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Fantasy Blood & Steel (Original - Contemporary Fantasy - Open)


The God-Emperor of Mankind

A like from me means it is accepted.





Character Alignment:







Known Spells\Magic:

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Name: Unknown

Alias: Leader, L34D3R, Father, Seer, Farseer.

Gender: Male???

Species: Human??????

Character Alignment: Lawful(???) Good

Age: Old (???)


Class: Clairvoyant Future-teller.

Personality: Dark, quiet, reserved. He only speaks to his most loyal subordinates, no one else is even allowed to get near him.

Backstory: ??? To be revealed. He is the Leader of the Rebellion against Agrea.


  • Crystal ball - Enhances his magical abilities. Despite them being relatively low, he manages to use his gifts at full-power with it's help. The ball is a stream of Mana, that empowers all beings around it.
  • Staff - Despite his Staff's ritualistic appearance, he actually uses it only for walking, and to look cool.

Known Spells\Magic:

  • Telepathy - He is able to communicate with anyone in the proximity of about 2 kilometers. With the Crystal Ball he is able to extend this to up to 35 kilometers.
  • Farseeing - He is capable to see glimpses of the far, far future from time to time. With the ball he can see them slightly more often.
  • Clairvoyance - He knows how to solve problems, as he can see the future and the solution to such problems. Heavily improved by the Ball.
  • Precognition - He is able to see several seconds into the immediate future. Heavily improved by the Ball.
  • Retrocognition - He is able to see several seconds into the past, the same with items etc. In general seeing of the past. Heavily improved by the Ball.
  • Talent Detection - He is able to literally sense people that are talented, and could join his cause.

Other: Leader of the Rebellion against Agrea.


Name: Chris "Nova" November

Aliases: Nova, 42342, 1337.

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Character Alignment: Chaos Good

Age: 23

Class: Spy

Personality: Quiet, superior, passive-aggressive, sarcastic, he is an asshole but he knows when to give up and apologize. Relatively smart for his job. Always wanted to learn to play Violin, or at least Piano.

Backstory: Chris' life was an asshole to him, so he adapted and just like his life: He became an asshole. He is a huge setback for his organization, despite his important role, and it is due to his fragile state. Since childhood, Chris had a disorder that made his heart naturally weaker than that of other people, he also developed a brittle-bone disease over time. He trained most of his life, with basic strength training in order to be able to help his organization. His left arm is incapable of being rosen above shoulder-level.


  • (Self-Decorated) Crossfire 129: ICE-3 Series - A revolver. 6 bullets in the chamber. Bullets are magically enchanted with Ice magic, that helps stop bleeding and deals extra pain to the enemy. Perfect choice for him.
  • Cigarettes - Probably unhealthy. Probably bad for him.
  • Grappling Hook - It's exactly what it sounds like. Usually latches it with his right arm, so he can't shoot while he uses it.
  • The Plague's Ring - Given to him by The Plague. Grants full immunity to poison and disease while worn. If taken off, Chris will die within seconds due to the poison that is already in his veins.

Known Spells\Magic:

  • Incapable of Magic - To be revealed why. All you need to know is that he won't shoot fireballs any time soon.
  • Inferior Melee Combat - Due to his state (If you've read Backstory) he is REALLY, REALLY going to die quickly in Melee combat. He has no idea of martial arts, or taking hits. If you're on the basic level of being a brawler, that's quite enough to kill him easily... Unless he dodges, that is of course.
  • Enhanced Reflexes - His reflexes are greatly above human level. This is not an actual magical trait, it's self-developed. However it is despite that - still on an impressive, nigh-superhuman level.
  • Bullet-time - Chris has a special device, implanted into his heart. It can only work for several seconds, once in a while. It releases small doses of Adrenaline that cause these effects: Time perception slows down for him, enabling him to do incredible things for short amounts of time. He can shoot other people's bullets out of the sky, or reload as if he had speedhacks.

Other: Has a brother.
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Vanessa Hass

Introduction She's an expert sniper.




