsibility and a general trust in others, Yuki is often seen as sincere and generous.
Yuki does not experience strong, irresistible cravings and consequently do not find herself tempted to overindulge, however she is sensitive about what others think of her. Yuki's concern about rejection and ridicule cause her to feel shy and uncomfortable around others. She is easily embarrassed and often feels ashamed. Yuki's fears that others will criticize or make fun of her are exaggerated and unrealistic, but her awkwardness and discomfort may make these fears a self-fulfilling prophecy. She tends not to talk much and prefers to let others control the activities of groups. Generally Yuki is not considered to be an emotional person because she doesn't show them as much. Yuki dislikes confrontations and is perfectly willing to compromise or to deny your own needs in order to get along with others, however she doesn't particularly like helping other people who yell or pressure her to help. Requests for help feel like an imposition on her time.
Yuki feels tense, jittery, and nervous and often feels like something dangerous is about to happen. She may be afraid of specific situations or be just generally fearful. She rarely gets angry and it takes a lot to make Yuki angry. Yuki experiences panic, confusion, and helplessness when under too much pressure or stress.
People generally perceive Yuki as distant and reserved, and she does not usually reach out to others. She tends to feel overwhelmed by, and therefore actively avoids, large crowds. She often needs privacy and time for herself. Yuki leads a leisurely and relaxed life,but likes to mix things up from time to time. Yuki gets overwhelmed by too much noise and commotion and does not like thrill-seeking activities. She is not prone to spells of energetic high spirits.
Often Yuki finds the real world is too plain and ordinary for her liking, and uses fantasy as a way of creating a richer, more interesting world for herself. Yuki loves beauty, both in art and in nature. Sometimes she becomes easily involved and absorbed in artistic and natural events. Yuki is sometimes hit by feelings of eagerness to try new activities, travel to foreign lands, and experience different things. She finds familiarity and routine boring, and will take a new route home just because it is different. As a person who is open-minded to new and unusual ideas, Yuki loves to play with and think about ideas. She also likes to debate intellectual issues and often enjoys riddles, puzzles and brain teasers. Often Yuki exhibits a readiness to challenge authority, convention, and traditional values. Sometimes she feels a certain degree of hostility toward rules and perhaps even enjoys ambiguity.
Yuki is moderately confident that she can achieve the goals you sets herself. In general she's never disorganized or scattered and likes to be tidy. Yuki finds contracts, rules, and regulations overly confining,but is seen as reliable and responsible by others. Mostly Yuki works towards achieving her best, although in some areas she's content just to get the job done. She has a reasonable amount of will-power and is able to follow through on tasks that Yuki feels she needs to complete. She can be distracted however and has been known to procrastinate. Yuki takes her time when making decisions and will deliberate on all the possible consequences and alternatives.

