Boarding School For the Abnormal

Well, that'd be like screwing over everybody's list of classes. What if two students of the same grade take their science classes on different day than each other? Clearly, that'd be messing up the days the students have their classes on. Most of us probably ordered our classes for students into days that fit well with the other classes of those days. Not to mention, not everybody takes creative writing only one day. Yuri takes English IV every single day.
Yeah, but then again, let's face facts. These teachers are humans, they can split in two and neither can they teach two classes at the same time, besides as you noticed, most classes don't have PC teachers, so those can stay how effed up they want, the others on the other hand... Compromise?

Guys, I'll get to it soon... I just feel like utter crap right now. Sorry but I'll be back later.


[QUOTE="Memios Bonavich]I'm going to be 17 in March (so happy :D ), I can't get a licenses yet since my meds put me at risk for seizures and bluh. :P
I can't get a job even if I was able to get a work permit from the school. Small back country town with the only job place being either a mechanics shop or a family owned pizza joint which the only job opportunity is delivery person and can't drive so can't do that. Derp a derp.

Man... We should all get together someday and make a business or something that finds things on the internet for a decent price depending on what it is. Internet addicts are able to find nearly everything (except some of that deep net stuff :P )

I could get a job if I tried. I just don't feel like getting one. Mostly because not only does my mother expect me to do nearly EVERYTHING for her but I'm still in school and wouldn't be able to balance it well. And if I don't make the house pristine for my mom, I feel like shit with what she says to me like she did last night.
I'm makin' a fourth character. What gender should I make 'em though...? First person to tell me what gender gets their choice to be mine.
Welp, it's male on both roll and chosen gender by natc.

Y'know what, just because I can, I'll create a character that's either genderless, or's both genders. No, not both genders as in shemale. Both genders bein' male at times, female at other times.
My mom's the same way but I stopped really caring and listening to her since she does absolutely nothing and needs to do something herself once in a while. I'll only REALLY clean if you're having company over or something. :P I think it's weird though that I'll happily help clean a friend's house when I refuse to clean my own half the time. ;3; @UltraYuseke
[QUOTE="Memios Bonavich]My mom's the same way but I stopped really caring and listening to her since she does absolutely nothing and needs to do something herself once in a while. I'll only REALLY clean if you're having company over or something. :P I think it's weird though that I'll happily help clean a friend's house when I refuse to clean my own half the time. ;3; @UltraYuseke

Besides paying the bills, not to mention her raising you, changing your diapers, feeding you, clothing you etc. >.> Just saying.
My mom's never been this way towards me. NEVER. It's very upsetting. I swear I've cried more in the past four months than I have in years. I'm sick of her making me feel like shit. I'm to the point where my depression is slowly starting to come back and I want to be alone on my birthday. It sucks but that's how I feel right now @Memios Bonavich
My mom never did any of that. My dad always paid the bills, ALWAYS, because my mom refused to get a job. As a kid the only thing she ever did was get me up and make food for me before kindergarten because I couldn't work the stove and once I figured out how to do that myself she basically just ignored me. She never changed my diapers, or fed me herself as a baby (I couldn't drink milk as a baby and had to drink baby formula) my dad always did that. My mom only ever "dressed" me (just getting my clothes out so I wouldn't wear something stupid) before kindergarten because dad was at work by then since I was on half days. She never played with me as a kid, lied to me about a whole bunch of shit, kept me from forming social bonds sometimes and emotional ties with people because "oh she didn't like their parents", like really? Wtf? Who would prevent a kid from playing with their friends just because their mom pissed you off because they corrected you on something and they were right? So yeah, no... My mom can fuck off really.

Lately my dad can fuck off too. He may have raised me and cared for me but since I've noticed him being an alcoholic (and it getting worse) he's been pissing me off more and more, especially when he attacked my little sister in a fit of drunken idiocy, hitting her in the face when she was getting something for mom and he just completely flew off the handle. And when I confronted him about it, trying to protect her he came at me and I, having the aggressive protective urges I do, punched him in an attempt to get him to stop or at least slow him. He started whining while I was tending to my sister then came at me again and hit me several times before choking me. I went berserk and clawed his throat open because of it and bit the hell out of him. He deserved it, he deserved to bleed. It happened before but it was me he attacked first then my little sister when she tried to protect me. After that, which was about a month ago, I've basically lost all emotional ties to both him too.

So I'm sorry but I have to say, you can't exactly say, "Oh but you need to respect them cuz they're your parents" or "she gave birth to you and it' shanks to her you're even here" or something to that effect and expect me to give two shits. People who hate their parents and couldn't care if they live or die have their reasons for doing so (unless they're stupid). @The Empress of Ice

No one should be alone on their birthday... Hey, when I graduate, or when you graduate, on your birthday you should come out here or I out there and we could celebrate your birthday rural style! ^w^ (We throw some bitchin' parties out here.) @NotAllThatCreative
@The Empress of Ice[/URL]

No one should be alone on their birthday... Hey, when I graduate, or when you graduate, on your birthday you should come out here or I out there and we could celebrate your birthday rural style! ^w^ (We throw some bitchin' parties out here.) @NotAllThatCreative
I'm sorry, I didn't know. I merely thought it was one of those 'Mommy is trying to control me' moments in every teenagers life. I feel horrible now, and I... Well I can't say anything because I haven't gone through such a horrifying thing in my life, however I hope you just remember that life gets better, no matter what... I honestly don't know what to say but I'm, really, really, really sorry you had to go through that.
Heyo! I've had a good life so far. However, my parents are expecting a little too much from me. One time, I got a B in pre-algebra, and they gave me a lecture on how I should get A's... But, whatever. My current focus is to get my French grades up, but that shouldn't be so hard.

*Looks at science teacher* "What? What do you mean?" *Laughes sheepishly* "You never told me about this assignment..." *Slowly walks to desk and starts working*

Really though. When I don't do homework or something, I always try to do it in class. Tells you how responsible I am.
[QUOTE="Memios Bonavich]My mom's the same way but I stopped really caring and listening to her since she does absolutely nothing and needs to do something herself once in a while. I'll only REALLY clean if you're having company over or something. :P I think it's weird though that I'll happily help clean a friend's house when I refuse to clean my own half the time. ;3; @UltraYuseke

Their body'll fully transform between genders at random times, so... They'll be in a bit of an awkward situation if they switch to male suddenly while in girl clothes, well... Y'know what'd happen.
I feel so bad right now...

I feel that I'm here with a great life with loving parents, and seeing you guys tell your stories just... Makes me sad. I feel like I'm bragging, God dammit.
;-; Well, I hope you can be very happy, and push away the negative things said to you. This world needs to be a happier place, there are a lot of people suffering from many different causes.
The one thing that makes me very happy are my boys (nephews). They mean the world to me. Sure, I yell constantly but that gets them to listen. I can't just push these words away. They're coming from the one person I thought would never do that to me so it's killing me inside.
In that case, it'll be pretty hard to push these things out. Remember though, you have the things you love. Don't let the negative things drag you down too much, or it won't get any better.
Dear, negativity has been one of the main things in my life. It's always dragged me down. Every little negative thing that's said to me or to those around me that come from my mom or my sister makes me feel like shit.

A friend, or an acquaintance, could say something negative to me and I'd laugh at them. When it comes from the mouths of my sister and my mom, that's when it really hurts.
Honestly, that's true. I hope your able to move on... From such negative words. It may take time, none the less. Now, we should just stop talking about this here, and talk in PM about it. Or, we could change the subject, because I feel that the longer this conversation lasts the more saddened you'll feel.

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