Her name is Vanessa Hass






Her favorite food is shrimps.​

  • Appearance

    Height: 1.75m

    Weight: 71kg

    Hair: Black

    Eyes: Red

    Body: Thin but strong

    Attire: Tramp Outfit

Theme Song


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Gabriel97 said:
Vanessa Hass
Introduction She's an expert sniper.




Her name is Vanessa Hass






Her favorite food is shrimps.​

  • Appearance

    Height: 175m

    Weight: 71kg

    Hair: Black

    Eyes: Red

    Body: Thin but strong

    Attire: Military Stealth clothing

Theme Song


I despise, disdain and hate shrimps... but accepted.
Name: August Winters

Gender: Female

Species: Human

Character Alignment: Good Guys

Age: 23

Appearance: (no braid things, and she's 5'3)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/1ab811bc2a88738993b41beb2a51d3b4.jpg.b7e93da9eeefd5e1a85918e0af233b04.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="139144" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/1ab811bc2a88738993b41beb2a51d3b4.jpg.b7e93da9eeefd5e1a85918e0af233b04.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Class: "Uh...does Badass count?"

Personality: She's a bit sensitive about her height, and will punch you for bad short jokes. Don't ask her about her past, her arm, or her family and you'll get ask long just be fine. She's an outgoing person, and a bit of a wild card, and acts childish alot, so her age is somewhat questioned

Backstory: TBR

Items\Weapons: "I don't really need any, but I carry a pistol just in case my arm gets broken."

Known Spells\Magic: General Magic (What Ed dose in the anime)

Other: Her right arm is Automail



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FireMaiden said:
Name: August Winters
Gender: Female

Species: Human

Character Alignment: Good Guys

Age: 23

Appearance: (no braid things, and she's 5'3)

View attachment 308093

Class: "Uh...does Badass count?"

Personality: She's a bit sensitive about her height, and will punch you for bad short jokes. Don't ask her about her past, her arm, or her family and you'll get ask long just be fine. She's an outgoing person, and a bit of a wild card.

Backstory: TBR

Items\Weapons: "I don't really need any, but I carry a pistol just in case my arm gets broken."

Known Spells\Magic: General (What Ed dose in the anime)

Other: Her right arm is Automail
Best class ever.

For her personality she should get an oscar.

Uh, yeah. And Automail.

I love it, 10\10. (Not sarcastic, really I'm not.)
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Name: Jacob


Species: human

Character Alignment:Chaotic good


Appearance: Jakob is a rather tall person for his age. Along with his height his eyes are gold in coloration and he has short white hair.

Class: Disruptor (might need a list of classes.)

Personality: Jacob is rather blunt and straight to the point. He comes off as a jerk to other people but to him the only thing that matters is helping his family and giving them a peaceful life. If you want to get along don't act like this whole situation is unfair. He had to fight off soldiers at the age of 14.

Backstory: Jacob lived in the outer regions of Agrea. Due to the constant wars neither him or his family could make a living for themselves. It got to the point where Jacob bought a special magnum that can be enhanced with magic. From this point on Jacob acted as a guard and killed any enemies who got close to his family.

Items\Weapons: A .357 magnum

Known Spells\Magic: Jakob isn't the best magic user but he can enhance his weapon to fire what he refers to as disrupter bullets which can cause anything steam powered to short out.

Other: He can play the Piano really well. Not much of a morning person.

: Arthur Winters

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Character Alignment: True Neutral

Age: 25

Class: Technomancer

Personality: I'll do it later

Backstory: TBR




Known Spells\Magic:

This power allows him to psychokinetically manipulate, alter and restructure all inorganic materials and their living variants (when/while he inhabits them, as they become living when he phases into them) into anything within his imagination. This included remote manipulation and control of devices made of such materials, even if not of his own creation. Arthur can telekinetically manipulate, arrange and alter objects at the atomic level. On at least one occasion he was able to somehow utilize the thoughts of someone else via touching their forehead to create machines based off of blueprints in their mind. He is particularly skilled at psionically creating technologies that duplicate or enhance the form and functions of parts of the human body.

Arthur can do more than just assume control of machines, he can also phase his own physicality and consciousness into them, thereby using and piloting any and all technological forms as his own body.

