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Fandom Boku No Hero Academia

|| She glanced over at a boy who had fallen asleep and awakened himself once more.
She covered her mouth, trying to trap the giggles from escaping her lips.


He practically hissed quietly as he looked at his torn book. He put it in his backpack and glanced back at the girl whom he heard giggling, a slight blush crossing his cheeks as he shot back around.
Jin Nakamura-
Location: UA High School Classroom 1-A

Jin watched the teachers electrical signals as she stood at the front of the room. She wasn't that tall or strongly built and the only things that stood out where her fingers. He was seeing weird signals coming from the areas where her finger nails would be. The name Madame Manipuler was familiar to him but he wasn't exactly sure what her quirk was. Either way he hoped that that him and the other students who didn't know what her quirk was wouldn't have to find out the hard way. Nothing would be worse then haveing to have a pro use their quirk on you as a emergency or disciplinary action.

As she gave her quick scolding to the girl who broke the door and then to the rest of the class he felt sympathy for the ones who had more destructive quirks because they were going to have to be watchful. His quirk was one that didn't require him to pay attention to. Of course there was the fact that he couldn't not pay attention to it considering it affected his vision and was the only line of sight he had. after Madame Kurasaki asked what the class thought a hero was he had to think for a moment. The other two who answered had really good answers but what did he think a hero was? No he didn't have to think. He knew exactly what he thought a hero was. Raising his hand to show he was speaking he gave his answer. "I believe a hero is someone who can stand up for whats right regardless of the danger and risk they may face." he said confidently.

Jeanne Kurasaki- Madame Manipuler
Location: UA High School, Classroom 1-A

As Jeanne expected she didn't have to wait long for the first student to put forth their answer. The first one to answer was the anvil headed Lloyd Tamarack who was swiftly followed by Miss Kagari. Both of their answers were very similar with Kagari's answer going into a bit more depth then Tamarack's. Either way she could see the sparks of justice burning inside of these two students. After those two it was Nakamura who gave his thoughts. Someone who can stand up for whats right no matter what dangers or risk they may face. It was a more general statement the other two but it was also good in it's own way. "Good answers you three. Would anyone else like to share?"

Her eyes scanned the room and she came upon the sight of one of her students who had seemed to awaken from a little nap. Not even fifeteen minutes in and she had already put a student to sleep, that was a new record. Apperently the girl next to him found hit funny and Jeanne watched her giggle at the boy while he mumbled under his breath. "Mr. Enyo, I do apologize that I'm boring enough to have managed to put you to sleep fifteen minutes into the first class. Perhaps you sharing about what you think a hero is would help you stay awake? If you would please share that I would love to hear. Miss Otomane I would like to hear your answer as well." Jeanne dropped her friendly expression for a moment as she asked Ren to share his answer. She wasn't angry but at the same time falling asleep in class wasn't acceptable.

AquaMarie AquaMarie MoltenLightning MoltenLightning King Vioogra King Vioogra Some Guy Some Guy Zamasu Zamasu mian mian L E M O N L E M O N
His attention snapped to the teacher and he wiped what was left of the drool from his mouth.

"You didn't bore me, I just fell asleep waiting for class to start."

He said as an innocent smile plastered across his face.

"And my definition of a hero is someone who doesn't know the phrase 'giving up'."

He said still smiling.

'I can't wait to demonstrate my quirk!'

He thought to himself.
Elena happily gasped as she saw Lloyd walked in, she badly wanted to run over and tackle glomp the tall teen. Biting her lip she held in her excitement, after all, she did not want to embarrass him on the first day and also in front of the girl he was talking too. Though she was filled with excitement that she at least knew one person in the class. It was her fault, she broke her phone and never found out if they ended up in the same class. Unsure if he had noticed her she sat quietly looking over at the others in the class, a smile on her face as she was curious to know more about each of them.

