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Fantasy Bloodsworn OOC

I love it when people make their character face claims Fenris it always warms my heart Seraph Darkfire Seraph Darkfire Is your character my character's brother from another mother? Just kidding, he looks great so far though obviously Lekiel has final say but you have my endorsement
Woo. It'd be interesting if they were related somehow. I hadn't even read that he also trained with the Moongarde :P
Maybe they just knew each other while he was still in the Moongarde? I mean he could be related, a cousin perhaps, but not like an actual brother just because of his backstory.
Seraph Darkfire Seraph Darkfire Accepted! Creoso, mellonamin, welcome my friend! You may post a intro if you've an idea how to start! In my intro post I mentioned a certain General Ethrimbor being recalled from the frontlines back to An`falithe. You could write an exchange about being part of that general's army as a captain etc.. Feel free to make use of that npc as you see fit. Or if you have other ideas, that'd be great as well!

Alternatively, you (and the rest of you) can wait for the next post! Highwater and I are drafting another post to develop the story further as well as gradually tie in all your characters! ^3^ Should be in about a day, stay tuned!
Uhh! So sorry I haven't finished my CS, finals are around the corner and I've been buried under school work. The heat frying my brain doesn't help either.
Uhh! So sorry I haven't finished my CS, finals are around the corner and I've been buried under school work. The heat frying my brain doesn't help either.

Oh don't be sorry. Just wanted to know an update on status ^3^ All good! RL comes first always
Raziel Raziel Where do you see your character in terms of military rank? (I know I never specified the hierarchy, kinda want to leave it open for you guys to interpret). For simplicity sake, assume the Tel`Quessir army is made up for Legions of about a thousand soldiers. Each legion commanded by a general/commander, and each legion comprised of several battalions of 100-200 soldiers commanded by Captains.

Also, since Leoroc has been quite involved in the performing arts and theatrical stuff, perhaps he and Amaranth may have been acquainted before? Since she was involved in the ritual dances in the Temple of Felariel. Not quite the same, but similar enuf methinks. I also know a certain assassin that might object if they even so much as speak to each other, but hey, why not huh!

Edit: I mean, we could get even more immersive if you want. There's words in 'elvish' for Captain (Nikerym) and Commander (Kano).

I'd see Leoroc as a Captain, commanding a 100-soldier battalion. As for the acquaintance, that would be a sound reason for them to have interacted. They needn't had to have performed together, but witnessed each other's performances and offered brief exchanges afterwards, type of thing?
I'd see Leoroc as a Captain, commanding a 100-soldier battalion. As for the acquaintance, that would be a sound reason for them to have interacted. They needn't had to have performed together, but witnessed each other's performances and offered brief exchanges afterwards, type of thing?

Alright! We can go with that!
Will be posting soon! Sorry for the delay D: It's quite a long post, definitely won't have these too often. Just trying the finishing touches for setting the stage of our RP :D
OKAY posted guys! I'll be writing out a short message to each of you guys by today, so you'll have a better idea of whats planned and how your character will join the rest. Stay tuned!
Doing alot of jumping here, I'll make a character to the best of my ability, coding may be tough because mobile, so it'll be rather plain until I can use a computer to make it fit. From what I know, most DND esqe races can be used, right? Not that I plan on being too outlandish
Doing alot of jumping here, I'll make a character to the best of my ability, coding may be tough because mobile, so it'll be rather plain until I can use a computer to make it fit. From what I know, most DND esqe races can be used, right? Not that I plan on being too outlandish

Highly recommend you wait till you have a desktop to look at the coded lore. :) There is no hurry, you have a full 24 hours (potentially more) to have a read! Strongly influenced by DnD-esque fantasy, but Andarun (this setting) is an entirely different world of its own.
I mainly just plan on working out kinks in the character: Gear, general personality and such. But I will be sure to get a look tomorrow
Seraph Darkfire Seraph Darkfire You and Raziel may GM the Hemlen guard as you guys see fit :D (I forgot to mention this earlier)

Also, in case it wasn't clear, we're all going to have our characters meet up at the dilapidated building on the fringes of an`falithe. The description of the place is as I have written at the end of my 2nd last post ^3^ It's not thorough of course, so feel free to build on it!
The glory of my character is finally finished!


Mayhap we can start getting everyone together at the meeting place :Dthough I'm loving the little yaoi thing going on between the two isilhin

Feel free to include timeskips in your posts.
Snackofthefuture Snackofthefuture

Couple things on your CS :3

To be an accomplished mage, you kinda have to sacrifice in the physical. So if you're going to keep that short sword, do add that its only for emergencies and that he is not very proficient at it.

You missed out a sentence to put in your profile as a mage, it's at the bottom of the mage lorebook.

What do you mean by deep white hair :o? What's deep white?

"Despite his love for the, he'd gladly ..." - His love for the (what?) :o

I need descriptions of spells he commonly does and a link to your RPing samples ^3^
Aaaaaaaaaa!!! Aaaaaa!!! Like... there is so much to read! It's so awesome! I need to read it! First though... are you still accepting? xD is there a due date for the cses?
48 hours from now :)

(But i can make exceptions if your character is awesome possum)
Seraph Darkfire Seraph Darkfire Your usage of elven there is nice :) but I'm just pondering the possibility of Hell0NHighWater Hell0NHighWater 's israfael training with the moonguarde at the same time as eleveil, considering he is much much older.

He could have a reputation of being a lazybum that'd surpass time of course xD. Regardless, I'll leave the specifics to you guys. It's just a minor thing for me.

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