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Fantasy Blood Rose at Midnight (Always accepting! Vampire rp!)

Claudine sighs while she looks im another shelf. How many shelves was in this library?... This room is way to big. She yawns again the looks in another spot. Wow I really should of slept..
Libra259 said:
Claudine sighs while she looks im another shelf. How many shelves was in this library?... This room is way to big. She yawns again the looks in another spot. Wow I really should of slept..
"You tired?" Val ask as she puts back a couple books, then moving to another section. "We can continue the search tomorrow, or we can keep going. It's up to you."
Soren Nystrom

Your girlfriend just got murdered, have some respect! Soren made a face, swatting at Crowley instinctively. "
Just another minute, Maria," The vampire slurred sleepily, trying to crunch in on himself and duck himself under Crowley's arm.
Libra259 said:
"Yeah im tired but we should keep going cuz frankly theres no way im fallimg asleep here." Claudine chuckles while looking one another shelf.
"Yeah, I'm sorry about last time you were here," Val said with a nervous chuckle, still looking. "We might be here all night. It's a shame I can't remeber where I put the damn thing."
"Its cool. I just would of loved to give that asshat a good punch to the face and have it do some damage." Claudine chuckles a bit and looks in a different place. "Well I may go sleep outside, it's probably more dangerous out there but yet again I do that all the time and im not dead yet oh well." She says and kneels down to look at the lower shelves.

Xan said:
Soren Nystrom

Your girlfriend just got murdered, have some respect! Soren made a face, swatting at Crowley instinctively. "
Just another minute, Maria," The vampire slurred sleepily, trying to crunch in on himself and duck himself under Crowley's arm.
(He's a demon, what do you expect?! Plus, he's kinda drunk sooo..)

Crowley was a bit taken back by Soren's ducking under his arm, but allowed it. Just because he was feeling a little miserable didn't mean that the vampire had to be as wall. As soon as Soren got himself comfortable, Crowley took out one of the books he had gotten from the library earlier and started to read. It was one of his favorites, Moby Dick. As he shielded the boy from the sunlight be began to read aloud:

"Call me Ishmael. Some years ago - never mind how long precisely - having little or no money in my purse, and nothing particular to interest me on shore, I thought I would sail about a little and see the watery part of the world. It is a way I have of driving off the spleen and regulating the circulation. Whenever I find myself growing grim about the mouth; whenever it is a damp, drizzly November in my soul; whenever I find myself involuntarily pausing before coffin warehouses, and bringing up the rear of every funeral I meet..."
Libra259 said:
"Its cool. I just would of loved to give that asshat a good punch to the face and have it do some damage." Claudine chuckles a bit and looks in a different place. "Well I may go sleep outside, it's probably more dangerous out there but yet again I do that all the time and im not dead yet oh well." She says and kneels down to look at the lower shelves.
"After you left, he didn't show his face again," Val said with a grunt as she narrowly caught a falling book. "If you do decide to sleep outside, be careful of the harpy and werewolves. I've seen them out there, they look angry."
Soren Nystrom

In all honesty, the sound of Crowley's was waking him up and he was slowly realizing it wasn't his housemaid Maria trying to rouse him for 'Sunday brunch'. He didn't even have a housemaid anymore. But the story was nice so he stayed still, though he was a bit uncertain how he ended up shoved up against Crowley's side and using him as shade from the sun. 'Must be devil voodoo,' he thought, amused.
"Oh fun.. Just fricken fun. Nevermind then guess im staying in here then. Some asshole burnt down my house so now I dont even have any weapons.. It sucks bad." Claudine says with a frustrated chuckle. The girl knocks several books off the shelves and they fall on her. She grumbles as she falls with the books making a fairly loud thud noise. "Oops.."

Libra259 said:
"Oh fun.. Just fricken fun. Nevermind then guess im staying in here then. Some asshole burnt down my house so now I dont even have any weapons.. It sucks bad." Claudine says with a frustrated chuckle. The girl knocks several books off the shelves and they fall on her. She grumbles as she falls with the books making a fairly loud thud noise. "Oops.."
"Wow, burning down your house seems a bit extreme. Do you have any idea who did it?" She asked. She looked in the pile, and clapped, "You found the key!" Mixed in with the books, was a small brass key with a ruby on it.
Claudine chuckles a bit, "yay." She says sarcastically while dragging herself out of the pile of books she made. "Well I have a clue. Most likely an old enemy of my mothers." She says and stands up.

Libra259 said:
Claudine chuckles a bit, "yay." She says sarcastically while dragging herself out of the pile of books she made. "Well I have a clue. Most likely an old enemy of my mothers." She says and stands up.
(AHHH! IDEA! The enemy could be the vapor that changed Val)

The books began to float and put themselves away, "These old books have some metal in the spines, so that was easy to clean up," Val said with a smile. "So, do you know which enemy? I mean I know she had alot so it's ok if you dont know, I was just curious"0."
(Ooooo yeah that would be a cool plot twist)

"Honestly I dont have a clue but Ive been getting written notes from the person and its always the same handwriting.." Claudine says while looking at another shelf but not touching it.

Xan said:
Soren Nystrom

In all honesty, the sound of Crowley's was waking him up and he was slowly realizing it wasn't his housemaid Maria trying to rouse him for 'Sunday brunch'. He didn't even have a housemaid anymore. But the story was nice so he stayed still, though he was a bit uncertain how he ended up shoved up against Crowley's side and using him as shade from the sun. 'Must be devil voodoo,' he thought, amused.
After finishing the first chapter, Crowley closed the book and looked out onto the skyline. It had been a while since he had just looked out onto the horizon. It made him feel a little better. "At least you are in a better place, Lucia." Crowley said with a hopeful smile. He was still unaware that Soren was awake. "Trust me, I know. I used to live there. I'll still miss you though, baby. Just don't forget about me when you are havin' so much fun up there, kay?" A tear slid down Crowley's cheek as he thought about his Lucia as an angel herself.
Libra259 said:
(Ooooo yeah that would be a cool plot twist)
"Honestly I dont have a clue but Ive been getting written notes from the person and its always the same handwriting.." Claudine says while looking at another shelf but not touching it.

(Her name is Belladonna Tempest)

"Hmm, someone must really not like you," Val chuckled. She was looking at the key, then smacked herself on the forehead. "I remeber now!" She immediately turned and pulled out what looked like a book, but was the box. "Here we go!"
"I thought you said it looked victorian?.." She asks slightly confused. She shrugs it off and examines the book and key. Must be like my mothers.. She thought.

(Kk! Cool name)
Soren Nystrom

Hey lay there, feeling a bit awkward. This man just woke him up and then starting talking about some girl dying, someone he didn't even know. So, naturally, being the kind person he is, he reached up at wiped at the tear on Crowley's cheek. Even though loss was something Soren had never known, or had to known, he sort of felt bad. "Did you wake me up just to cry, or was the crying part an accident?" He asked, voice soft with sleep.
Libra259 said:
"I thought you said it looked victorian?.." She asks slightly confused. She shrugs it off and examines the book and key. Must be like my mothers.. She thought.
(Kk! Cool name)
She took the fake cover off of it, "It is, but when I first collecting things to pick on me, one of the older people took things from it, so I hid it like that," She explained, the unlocked it. "Look through."

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