The short brunette quickly faced forward as she watched their teacher walking into the classroom. A huge smile came across her face as she recognized who the teacher was 'Madame Manipuler...Andy will be so jelly' she thought in her head as she thought how Jelious her brother would be to know that she had Madame Manipuler as a teacher. After all, Madame Manipuler was one of her brother's most favorite heroes.

Elena kept quiet as the class went on, she did not put too much thought into what was going on with her fellow classmates. Her mind was busy going through the question Madame Kurasaki had asked the class. 'what is my definition of a hero?' she thought as she listens to the others answer, but actually, she was not sure. There was the definition in the dictionary, but no she could not give that as an answer. No, it has to be her own thoughts, but what were they? Helpers, protectors, the hope for a better world? The thoughts went through her head as she lightly frowns concentrating.
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|| Cukihe's snickers cease and desist the moment Ms. Kurasaki appointed her to speak up on the subject matter of what it meant to be a hero.


She leaned forward placing her elbows on the desk and interlocked her fingers together. Her face intensified as she closed her eyes to form a perfect answer. . .or an answer that wouldn't make others uncomfortable.

`Be careful what you say. . .`
An inaudible voice in her head advised her,
and no, it definitely wasn't her own voice.
But another.

'Nani? Go away. I won't blurt out some crazy answer.'
She replied but not out loud.

Clearing her throat, she opened her eyes and sat up with a smug look on her face.
Well, to be pure of heart is to be a hero. Any dunce can claim to be a hero but to fight with the pure intentions to help others
and not for fame is what it means to be a hero. . .Even-

She stopped herself from continuing on and cleared her throat.

I hope that answer will suffice, Ms. Kurasaki.
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Res coughed quietly as he cracked his neck and then his fingers. He raised his hand and looked at the teacher as he quietly tapped his foot.

"May I go to the restroom?" He asked is an apathetic tone.

Dante Verren Dante Verren
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|| She glanced over at King Vioogra King Vioogra and raised an eyebrow towards his extremely suspicious behavior.
She slowly removed a small notepad from her bag and took note.
Jeanne Kurasaki- Madame Manipuler
Location: UA High School Classroom 1-A
Syr human.jpg

Jeanne listened carefully as the two gave their answers. Enyo's line of thinking wasn't necessarily wrong but at the same time it was a dangerous line of thought. What interested Jeanne about Otomane is that the girl seemed to stop her self from finishing her line of thought. Maybe she thought it wasn't appropriate or correct answer. Either way if she didn't want to share any more then Jeanne wouldn't force to share... at least not yet. So far she had collected enough answers that she could work with and give a mini lesson before she moved on to the main activity of the day. Before she continued Enyo raised his hand and asked if he could use the restroom. "Mr.Enyo class hasn't been going on for that long, if it is an emergency and you can't hold it then I won't stop you but next time make sure you use the restroom before class if you need to." with that said she would continue with her lesson and leave it up to Enyo to decide if he needed to go badly enough.

"All of you gave excellent answers that I think are worthy of a quick discussion. As Mr. Tamarack said it is indeed a hero's job to stop villains and protect the innocent. However, there are multiple types of hero's and duties that need hero's to complete them. For example one of the responsibilities of many heroes are rescue operations that have nothing to do with villains.
Miss Kagari said that a hero's job is to protect people from threats and dangers of any size but that leaves out another group of heroes. Some heroes whose quirks can be used for healing never have to protect anyone, instead they heal others. Nakamura's idea is that someone who stands up for what is right no matter the risk. Many villains believe what they are doing is the right thing so does that mean they are heroes as well? With Enyo's definition of someone not knowing the phrase giving up villains would also be able to be classified as heroes... sometimes giving up can be the correct thing to do and by not giving up worse things would happen. Lastly Otomane's idea of pure intentions, that is a accurate definition of the first heroes but in today's world it is one we can't live by. Fame and popularity goes hand in hand with being a hero and it is a requirement of our line of work. Having a pure heart will definitely help with being a hero but it is not the only thing you need." Jeanne went silent for a moment as she examined each student to see their reactions.