He has evolved a secondary power of full technopathy, allowing him to communicate with artificial intelligences, base appliances, machinery and robotics, making it relatively easy for him to control and utilize most of these as a result.


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: Rosemary Joy Distal

Gender: Female

Species: Human

Character Alignment: Good

Age: 25

Class: Archer/Gunwoman

Personality: Silent killer. She is always calm and quiet, and if you get on her bad side you'll find that you've been stabbed by an arrow suddenly. She doesn't like to give away any information because she's afraid she'll be betrayed. When she's in a large battle she doesn't care about silence, so she uses her primitive pistols to clear the field.

Backstory: TBR



Known Spells\Magic: Nothing

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[QUOTE="Safety Hammer]

: Arthur Winters

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Character Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Age: 25

Class: Technomancer




Known Spells\Magic:

This power allows him to psychokinetically manipulate, alter and restructure all inorganic materials and their living variants (when/while he inhabits them, as they become living when he phases into them) into anything within his imagination. This included remote manipulation and control of devices made of such materials, even if not of his own creation. Arthur can telekinetically manipulate, arrange and alter objects at the atomic level. On at least one occasion he was able to somehow utilize the thoughts of someone else via touching their forehead to create machines based off of blueprints in their mind. He is particularly skilled at psionically creating technologies that duplicate or enhance the form and functions of parts of the human body.

Arthur can do more than just assume control of machines, he can also phase his own physicality and consciousness into them, thereby using and piloting any and all technological forms as his own body.


Hory shittu.

Let me quote my character

Birdsie said:
  • Chris has a special device, implanted into his heart. It can only work for several seconds, once in a while. It releases small doses of Adrenaline that cause these effects: Time perception slows down for him, enabling him to do incredible things for short amounts of time. He can shoot other people's bullets out of the sky, or reload as if he had speedhacks.
Imagine that they are basically fucked, and he uses Techno Possession and turns this shit on at the max setting. And Chris basically turns into a killing machine.

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Birdsie said:
Hory shittu.
Let me quote my character

Imagine that they are basically fucked, and he uss Techno Possession and turns this shit on at the max setting. And Chris basically turns into a killing machine.
Hell yeah, mofo
"It's not my fault you're inferior"

Name:Reial Tempest

Aliases:Rei, Ms. Tempest, The Cleaner



Character Alignment:Chaotic Evil



Class:Civilian (technically)

Personality:Like the sound of rain heard underwater. Jaded and narcissistic by nature Rei firmly believes the rest of the population is beneath her and they only exist to further her goals. She is exceptionally well mannered and polite when interacting with others but her voice has a sickly sweet quality to it that makes her words like poisoned honey. Even when she isn't being sarcastic or condescending she still talks to everyone like they were children, a quality that prevented her from making many friends; besides her distaste for humanity in general. Reial is cruel, heartless, and will crush without hesitation, anything that stands in her way.

Backstory: Reial was born to a pair of scholars, her father taught magic at the university level while her mother gave private magic lessons from home. Naturally, Reial was expected to succeed in both her general and magical studies, which she did happily. While other kids practiced sports, she practiced magic, while they played with toys, she toyed with spirits, and while they made friends, she made monsters. By the time she was 14 Reial had read every book on magic that she could get her hands on, she was particularly fond of the Dark Arts, and so she spent her teen years summoning and conversing with supernatural beings to learn more, although the information often had a price most would be unwiling to pay. At 20 Reial came face to face with karma in the form of a particularly malicious spirit who offered to teach her a new spell, one never used by mortal hands, in exchange for 1000 human souls. Rei immediately agreed but what it hadn't told her was that if she died before she could fulfill her end, it would take her soul. Now she spends her days mastering this new spell and her nights harvesting souls.

Items\Weapons:A small ring with a red gem set into it, used to collect and contain souls.

Known Spells\Magic:

Teleportation: Max range of 30m

Levitation: Sustainable for up to 10 minutes

Demonic Consent: Reial can speak to the demon and allow it to use her as a vessel, enhancing her strength, speed, agility, and reflexes in order to help her escape overwhelming situations however, the demon chooses if and when it gives her body back.

