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Fantasy Blood Rose at Midnight (Always accepting! Vampire rp!)

Claudine's mouth dropped open. "Fuck.. Well I do have and im wearing it.. Ha.. Well goodbye!" She says while turning on her heels and heading towards the gate.

"Hey! No!" Val grabbed the back of the nightgown. "You can't leave, please. The archeduke will send me to kill you if you do. And if you leave, I won't leave you alone," she said. "Theres a dragon in the basement. His name is sparkles, let's go say hi."

".... Fine..." Claudine says as she looked at her when she said 'dragon'. Yay ok I don't want to believe this anddd I want this to be a fricken dream.. Now I get it mom.. Stay alive you said and now I get it.. She sighs.

Why is it always the cool humans I have to kill? Like, can I not make one friend tats not a billion years older than me? Val sighed, and unlocked the dungeon door. Walking down stairs she head the snarls of Sparkles, a giant completely white dragon with eyes that burned like hell fire. "Well, that's him," Val muttered pointing at the sleeping dragon.

Claudine grins. So cool.. Hm.. I know my bracelet is enchanted but with what?.. I know its some sort of protection spell but I dunno much about it.. My mother put it on it.. I got the human genes from my father I suppose.. "This I so cool.. I suppose your probably gonna kill me anyway? Well I guess my suspicions of you being something else was right..." (I gtg to bed)

Claudine chuckles. "Oh I know. I got it when I saw your eyes turned red, there was no mirror, that scream. Your excuses were quite good though." She replies with a small smirk.


(Actually i can stay a bit longer!!)
(Kool, wait didn't red not belive in vampires?)

"Yeah, ok, well I'm nicer than the others here," Val said crossing her arms. "And my eyes turn red when I'm hungry. But don't worry, I steal blood packs so Im not gonna suck your blood."

(She didn't believe in the story of the mansion, tho she had her suspicions about the creatures in the story. She denied believing even tho she kinda did xD )

"That makes sense. Interesting and im glad. To bad, your a cool person." Claudine says with a small sigh.

Libra259 said:
(She didn't believe in the story of the mansion, tho she had her suspicions about the creatures in the story. She denied believing even tho she kinda did xD )
"That makes sense. Interesting and im glad. To bad, your a cool person." Claudine says with a small sigh.

"Yeah, if you find that rose garden I'll die, along with every other vampire out there," Val muttered, tossing a piece of somewhat rotted meat to the drago, where it slapped him on the nose.

"Well not necessarily. There is a power there that I am able to collect that can be used to vanquish the vampires.. Which I dont see the need in doing.. Honestly they get rid of humans and without them humans would probably over flow the earth.. But thats my opinion.. Im not sure if the power is able to be taken.. Without one of the four.. Those guys who took my bracelet thought so.." Claudine replies while putting a finger to her chin thinking.

"I could kill them for you!" Val suggested, before rethinking, "No, nevermind, stupidity is contagious," she laughed. "As long as rhetoric duke doesn't realize your here until we can get you back to town, I'll help you find the thieves."

She chuckles. "Thanks but thats not needed.. I already took care of them.." Claudine replies nonchalantly and waves her arm with her bracelet on in the air.

"Cool, well, for now, I'm still gonna keep an eye on ya. You never know what vampires will do. Most of them don't interact with humans, with the exception to feed, but there are some extremist, so I'll stick around town for awhile. In the vamp community, I'm very respected cause I can kick ass!"

Claudine grins. "Sweet. But... I dont know where town is yet.. So.. Unless you know where my town is I guess im staying here.." She replies while a sigh and slight frown.

"Well there two not far from here, and one about a little father. What your towns name?" Val asked, crossing her arms and shifting her weight from her right foot, to her left.

Claudine facepalms, "Im directionally challenged.. Sadly.. Yup out of all the shit that could be wrong with me in directionally challenged.. Haha.." She replies with a huff while running her hand through her hair.

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"Don't worry about it. If I hadn't had practice for over 50 years, I'd be the same way," Val laughed. "You have no idea how many situations I got into because I didn't know how to read a map!"

Athon walked through the halls with a cup filled with gooey red liquid in her hand; her heals clinking in the floor as she walked and her long high-low dark blue lace dress dragging behind her, the front showing off her legs. Her earings dangled by her neck, swaying as she walked. She came to a halt when she heard two voices, her small crown resting heavily on her head. "What are those voices.." She thought, then sniffed the air, her eyes brightening as she smelled human. She licked her lips and set down her drink, hiding to see the human and maybe get a small taste...
Lissa kept on walking down the halls and took another bite of her apple. Her eyes were gluedto the book.
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( I forgot to add what the dress looks like!


Athon stayed hidden, still waiting for the human to walk by.
"Yeah, hey I'm kinda thristy, let's head back upstirs. I think we have a fwe sodas left. Well I know we do, I'm the only one who drinks human stuff," Val laughed, heading up a stone star case and into a long hall., before leading Red back to the kitchen.

(Ooohhhhhh, pretty)

@Libra259 @Comet

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