A moment passed and she decided to speak again. "None of you were wrong with your answers infarct I am quite pleased with all the answers you gave. I want you to hold on to that answer you gave or came up with in your head and burn it into your mind and heart. As this year progresses I will ask you that question again. By then I am hoping your idea of what a hero is has expanded and become something even more refined, beautiful, and heroic then the ones you have already given me. And if you think you have figured out what it means to be a hero before I ask you again you are always free to swing by the teachers office and tell me directly in a one on one conversation before I ask in class." She gave the students a smile, one that showed warmth and pride towards her new batch of fledglings. She had a good group of students to work with this year.

"Now is does anybody have any questions or ideas about what is a hero? if not then we will move on to today's main event."

AquaMarie AquaMarie MoltenLightning MoltenLightning King Vioogra King Vioogra Some Guy Some Guy Zamasu Zamasu mian mian L E M O N L E M O N

He said with a mildly apathetic tone that he hid behind a fake smile before standing up. His right hand twitched a little as he stood and left the room.

'Late, late late...'

Honestly, what was with his luck when it came to 'timely arrivals' and 'destinations'? Kazuma 'Kaze' Tsukuya practically glided through the empty hallways, face drawn into an annoyed frown. The shittiness of public transportation was the prime reason why he quit taking the bus years ago, but this morning, he seriously hadn't felt up to jetting his way all the way to his new school. So, with naive optimism flooding his veins, the teen had taken the public bus for the first time in years, all the way from his crappy, one bedroom apartment. Living alone had a lot of good upsides, of course, but a major downside was the lack of people to mooch rides off of. True to his luck when it came to things like this, the bus had ended up being knocked on its side by yet another shitty Hero vs Villain fight, and Kaze had been knocked unconscious for a full minute. Of course, after waking up, he did his best to help get the innocents out of the way - but that had costed him even more time! Still, what sort of Hero would he be if he didn't help out? Not a very good one, that's for sure.

So he spent another five minutes helping them out, and getting told off by the 'Pro Heroes' for not immediately fleeing for his life. Hah.

In conclusion? Nothing went according to plan, he was late to his first day at class, and his hair was all windblown because he had to fly like six miles to get here. To say that he was annoyed was a bit of an understatement...but it was completely his fault for being lazy. He only had himself to blame. As always.

Letting out a disgruntled sigh, Kaze slowed down his pace, his feet landing softly on the floor as he got closer to his designated classrom; 1-A emblazoned proudly atop of the doorway. He could hear voices inside, meaning that class was underway...and he was probably going to be chewed out by whatever adult was teaching. Great. "I absolutely love Monday mornings..." His lip pulled up into a small, wry smirk. After running a lean hand through his messy, silky locks, in a somewhat effective attempt to tame the perpetually windblown strands, Kaze adjusted his tie, moved his goggles approximately .3 centimeters to the left of his head, and tightened his bandages.

"Alright...I'm ready."

His momma didn't raise no pu-...wimp. Considering he raised himself. But still.

Kaze pushed open the door without anymore hesitation, and stepped into the classroom. The appearance of numerous faces staring back caused his usually sharp-witted brain to blank out for a fraction of a second, before the wind-wielding boy spoke the first thing that came to mind.

His voice it's usual cool, stoic tone, Kaze nodded at the instructor and absently scratched the back of his neck. "Sorry 'bout the tardy. The big stone villain, Cinderco-...ahem, Cinderblock, attacked my choice of transportation." He paused, sharp eyes blinking slowly. "With that choice of transportation being a public bus. Not my best idea." Realizing that he was probably garnering more attention than he really wanted, Kaze slowly inched towards a window seat near the back, waving a slightly sheepish hand. "My bad...I'll just go sit."
The noise of the street was, as usual, loud and obnoxious. Raiju had left the cafe where he had bought his milk and was practically wandering aimlessly through the streets. He had no major plans, or goals, at the moment. But he wanted to spice things up a little big. Besides, having a few extra bucks is never a bad thing.

