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Fantasy Blood Rose at Midnight (Always accepting! Vampire rp!)

He then ran into Valeria, a highly respected vampire within the society, despite not being a noble."Um, sir, would you mind keeping it down, I'm trying to read." She politely asked. "Yeah yeah, I won't kill anyone else, tonight anyway." He then smiled a bit to nicely before walking off.
Val walked back to her room, bootsteps echoing through out the quite mansion, she entered, and relit the candles. "Sorry about that, the master of the hime was watching a rather loud horr or movie. I asked him to keep it down though, so that should be it," Val smiled. She opened the window, a small breeze making the hazy curtains flutter, "Like dancing butterflies," She sighed, a faint open mouth smile adorned her face. She then clapped her hands, "So is there any ting you want to do?" She ask enthusiasticly.

"Oh I see... Hm nothing I can think of.. How about you?" Claudine replies while drying her pants off with the towel.

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She scooped up the remaining books and quietly walked outside. Oddly enough, there was an extravagant grand piano out there. It was one of her favorite places. She set the books down on the bench once she had sat. She gently lifted the cover off the keys and propped open the top. She relaxed and slid her fingers over the keys to get a feel for them. She started humming, then playing quietly. It was a lovely tune that reminded her of Autumn in the English countryside..
"Now that I can't kill anyone, what should I do?" Amida asked himself. "Hmm, lets go to sleep then." He then flopped onto his king sized bed. His bed looked very plain. A black comforter and crimson sheets. He then closed his eyes, but the scent of human was bothering. He knew someone was hiding a human somewhere, and honestly couldn't care less, but it was highly annoying. It was the main prevention of his peaceful slumber. So he just sat there, waiting to fall asleep, or for something to happen, perhaps an incident where force would be required so he could "accidentally" kill another petty noble who thought himself above others.
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"Well, not really. I've been here for about 10 years, and I've been into every room thats unlocked. I guess we can stay in here." She replied, leaning against the window frame, looking over the garden. It was slightly over grown, and looked creppy with the statues and the fountain in the center with noting but a lonley bench to acompany them. "If I were aloud to have a guest, we could walk around the house, maybe even lounge around in the library downstairs."

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"Ah I see. Well is there a place where I could change into this nightgown?" Claudine asks holding it up in her right hand. She found it to be quite pretty but didnt look to be either her style or the other girls style. However what would she know? She just met the girl.

Her eyes closed as she kept playing. The melody was calming and smooth.. it transferred slowly into the piece Gymnopedie No. 1... Small snowflakes started to lazily float down from above her and land all around. A few landed in her hair. They slightly glimmered in the blue moon-light.
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"My closet, it's walk in, and kinda messy buy hey, I have alot of clothes," Val shrugged, still looking over the garden, but listing to the melody come form down the hall. She fiddled with the ring, before going to dig out her favorite set of pj's. A black tank with a Strom trooper helmet on it, and a pair of bright pink shorts.

Claudine nods and opens the door to the girls closet then enters. She closes the door behind her and takes off her shirt and pants then slipping the nightgown on. It felt nice to be in dry clothes. She folds her wer clothes then takes her wer hair out of the ponytail it was in. Her hair falls down her shoulders and ends at her hips. She then opens the closer door and closes it. Just setting her wet clothes on the floor. Claudine looked quite different without her tomboy get up. One might not even recognize that she was the same girl. She looked much more girly and dainty and she was quite pretty. "That music is beautiful." She says hearing the beautiful tune.

"Yeah, that would be the other resident. She's amazing at playing the... well what ever she plays it's beautiful," Val sighed. "Hey Red, I never actually got your name, and if we are gonna be sharing a bed, I think I should," She smirked, kicking off the pillows they wouldn't need, and fixing the blankets.

After a while he started to hear a piano melody and humming with his enhanced senses. He opened his eyes and sighed. "It is probably Vasilisa playing the piano again. Well, on the bright side, she is a good piano player. It's a shame that her ability eats her sanity away. Sometimes it's not fun to know a lot about everyone. Amida sighed once more before closing his eyes still unable to sleep.
"Well, I'm still gonna call ya Red. I'm Valeria by the way, but you can call me Val," she said. Once introductions were out of the way, she climbed under the covers, and closed her eyes, before quitely singing along with the toon in Latin.

She sighed and slowly ended that piece. It took her a few moments what to do next... but then she nodded and started playing a gentle lullaby..
"Yeah. My parents both studied it along with a few other languages. Latin and English were the only ones they could teach me before they..." she trailed off, looking at the familiar patterns of her bedroom ceiling.

(Yeah, I gtg too)
Amida laughed softly as Vasilisa started to play a lullaby. "At least she is trying to help me go to sleep aye?" he said to no one in particular. He yawned gently before falling into sleeps gentle embrace.
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She finished the little piece with a soft smile and sleepy sigh. She gathered up the books and put down the piano covers. She said good night to it, then quietly made her way to her room. Her dress slightly fluttered behind her as she walked. It didnt take too long for her to reach her room.. she entered the quaint french doors and pushed the royal blue curtins aside to enter. Her room was slightly big.. it had a decent sized bed with a sheer canopy in one corner, a simple sitting arangement with a coffee table, a reading nook, and a little corner filled with art supplies. If one were to turn and look at the wall with the doors, they would see various paintings along the whole entierty. They ranged in composition, size and style, but formed a sort of gradient that darkened around the doors.. her closet was small and tucked away near her bed. She crossed over to it and slipped inside once opening it's doors. Her head tilted and she plucked up a thin but comfortable and short night gown. She moved out to set the books in her nook before quietly changing. With a great yawn she setteled into bed and set off too sleep..
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"Ah I see. I studied it on my own. Its quite a fascinating language." Claudine replies with a small smile. She looks out the window and sighs a bit.

"Yeah, surprisingly, its my first language," Val laughed. "I always thought it was funny to walk around speaking Latin and scare the other really religious kids." She sat up, "I'll be back in a dew, I'm heading to the kitchen, but you can't come. I'll bring you some chips or something," Val said, leaving the room, and heading to the kitchen. It was recently renovated, so the fridge and stuff looked a little more up to date. She opened the fire and pulled out one of the blood packs she stool from the local hospital, and bit into it.

Claudine just sighs a bit. She walks over to her folded wet clothes and pulls a bracelet from her pocket. She slips it around her wrist and looks at it for a brief moment. It was the only thing she had from her mother, a family heirloom you could say. It was a silver chain with a crimson rose one that she knows only four others have. She didn't believe in that though it seemed silly and ridiculous. The girl just sits there waiting for Val to come back.

With the blood pack hanging from her mouth, the crimson liquid slowly being consumed, she began to look for some human food they had to by to remain from being suspicious. She found a random bag of chips and after through the empty pack into the bio hazard trashcan under the sink, she went back upstairs. She did stop by the bathroom to wash any remains away, and get the red from her teeth before going back to her room. "There, hope you don't mind um... chedder cheese chips," she said, tossing the bag over to Red.

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