Likes:Reading, training,brain puzzles and teasers,thinking,cooking,drawing,eating
Dislikes: too much stupidity,ignorance,no thought at all,too many rules, burnt foods,too much social interaction
Fears: she'll never live up to the expectation she wants, being alone with a guy(gets her jumpy)
Mannerisms: Arm oriented hand gestures(moves her arms a lot when she talks), Calls people by their first name and adds an honorific when she finds it or you important, doesn't answer or ignores you when annoyed mad or sad
Backstory: Yuki was born into a family of quiet people with a twin brother. Her brother was born quirkless while the sibling inherited a quirk spotted from birth. During her first bath Yuki froze the water and the rest of the room with it. The nurses were prepared from the start as they noted the naturally colorful hair meaning she had a quirk in which changed her body to let her live.
As they grew older Yuki was never really protective of her brother as they were both head strong and she knew he could handle himself. Yuki was a bit of a trouble maker as a child as she never liked all the rules her she had to follow at home and school. She was always social and never didn't include her brother in any activities she did nor did he. As they got older more people started to bully her brother for being quirkless so Yuki began being less and less social but hanging out with her brother. She started easily getting mad at everyone and yelled at people for being mean to her brother. She constantly broke rules so her brother didn't get hurt and then it happened.
When they were twelve Yuki was put in detention for beating a kid up for hitting her brother. She was already drained when she got there so when Yuki got into the room she fell asleep. Being the only one there besides the teacher and one other boy she just wanted to sleep. After she woke up before leaving detention Yuki decided to use the bathroom. The same boy from detention who hit her brother followed her in there. She was still mad but weak. After an argument about her brother Yuki was pinned against a wall in one of the stalls and the boy did unspeakable acts. Yuki had no idea how or what to feel about it but luckily her brother walked in on them to wash his face and told. The boy was expelled and what happened was kept secret to the public.
That's when Yuki started being into fantasy things. She saw the world as cruel and damaging,but in fantasy worlds with beautiful dragons and people there wasn't. Yuki began spacing out daily into her dream world to get away during school and worked. Yuki's parents were scared for their children so they decided to homeschool them in the end. Her father dropped his job as a circus janitor to teach his children while Yuki's mother kept her job as a rescue hero saving people with ice slides and such with her ice manipulation. While her parents were fine the rest of Yuki's family was unstable and poor,so Yuki decided to go to peace sign academy for highschool to pursue a heroic career to help them. As she began to rid of her fantasy world Yuki realized the real world was beautiful. It was only what you make of it. And it pushed her even more to become the hero she wanted to be.
Relationships: Masaki Eto: Father Monosami Eto: Mother Yatashi Eto: Brother
Quirk: Cold and Clean:
An ability which can quickly liberate a special component into certain deterrents or acids, which makes them instantly grow and freeze, while also changing their composition slightly. While they can still be used as cleaning tools, the mix can be injected into the blood stream to act with an anesthesiac effect. The user can secrete the component by itself, however, making it freeze itself into talons or claws on the hands,but has different effects on different parts of the body. This component can also be used on water. While it's not a base the component is known to have ethanol in it which turns water into an acid,but the user is practically useless in dry climates unless they know melee or hand to hand combat. The user also is unable to secrete the component if they already secreted it for 3 minutes. The resulting acid made by the user is fire resistant but will slowly melt when experiencing high amounts of heat(ie. 1500 degrees fahrenheit),but for the secreted acid it melts at 1000 degrees fahrenheit but has the ability to melt on the users command. The main downfall of this quirk is the user uses so much water to make the user dehydrated so the user has to drink at least 3 times the average amount of water a regular human would,but if the don't drink enough water the user can have trouble secreting the component. The farthest the secreted acid can go from the user is about 6.3 feet in all directions but stretching that far the user can have trouble holding their arm up because it's still solid ice. The maximum freezing size depends but measured in large bodies of water(ie.ocean or pool) the user can freeze for .1 a mile radius maximum(528ft) but drains the user after for using so much secreted acid to make the resulting acid. The resulting acid it's doesn't have much limitation,but it's rather a in the eye of the be holder type thing when completely mastered but for Yuki it's an area of 100 square feet and a maximum height of 25 feet. When not frozen the resulting acid is very slippery allowing the user to slide around if possible and when injected into someone the anesthesia kicks in after 20 minutes and knocks the target out for 1 hour.

Special Moves: Ice pillar: this ability explains itself but the user creates a pillar of ice made of the component secreted or the resulting acid. The highest it can go is 6ft in one use when secreted and 25ft with the resulting acid.
Items: Yuki brought a bota bag that the doctors approved for to keep on her person, a picture of her brother, her phone,a laptop with earbuds and a guitar
Skills/talents: stealth:Yuki has adopted her quirk to be used stealthily and was trained in the arts of stealth while being homeschooled which means she can parkour to an extent and is trained in melee/hand to hand combat
Swimming-Yuki's quirk is also meant to be used underwater so she's a great swimmer offering different techniques to evade and attack
Theme Song:
Favorites: Food-spam musabi(you'll find her eating these a lot lol)
Other:Yuki is technically the younger one out of her and her twin being born ten seconds after​

Idea Idea
40 feet at most, and I'm stretching it a lot already

and the backstory is broken in that a baby would never have the power to freeze a bathtub
Alright so how about 30 feet instead and I'll fix the baby thing to putting a little ice coating over the water instead if that works
Alright done
Quote: "The way the world works is the way you work"
Name:Yuki Eto
Desired Hero Name: The Swift Concierge
Age: 15
Gender: female
Chosen Extra Class: support

(soon to be) Hero Costume: The costume is made to keep Yuki warm while also speedy and quiet. The arms don't have sleeves for Yuki to her quirk on her arms and on the gloves she has holes on the tip of her fingers and at the knuckles for ice to come out so she can use it for close combat. On the arms she has two bows,but the bows are also hidden water containers meant for Yuki to rip off and throw for different uses and effects. Yuki's boots are shaped to her foot for more silent travel and at the bottom of her shoe is a water compartment in the soles that Yuki can also use. The entire costume is acid proof so acid can't go threw it and also water proof and when opened the costume becomes a glider for Yuki to glide in which usually is used after ice pillar to bring her to great heights.