Raiju's eyes gazed upon a small little store - a jewelry store, no less. It was his target. He didn't plan to take much - just a few things for along the way, and he was properly prepared for it. He slipped into the alleyway next to the store, no one batting an eye. The average fodder were mindless drones wandering the street, they didn't even care to turn their heads as he entered the empty alley. He leaned up against one of the walls, allowing his duffel bag to fall to the ground next to him. He unzipped the duffel bag - reaching inside of it to get a smaller, white bag, usually used for groceries in a supermarket. After he took the bag out, his facial structure began to change. A series of unpleasant cracking sounds were heard, as he began to look completely different than before - now taking on the appearance of a stereotypical businessman. Of course, his clothing and hair stayed the same, but that didn't matter. He gripped his bag tightly in his left hand, as his right hand's knuckles began to enlarge a bit - taking on the form of brass knuckles. After taking on this change, he set his milk on the ground, planning to return to it.

Raiju left the alleyway, stepping out into the crowd once more and moving to the door of the jewelry store. He entered the store, a bell's ring alerted two individuals at a counter of his presence.

"Hello there, can I help you wi-" One of the individuals started speaking, but were cut off.

Raiju had walked up to one of the display cases, smashing his fist straight through the glass with ease due to the form of his hand. He scooped up several pieces of jewelry and shoved them in the grocery bag, before the workers could even comprehend what was happening. He then ran back out the door, bag in hand - turning back into the alleyway and shoving the bag containing his goods into the duffel bag. He picked it up - along with his milk - and ran off to the other end of the alleyway, swinging the duffel bag over his shoulder, all the while allowing his face to turn back into it's normal state. After reaching the end of the alleyway, the fingertips of his right hand began to take on a sharp point, as he held the milk in his left. He scaled the side of the building at a rather fast pace, reaching the top out of anyone's view.

He let out a sigh of relief. Another victory, it seems! He practically inhaled the rest of his milk, allowing the cup to drop to the ground. He crouched down, staring inside of his duffel bag at all of the shiny goods he'd just stolen. That livens things up, dunnit? Wonder what I could get for this..

Erik McCabe / Blood Lion

"So far, so good..." Erik mused. Having met with administration at UA and going over some agreements and legal confirmation material, still he found it a little unusual he wasn't told what he'd be teaching. since his first interview he knew he built a solid rapport with administration , the teaching staff was a different issue. He knew just how discriminating some in the hero community could be. It probably didn't help that Erik was a newbie to the teaching profession either.

Eric sat for what felt like eternity, every moment without food on his stomach felt more grueling than it actually was, the administrator handling his casework eventually returned, she offered him some supplemental materials relating to UA, as well as his employment contract. When offered the contract he signed in place of his initials and signature when stated so, his stomach emitted a rather noticeable involuntary growl, to which the administrator made a somewhat off-key joke about "taking him home for dinner." To which he looked up at her and she was a visible shade of bright red. He winked, though he wanted to be about as professional in his response as he could afford.

A handshake and bow followed, sometime later Erik found himself in earshot of some faculty, it seemed they were having lively discussion on what was to be the hot topic for awhile, the matter of Erik himself , one was less than pleased to have a former villain teach at the school and the detractor made it a point to be as vocal as possible in his displeasure of this fact. Erik merely shrugged somewhat, overlooking but not ignoring the conversation, he merely took a bite of the bagel whilst keeping to himself and drinking from his undiluted roast , every so often. He expected a bit of that going in, Erik didn't show much in his body language to his antagonists growing annoyance.
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Amy felt very honored when the teacher says that her answer isn't wrong. Maybe the first day isn't so bad for her, at least. She'll keep her answer at heart, and maybe expand a bit as time flows. When asked for any further questions before the main event, Amy stayed silent, an indication that there is no further inquiries needed, about the subject, the school, or even the teacher herself.

Dante Verren Dante Verren
As Res finished his business in the restroom, he started walking back to class. About halfway there, his hand began twitching violently.

"Shit, I don't have time for this!"

