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Fandom *~*Blue Exorcist: Gehenna's Vengeance*~*

Username: (Yours) Barbas

Name: Carcosa inc

Role: (Teacher, student, exorcist, familiar, etc) A massive corporation that specializes pharmaceutical goods and medical supplies, along with more clandestine operations utilizing Genetic Engineering. Based in Japan.

Race: (Human, Demon, Familiar) Human

Alliegance: (Assiah, Gehenna, Neutral) Neutral

Relations to Canons/OCs: (if any) Servants of Hastur

Backstory: Founded in 1903 by the cultists of Hastur, Carcosa inc has been spreading it's influence throughout the world.




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Name: Butter

Age: 8 months.

Gender: Female

Sexuality: everything?!

Role: Asami pet.

Race: Dog

Alliegance: Cram school, Asami.

Personality: Very loud and excitable, acts like a puppy would.


Relations to Canons/OCs: (if any)

Backstory: Was born and was brought by Asami and raise by Asami, Butter love Asami!

Other: Butter love.......butter and can't get enough, especially on toast!
@Barbas I know they're followers of Hastur but since Hastur isn't a Canon mind putting neutral for both him and his followers? Just because I only strictly wanna follow the anime as in kings and leaders and such
@xkeyxx I accept Asami's puppy, its so cute :3 You can bring her on campus but Mephisto would probably ban her from coming on school campus unless she keeps her in her dorm. I may have a scene for that.
Wolfrose said:
@xkeyxx I accept Asami's puppy, its so cute :3 You can bring her on campus but Mephisto would probably ban her from coming on school campus unless she keeps her in her dorm. I may have a scene for that.
Awesome! I plan on keeping Butter in Asami rucksack but sometimes she would escape, but okay ^^
Its fine as long as Mephisto doesn't see :) Because Mephisto can change into a dog and I just see that as being his character
Join Forum:

Username: Wise Owl

Name: Cattileona Wasuremono Emi

Age: 2500 (25 human years)

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual, leaning more towards women

Role: Upper First Class Exorcist (Or Arc Knight if allowed cause that's what I was bending more towards) Teacher of Herbs/Medical Class and Mythology on Monsters (demons, beasts, familiars, etc.) Class.

Race: Demon (Details are that she is a Mindareë demon which are nearly extinct. Cattileona is the last of their kind.)

Alliegance: Neutral (she both loves Assiah and Gehenna)

Personality: Is quite shy and timid and clumsy. She tries to hide this with blank/placid expressions and monotoned speech but slips up sometimes.

Suffering from Severe Depression and Social Anxiety so is mostly an introvert whom avoids talking about themself, this case of mental illnesses also leads to self-harm. Always buries her emotions as she feels they are a weakness to her. She is also very insecure and uncomfortable with herself, so has low-self esteem.

Past all that, unlike most demons, she greatly cares about everyone else and is extremely empathetic, and kind and will often be the one to help carry the burdens of other characters problems or feelings, however, she avoids others to carry hers and often ignores her own need of self healing from herself and others. She will mostly be the type of person to make sacrifices of her own needs for the good of others.

She is also very wise and intelligent, and often craves knowledge, and with such cravings is often searching for more and more for consumption.

Appearance: This women is rather skinny and tall, about 5'9" to be exact. She has pale skin, nearly as pale as snow. Her hair is short, pixie cut, but the strands are long and messy. The bangs are swept to the right and are long, nearly covering her eyes. The color of her hair is turquoise, which turns to a bright aqua, to a bright blue as it transitions to the ends of her hair like a fading effect but it stays vivid. It is her hair color natural as well because she is a demon.

Her eyes are practically hard to grasp from the thicket of her long bangs. They are half lidded closed eyes, mostly what is called bedroom eyes. The color is a foggy bluish, grey which glows sometimes from the reflection of light. Her eyes are like this because she is also blind. Their are dark purple marks around her eyes, as if she is tired, abused, or simple looks sick. Her lips have a thin top and a slightly larger bottom, not as large as most women that had a balloon face. Her lips also show purple from the inside as is gradiant to that pale lip color out.