Yuki emotionally reactive, which means that she experiences her emotions strongly and can be very passionate., however she also has a higher tendency to experience emotions such as anxiety, anger and depression. Due to her independence and reserve, sometimes Yuki can be perceived as arrogant or unfriendly, however this is merely because she doesn't require the same level of social stimulation or interaction that others may seek. Yuki enjoys a good balance between the real world and fantasy, she is mostly aware of and in touch with her emotions. Being open-minded to new and unusual ideas helps Yuki to interact with the world. With a sense of social responsibility and a general trust in others, Yuki is often seen as sincere and generous.
Yuki does not experience strong, irresistible cravings and consequently do not find herself tempted to overindulge, however she is sensitive about what others think of her. Yuki's concern about rejection and ridicule cause her to feel shy and uncomfortable around others. She is easily embarrassed and often feels ashamed. Yuki's fears that others will criticize or make fun of her are exaggerated and unrealistic, but her awkwardness and discomfort may make these fears a self-fulfilling prophecy. She tends not to talk much and prefers to let others control the activities of groups. Generally Yuki is not considered to be an emotional person because she doesn't show them as much. Yuki dislikes confrontations and is perfectly willing to compromise or to deny your own needs in order to get along with others, however she doesn't particularly like helping other people who yell or pressure her to help. Requests for help feel like an imposition on her time.
Yuki feels tense, jittery, and nervous and often feels like something dangerous is about to happen. She may be afraid of specific situations or be just generally fearful. She rarely gets angry and it takes a lot to make Yuki angry. Yuki experiences panic, confusion, and helplessness when under too much pressure or stress.
People generally perceive Yuki as distant and reserved, and she does not usually reach out to others. She tends to feel overwhelmed by, and therefore actively avoids, large crowds. She often needs privacy and time for herself. Yuki leads a leisurely and relaxed life,but likes to mix things up from time to time. Yuki gets overwhelmed by too much noise and commotion and does not like thrill-seeking activities. She is not prone to spells of energetic high spirits.
Often Yuki finds the real world is too plain and ordinary for her liking, and uses fantasy as a way of creating a richer, more interesting world for herself. Yuki loves beauty, both in art and in nature. Sometimes she becomes easily involved and absorbed in artistic and natural events. Yuki is sometimes hit by feelings of eagerness to try new activities, travel to foreign lands, and experience different things. She finds familiarity and routine boring, and will take a new route home just because it is different. As a person who is open-minded to new and unusual ideas, Yuki loves to play with and think about ideas. She also likes to debate intellectual issues and often enjoys riddles, puzzles and brain teasers. Often Yuki exhibits a readiness to challenge authority, convention, and traditional values. Sometimes she feels a certain degree of hostility toward rules and perhaps even enjoys ambiguity.
Yuki is moderately confident that she can achieve the goals you sets herself. In general she's never disorganized or scattered and likes to be tidy. Yuki finds contracts, rules, and regulations overly confining,but is seen as reliable and responsible by others. Mostly Yuki works towards achieving her best, although in some areas she's content just to get the job done. She has a reasonable amount of will-power and is able to follow through on tasks that Yuki feels she needs to complete. She can be distracted however and has been known to procrastinate. Yuki takes her time when making decisions and will deliberate on all the possible consequences and alternatives.

