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Fantasy Blood & Steel (Original - Contemporary Fantasy - Open)

FireMaiden said:
August, surprised by his outburst, didn't say anything, just took the backpack. After a few minutes, she sighed, "Where can I set up?" She asked quitely.
Chris calmed down and said "Anywhere that you can find place. Hey, and sorry for the screaming thing. Didn't mean to explode like that." then sighed and walked up the stairs, annoyed and still having a lot of work to do. He stopped for a moment and looked at August "Did I thank you for saving my sking back then, yet? I can't remember. That guy's punch fractured my head, including the brain."
Birdsie said:
Chris calmed down and said "Anywhere that you can find place. Hey, and sorry for the screaming thing. Didn't mean to explode like that." then sighed and walked up the stairs, annoyed and still having a lot of work to do. He stopped for a moment and looked at August "Did I thank you for saving my sking back then, yet? I can't remember. That guy's punch fractured my head, including the brain."
August nodded, "You did," She said softly, before walking off to find a place to set up.
FireMaiden said:
August nodded, "You did," She said softly, before walking off to find a place to set up.
Chris said "Alright, that means two things. First is that I can remember things after all, and second is that my doctor was wrong. And, so.. can you do me a little favor? I need a small... thing delivered outside, and I need to do other things right now." with a polite tone, hoping to have one night off for once.
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Birdsie said:
Chris said "Alright, that means two things. First is that I can remember things after all, and second is that my doctor was wrong. And, so.. can you do me a little favor? I need a small... thing delivered outside, and I need to do other things right now." with a polite tone, hoping to have one night off for once.
August stopped right before leaving the building, "Sure...." she muttered.
Drax was sitting on the side of the street. he was now surrounded by cats as he had set food out in front of him. he was looking in his satchel for more food. he was engaged in tossing out the empty cat food cans when he noticed the small dagger at the very bottom of the bag. seeing it brought up his training with Jerome. He still had scars on his backs and sides from those 3 years."hmm...seems like im all out guys." he said petting one of the cats which began to purr at him.
FireMaiden said:
August stopped right before leaving the building, "Sure...." she muttered.
Chris walked up to her and gave her a small envelope, it clearly had something inside. Something heavier than paper. He sighed and explained "Deliver it to the guards at the entrance. Tell them it's only a last measure. Thank you very much." and then walked upstairs, and off. Chris sighed in relief and continued walking to meet the Leader and report to him.
Birdsie said:
Chris walked up to her and gave her a small envelope, it clearly had something inside. Something heavier than paper. He sighed and explained "Deliver it to the guards at the entrance. Tell them it's only a last measure. Thank you very much." and then walked upstairs, and off. Chris sighed in relief and continued walking to meet the Leader and report to him.
August nodded, walking out of the building. She quickly walked to the entrance. She got a bit lost for a few times, but found it again without much trouble. "Here." She said, giving the envelope to one of them.
FireMaiden said:
August nodded, walking out of the building. She quickly walked to the entrance. She got a bit lost for a few times, but found it again without much trouble. "Here." She said, giving the envelope to one of them.
He took the envelope into his left hand, dropping his rifle to the ground for a moment and opened it up, sighing he responded "Thank you." as he looked inside. He walked up to the other guard and took out the letter from the envelope, then two pills from it, handing one of them to the other guard.
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Birdsie said:
He took the envelope into his left hand, dropping his rifle to the ground for a moment and opened it up, sighing he responded "Thank you." as he looked inside. He walked up to the other guard and took out the letter from the envelope, then two pills from it, handing one of them to the other guard.
August nodded, and began to walk off, this time to actually find a place to set up her tent. Once she did, she set up quickly, and fell alseep inside, curled up into a tiny ball.
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she was currently curled into a ball not in sleep but in fear she had heard the battle and she might spend her next few hours like this it was too much she lay there ,but not there she was in battle the land in front of her no mans land the artillery pounding the earth and she just lay there waiting to ether be ordered forward toward the explosions. Toward the enemies so that even if she didn't get killed by the explosions she would have take another life to live though any of that was optional she could stay here tell an artillery round got lucky and killed her and her entire squad or the commissar came and killed her. In reality she was laying in a sewer she had been called here for her new job apparently so chick had been stuck down here after a rock came loose and landed on her arm but that chick was gone the explosions had shifted the roof and made a land slide of rocks killing her .If the medic had any idea what was real at the moment she would realize that no one cared only the roof in the sewer had fallen the street above was fine and they would leave her there tell morning her night pass was in her bag and it was the only one in the department so they could send no one else even if someone was mortally wounded she was it as she was sitting there praying to a god she didn't believe in that the artillery fire she had already survived didn't kill her. only those with good hearing would find her as she sat right below a man surrounded in cats.