Her face has piercings which were a jestrum on her lip, anti-eyebrow on the left eye, three studs on the top left brow which the left brow also has three cuts of hair gone near the end, implying she was struck there. She also has piercings under her collarbone, two on either end under the bone, and a neck piercing which was in the centre, between the collerbones, in the dip of the neck. Her neck has dark purple ring around it and also has six, deep, black marks, like punture wounds, near the front sides and front of her neck over the purple ring. She also has two hip, pelvic peircings on either side. Because of her abuse to herself, she has self harm marks that is very visible when naked, around her arms and wrists, hips, chest, collarbone area, neck, and fingers. She also has those abused pruple marks all around her body, and she also has scars of people whom abused her like hash, nine tail whip marks on her back and arms.

Her demon features are ears that are pointed, and slanted down and are smallish, like human ears. They also were peirced rather quite a bit. Three in one, five in the other. She also has black horns that also are slanted down, and sorta curve down at the sides of her face. The right horn, however is broken off a bit, looking cracked and broken up a bit from the other one on the left that is still intact. These horns are behind her pointed ears. Her horns are visible because of the fact she was born straight into Assiah and only has partial of her demon counterparts covered or hidden. Thus means she could not hide it all and has more or less her horns visible. She had to make this sacrifice of this demon counterpart including her double canine fangs to keep her tail and heart hidden for obvious demon etiquette.

The clothes she often wears is oversized sweaters that go down to the half mark of her thighs, and cover her ass, and also covers half her fingers. She also wears the same length of long sleeved oversized shirts, and t-shirts over her long sleeve t-shirts. She also wears skinny jeans or jeans that go down to her ankles and near the end of her feet, with cardinal type shoes. She wears a Rosario over her neck all the time and a intricate paper pendant, including a necklace that carries all of her magical keys under her sweater. She wears skull like rings and necklaces that can be typical or very odd, or crystals that have magical qualities. Sometimes she wears the typical geeky looking glasses in which nobody knows why truely because she's blind and they really have no purpose, or so they think.

She never wears anything girly or feminine, and never ever puts on dresses or skirts no matter what. Even in formal attire she will only wear a suit and only wears formal wear if absolutely necessary. The only thing you may find feminine of her wearing is cute things like bunnies on her sweater, cats, or other fuzzy animals and things that maybe other cute things like chibi anime girls. She even has a small Mephisto Pheles chibi figurine that has string to attach to her phone which she got from Mephy Land.

(( try and get a picture later for this))

Relations to Canons/OCs:

Mephisto Pheles: reason for joining True Cross and considers him to be her friend. However, Cattileona has a interest in him, like a crush, but often tries to hide it as she feels that it's not the same way around from him, but because Mephisto may be considered perceptive, he could see such feeling lingering from her without her awareness. Thus, whether their relationship as friends or not is complicated or hard to say.

Amaimon: knows him a little as he is Mephisto's brother, and sometimes talk. They are more a less acquainted with one another.

Yukio Okumura: Knows to be the brother of

Rin Okumura. Simple conversations as normal teachers whom often pass by one another from time to time. Acquainted.

Rin Okumura: simple acquainted with.

Shiro Fujimoto: At the time he was a Paladin, and Cattileona was working to be an Upper Class Exorcist, was acquaintanced with him. Soon she looked to him more of a teacher and at times would go with him on missions or among other things. He was not only her mentor, but sometimes, when he had time, a kind friends when she needed it. He was one of the reasons of her success as becoming a Upper Class Exorcist. Unlike most of the humans in Assiah, he was more accepting of Cattileona, thus, mourned when his death had soon come by the fact of Satan.

Kirigakure Shura: Friends as they sometimes hang out when not doing missions with or without one another. Despire Shura's distrust for Mephisto, Cattileona still talks to him.

Arthur Aguste Angel: They both hate one another, and really try to mutually respect one another during meetings or missions.

Students of True Cross: Acquainted of them as her classmates but has never physically spoke to them outside of class other then regarding about class assignments, etc.

Teachers of True Cross: Is also acquainted with them as of work and class.

True Cross Order people and workers: Acquainted of them with work, missions, and pressing matters with the council.

Backstory: Complete and will slowly be revealed throughout the role-play. As of that, her past is actually unknown to anyone who has a relation to her as she always avoided mentioning her past to anyone, however that will change throughout the role-play.

However, the only person who knows a little of her past is Mephisto Pheles, aka: Sameal, as he was the one who was sly enough to get her to reveal some and also the fact he was part of some of her life.

