Blue Mountain High School

Flower looked at him. "Um it's kind of nice." She said looking at the ground again. She shifted a bit and then messed with her hands.
Flower blushed a deep red and then looked down, but this time her hair fails to cover her face. She tries to ignore the whispers that probably were about them, the giggles and laughter. Her eyes move to look at the boy beside her again but her head stays down.
Lex pulled out her phone to text Flower 'well? r u gonna ask him out? u totts shuld! ;) ' she hit send and waited playing with Ari's hair

Ariu shook his head as usual the questions through text had started.
Flower looked at her phone and then sent 'No and um....I...i'm not sure I could.' She hit send and then put it away.
Flower looked at him and shook her head no. "'s nice to be call..." She trailed off and looked down. "Um, so." She stumbled over words. Not quite able to say what she wanted to say. She wanted to ask him out. Really she just couldn't. "'re less shy then me." She smiled slightly at him.
" Not at all really, it took all of my power to make me say that." he said looking at the girl. He really wants to ask her out but his body won't let him.
Flower looks at him and sighs looking down. " you want to hang" she asked in a very small voice. She looked at him.
He was surprised. "I can't believe it! A girl wants to hang out woth me!" he thought to himself. "Yeah...sure" he said smiling at her.
Flower nodded standing up as well. He grabbed one arm and then smiled nodding. "Maybe..." She said looking down again.

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