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Fantasy Blood Rose at Midnight (Always accepting! Vampire rp!)

"Hey, ya know what, I'll show ya the house. As soon as your done, well explore. I'll just come up with an excuse if we get caught," Val said, a quick toothy grin spread across her face. "I'll show you the bathroom first, see in gonna how that's important."

"Just don't stray to far away for me, the house is kinda big and it's easy to get lost in the library," Val said, slipping on some fuzzy bedroom slippers. "There's another pair beside the door. The floors need to be replaced and so we have to wear these to keep from getting splinters," Val said, picking the stuffed animals up off the floor and placing them back on the bed. The taller girl looked under her bed and pulled out a small ring of keys. "Well, ready when you are."

Claudine nods and slips the slippers on beside the door. "Is there a place I could throw this away?" She asks while pushing the hair that fell into her face behind her ear.

"Well stop by the kitchen on th e way to the library," Val said, opening the door and turning off the lights. The bathroom was three door down. "The bathroom is the one with the gold handle. It's mine, and the guest bathroom. The duke and Lissa both have their own." She then went down the stairs. "Never go in the office unless your asked, or the room wit the Dimond handle." She then took the trash and went into the kitchen, and tree it away in the normal trashcan. "Kitchen, it's well, a kitchen," Val pointed.

Claudine makes notes of where and where she cant go, and who has what. She nods and chuckles a bit at Val's explanation of the kitchen. "I'll keep all that in mind." As she walked her nightgown swayed in rhythm with her steps.

"And here's the library," Val said, unlocking a giant oak double door. The air was dry and musty, and the place smelled like ink and old paper. "Take care of the book, most of them are pretty old, but there are some books from this century in the back bookcase with the rock band posters on it."

Claudine grins. She loved books very much. So many books! They must be full of information.. "How amazing. Theres so many, and I will take great care if I read one."

"Yeah, there an upstairs too," Val samiled, pulling a latter over and climbing up to her favorite part of the library where there was very little dust. "Come on up, this up here is where I spend a lot of time!"

"Yeah!" Val said, looking through the different aray of books she had "collected" over the years. "I think my favorite is the last unicorn," She said, picking up the tattered book with the blue cover.

"That is quite a good book. I dont have a favorite.. I very much like books on fantasy creatures.." Claudine says while browsing the large selection of books.

"Hmm. I'm really the only one who come up here, so the others don't really read what I read," she said, sitting down on a nearby beanbag chair. "I'm also the only one who is completely sane."

"Ah I see." Claudine grins and grabs a book off the shelf. "This looks interesting.. Mythology of Dragons.." She mutters while opening the large tattered book.

"I have lots of books like that, on just about everything," Val said, putting the small book on the dirty table, and getting a large golden tome out of a bottom shelf near by. "I think this one is mermaids, and water nymphs." Val turned through he pages, dust floating into the air.

Claudine looks up at her with a smile, "Ah wow! Theres so much I would like to read about.. Only if I knew they were real.." She says while trailing off.

Val smirked, "Well, you never know." Of course a human wouldn't know. Well I guess that rules oUT going to the dungeon. Sparkles wouldn't be to happy to meet an un believer. "I've seem some pretty werid stuff."

"Wow, and I thought humans had faith," Val muttered. "Well, I wish I could help with that, I mean I could help, but it's a pretty know trick." Val said, waving her hand.

Humans? She says.. Claudine smirks a bit, "adress humans as if you are not one. Plus not all humans have faith, faith is useless to some of use. Just like hope and fate. So tell me what are you then?" She asks quite curious, something has been off about this mansion and she knows for a fact something is being hidden.

"No, I'm human just like you, though I'm have fauth. Faith that tomorrow will be better than the day before and faith that things that stalk the night exist," She said, sounding a bit older than she was, but still 17. "I've seen some weird stuff," she repeated.

"I don't believe you but i'll take your word. Your an odd one then, addressing your own kind like you are not. Oh well, and of course there are creatures that stalk the night. I suppose both normal and.. Mythical." She turns the page.

"Yeah, creatures of the night beyond your wildest imagination," Val laughed "Ones that live on blood, ones that eat souls, ones that breath fire, all not able to go in the sun except for a select few," she said, wiggling her fingers and making a spooky noose once she was done.

"Ive read of all. Vampires, dragons; well now, and I currently dont know the name of the one that feeds off of souls." Claudine says while turning the page again.

"Ahh yes. There quite scart, and unfortunately I don't know the name either, but they... well more like he, is very tall and is almost unnoticeable until he picks your soul," Val said, her eyes scanning the pages of her book.


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