This little information was of Cattileona's birth. When she was born, she wasn't born from typical Demon parents, but human parents instead, however, she was not half demon which posed questions that could not be explained. However, Cattileona further explained that she found information on this anomaly to be a switch from the womb. She believed her original parents switched a human baby from a human mother's womb, and placed Cattileona into this human mother's womb so that she could be born. She could only assume her original parents did this to protect her, maybe because her original mother was likely to die of child birth and this was the only solution to fix it, or that she was unwanted. Such explanations were left unknown. Cattileona also mentioned to Mephisto that she had a harsh, abusive child hood from the human parents as she was a demon born in Assiah, and eventually at the age of 5; or about 5 years or so when she grew up to be a small child, was sold away from her parents to cruel people whom experimented and used her to become something of their fitting image. After 15 years or so Cattileona managed to escape one day and lived amongst Assiah, on the run.

This is the part where Mephisto became a part of her life, as he was the one who approached her when she was at least 2000 years old (20 in human years). He convince her at this point in her life to become an Exorcist and join the True Cross Order, as she needed not only a place to be safe and have a chance to live a stable life instead of running, but a purpose to become something more then what humans perceived her to be. She wanted to become something more, so the offer was enough to make her accept it. She soon grew to be an Exorcist, and a high ranking one at that as she was rather very hard at her work and very determined to make something of herself. Every since that day she has always been greatful and in debted her life and service to Mephisto as a way of thanks even if it wasn't necessary.

Abilities: Her abilities all are based on the Mindareë's mind, her mind. Thus, she uses her mind for most of these abilities, and requires some concentration and stability. If she is emotionally unstable, she has little to no control. This is why she avoids getting emotional or having much of any emotions at all.

Telepathic: Can read the minds of anyone she comes across, and often does so without permission. It's easier to read ones mind through permission when the mind is less tense and constricted but more relaxed and open, as reading ones mind without permission takes a bit of a longer process.

This ability also allows her to communicate through ones mind, allowing her to have a secret conversation with someone if they were to think what they wanted to say to her. She can also connect people's minds together but only for things like communication.

If she is fast and concentrated enough, and nothing else is occupying her mind, except her own movements like dodging, jumping, speaking, etc, she can detect what moves a person will make and do.

She can also make others see memories of their own or transfer her memories for them to see, just like a movie, a part of that memory transferred to then, much like experiencing their own memory once more. This is much more concentrated as well.

Like the familiar Professor X in X-Men, she cannot control reading minds or thoughts that are on the surface when around people, and in a large crowd can be overwhelming, but does her best to control it to lessen the sum of strain.

Telekinetic/kenisis: Instead of just the regular pushing, pulling, and lifting, and throwing, hers work more differently as she can cut things with her mental abilities. With a simple swipe of her hand across the air, over the view of what she wishes to be cut, can do so with ease, and with how many times her hands move over what she wants cut can slice as many times as she wishes. She can cut mostly anything with one simple struck, but some things require more pinpointed strikes in the general area to cut it completely. These things are mostly metal, rock, stone, or anything harder then leather, flesh, bone, wood, etc. However, even if the item is small like a sword, metal inget, or a pole, the softness would not matter and can be cut with a simple strike. Depending on the thickness of an object, it may be a little harder to cut through something that is also a hard, solid object as well. Such an ability also requires lots of concentration and focus, and also some knowledge on what the material or item is made of. Saying this means that if Cattileona doesn't know what a metal wall is made of, she will not be able to cut through it, so she must have a general knowledge of what she is cutting is made of or it will have no to little effect.

She can lift, throw, pull, push things too with an ability, but not very large or heavy items like a large boulder. She can lift things that are not as heavy or large like a person, sword, guns, etc. She can even lift and move herself, as to glide or move around if she wanted. (If there is some problems I don't mind working something out. I do want to clarify though that it takes alot of strain on her to do any of these actions or anymore abilities you will read. The ones whom will do alot of strain are the ones with her mind as it requires a large amount of it and concentration. So and so will also effect a certain hidden secret of her health which gets worse the more she uses her mind)

Spatial vision/perception: Because she is blind she is required to heighten her senses into using this ability to be able to see like a regular being, and more. Using her hearing, smell, sixth sense, taste, and touch, she can heighten them to be able to not only see around her, but also a very large portion of her surroundings far from regular sight. This also requires, like the rest of her abilities, large sum of concentration a mind.

Transmutation: Cattileona can, with a extensive amount of concentration, transform, alter or transmute matter, energy, elements, objects, beings; like animals, aliens, mythical beings, etc, into anything else, either completely or partially, to which it can be permanently or temporarily. Permanent and depending on how large the complete form is, requires focus to be extended more to what she transmuted.

