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Fantasy Blood Rose at Midnight (Always accepting! Vampire rp!)

The rain was cold, and her body temperature was dropping. Her hair was drenched along with her jeans a sweatshirt. She shivered and searched through the woods helplessly, "I'm gonna die out here" she uttered before spotting something in between two far off trees, hurrying over there, her backpack lurched side to side before she stopped all together. She studied the massive object before realizing that it was an old vine-covered wall. Her eyes filled with hope and she ran to the front of it, seeing an entrance into the massive estate and knocked on the door with anticipation, if there was people, there was food. She waited anxiously for the door to open. River was soaked to the bone, and her feet sloshed in her wet socks.

Her hair had already taken the shape of her waves, still damp but it would not dry in small waves, curly ringlets would form and surround her head as if she were Merida from the Disney movie: Brave. Her soft grey eyes watched the door longingly, "Please open up, please open up..." She whispered. Her shivered grew violent and she couldn't feel her fingers. Lightning lit up the sky, and she half expected to find someone standing behind her in the sketchy looking place, "Why is there a mansion in the middle of the woods? Nobody would find it..." and that's how River found it, she got lost.
Val, who had been walking around downstairs heard the knock. "Great, other visitor," she went over to the door and sniffed. Due to the Rian she couldn't tell if the person behind the door was vampire or human, but either way, the white haired girl pulled open the door to see yet another soaked girl. "Um, may I help you!" She asked, leaning against the door frame, raising an eyebrow. What is it with people walking around in the forest while it's raining? She though as another bolt of lighting lit up the sky casting jagged shadows over the two.

@J I N X
"I was coming home from work... I usually cut through the trees to get back but it got dark and the it started raining..." she paused, "Uhh- could I come in and warm up? Just for a few minutes... I can't see a thing out there" she pleaded with helpless grey-toned eyes. She watched the female, her hair was a silky-silvering white and she was so slender. River sighed in hope that the female would help her out but as time passed, it seemed like the opportunity slipped through her fingers. Still, River stood there, waiting for the girl to answer.

"What is up whit people cutting through the woods?" She muttered, waving the girl inside. "I'll go get you a towel, but you can't stay long. I've already almost got caught with another guest," She said, walking up stairs and getting a blue towel from the bathroom. Today's outfit was simple, unlike the combat skirt she was wearing yesterday. An off the shoulder dark red shirt that hung loosely, a pair of black cargo pants and the same fingerless gloves. She had no shoes on at the moment, so the girl down stirs didn't hear her when she walked back down, and tossed her the towel. "There."

@J I N X
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Orious gently tilted his head as he smelled blood looking to the side but instead of investigating the scent he crouched down picking up some of the fresh fallen rose petals before standing. He put the petals in his palm admiring the color before putting them in his pocket. He felt the rain coming down and tilts his head up with a exhale liking the water against his skin. Only the next moment did he smell a human going and investigating coming across the two. "What's going on??"the pure blood vampire asked.

@J I N X
Val sighed, "Look Ori, I don't have to explain my self to you. Why don't you go smoke another pack?" She said, rolling her eyes. "I can do what I want, when I want, wherever I want, so scram," She muttered, waving him off.

@J I N X
River thanked the girl and entered the house, dropping her bag by the door. She nodded, taking the towel and dried her hair as best as she could. She took her sweatshirt off, wearing a light blue v-neck and took her sopping shoes off to dry on an air vent. She looked at the new face, a boy? Who all lived here? She thought but instead of asking, she wrapped herself in the towel and sighed, already getting feeling back in her fingers.


Orious tilted his head staring with his violet eyes and found himself smile widely. "Such a attitude hmmm. I was just curious. Anyways, I almost forgot." He says with a exhale taking a cute decorated plastic bag from his pocket and holds it out. "Here. I made these...." He added almost forgetting.

@J I N X
"Um, what are they?" Val asked taking the bag. The decorations were cute and all, but she was still confused. "No why did you make them?" She asked, looking up at the pure blood.

