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Fantasy Blood Rose at Midnight (Always accepting! Vampire rp!)

KaalysBR said:
Lucian looked lost as he nodded,allowing Val to lead the way back home. He probably couldn't even find his way back in the state he was now.

Val took his hand, an d gently lead him through the forest. Soon she saw the lights is the mansion, and lead him inside to the kitchen. She started him down at the island and got two sodas from the fridge. She said across for him and sat a cola infront of him. "Ok, mind telling me what that was?"
[QUOTE="Safety Hammer]Crowley smiled as he opened up the door, picked up Soren, closed the door behind him and gave his boyfriend a very drunken and passionate kiss. "I love you so much."

Being suddenly airborne was such a novelty for Soren, as he often forgets how small he is. "I love you too," he murmured into the kiss then pulled back, making a face. "You taste like beer."
Lucian's eyes were red as if he was about to cry,but he didn't. He took a quick glance at the cola but didn't feel like drinking anything.

"I fell like those...things from last night were controlling me through that wound. And when I drank human blood they managed to control me completely. That...can't happen again."

He didn't seem to be able to meet Val's eyes.

"I'm a murderer..."

Xan said:
Being suddenly airborne was such a novelty for Soren, as he often forgets how small he is. "I love you too," he murmured into the kiss then pulled back, making a face. "You taste like beer."
"And you taste like vodka. Do you see me complaining?" Crowley said with with a smirk, as he trotted off with Soren in his arms. For some odd reason, Crowley liked to pick Soren up. He was almost like a sexy little teddy bear that he could carry where ever he wanted. "Now, I must warn you, there is quite a bit of alcohol in my blood stream. So that might mean you'll get a little buzzed if you drink off of me."
KaalysBR said:
Lucian's eyes were red as if he was about to cry,but he didn't. He took a quick glance at the cola but didn't feel like drinking anything.
"I fell like those...things from last night were controlling me through that wound. And when I drank human blood they managed to control me completely. That...can't happen again."

He didn't seem to be able to meet Val's eyes.

"I'm a murderer..."

"We all are Lucian," She said with a sigh, then though for a moment. "I was injured too, hell I got the scars to show, so why didn't they take control of me?"
"I told you...you are half human. They...the idea of being inside of a human is disgusting to them."

Lucian took the can of soda this time,drinking it in one take.

"I don't think this is gonna do it. Do you guys have any wine? Preferably big bottles?"

KaalysBR said:
"I told you...you are half human. They...the idea of being inside of a human is disgusting to them."
Lucian took the can of soda this time,drinking it in one take.

"I don't think this is gonna do it. Do you guys have any wine? Preferably big bottles?"

Val chuckled, "Hang on." She pierced her finger and opened the liquor cabinet. She looked for a minute, then pulled out a bottle of wine and some whiskey. She put the Wine in front of Lucian, and opened the whiskey raking a long drink. She did however nearly jump out of her skin when she heard Bella's voice. "Children shouldn't be drinking."
[QUOTE="Safety Hammer]
"And you taste like vodka. Do you see me complaining?" Crowley said with with a smirk, as he trotted off with Soren in his arms. For some odd reason, Crowley liked to pick Soren up. He was almost like a sexy little teddy bear that he could carry where ever he wanted. "Now, I must warn you, there is quite a bit of alcohol in my blood stream. So that might mean you'll get a little buzzed if you drink off of me."

"I have no idea how you managed to drink so much before getting into a bar fight," the male murmured, shaking his head. It probably wasn't a good idea to drink from Crowley when he was drunk, but he was hungry and in this case, the pros outweighed the cons, so he bit the man, as gently as he usually was, despite all the demon's complaining.
Xan said:
"I have no idea how you managed to drink so much before getting into a bar fight," the male murmured, shaking his head. It probably wasn't a good idea to drink from Crowley when he was drunk, but he was hungry and in this case, the pros outweighed the cons, so he bit the man, as gently as he usually was, despite all the demon's complaining.
Crowley let out a slight moan. He was actually starting to like Soren's biting. "Is it bad that I'm starting to like this?" Crowley said, as he wrapped his arms around his partner's waist and pulled him in closer. "D-damn it, Soren. My shirt is going to get all bloody now." The demon stuttered.
[QUOTE="Safety Hammer]Crowley let out a slight moan. He was actually starting to like Soren's biting. "Is it bad that I'm starting to like this?" Crowley said, as he wrapped his arms around his partner's waist and pulled him in closer. "D-damn it, Soren. My shirt is going to get all bloody now." The demon stuttered.