Supress: Because Cattileona's mind is quite high in its knowledge and also use of the brain, and also because Mindareë brains are slightly enhanced and configured, she can supress anything that requires the control or manipulation of her mind. She can also supress other mind reader's from reading certain parts of her mind/ memories.

Healing: With the use of her mind once more, she can physically heal ones wounds completely, which also manipulates the others mind into believing the wound never existed. However, doing so to a child or an infants mind that hasn't fully developed can do more harm and cause the person to go into shock, paralysis, and kill them or end up in a catonic state. This can also happen to anyone who may be weakened in the mind, or someone whom may not be able to adjust to such extensive healing. Her healing is a very powerful in which she can heal anything like an arm that has been completely chopped off, or have a face burned, or a persons eyes. She can also, with some time, help heal someone mentally as well like someone who is in a coma, someone suffering Amnesia, mind relapse, etc. However this requires much more time then just a typical physical wound. She cannot heal herself however in any way shape or form with this ability.

Hebalism and Mythology: Because she has extensive knowledge in herbs, she can use them for any medical issues physical or mental without the use of her healing ability, and also create alchemy and other things herbs can be used for. Because she has extensive knowledge in mythology monsters/beasts, she can detect what each one may be, and also know anything that may help a team or person with what it is, it's weaknesses and strengths, and what it uses for attacks and so forth.

Dodging: Because she has such extensive training in combat, she can be very agile. With this fact she is rather very agile, she is quite good at dodging many things with ease, much to the effect of a dancer as she uses mostly her toes to move more quickly around a room and so forth when it comes to combat. Bullets on the other hand are much harder to dodge and she mostly prefers just to cut them.

Acrobatics, climbing, etc: Because of her agile mobility, she can also do alot of acrobatics and is also strong enough to climb walls or things that require her strength and agileness to do so.

(If there is some problems I don't mind working something out. I do want to clarify though that it takes alot of strain on her to do any of these actions or anymore abilities you will read. The ones whom will do alot of strain are the ones with her mind as it requires a large amount of it and concentration. So and so will also effect a certain hidden secret of her health which gets worse the more she uses her mind)


Chakrams: When in need of the use of weapons, she mostly prefers to use her Chakrams which she can easily bind with her mind to move quickly around the room and cut whatever she wishes that Chakrams can cut. She can use as many as she likes, but usually sticks to two or four.

Hobbies: Cattileona really is creative, and enjoys doing many art forms, but mostly prefers to draw or sketch when free. She also likes to be literate and write books, stories, or whatever requires her creativity in literature. She also loves to read, making her a bookworm. Because she loves to read, she does real typical worded books that are mostly Supernatural, sci-fi, horror/suspence, fantasy, action-adventure, and fictional reads. But she really loves reading mangas and comics, whilst including watching anime making her a bit of a lover on not only American pictured stories, but Japanese ones as well. She is also a big hobbyst in her Herbalism work that she does outside of class and more work in her mythology. She doesn't generally like going out and and about, but tries to explore a little of the outside world, however, she mostly just loves to play her video games which is mostly a liking to medival ones like RPGs or tough medival worlds like Dark Souls.

(( So sorry this is so much information, I tend to give a good explanation of my characters, especially on appearence considering I don't really have a picture made for her quite yet. I really do apologize about that.

Also I don't know if this was exactly where I was suppose to send this join thing but I did so anyways cause it said Join Forum so I'm sorry of this was not the correct location. Im a complete disaster so I'm really sorry about this big mess xD ))

Update: Best image I could find close to her until I actually draw it out myself xD It's not exactly like her but it will have to do. Just imagine the colored hair, horns, ears, and peircings, marks on her eyes, lips and neck and your good. Just a base coat...coet.....cooat... for the moment.

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@Wise Owl THAT IS A LOT OF DETAIL 0-0 However I do accept. She seems like an interesting character and I completely like the whole idea with her and Mephisto
Wolfrose said:
@Wise Owl THAT IS A LOT OF DETAIL 0-0 However I do accept. She seems like an interesting character and I completely like the whole idea with her and Mephisto
Ahahaha, I'm so sorry. I'm sure that gave you a bit of a read. >.....<

But thank you, I'm really glad to be accepted into this group. :3 I've never done group Role-plays before but am quite excited to give it a go. And I'm glad this will be my first.