Likes:Reading, training,brain puzzles and teasers,thinking,cooking,drawing,eating
Dislikes: too much stupidity,ignorance,no thought at all,too many rules, burnt foods,too much social interaction
Fears: she'll never live up to the expectation she wants, being alone with a guy(gets her jumpy)
Mannerisms: Arm oriented hand gestures(moves her arms a lot when she talks), Calls people by their first name and adds an honorific when she finds it or you important, doesn't answer or ignores you when annoyed mad or sad
Backstory: Yuki was born into a family of quiet people with a twin brother. Her brother was born quirkless while the sibling inherited a quirk spotted from birth. During her first bath Yuki froze the top of the water with icy coating. The nurses were prepared from the start as they noted the naturally colorful hair meaning she had a quirk in which changed her body to let her live.
As they grew older Yuki was never really protective of her brother as they were both head strong and she knew he could handle himself. Yuki was a bit of a trouble maker as a child as she never liked all the rules her she had to follow at home and school. She was always social and never didn't include her brother in any activities she did nor did he. As they got older more people started to bully her brother for being quirkless so Yuki began being less and less social but hanging out with her brother. She started easily getting mad at everyone and yelled at people for being mean to her brother. She constantly broke rules so her brother didn't get hurt and then it happened.
When they were twelve Yuki was put in detention for beating a kid up for hitting her brother. She was already drained when she got there so when Yuki got into the room she fell asleep. Being the only one there besides the teacher and one other boy she just wanted to sleep. After she woke up before leaving detention Yuki decided to use the bathroom. The same boy from detention who hit her brother followed her in there. She was still mad but weak. After an argument about her brother Yuki was pinned against a wall in one of the stalls and the boy did unspeakable acts. Yuki had no idea how or what to feel about it but luckily her brother walked in on them to wash his face and told. The boy was expelled and what happened was kept secret to the public.
That's when Yuki started being into fantasy things. She saw the world as cruel and damaging,but in fantasy worlds with beautiful dragons and people there wasn't. Yuki began spacing out daily into her dream world to get away during school and worked. Yuki's parents were scared for their children so they decided to homeschool them in the end. Her father dropped his job as a circus janitor to teach his children while Yuki's mother kept her job as a rescue hero saving people with ice slides and such with her ice manipulation. While her parents were fine the rest of Yuki's family was unstable and poor,so Yuki decided to go to peace sign academy for highschool to pursue a heroic career to help them. As she began to rid of her fantasy world Yuki realized the real world was beautiful. It was only what you make of it. And it pushed her even more to become the hero she wanted to be.
Relationships: Masaki Eto: Father Monosami Eto: Mother Yatashi Eto: Brother
Quirk: Cold and Clean:
An ability which can quickly liberate a special component into certain deterrents or acids, which makes them instantly grow and freeze, while also changing their composition slightly. While they can still be used as cleaning tools, the mix can be injected into the blood stream to act with an anesthesiac effect. The user can secrete the component by itself, however, making it freeze itself into talons or claws on the hands,but has different effects on different parts of the body. This component can also be used on water. While it's not a base the component is known to have ethanol in it which turns water into an acid,but the user is practically useless in dry climates unless they know melee or hand to hand combat. The user also is unable to secrete the component if they already secreted it for 3 minutes. The resulting acid made by the user is fire resistant but will slowly melt when experiencing high amounts of heat(ie. 1500 degrees fahrenheit),but for the secreted acid it melts at 1000 degrees fahrenheit but has the ability to melt on the users command. The main downfall of this quirk is the user uses so much water to make the user dehydrated so the user has to drink at least 3 times the average amount of water a regular human would,but if the don't drink enough water the user can have trouble secreting the component. The farthest the secreted acid can go from the user is about 6.3 feet in all directions but stretching that far the user can have trouble holding their arm up because it's still solid ice. The maximum freezing size depends but measured in large bodies of water(ie.ocean or pool) the user can freeze for 30 foot radius maximum but drains the user after for using so much secreted acid to make the resulting acid. The resulting acid it's doesn't have much limitation,but it's rather a in the eye of the be holder type thing when completely mastered but for Yuki it's an area of 100 square feet and a maximum height of 25 feet. When not frozen the resulting acid is very slippery allowing the user to slide around if possible and when injected into someone the anesthesia kicks in after 20 minutes and knocks the target out for 1 hour.

Special Moves: Ice pillar: this ability explains itself but the user creates a pillar of ice made of the component secreted or the resulting acid. The highest it can go is 6ft in one use when secreted and 25ft with the resulting acid.
Items: Yuki brought a bota bag that the doctors approved for to keep on her person, a picture of her brother, her phone,a laptop with earbuds and a guitar
Skills/talents: stealth:Yuki has adopted her quirk to be used stealthily and was trained in the arts of stealth while being homeschooled which means she can parkour to an extent and is trained in melee/hand to hand combat
Swimming-Yuki's quirk is also meant to be used underwater so she's a great swimmer offering different techniques to evade and attack
Theme Song:
Favorites: Food-spam musabi(you'll find her eating these a lot lol)
Other:Yuki is technically the younger one out of her and her twin being born ten seconds after​

Idea Idea
Quote: "Truth be told I prefer my sushi cooked, I know I know sushi is raw fish. But it tastes so much better like that."