Transmutation: Able to turn lesser metals (iron and silver) into gold
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Name: Devin

Age: 21

Race: Human (Caucasian)

Gender: Male

Personality: Strange, but friendly

Character Alignment: Peace by any means

Appearance: (Profile picture)

Class: Warlock

Items: Winchester M12, Spell tome

Magic: Arcane

Backstory: He never had the best childhood. His family barely got by, but he was always happy. He had a lot of friends, and loved his family. One night, however, they were robbed of almost everything, and his mother was murdered. Not wanting anyone to experience this pain, he swore his life to hunting down anyone who seeks to destroy the lives of others.

: Theo Sek Mekhanes

Aliases: Lord Raven, The Idol, Feathered Prince

Gender: Male

Species: Altered Human

Character Alignment: Lawful Evil

Age: 18

Appearance: Theo is 6'2" and still growing. He has clawed hands and taloned feet, with archaic markings all over his body, and the eyes of a Raven. On his stomach, he has a raven tattoo that flaps its wings slightly, in sync with his heartbeat. He has long hair like spun silver, that


he wears loose, and pale skin. He has a mantle of feathers around his neck that reaches to his shoulders and wings. His wings are large, pitch black, and in a constant state of molting, the feathers fade into wisps of shadow as they fall.

Class: False Vessel

Personality: Theo was once a very kind child, even though the world was anything but kind. After being adopted by his parents (handlers), he exhibited the perfect soldier countenance: "Don't ask, just do". Since becoming the Cult's Idol, he has become cold-hearted, manipulative and ruthless. There is nothing he won't do to further his own goals.

Backstory: The victim of a failed alchemical experiment, Theo was left with several raptor-like features and large black wings, at a young age. Because of his appearance, he was shunned by everyone and forced to fend for himself. This changed when he was found and adopted by two mid ranking officers in the military police. They used his unique appearance and blossoming abilities to infiltrate and assuming group of religious zealots, who believe that Gods left because of "abominations of nature" like Dark Elves, and would see all such things eradicated in hopes of recapturTheir Divine favor. Theo became surrounded with people who cared greatly for his well-being and pampered him. They did not, however, care for him emotionally or mentally; they saw him as the vessel for the will of a God, nothing more than a living idol to be put upon a pedestal. This abject neglect of his feelings darkened Theo's heart. He eventually took over the cult with his "Divine powers".

Now, armed with his honed abilities, his Cult of the Raven, and his hateful determination, Theo will be victorious; if he can't be loved, he WILL be worshipped, even the Furher-President will kneel.

Items\Weapons: Theo wears salacious robes that were painstakingly enchanted to provide the level of protection as light chainmail armor.

Known Spells\Magic: The only true magic he knows, are minor shadow spells, excluding"Conspiracy of Ravens".

  • Avian Physiology - Theo has functioning bird eyes. He has precise vision, long distance sight, incredible depth perception, two sets of eyelids, a third, clear movable membrane, etc... His claws and talons are long and extremely sharp. He has been known to skin small animals cleanly without the use of a knife. He can mimic sounds from his environment, including human speech.
  • He. Has. Wings. - Because his bones are not hollow, Theo isn't capable of true flight, but he can use his wings for gliding and rapid ascensions of up to 50ft.
  • Obsidian Feathers - By condensing his molting feathers, Theo can turn them into deadly projectiles and daggers.
  • Wicked Wind - Flapping his wings, Theo can create harsh gusts of wind that can knockdown groups of enemies.
  • Become Carrion Fodder - When facing a sufficiently weak or weakened foe, Theo can rip their heart from their chest and devour it, consuming remaining life force. Consuming a heart adds the victim's mana to his own, increasing his personal strength, and that of his abilities.
  • Conspiracy of Ravens - Summoning shadow imitations of Ravens, Theo can swarm and disorient his enemies, leaving weaker enemies to suffocate and stronger enemies to attack each other mistakenly. This is a channeled ability that affects a large area.


