Boarding School For the Abnormal

Oh, still gotta add descriptions for second forms, as well as a picture for Ryo's second form. You'll understand what I mean when you actually see the char.
I'm pretty much done except for Ryo's second form, so I don't mind you taking a look at it to see what's there.

Just saved the last edit to it for now. Might find some issues and add more to it later, but for now, it's all done unless you've got things I need to change about it.

Just made one last edit, 'cause I caught a few errors I'd made in there.

Basically, as far as we have discussed, we have come up with a few ideas...

The main one was having the students have their subjects in a certain order, which Yusuke came up with ^^ The students would basically have their 'subjects' in a specific order, where they put their desired class of the day in.

For example, Mondays:

1. Mathematics

2. Langauge arts

3. Electives




For my charrie {whom doesn't like math} that would be:

1, Study Hall/No class/replaced by an elective?

2. Ap English

3. Journalism




I thought that we should have different orders for different years, since PC teachers are probably teaching multiple years and having the same order could cause them to be 'double booked', so to say. And about classes, are there any obligatory ones? Like P.E. etc.
That's what I said... Different years {grades], different order? Like instead of mathematics first thing in the morning, they'd have electives or Language arts?

I'll be on tmrw, have been sick all day and throwing up and stuff... -crawls away,-
I just want to communicate with other characters more often, instead of the only time being Lunch and free time. (That's not really my case, but...)

Aww, that sucks. Right before Christmas, too.
I'm actually waiting on Cupcake before I can continue...

That, and we're all kinda waiting for the schedule for some reason when we could be RPing as it's getting figured out.
..... This is pretty dead... So... Uhm... Yeah.

I'm sorry to say that I'll have to remove myself from this rp, and while I didn't have the chance to put a post, it was fun while it lasted. ;/
Lol, I'm kinda busy :P I also have to set up Internet for a new computer. So, I'm on my phone.

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