He said quietly as he looked for a door that would give him access to the roof.
Qiu wasn't exactly what one would describe as a morning person. So the sound of her alarm clock squawking like a damned rooster irritated her. If it wasn't for the fact that she was completely broke she would have smashed it and bought one that she could actually ignore a long time ago.

She was splayed haphazardly across her bed, her face buried in her pillow as she reached over and silenced her alarm. Begrudgingly, she pulled the blankets off of her body and got out of bed. With a yawn, she stretched her arms and began to look around the room in the hopes of finding one of the half empty packets of cigarettes she had left laying around the room.

She didn't, and swore quietly to herself as she began to change out of her pajamas and into into her regular clothes. Once she'd gotten dressed, Qiu walked over to an old mini fridge that was sitting in the corner of her bedroom. "Maybe I'll be in a better mood if I get something to eat." she said as she opened the mini fridge, but at that moment all hopes of a decent breakfast vanished as the only thing the fridge contained was a cartridge of milk that had passed it's expiration date by a week.

She muttered some swears under her breath as she grabbed her kanabō which were leaning against the fridge before stuffing it into a large duffle bag which she threw over her shoulder. "Might as well go out for a walk then." She thought as she walked out of her apartment, locked the door and began walking towards downtown.
The sound of sirens could already be heard at the jewelry store, especially with Raiju just a building away. He sat next to his bag, finishing looking through the jewelry he borrowed. There was quite a lot in the case he broke, and it could definitely equate to a lot of money - depending on who he gave it to.

Best not stick around. He thought, closing up the bag and hoisting it over his shoulder again. Raiju headed over to the completely opposite side of the building, overlooking a completely different store front from the one he'd taken from. No police in sight. He took off his usual black coat, to further protect himself from being suspicious to others, before dropping down from the building into the crowd. Now.. I just need to find someone to buy this from me. He thought. Though, he had no dedicated person to drop this sort of thing off for. Usually he just took pure cash, so it was a bit new from him. He scratched his head, letting out a sigh, before continuing down the street.

Dark alleyways and shady places would be a good start, huh?
|| '. . .weird.' She thought to herself as King Vioogra King Vioogra exited the classroom in a hurry. Her curiosity almost got the best of her, but she couldn't afford to get caught up in mystery. It was the first day, so many students, so many quirks to examine. Plus, she didn't go off on a tangent for once on what it truly means to be a hero. An improvement.

❝ hmmph. . .❞
As Res climbed to the roof, a sharp pain shot through his lower back and he shouted as blood red appendages shot from the small of his back and crackled violently.


He shouted as they whipped around violently.

\\Pyre Gallian//

Pyre didn't know if she wanted to answer the teacher, not after the scolding she gave the other student. The girl remained tight lipped because of it, both because she was afraid of being scorned herself and because she felt her answer wasn't nearly as justified as everyone else's. A hero... Was a symbol of adoration and 'justice'. A mere celebrity... But were they really fighting for justice alone? Honestly, she could see where some villains were coming from. Maybe the villian was an aspiring hero, and just wasn't popular because of their Quirk or something... Or, they disobeyed the law to do something they themselves thought was warranted...

It didn't make sense to her. The world wasn't as black and white as that... Sighing to herself, she realized that she didn't have the same opinion as the others. She saw all the hopeful expressions of the rest of her classmates, and felt a little envious. Pyre had had her own fantasies of reality sort of crushed when people realized she tasted like candy... How cruel people could be, when left to their own devices...

Blinking a few times, she dismissed the thought quickly before her paranoia got the better of her. No need to worry about people eating her now, of course... That was all in the past... Right..? Still, despite her best efforts, her mouth became dry and she could no longer ignore anyone in the room. Deep breaths, it's alright, she told herself. They might've all been strangers, but they wouldn't just take a chunk out of her... At least, not without good reason.