  • Theo despises the Gods for turning their backs on their responsibility.
  • He thinks Area's constant war is pointless.
  • He has nothing against Dark Elves, they are all a means to an end; a common enemy between the Cult of the Raven and the Agrean government.
  • He became evil by circumstance and coercion; he had to survive.
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Delacare said:

: Theo Mekhanes

Gender: Male

Species: Altered Human

Character Alignment: Evil

Age: 18

Appearance: Theo is 6'2" and still growing. He has clawed hands and taloned feet, with archaic markings all over his body, and the eyes of a Raven. On his stomach, he has a raven tattoo that flaps its wings slightly, in sync with his heartbeat. He has long hair like spun silver, that


he wears loose, and pale skin. He has a mantle of feathers around his neck that reaches to his shoulders and wings. His wings are large, pitch black, and in a constant state of molting, the feathers fade into wisps of shadow as they fall.

Class: False Vessel

Personality: Theo was once a very kind child, even though the world was anything but kind. After being adopted by his parents (handlers), he exhibited the perfect soldier countenance: "Don't ask, just do". Since becoming the City's Idol, he has become cold-hearted, manipulative and ruthless. There is nothing he won't do to further his own goals.

Backstory: The victim of a failed alchemical experiment, Theo was left with several raptor-like features and large black wings, at a young age. Because of his appearance, he was shunned by everyone and forced to fend for himself. This changed when he was found and adopted by two mid ranking officers in the military police. They used his unique appearance and blossoming abilities to infiltrate and assuming group of religious zealots, who believe that Gods left because of "abominations of nature" like Dark Elves, and would see all such things eradicated in hopes of recapturTheir Divine favor. Theo became surrounded with people who cared greatly for his well-being and pampered him. They did not, however, care for him emotionally or mentally; they saw him as the vessel for the will of a God, nothing more than a living idol to be put upon a pedestal. This abject neglect of his feelings darkened Theo's heart. He eventually took over the cult with his "Divine powers".

Now, armed with his honed abilities, his Cult of the Raven, and his hateful determination, Theo will be victorious; if he can't be loved, he WILL be worshipped, even the Furher-President will kneel.

Items\Weapons: Theo wears salacious robes that were painstakingly enchanted to provide the level of protection as light chainmail armor.

Known Spells\Magic: The only true magic he knows, are minor shadow spells, excluding"Conspiracy of Ravens".

  • Avian Physiology - Theo has functioning bird eyes. He has precise vision, long distance sight, incredible depth perception, two sets of eyelids, a third, clear movable membrane, etc... His claws and talons are long and extremely sharp. He has been known to skin small animals cleanly without the use of a knife. He can mimic sounds from his environment, including human speech.
  • He. Has. Wings. - Because his bones are not hollow, Theo isn't capable of true flight, but he can use his wings for gliding and rapid ascensions of up to 50ft.
  • Obsidian Feathers - By condensing his molting feathers, Theo can turn them into deadly projectiles and daggers.
  • Wicked Wind - Flapping his wings, Theo can create harsh gusts of wind that can knockdown groups of enemies.
  • Become Carrion Fodder - When facing a sufficiently weak or weakened foe, Theo can rip their heart from their chest and devour it, consuming remaining life force. Consuming a heart adds the victim's mana to his own, increasing his personal strength, and that of his abilities.
  • Conspiracy of Ravens - Summoning shadow imitations of Ravens, Theo can swarm and disorient his enemies, leaving weaker enemies to suffocate and stronger enemies to attack each other mistakenly. This is a channeled ability that affects a large area.


  • Theo despises the Gods for turning their backs on their responsibility.
  • He thinks Area's constant war is pointless.
  • He has nothing against Dark Elves, they are all a means to an end; a common enemy between the Cult of the Raven and the Agrean government.
  • He became evil by circumstance and coercion; he had to survive.
This was so much fun doing on my cellphone. Not.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/20d9eae2733620998fb35032090f75c2.jpg.371e3c1cdcc680122b2b35ea321aa1aa.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="139448" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/20d9eae2733620998fb35032090f75c2.jpg.371e3c1cdcc680122b2b35ea321aa1aa.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Name:The Plague, not many knows his true name



Character Alignment: Neutral Evil


Class: Plague Doctor, Hunter

Personality:No one really knows how he acts, but he always have a wide knowledge about situations, he has no regard for humanity, to say he doesn't care about ways people act, he is a heartless killer yet he still knows how to get out of situations with out violence, when in combat he would know the weak spots of almost anything due to him still being a doctor, he always shown more regards for birds then people, he's quite intelligent but weak, only a few punches or a single shot could defeat him, but he will come with a wide selection of weapons, but he would always know what your next move will be.