Oh really? Rubs the back of my neck. I didn't know if this little love thing with her was okay or the idea of the two with their relationship so that relieves my anxiety on that thought. =^...^=

I'm very happy to see you like the character so far~ Jeez I'm babbling again. Um, so yes, that's good, thank you very much again, urm....what time does this group generally role-play? I know everyone has different times but I figure there's a general time frame.
xkeyxx said:
Name: Butter
Age: 8 months.

Gender: Female

Sexuality: everything?!

Role: Asami pet.

Race: Dog

Alliegance: Cram school, Asami.

Personality: Very loud and excitable, acts like a puppy would.


Relations to Canons/OCs: (if any)

Backstory: Was born and was brought by Asami and raise by Asami, Butter love Asami!

Other: Butter love.......butter and can't get enough, especially on toast!
[QUOTE="Wise Owl]Ahahaha, I'm so sorry. I'm sure that gave you a bit of a read. >.....<
But thank you, I'm really glad to be accepted into this group. :3 I've never done group Role-plays before but am quite excited to give it a go. And I'm glad this will be my first.

Oh really? Rubs the back of my neck. I didn't know if this little love thing with her was okay or the idea of the two with their relationship so that relieves my anxiety on that thought. =^...^=

I'm very happy to see you like the character so far~ Jeez I'm babbling again. Um, so yes, that's good, thank you very much again, urm....what time does this group generally role-play? I know everyone has different times but I figure there's a general time frame.

Of course, Im so glad you chose my rp to be your first group rp. And dont worry Im not judgemental or any of that. Im open to new ideas and I love to think outside the box so that's why I really love your idea, very unique and original, very well thought out :)

djinnamon said:
Ik that stinking puppy is the cutest little thing :3
[quote="Wise Owl, post: 5780176, memb

Wolfrose said:
Of course, Im so glad you chose my rp to be your first group rp. And dont worry Im not judgemental or any of that. Im open to new ideas and I love to think outside the box so that's why I really love your idea, very unique and original, very well thought out :)
Ik that stinking puppy is the cutest little thing :3
Oh, well thank you :3 I'm glad you love it, makes me so warm and fuzzy inside cause I'm so childish xD

Thank you very much again~ Hopefully I will be awake or so when everyone is role-playing or beginning and I'll get right on there. If all goes well, I may consider doing one of the fandom characters if I am confident enough in my skills with one of the available characters.

There, I fixed my terrible mistake. Sorry.
Wolfrose said:
Of course, Im so glad you chose my rp to be your first group rp. And dont worry Im not judgemental or any of that. Im open to new ideas and I love to think outside the box so that's why I really love your idea, very unique and original, very well thought out :)
Ik that stinking puppy is the cutest little thing :3
This should be illegal also I can wait to see Rin's reaction to Amber preparing to attack
Username: Altaynna

Evelyn Lilith Onisha

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bi

Role: Excorcist

Human (Although she has some demon blood only enough for her to speak to demons as well as seeing them)

Alliegance: Assiah

She is slow to trust, however she is friendly enough. Being the daughter of a famous blacksmith family, she can create holy weapons and enjoys seeing other's weapons. She has a true appreciation for weapons of all forms. She is a master chief, although she has never prepared Japanese food, only Italian, American, German and welsh (although there aren't many welsh dishes.)


The Onisha family is famous for it's holy weapons and is practically famous for it. She grew up in America and Wales (although her family is Welsh), although she has spent time in the Vatican after her parent's death. They had been studying japanese weapons when the blue night occurred, leaving their daughter hopeless and abandoned. She was taken in at the Vatican city branch to begin furthering her training. She graduated shortly after Yukio, causing her to try to excel past him. After accidently demolishing part of a town, she was put back into the training class for a year as punishment, which she RESENTS.

Other: Meister: Knight and Tamer
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Username: Altaynna


Age: Who knows

Gender: Male

Sexuality: (Rather not go into that)

Role: familiar

Race: Familiar

Allegiance: Neutral

Personality: Marwolaeth will protect his master and is loyal to a fault. He will still turn on her, after all, he's a demon. He dislikes others and is quick to fight, and rarely questions his master. Although he won't admit this, he has grown to enjoy his time with his master, as she spends much time with him now.

Username: xkeyxx

Name: Valentine

Age: 1,000

Gender: Unknown.

Sexuality: Unknown.