The feeling persisted for a moment before finally diminishing. That was why she was here... To gain self-reliance and confidence, to overcome her Phagophobia... This would help her. Finally coming back to reality, she watched as a kid hastily exited the classroom. To... Go to the bathroom..? Strange. Very strange indeed... She would have loved to investigate, but she didn't have an excuse to leave. Oh well... Her thoughts returned to her aspirations upon graduating from the school; becoming a hero who was known, and that no one wished to consume... How lovely.
Res' breathing slowed and his head became lowered as the tendrils whipped around a bit more before settling down to the ground under him, still connected to his back. "I don't have time for this right now. I'm supposed to be in class." He seems to have said to himself before a shadowy figure that could only be seen when his quirk was active formed in the air around him, getting in his face. "I don't care if you're getting your dick wet for the first time. If I want out, you let me out." The figure said in a controlling tone as he whispped around Res, making grabs at his face with his shadow aura'd hands. "Besides, it's not like I couldn't completely take over your body right now." The figure said in a sinister tone as a smirk crossed his face. "Try it." Res said coldly as he looked the figure in the eye and continued. "Get it over with so I can beat you and get back to class." He said with his own menacing glare.

The day was getting off to a great start. Classes were gathering with no incidents that the Old Man had been made aware of. The small Principal was enjoying his morning beer to get his wits about him as he sat on the window sill hanging out of his top floor office. His secretary came in, a nice plump woman who was much more serious and organized, perfect for the job, "Sir, you were suppose to call the classes an hour ago for the assembly." He floped backwards and fell on his back to the floor. Whether she caught him off gaurd, this was an accident, or he did it on purpose, was not clear. "Betty *hic*, I'd lose m'ead without you."

He bounced from the ground like a joyous old man that he was and got on his chair using it as a stepping stool. There was an intercom on his table to address the whole school.

"'Est 'est, is hang on? *hic* Yes, this ish our principal eaking *hic* Elcome! To your first ay. Teachers, lease gather our students and meet me in the...the....the....big room." After many years working with him, the teachers would be accustomed to the Principal's speech. It wasn't a matter of having a drinking problem, but more he needed to be in a constant state of being drunk or he could not function. While he was a drunken fool, he was also not someone you wanted to test to see if he was fit for the job.

After 20 minutes the auditorium was beginning to be filled with the Old Man's students. he stood on stage beaming and rosie cheeked and swaying a bit. As the last few came in he went to his podium and looked up. Damn woman, he said he wanted a shorter one. He stomped away and off stage and after a few awkward moments he returned with a food crate he slammed behind the podium causing him to giggle from his own behavior. Once on top of the box crate he tapped the mic causing a high pitch sound to ring through the room, surely to hurt people's ears. The rosie cheeked Principal smiled at all his students and with a loud yell and flinging his hands in the air he began his speech. "YOU DID IT, YOU MADE IT INTO UA!!!" He had let a bit of his buzz wear off so he could clearly speak to his students, his children. "Welcome to UA, I am your Principal, Mr......." He trailed off looking to the side as if he forgot his name, but really he had lost his train of thought. In all his years, he had never said his name for some reason, something always interrupted him, usually the alcohol.

"Where was I? Oh, right, My children, I am so 'appy to see you return this year and to see *hic* so many 'ew faces. I 'ope you enjoy your time 'ere and learn a 'hang or two." His eyes became dreamy and his age began to show, "I 'emember my first 'ay at UA. I was so nervous I cause a fire in the kitchen....or was I drunk...." He beamed at the students, "No matter, you kiddes won't break my school....you won't right? Oh, so why are you here, old man just 'unning his jaw." He giggled and took a swig of beer. "Today we thought we'd 'elcome you with a bit of a surprise, 'very 8 years we hold a contest for the 'hole student body, well it it more a show. We let the new children show the old children what they are made of. Since we have a few classes I will pick at random by spinning my wheel of death....I mean, fate." He bounced off as Betty wheeled in the wheel with all the new classes on there. and moved it near the edge of the stage. The Old Man bounced over to it, giddy at the fun about to take place. He tried to spin the real, but it didn't budge, "Betty, you oiled 'his right?" He tried again, but nothing and then took a big swig of his drink, tossed it and used both hands. A large crack could be heard as the guard stopping it from spinning when not in use broke and the wheel spun wildly. The momentum caused the Old Man to lose his balance and he comically fell off the stage.