"That's pretty bad but there could be worse things, " Soren commented, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. "If it gets bloody, that's the beauty of a washing machine. I'll even wash it for you," the vampire said with a grin, carefully wiping the excess blood of of Crowley's neck with his thumb.
Xan said:
"That's pretty bad but there could be worse things, " Soren commented, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. "If it gets bloody, that's the beauty of a washing machine. I'll even wash it for you," the vampire said with a grin, carefully wiping the excess blood of of Crowley's neck with his thumb.
Crowley gave Soren a passionate kiss. He was quite drunk, but really didn't care. "Should I continue, Mr. Nystrom?"
I walk in from the city, I've been tracking vampires for some time now. Old ones too, 200-2000 year old, I take out a mini bible and read a verse. Faith don't keep my strong but better than slapping a vampire with Darwins law of Natural Selection.

(Idk what is going on so someone just kinda help me out here)

Jacques wheeled across the sky, searching for something just outside the town. Finally, he would see it. A large, decrepit mansion. Though, large didn't give it justice. It was huge. Jacques would come wheeling down for a landing, alighting near the (original) mansion. He would reek of slightly dried blood and gore, as well as his normal scent.


I see someone in the sky, Must be a vampire because people just don't magically float. I start to walk towards where he landed,I see a mansion in the distance. I pull out my lever action shotgun and load it on my approach.
[QUOTE="Safety Hammer]Crowley gave Soren a passionate kiss. He was quite drunk, but really didn't care. "Should I continue, Mr. Nystrom?"

"Well, I didn't tell you to stop," he said innocently, grinning wide and toothily. "Come on, let's go." He mumbled, pushing Crowley lightly.
(Btw if you catch AJ I don't care what ya do with him, just don't dismember/ kill him)


I walk into the massive mansion, I see it's been inhabited recently. I start to get nervous, this may be a refuge and I'm walking into a whole nest of em alone. I start having second thoughts.
Xan said:
"Well, I didn't tell you to stop," he said innocently, grinning wide and toothily. "Come on, let's go." He mumbled, pushing Crowley lightly.
"I don't know. I don't think I'm done teasing you." The demon said with a grin, as he stuck out his tongue playfully. "You should be kissed and often, and by someone who knows how.”
"Hey Lucian, I'll be back in a second," Val said as she walked out of the kitchen. She looked at him one more time before leaving, planning on getting something from her room. That plan changed when she saw the guy with the shotgun. "Um...May I help you?" She asked.

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[QUOTE="Safety Hammer]
"I don't know. I don't think I'm done teasing you." The demon said with a grin, as he stuck out his tongue playfully. "You should be kissed and often, and by someone who knows how.”

Soren rolled his eyes playfully and pulled away from Crowley, walking away, down the hall. "I'll have to go find someone who knows then! Bye-bye." He grinned, looking over his shoulder.

I almost pull the trigger out of shock "I tracked a vampire t-" I check to see if she is a vampire but I can't tell "Are you a blood sucker" I say pointing my shotgun at her

Yappi said:
I almost pull the trigger out of shock "I tracked a vampire t-" I check to see if she is a vampire but I can't tell "Are you a blood sucker" I say pointing my shotgun at her

"Vampires don't exist dumbass," Val said with a roll of her eyes. "What are you really doing here? This is private property." She knew what he was, but he was doing it pretty lousy. Come on, I've met kids who do better. "Well, explain your self."

She is more than Likly trying to trick me "I beg to differ, teeth, Now! Or so help me god there will be nothing but your gray matter splattered across the wall" I keep some distance. I keep it aimed right in the center of mass.
Xan said:
Soren rolled his eyes playfully and pulled away from Crowley, walking away, down the hall. "I'll have to go find someone who knows then! Bye-bye." He grinned, looking over his shoulder.
"Oh no you don't!" Crowley said with a grin as he scooped Soren up off of his feet, and into his arms. "Soren my dear," Crowley said, as he put on a posh accent, "I would like to cordially invite you to accompany me to my bed for intercourse."
Yappi said:
She is more than Likly trying to trick me "I beg to differ, teeth, Now! Or so help me god there will be nothing but your gray matter splattered across the wall" I keep some distance. I keep it aimed right in the center of mass.
She opened her mouth, normal human teeth. "Ok, you're gonna have to leave if you keep acting like a mad man. And so help me if you dont lower that gun I will scream and ypu don't want my family down here."

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