Name: Nero Yamato
Nicknames: Nero
Desired Hero Name: Riptide
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Chosen Extra Class: Mentoring
Hero Costume:
Without the gloves
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 155 lbs.

Personality: Nero Yamato, the scourge of the seven seas, or at least that's what his father Kazuhiro calls him, is a rather respectable yet somewhat shy young man. Having been born and raised on one of the small fishing villages on a small island off the coast, the big city life was completely new to him and the large crowd of people even stranger. He is kind and gentle despite his appearance, and an extremely environmentally friendly individual. Though it does give him a feeling of being overwhelmed by the massive city. He would like to explore all of it but is also afraid of being "swallowed" by the city and its lifestyles and end up forgetting his small village roots and values.
Nero feels intimidated by the others who are attending the school mainly due to not knowing them or the full capability of their quirks. This is due to the fact that he's mainly feeling a bit of nervousness wanting to leave a first good impression and also wanting to do his village proud out of fear that he would shame them if he made himself look bad. As much as he would hate to admit it Nero does care about what others think of him, he worries that if he didn't portray himself to be a good person then he would be labeled in some negative aspect and then if he were to go home he wouldn't be welcomed there. It's all of course an irrational fear but still the kind of fear that drives his actions when meeting someone new. He feels that here in a new place that if he we're to be himself then he wouldn't be accepted by his peers and he doesn't want to have to spend the whole time in school all by himself, he would like to make friends but even that has him worried. Which people would he be friends with? He has heard about social groups in schools, such as the cool kids or the athletes. Though he knows that probably wouldn't apply much to a hero school but sure the school would have its own groups wouldn't it? And because of that he wants to find the perfect group for him, one that wouldn't change who he really is and allow him to be accepted.
Alhough he is more than happy to be friendly to anyone and everyone just as everyone else was back in his small fishing village. If he feels threatened then his inner beast kicks in, meaning he himself becomes a bit aggressive and pushy, not willing to take trash from anyone, not even from the importers who wanted his fish for cheaper or wanted to overcharge them for importing it. And when Nero gets worked up he gets mad, he always tries his hardest not seem as terrifying as the alphas of the sea that he resembles but it's hard to not look like terrifying shark when one is scowling and barring his teeth out of anger or frustration. Even getting mad is something that he's afraid to do because he doesn't want for others to fear him all because he got upset. He wants for others to see him as him, not as a vicious predator, or even worse, a weapon. Especially if he accidently gets into a blood frenzy which happens if he smells blood, not exactly a threat on land but in the water? He can smell even the smallest drop and that alone could be enough to send him into one.


-Hot days
-Seeing the environment abused
-People disrespecting others
-His village being threatened by big companies
-Shark fishing

Drying up in the heat
Losing his family

Mannerisms: loudly hyperventilating if he gets too hot and lacks water.

Backstory: Nero, just like his father, has a mutation type quirk that makes him remeniscent of a shark, specifically the Isurus oxyrinchus aka the shortfin mako shark. He lives on small island near Japan in a fishing village composed of about 30-40 people. Everyone knows everyone there and the Yamato family is well known for hauling in a lot of catch for the village, catch that can be sold to the mainland to help village pay for bills and services. Nero himself developed his quirk at the age of 4 mutating into a shark over time like his father, and when his transformation was complete he began to join him eventually becoming a full fledged fisherman at a young age, hauling in his own catch. One day when was helping with the loading of fish into a barge he overheard some dock workers talking about the Peace Sign Academy. He talked to his father and Kazuhiro explained to him about hero schools on yhe mainland and how heros are loved by everyone and well paid. That last bit attracted the young fisher man...fisher shark? If he could get paid then he could help further support the village and his family. Eventually he talked to his father about his plan, who was hesitant at first but wanted nothing but the best for his son giving him permission to leave. In order to get to the mainland Nero had booked passage with one of the boat captains who was along time friend of his fathers. The trip was not for free on Nero's behest who told the captain to allow him passage and he would happily catch fish for him along the way.