@Zon dexan
zon noticed that one of the smaller cats he was taking care of was clawing at a nearby sewer grate"something wrong little guy?" he said standing up and walking over to the kitten which looked up at him and meowed"alright i'll check it out" he said lifting up the grate and climbing down slowly. he could hear a faint voice"hello?...somebody there?" he called out

she barely registered the voice it had no effect on her horror she lay there praying hoping against hope that the passing battle did not kill her not even considering the battle had passed.

@Zon dexan
"hmm..."he said walking in the direction of the faint voice. as he got closer he noticed a figure that seemed to be curled in the fetal position. upon getting closer he noticed that it was a women. he kept his distance but came close enough that he could be heard "h-hey there...you alright?" the kitten that had lead him there walked up to the women and laid a paw on her face softly as it meowed.

she registered that one she opened her eyes to see a kitten in front of her face. she sat up noticing the rubble next to her beginning to leak blood she moved the cat onto her lap. she looked over to the man "No but its fine now" she said not really caring as some of the blood got on her pants she didn't really have the will to move at the moment.

@Zon dexan
zon blinked"thats a big change from a mumbling person who was just in the fetal position...." he mumbled coming closer and seeing the blood"whoa....what happened here?" he asked nonchalantly as he keeled beside her watching as she held the kitten which seemed to like her quite a lot.

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she looked over "Vanesa Cruze dead reason incident" she said rather bluntly "The explosions caused a collapse it killed a person I was sent here to help" she said better explaining the situation so she did not seem like some murder trying to make up an excuse as she petted a kitten.

@Zon dexan
"well then..." zon didn't know what to say as that was not exactly an answer he was expecting"well how about we stop sitting in the sewers for now?...it kinda smells down here" he spoke as he stood the duel saws at his sides clanking "oh right...names zon..whats yours?" he said offering a hand to help her up.

"fakeblo.... Kristen" she said hesitating when she almost said fake blood. she takes the hand at least getting to her feet faster than she had ever before during one of the episodes. she thought about it for a few moments before some what awkwardly saying "nice to meet you and yea I guess and with the corpse it will only get worse.

@Zon dexan
zon decided to ignore her stopping in the middle of the of her sentence to change what she was going to say. he knew that some people had secrets the had to keep"thats the spirit" he spoke with a smile as he lead her to the ladder and climbed up to the streets quickly. afterwards kneeling down just in case she needed a hand."so...you said you were set here to...help?..are you a medic of sorts?" he asked

"yea" she said kind of sadly "I'm a medic" she hated being a medic in the city medics were suppose to be on the battle field not in a city. "and your a ..." she said asking his profession.

@Zon dexan
he shrugged flicking one of his saws "free lance assassin.....it pays well but the jobs are sparse...so how long were you down there?" he asked thinking she might be hungry or something like that.

she tilted her head to look at him as she quietly reached into her bag "Free lance assassin? that's a weird thing to tell a stranger zon" she said her hand on her gun if he tried any thing. "No not really thank you but I could use some where to stay even the pass I have won't work after the police have been assaulted" she said she hated going into a building with some one who killed people for a living but it was better than getting arrested.

@Zon dexan
zon sighed"trust me if i waned to kill you you'd be gone already...you think if i was here to kill you i would have talked to you while you were just lying down there instead of just killing you?...but anyway there's an old building i stay in its abandoned but its not in bad condition you could stay there for a while if you want" offered zon

"alright i'll lead the way..and as a sign of trust ill stay in front of you that way i cant try anything" he said putting his hand behind his head and beginning to walk a few stray cats began to follow him as he did so some of them brushed up against his legs others kept their distance but still followed.


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