Role: One of the worst devils.

Race: Demon

Alliegance: Gehanna

Personality: Cold and fierce, like playing games with humans and demons alike. Will do anything to get what it wants.


Relations to Canons/OCs: (if any) Asami.

Backstory: Valentine is part of Gehanna and was sent on a mission by Satan himself when Asami was 6 years old. Valentine was Satan most dearly trustworthy to Satan. ---Still in progress.

  • This demons height is 6''2 yet very skinny as shown in the picture.
  • This demon share exactly the same eyes with Asami which only the wolf can spy through her eyes.
  • Sometimes Valentine can't attack, it phases through people and that a weakness, but also an advantage for it.
  • Whenever the demon moves there always a trail of black smoke for three minutes.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpeg.8f6c11bf972addb510ff45b2cec4ce6f.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="127104" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpeg.8f6c11bf972addb510ff45b2cec4ce6f.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Username: Altaynna

Name: Kimchi (Mephisto doesn't know how to raise children) but she goes by Chi.

Age: 16


Sexuality: Bi

Role: (Teacher, student, exorcist, familiar, etc)

Race: Demon

Alliegance: Neutral

She is usually a very amused girl, generally pretty laid back and although she doesn't appear to be, she is actually internally a calculating individual who rarely shares her intents with others. She is brilliant at playing both sides, and it seems to eternally amuse her. She also enjoys being in her cat form to spy on people. While she is slow to anger, once she's mad whoever made her so is in for it, and has to face the brunt of her wrath. Once mad, she is slow to simmer down and never forgets a grudge.


Relations to Canons/OCs:
She is Mephisto's daughter from an unimportant fling he had that was never supposed to end with a child. Or perhaps that was what he was aiming for, no one knows but himself.

Backstory: She was the result of a relationship between Mephisto and her mother, who died in childbirth. She wishes to be a good daughter, but she's not sure how to deal with this demon father she has.

Other: (Hoping Wolfrose is cool with this) can shift into a kitten form, and her powers are very similar to her father's.

(I was messing around when I came up with the idea of this character and I thought she was definitely worth at least trying out. What with Mephisto's lack of relationships, there is no doubt that he wouldn't miss her mother, and neither would she. And while it seems as though he wouldn't have a child, who knows with the lord of time? Perhaps he wanted to have an heir, perhaps he wanted backup, perhaps he wanted to see what the fuss was that caused Satan to do it, who knows. The point is, I don't think it's too out of character for him.)

@Wolfrose<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpeg.8ce9844b598d65e92669290b2098be00.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="127120" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpeg.8ce9844b598d65e92669290b2098be00.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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I would like to add an additional plot line as well for my OC, but I am currently working on adjusting things for this particular world.

I do wish to help you get your plot started and going though, and feel more comfortable now that I can do two characters, Arthur August Angel, and Konekomaru Miwa.

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Shima is now open for anyone who wants him. Next chance I get guys Ill read through your characters to see if I approve or not.

Username: OnceDarkness

True Name: Zephyrus

Name: Tanabe Akahiro

Nickname: Tenebrae

Age: ????? (Somewhere in the 10,000's)

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual

Role: Student

Race: Demon

Alliegance: Gehenna



Relations to Canons/OCs: One of the demon kings of Gehenna, brother to Rin Oku., Yukio, Mephisto, Amaimon, etc

Backstory: So you'd really like to know? I was born 10,000 years ago... Blah blah blah
Blah blah blah blah blah Blah blah blah blah blah Blah blah blah blah blah Blah blah blah blah blah Blah blah blahblah blah Blah blah blahblah blah Blah blah blahblah blah Blah blah blahblah blah Blah blah blahblah blah Blah blah blahblah blah Blah blah blahblah blah Blah blah blahblah blah Blah blah blahblah blah Blah blah blahblah blah Blah blah blahblah blah Blah blah blahblah blah Blah blah blahblah blah Blah blah blahblah blah Blah blah blahvblah blah Blah blah blahblah blah Blah blah blahblah blah Blah blah blahblah blah Blah blah blahblah blah Blah blah blahblah blah Blah blah blahblah blah Blah blah blahblah blah Blah blah blahblah blah Blah blah blahvvblah blah Blah blah blahblah blah Blah blah blahblah blah Blah blah blahvblah blah Blah blah blahblah blah Blah blah blahv blah blah Blah blah blah. That's the short version for you.

Other: Nah

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