:Not much is known about this person, all that people will know about him is when they view the newspaper or any mode of news, he would seem to pop up, but many few people know about his true pass, what was him before he became the plague, many say that he is just a escaped convict, other would say that he's out to avenge his family, but only he and the people who knows the truth, what most criminals, mafia, almost anyone who can't get into a real doctor goes to him.

Items\Weapons: Cane- Pretty self explanatory

Poisoned Daggers

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/th.jpg.060040deb063598126411dbc371726c5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="139435" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/th.jpg.060040deb063598126411dbc371726c5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Custom Revolver-Weak but the poison in the bullets surely would kill them

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/th.jpg.d71746579066c1000483f7ed8eb98ef8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="139440" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/th.jpg.d71746579066c1000483f7ed8eb98ef8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Wrist Crossbow-Naturally Hidden, bolts are dipped in poison,what a surprise

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/th.jpg.a356563a6c04da1aefb411420d3394db.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="139442" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/th.jpg.a356563a6c04da1aefb411420d3394db.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Jar Of Poison

Known Spells\Magic: Black Magic- Mostly use to damaged opponents

Necromancy- Mostly used to raised the undead and get info from corpses he finds

Illusion- He can make illusion of himself to distract people

Other:He owns 4 Birds there names are Bob, Lob, Sob and Mob<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/20d9eae2733620998fb35032090f75c2.jpg.3ebaeaa9541198f18ce19b89cb7c289f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="139429" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/20d9eae2733620998fb35032090f75c2.jpg.3ebaeaa9541198f18ce19b89cb7c289f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Grizzlot said:
View attachment 308739 Name:The Plague, not many knows his true name


Character Alignment:Lawful Evil


Class: Plague Doctor, Hunter

Personality:No one really knows how he acts, but he always have a wide knowledge about situations, he has no regard for humanity, to say he doesn't care about ways people act, he is a heartless killer yet he still knows how to get out of situations with out violence, when in combat he would know the weak spots of almost anything due to him still being a doctor, he always shown more regards for birds then people, he's quite intelligent but weak, only a few punches or a single shot could defeat him, but he will come with a wide selection of weapons, but he would always know what your next move will be.

:Not much is known about this person, all that people will know about him is when they view the newspaper or any mode of news, he would seem to pop up, but many few people know about his true pass, what was him before he became the plague, many say that he is just a escaped convict, other would say that he's out to avenge his family, but only he and the people who knows the truth, what most criminals, mafia, almost anyone who can't get into a real doctor goes to him.

Items\Weapons: Cane- Pretty self explanatory

Poisoned Daggers

View attachment 308725 Custom Revolver-Weak but the poison in the bullets surely would kill them

View attachment 308730 Wrist Crossbow-Naturally Hidden, bolts are dipped in poison,what a surprise

View attachment 308732 Jar Of Poison

Known Spells\Magic: Black Magic- Mostly use to damaged opponents

Necromancy- Mostly used to raised the undead and get info from corpses he finds

Illusion- He can make illusion of himself to distract people

Other:He owns 4 Birds there names are Bob, Lob, Sob and Mob
I feel like Plague and Theo would get along.
Birdsie said:
Hory shittu.
Let me quote my character

Imagine that they are basically fucked, and he uses Techno Possession and turns this shit on at the max setting. And Chris basically turns into a killing machine.
Or if Chris gets on his nerves, he'll just have him OD.
[QUOTE="Safety Hammer]Or if Chris gets on his nerves, he'll just have him OD.

Chris would kill him then, before heart failure.
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