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Fantasy Blood Rose at Midnight (Always accepting! Vampire rp!)

KaalysBR said:
Lucian tried to turn and face his attackers,but the pain caused any action to be harder. He prepared a fist of darkness until his act was suddenly stopped.
The shadowy figure pushed it's sword down Lucian's chest. He coughed blood,his arms going weak as he fell backwards,staying completely still.
(You aren't killing him off are you?)

Val looked out the window, watching as Lucian went limp. "NO!" She screamed, and went back to trying to opened the door, this time it working, and the doors flung open.
(Mwahahaha. Just kidding,no. Just bringing some action in and a plot I was imagining. But Lucian might need some healing. @FireMaiden )

The shadowy figures turned around to meet Val as they heard the door being opened. They were completely made of darkness,barely any forms of humanity besides their shape.

The soldier that had his sword down Lucian's chest pulled it up,dark blood dripping from it.

Flying forward,they striked against her.
KaalysBR said:
(Mwahahaha. Just kidding,no. Just bringing some action in and a plot I was imagining. But Lucian might need some healing. @FireMaiden )
The shadowy figures turned around to meet Val as they heard the door being opened. They were completely made of darkness,barely any forms of humanity besides their shape.

The soldier that had his sword down Lucian's chest pulled it up,dark blood dripping from it.

Flying forward,they striked against her.
What seemed to be a magnetic plus shot from her body knocking the sword away, her eyes gone completely sliver. She stepped twoards the shadow things, "I'm here to chew bubble gum and kick ass," She wiped her bottom lip, "And I'm all out of bubble gum."
The shadowy figure growled once his sword filed out of his hand. He suddenly jumped forward and tackled Val against the ground,the other figure kicking her from the back.

KaalysBR said:
The shadowy figure growled once his sword filed out of his hand. He suddenly jumped forward and tackled Val against the ground,the other figure kicking her from the back.
Something had changed in Val. She was still Val, just, pissed the fucking hell off. She snarled at the creatures, kicking the second one that wasn't on top of her to the ground by kicking at its feet. She then kicked the one's that was on top of her legs, and flung him over so she was now on top of him, and delivered five punches to the face using her vampiric strength.
The shadowy figure shrieked as it was pinned down and punched,feeling the change in the power of their opponent. The vague form of teeth appeared in the future's head and it bit Val's arm,the other figure still trying to surround her with suffocating darkness.

KaalysBR said:
The shadowy figure shrieked as it was pinned down and punched,feeling the change in the power of their opponent. The vague form of teeth appeared in the future's head and it bit Val's arm,the other figure still trying to surround her with suffocating darkness.

"Get the fuck off my property," She growled, standing up, raising her arm and flinging the creature into the other one. She could feel the teeth rip some of her flesh, taking blood with it.
The dark creature felt itself getting overpowered,then growled lightly in defeat. They hadn't expected two enemies,their mission was a single assassination. With another growl of despair,the creatures disappeared,along with the nauseating darkness. Only Lucian remained in the snow,his blood turning the white into dark red.

KaalysBR said:
The dark creature felt itself getting overpowered,then growled lightly in defeat. They hadn't expected two enemies,their mission was a single assassination. With another growl of despair,the creatures disappeared,along with the nauseating darkness. Only Lucian remained in the snow,his blood turning the white into dark red.

Val's eyes turned back to normal, an immediately felt drained. "Damn it," But the adrenaline she was feeling kept her up. She ran over to Lucian, ignoring the pain she felt. She Kew that those were no ordinary creatures, and there was definitely gonna be a scar, or a much slower healing process. She gently shook Lucian, "Hey come on, give me a sign your alive."
Lucian didn't react at first,remaining limp as Val shook him. But her voice seemed to reach out to him and he shifted lightly,coughing up some blood. He was alive,but still unconscious.

KaalysBR said:
Lucian didn't react at first,remaining limp as Val shook him. But her voice seemed to reach out to him and he shifted lightly,coughing up some blood. He was alive,but still unconscious.
Val sighed in relief, "Ok, come on," She slowly sat him up to make him a little easier to move. Val went behind him, and picked him up the best she could, and slowly began to move him twoards the mansion.
KaalysBR said:
Lucian only barely registered the fact that he was being dragged around,a faint sound of pain escaping his lips.
"Sorry," Val said a few seconds after she heard the sound. Soon, she had him slumped in a chair in the kitchen, before racking her brain on wattpad to do. "The packaged blood won't do any good..." she kept racking her brain, before grabbing something to stop the bleeding, not paying attention to her own wounds.
KaalysBR said:
(Not much action to Lucian right now,so I will just let the scene go xD @FireMaiden)
(Lol, I'll skip it ahead.)