Father: Kazuhiro Yamato, Mother: Jin Yamato

Quirk: Chondricthyian mutation: Nero's quirk is a mutation type quirk in that his body and overall metabolic processes are reminiscent of the shortfin mako shark. Able to swim at incredible speeds ranging from 40mph to 60mph. Like the lungfish or mudskipper he can breathe on land and also breathe underwater with his gills located on his neck. His lungs and certain parts of his gills being coated in guanine, a protein that makes it impossible for water to permeate through osmotic means is what grants him his underwater breathing capabilities, along with the traditional oxygen extraction methods. Like a normal shark his liver is extremely enhanced allowing him to resist most forms of poisons and toxins, granting him the capability to even eat poisonous/venomous fish and cephalopods. (A Shark's liver makes up a large portion of its ventral abdominal cavity) He has electrorecption when under water, able to feel someone's heartbeat if they are nearby as well as electrical discharges of electrical fish along with feeling vibrations underwater due to the lateral line he has lining his back, this is lessened if he is wearing clothing.
His teeth are pointed and razor sharp making it difficult for him to chew since he has to shred his food in his mouth. Over time he has learned how to eat as cleanly as he could, with only the juicy meats making a mess. Unlike his father, Nero cannot undergo a transformation that allows him to go into a more shark like form, yet, the chondricthyian blood quirk in his father has granted him the transformative ability, Nero has yet to gain that ability. Contrary to belief he does not need to remain constantly hydrated to function, as long as he drinks the occasional water he is fine, or only if it isn't hot. And just like regular sharks the smell of blood could send him into a frenzy which would take time for him to recover from. Over the years Nero has tried his hardest to learn to control it, only going as far as not letting fish blood trigger him.
While not a product of his quirk, Nero is incredibly fit and strong due to his life long occupation of being a fisherman, hauling large nets of fish that were both heavy and created drag when tugged in the water.

Special Moves: The riptide, capable of using it underwater and on land (with less efficieny) nero speeds towards his opponent using his natural claws he unleashes one powerful slash that can cut and lacerate flesh easily. If under the effects of a bloody frenzy the slash is enhanced and Nero follows up with a bite afterwards.

Items: Fishing rod, small fishing net. A photograph of him and his family, some of his savings (enough to feed him on days he doesn't go fishing) clothing and a shark tooth necklace.

Skills/talents: fishing and preparing fish for cooking, creating delicious meals wih little to no ingredients. Able to swim in great depths and able breach the water 20 ft into the air if swimming at full speed.

Theme Song: (optional)
Favorites: (optional)

Other: Nero is normally honest, which can be a problem as being honest at the wrong moment could backfire.
Last edited:
Appearance: (Will add later on)
Hero Costume: (will add later on)
I know I said I couldn't approve anything before Friday anyway, but if those things are not corrected you can't be approved

Personality: Nero Yamato, the scourge of the seven seas, or at least that's what his father Kazuhiro calls him, is a rather respectable yet somewhat shy young man. Having been born and raised on one of the small fishing villages on a small island off the coast, the big city life was completely new to him and the large crowd of people even stranger. He is kind and gentle despite his appearance, and an extremely environmentally friendly individual. Nero feels intimidated by the others who are attending the school mainly due to not knowing them or the full capability of their quirks, though he is more than happy to be friendly to anyone and everyone just as everyone else was back in his small fishing village. Though if he feels threatened then his inner beast kicks in he becomes just as his father calls him, the scourge of the seven seas. This is amplified if the smell of blood is present.
Needs an expansion, this personality does not provide a clear picture of the character's behavior and is lacking in serious flaws

Excitedly Nero hopped into the ocean swimming quickly to the mainland and enrolling.
I'll ignore the fact your character became a full fledged fisher at such a young age (I did approve a bunch of martial artists, so I have to be consistent here), but this part is too far fetched. I did some quick research, and the closest Island to the area where the characters are is aproximately 170 KMs away. To give you an idea, the fastest animal on Earth (not counting very small animals or diving birds) is the cheetah, who can run at 120 KM/hour.... for a minute or two. The fastest shark has a calculated speed of 72 KM. Assuming that shark is somehow capable of keeping said speed for several hours, it would still take you almost 2h and a half to get from the closest island to the mainland, with nonspot swimming.

I am here assuming that 60 mph (to help, since I mistakenly used KM earlier, this is about 96km/hour) is the utter limit of your character's ability, somehting you can't keep doing for even 20 minutes.

AKA even without factoring in that such movement would be illegal for a number of reasons, including fishing laws, quirk-related laws, immigration-related laws etc... Your character just wouldn't have the physical capacity to swim that far.

While not a product of his quirk, Nero is incredibly fit and strong due to his life long occupation of being a fisherman, hauling large nets of fish that were both heavy and created drag when tugged in the water.
so long as he doesn't have superhuman strength...

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