Boarding School For the Abnormal

Hopefully. At least we're getting help with Christmas so the kids can have a good Christmas. :3 My pack said they had a big surprise for me for Christmas and won't tell me what it is. xD I wish I could get all of them presents too. ;~; @NotAllThatCreative
I'm, like, dirt poor too :( My mom has a good job but I have no job. I just sit on my butt. Having no licences sucks and I'll be 19 tomorrow xD What an adult I am. A surprise? Ooh, how exciting! O.o I'm not sure what I'll be getting this year since my mom hasn't started shopping for me yet, at least not that I know of lol @Memios Bonavich
Well, I'm a deadbeat teen livin' in a small apartment with my older sister. I think I'm more broke than you, especially seeing as I'm the one paying for the apartment. Now that my sister's here, I'm payin' twice as much for food too... Luckily, I'd piled up a supply of money from jobs that I've been doing since I was thirteen (started with things like mowing lawns xD ), and somehow, all of that's piled up to be enough to live this next month without a job. I do have a job though, but I don't have a single penny to spare on my own fun, internet aside.
Aaaand I'm a fourteen year old with no money issues... Besides being broke all the time. Now, is @Mits online? Because I'd like to have this schedule thing cleared soon xD
xD Yep.

So what classes do we have PC teachers? And what years?

Kathryn teaches Journalism, Creative writing, Debate, Drama/Theatre, Photography, Home Economics/Management and that's for year six and seven.
I'm going to be 17 in March (so happy :D ), I can't get a licenses yet since my meds put me at risk for seizures and bluh. :P

I can't get a job even if I was able to get a work permit from the school. Small back country town with the only job place being either a mechanics shop or a family owned pizza joint which the only job opportunity is delivery person and can't drive so can't do that. Derp a derp.

Man... We should all get together someday and make a business or something that finds things on the internet for a decent price depending on what it is. Internet addicts are able to find nearly everything (except some of that deep net stuff :P )
I think classes should go in a simple order, based by type of class. Order in which they should go'd be this, in my opinion. Anybody taking multiple classes in the same category (Such as English IV and Creative Writing) chooses one of them to go in the regular spot, then does the other in place of whatever type of class is next that they're not part of and do it there.

1. Language Arts

2. Mathematics

3. Science

4. Fine Arts

5. Social Studies

6. Electives

7. After School Activities

This being the order means Yuri'd have this schedule for Monday:


Language Arts - English IV

Mathematics - Algebra I

Science - Chemistry

Fine Arts - Music

Social Studies - Asian Culture

Electives - [No Elective]

Fine Arts - Sculpting (Takes Place of empty electives slot)

After School Activit(y/ies) - Dance

@The Empress of Ice @NotAllThatCreative

Think that schedule'd work?
And we should change the order depending on years. So, Teresa which is in 7th grade would have for example Order A and Alex, child-charrie, would have Order B.

Order A

1.Fine Arts

2. Mathematics

3. Social Studies

4. Electives

5. Science

6. Language Arts

7. After school club/extracurricular activity

Order B

1. Mathematics

2.Social Studies

3.Fine Arts

4. Science

5. Language Arts

6. Electives

7. After school club/extracurricular activity

These are just examples, by the way.

Which reminds me, are there no obligatory classes, like P.E. and stuff? Or could a student just fill their schedule with 50% Language arts and 50% Mathematics?
I don't see any need to change order by year though. Also, I'd bet Mathematics, Language Arts, and Science are mandatory. I can't say for sure, 'cause I'm not the one in charge here; I'm just the headmistress.
It's more due to the fact that some teachers, mine included, are teaching two or more years and them having the same order would result in something like this:

Student One - Seventh grade

1. Language Arts: Creative Writing

Student Two - Sixth grade

1. Language Arts: Creative writing

But there's only one teacher: Kathryn.

So having different orders would solve the problem, and perhaps have the students in the same year have classes that have Creative writing, have that lesson in the morning on monday, together.

O.o That came out wrong xD

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