After about an hour of slowly forcing blood into Lucian's mouth, first aid, and three bottles of whiskey later, Val had not only patched Lucian up, but herself as well. "Hey, Lucian, you with me?" She asked, taking his face in her hands.
Lucian looked less pale than before as Val took his face into her hands,frowning lightly at the warm sensation from her skin.

His eyes fluttered open and he looked at Val with some confusion,rising one hand and holding hers.

"Hi,what happened? Are you all right?"

He didn't seem to remember anything as he checked her arm,not noticing the slash in his own chest.

"Are you wounded? Does it hurt?"

KaalysBR said:
Lucian looked less pale than before as Val took his face into her hands,frowning lightly at the warm sensation from her skin.
His eyes fluttered open and he looked at Val with some confusion,rising one hand and holding hers.

"Hi,what happened? Are you all right?"

He didn't seem to remember anything as he checked her arm,not noticing the slash in his own chest.

"Are you wounded? Does it hurt?"

"I'm fine," She said with a soft look in her eyes, but her expression quickly changed to a more serious one. "One: What the hell were those things? Two: Why did they want to kill you? Three: Are you ok? And finally, Four: Why the hell did I beat them so easily? "
Lucian just seemed completely confused until he started to remember what happened outside. He took a deep breath and then looked down at Val's hand.

"That is a lot of questions,love. But I will try to answer them all. Those things were nightcrawlers. They are the remains of people who went too deep into dark magic and were left soulless. I'm guessing they came to finish their job after the attack to my family. I'm okay,I'm used to pain. You beat them easily because you are half human,full of light. That's not the kind of people they are used to dealing with. They are extremely strong against me because I'm mostly darkness."

Lucian frowned lightly. There was still a detail he was missing although he couldn't remember what it was.

KaalysBR said:
Lucian just seemed completely confused until he started to remember what happened outside. He took a deep breath and then looked down at Val's hand.
"That is a lot of questions,love. But I will try to answer them all. Those things were nightcrawlers. They are the remains of people who went too deep into dark magic and were left soulless. I'm guessing they came to finish their job after the attack to my family. I'm okay,I'm used to pain. You beat them easily because you are half human,full of light. That's not the kind of people they are used to dealing with. They are extremely strong against me because I'm mostly darkness."

Lucian frowned lightly. There was still a detail he was missing although he couldn't remember what it was.

"The attack of your family? And those things sound very lord of the ringish," She said whit a smirk. "I did what I could for you, but if you want fresh blood, we would have to go outside or something. Sorry, bagged blood won't do much good with the healing process."
"What is Lord of the ringish?" Lucian frowned lightly at the unknown word,feeling suddenly exhausted. The nightcrawlers had drained his energy,and he still fully felt the effects of their magic as he closed his eyes and leaned against Val.

(I'm off to bed,good night!
@FireMaiden )
KaalysBR said:
"What is Lord of the ringish?" Lucian frowned lightly at the unknown word,feeling suddenly exhausted. The nightcrawlers had drained his energy,and he still fully felt the effects of their magic as he closed his eyes and leaned against Val.
(I'm off to bed,good night!
@FireMaiden )
(Okay, goodnight!)

Val giggled, "Lord of the Ring is a human series. I have it in the library, and after we get some rest, I'll show it to you ok?" She said with a smile, before taking him up to her room. He didn't have an official room, and until a door unlocked, he would just share with her. She laid him down on the bed, and laid down on the other side before falling alseep.
Crowley slowly woke up to see Soren lying next to him. He then slowly started to remember what happened last night. He sat up in his bed and let out a deep sigh, as he brushed the hair out of Soren's face. He made sure to he gentle with it, or else risk having his finger getting bitten again. He wondered why Soren ever had feelings for him in the first place. "Hey. Good morning baby." The demon said as he gently nudged the vampire's shoulder.

Xan said:
You're liable to get bit anyways, and the vampire might have growled a little when Crowley touched him. Might have. Soren swatted at the man's hand, rolling over with a groan. "What time is it?" He muttered, stretching.
Crowley looked at the digital clock on the nightstand. "It's noon." Crowley said as he gently kissed Soren on the lips. "I'm going to make some tea. Do you want any?"
[QUOTE="Safety Hammer]Crowley looked at the digital clock on the nightstand. "It's noon." Crowley said as he gently kissed Soren on the lips. "I'm going to make some tea. Do you want any?"

He groaned again, and rolled over on top of Crowley, going limp. "Yeah, but only if you carry me." He murmured, as groggy as he usually is when first waking up. There has probably never been a vampire that sleeps so much. "Scratch that tea, I want coffee, please." The vampire said after a moment's contemplation.

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