After a few moments and people helping him up he looked up at the stage as the wheel came to a stop, 1-A. He jumped on the stage and bounced to his mic like nothing happened, "Congratulations class 1-A!!! Your 'eacher will have planned the pairings in 'ase if you were 'icked. Who 'eaches 1-A? Come up here you ninny!!!"​
Jeanne Kurasaki- Madame Manipuler
Syr human.jpg

Seeing how no students had any farther questions she smiled at them. "Alright Fledglings it's time to head down to the assembly. We probably should have already been there but I wanted to to give this mini lesson first. Now let us go!" As she said finished talking she motioned for her students to rise and made her way to the door. "Please follow me in an orderly fashion and don't worry about Mr. Enyo. Once he has finished his business I'm sure he heard his announcement and will make his way to the assembly. " With that being said she quickly made her way down the hall, down the stairs, and down the hall again to where the assembly was being held. Every now and then she would check to make sure she had everyone and if she didn't she would collect any slackers and put them back into the Group.

Class 1-A would be the last class to arrive. They managed to make it just as the principal started his speech.As he gave his speech Jeanne ran through the different parings in her head in case they were chosen. Low and behold they were chosen. As soon as her class was announced she started to make her way up to the stage sighing lightly as he called her a ninny. One would think the principal knew which teachers taught what class and wouldn't refer to one of his staff members as a ninny. Getting use to the principal was probably the thing Jeanne had found the hardest to do when she first started to work here.

She stepped on stage and looked over at the Principal. "Thank you for the opportunity to allow my class to show off a little bit. With your permission principal I will announce the pairings."

AquaMarie AquaMarie MoltenLightning MoltenLightning King Vioogra King Vioogra Some Guy Some Guy Zamasu Zamasu mian mian L E M O N L E M O N Wasted Ink Wasted Ink MoonClaw MoonClaw
After the figure made a failed attempt at taking over Res' body, the tendrils protruding from his back dissipated and he took in a deep breathe as he heard the announcement. He took notice to his torn shirt and snuck into the classroom to grab the jacket he'd taken off earlier. He put it on gingerly and headed to the assembly. He casually walked into the quiet room, his footsteps echoing quietly as he tiptoed over to his class. Hoping no one had noticed him come in, he sat down/stood up (whichever they're doing) and sighed.
Elena decides not to answer the question out loud, one she was quite unsure if her answer was really what she truly thought heroes were or if it was just what she had read about and hear throughout her life. She decides to follow the teachers advice and think about her answer, really find something that truly was her own thought and maybe by the end of the year she would be able to raise her hand and have an answer for Madame Kurasaki.

Elena turns her attention to the announcement as she wondered why their principal talked as he had been drinking for breakfast. She soon followed the whole class as they left the classroom and made their way towards the auditorium. She looked over at Lloyd as he walked in the front of the group. She could tackle glomps him now but the teacher might not like the whole interruption. Nope, she will just have to wait until they had a break in between classes.

Sitting in the auditorium she gently kicked her feet back and forward as they did not completely reach the floor. She remained quiet as the others did as their principal made his announcement. Elena quickly stopped moving her feet as she heard 1-A being picked. She felt butterflies as the nerves got to her, she was worried to know what was expected of them.


Amber was busy preparing the nurses' office for the new school year. Double checking if she had everything she needed. She was arranging one of her many flowers when the Principal came on the speaker. The women just shook her head as the principal spoke, she still could not get fully used to that man. Stepping out of her office she made her way towards the auditorium.

The tall red-headed women stood against the wall, among the other staff that had no students to look after. She happily signed wiping away a tear as she watched all the old and new faces of students. She could not help but get emotional of all the bright futures in one room.
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