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Fantasy Blood Rose at Midnight (Always accepting! Vampire rp!)

FireMaiden said:
She slightly shook her head, that unless you were staring at her with the most concentration or were a vampire, you wouldn't notice. This was saying not yet.
Jacques would nod, switching back to the priest.

Yappi said:
"Only place to store blood without it spoiling" I say with a grin, I hear something behind me. I start to see how bad of a idea this is.
Ceralder could hear his heart beat faster after the sound of wood settling behind him. Jacques was infront and above him, on the cealing, waiting to pounce. He grinned at the fools fear.
Xan said:
"Well that's unrealistic. Eternal night would cause a lot of people a lot of problems," he joked carding his fingers through Crowley's hair.
(Sorry. I have been in lectures all day :( )

I slowly start to unscrew my bottle of holy water, my other hand keeps the shotgun held in place. "nah"
Xan said:
"Well that's unrealistic. Eternal night would cause a lot of people a lot of problems," he joked carding his fingers through Crowley's hair.
"Aw just shut up and kiss me." Crowley said as he pulled Soren onto his lap.

I say a prayer under my breath "Nope" I say before pulling out my holy water and backing up. I know there's someone else in here, my finger trembles over the trigger.
FireMaiden said:
"Have fun."
Jacques smiled at her, than leapt onto the priest faster than he could see. He wrapped his wings around the priest, trapping his arms. After a moment, he woukd bite into his neck, and begin to drink.

"What do y-SHIT" he says when he gets grabbed, he try's to splash him across his skin with holy water. He drops his shotgun and reaches for his knife. He felt pricks at his neck, he started to struggle. Hoping the cross on his neck would do anything to help him.
Yappi said:
"What do y-SHIT" he says when he gets grabbed, he try's to splash him across his skin with holy water. He drops his shotgun and reaches for his knife. He felt pricks at his neck, he started to struggle. Hoping the cross on his neck would do anything to help him.
@FireMaiden @Dalamus Ulom
Yappi said:
"What do y-SHIT" he says when he gets grabbed, he try's to splash him across his skin with holy water. He drops his shotgun and reaches for his knife. He felt pricks at his neck, he started to struggle. Hoping the cross on his neck would do anything to help him.
"You humans always stick you dick in places it doesn't belong, this is what it gets you," Val said coldly. "You should've left when I told you to."
Yappi said:
"What do y-SHIT" he says when he gets grabbed, he try's to splash him across his skin with holy water. He drops his shotgun and reaches for his knife. He felt pricks at his neck, he started to struggle. Hoping the cross on his neck would do anything to help him.
Jacques was hurt, but he knew that he may die if this one escaped his grasp. He held on tighter, as the cross would burn him. Steam would begin to rise in the priests face from where Jacques's arms met the cross, and his wing had partially burned away from the holy water. He would tighten his grasp, and bite the mortal harder
[QUOTE="Safety Hammer]
"Aw just shut up and kiss me." Crowley said as he pulled Soren onto his lap.

The vampire grinned cheekily, preparing to do just that before stopping and pulling away, looking puzzled. "Do you hear that downstairs?" He asked, swiveling in Crowley's lap curiously.

I head but him and reach for my knife, fumbling for it. I have to much adrelaline to hear what there saying. I'm frantically moving about trying to get free.
Yappi said:
I head but him and reach for my knife, fumbling for it. I have to much adrelaline to hear what there saying. I'm frantically moving about trying to get free.
Val walks over to them, and places her foot on his hand, "You people sicken me. Stop struggling, you'll only make it worse."
Yappi said:
I head but him and reach for my knife, fumbling for it. I have to much adrelaline to hear what there saying. I'm frantically moving about trying to get free.
FireMaiden said:
Val walks over to them, and places her foot on his hand, "You people sicken me. Stop struggling, you'll only make it worse."
Jacques's would grow painfully strong, and a loud crack would pierce the air. One of the priests ribs had broken. Jaques would bite down even harder on the priest, and the steam would increase. His wing would also steam as what was left of the holy water would burn it away.
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Xan said:
The vampire grinned cheekily, preparing to do just that before stopping and pulling away, looking puzzled. "Do you hear that downstairs?" He asked, swiveling in Crowley's lap curiously.
"God dammit." The demon mumbled as he pulled on his pants and marched downstairs. "Oh for the love of Christ, can't a guy just have a moment with his boyfriend in pea-" Crowley stopped mid sentence when he saw the priest.

Yappi said:
"FUCK YOU!!!" I say bluntly
Crowley looked over at Val and Jacques. "Well if it isn't the Catholic church. I thought I smelled hypocrisy."
[QUOTE="Safety Hammer]
"God dammit." The demon mumbled as he pulled on his pants and marched downstairs. "Oh for the love of Christ, can't a guy just have a moment with his boyfriend in pea-" Crowley stopped mid sentence when he saw the priest.
Crowley looked over at Val and Jacques. "Well if it isn't the Catholic church. I thought I smelled hypocrisy."

Meanwhile, Soren is shortly behind him, certainly more dressed than before. "I told you there was a racket down here. Made a mess too." He said, trying to hide his laughter.
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Yappi said:
I yell at the crack, I jam the knife into his leg trying to get free
Jacques released his neck, and sceamed in pain. This time, he bit down on his neck, even harder, steam still rising. However, he was starting to heal, faster than he was being hurt. His wing had already fullu regenerated, and his arms still steamed, but grew even tighter across the priests chest. Another rib would crack.
[QUOTE="Safety Hammer]
"God dammit." The demon mumbled as he pulled on his pants and marched downstairs. "Oh for the love of Christ, can't a guy just have a moment with his boyfriend in pea-" Crowley stopped mid sentence when he saw the priest.
Crowley looked over at Val and Jacques. "Well if it isn't the Catholic church. I thought I smelled hypocrisy."

(Jacques is on the ground, under the priest, wings fully enwrapping them)

"I have a loaded shotgun and a trigger finger that differs!" I say

Cringing at the pain, "God damn you all to hell!" I say stabbing him as hard as I can, adrelaline wearing off. I start to feel like I'm about to pass out from blood loss

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