Libra259 said:
(Ok back what has happened? XP)
(So, Val was down stairs and she heard a knock. She met river and invited her in for a few minutes to dry off. Then Ori found them and asked what was up, Val brushed him off and he handed her a bag with decorations on it)
FireMaiden said:
(So, Val was down stairs and she heard a knock. She met river and invited her in for a few minutes to dry off. Then Ori found them and asked what was up, Val brushed him off and he handed her a bag with decorations on it)
(And Claudine is still in the room?)
FireMaiden said:
(Yes, or watching from the top of the stairs. Either way works)
(Stairs is it! xP)

Claudine has silently walks out of the room and to the too of the stairs. She leans on the railing with her head sligtly cocked to the left, listening. Her crimson hair is all collected on her left shoulder. Ah Val just jeeps getting cooler and cooler. She has a wicked attitude and I like that. She chuckles lightly and continues to listen.
Damian was resting under a tree in the forest with his dog Sam. Sam and him had been truffle hunting in order to sell them to make money so he could help his roommate pay the rent. They weren't very successful as in only picking up half of what they usually get was a bit disappointing.
"You like sweets so I made some....do I have to have a reason to want to give you something??" he asked with a deep sigh crossing his arms and stared at her with a look like he didn't feel like explaining it. "....I just felt like doing something for you so don't question me please..." He told her pushing some of his dark hair back as he spoke.


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Jacque sits outside on the snowy patch he has made for himself thin legs grossed over one another

Eyes closed hands out mind deep in thought shifting through the snow for the most translucent and beautiful ice crystals and stacking them up in a beautiful frozen sculpture <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpg.7e53d3141001cb3cbb0b23cfef9545ac.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="118894" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpg.7e53d3141001cb3cbb0b23cfef9545ac.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

These crystalline constructs litter the streets in the winters but with no explanation as to how



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~Cas had been wandering in the forest for a few days, having just left the home of a clan that he had been staying with for the past month or so. He was curious about this forest, mostly because some of the humans he'd managed to ensnare during his time in the area had that they had seen other vampires in the forest, and they weren't the same vampires that Cas had been staying with. This made him highly curious, as he had never heard of another group besides his own in the area. So, driven by his curiosity, he set out to discover this other group of vampires. He had his humans combing the mountains as well, ready to inform him about anything that they saw.

It was in the middle of the night, in the middle of a rain storm that one of his drudges informed Cas that they had seen a mansion somewhere deep in the forest, and the people there had looked distinctly like vampires. With his inhuman speed, Cas made his way there in less than a few minutes. His chest heaved slightly from the run, his eyes moved over the mansion in wonder. It was a strange thing, to see a mansion plucked down in the middle of a forest. He mopped some of his platinum blonde hair away from his almost golden eyes. He dispatched the human who had told him of this place before making his way down toward the house. The coat that he wore billowed behind him in the wind, his eyes were shielded by the hood that cast a shadow over the top half of his face, leaving only his plain expression visible. He approached the door, raised his hand, and knocked twice before standing back, his arms across his chest. He wondered if any of these vampires would know who he was, or if they would all be common blood who had never heard his name~
The atmosphere of the house shifted lightly as another source of power joined the mansion. Serana joined without being invited,walking inside with a confident and playful smile. Her posture carried the weight of royalty,but her eyes showed only gentleness. All the close eyes would turn to her,but she didn't mind the spotlight.

"Seems like I'm late for the party. Consider me a delayed gift."
"Well, thank you. But if you dont mind, I have a guest," Val said, nodding her head at the girl behind her. She then waved goodbye to Ori, before sighing. "Open the door Ori. Please," she said, before leading the other girl to the kitchen. "Sorry about him. He's a little lost puppy when his master isn't home."

@J I N X
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Damian rests his head and closes his eyes. Sam catches a truffle smell and he runs off without Damian. He then proceeds to run after him. He then loses Sam and looks for him. "Sam....SAM!" There is no response from his dog. He gets lost in the forest.
River followed the girl, "Oh, it's no problem!" she said with a kind smile. The kitchen was lit brightly and her stomach growled, "Sorry. I haven't eaten in five or six hours..." she said with a nervous chuckle.
Damian begins to feel uneasy because he is alone in the forest. "Sam...where are you?" He muttered in a very soft tone as he wandered the forest trying to find some kind of way home.
"Il get you something," Val said, opine the fridge and getting two sodas. She slid one to River, and popped the other one open for herself. She then open on of the cabinets and tossed her a bag of chips. "There, haven't gone to the store lately so that about all we have."

@J I N X

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