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Fantasy Blood Rose at Midnight (Always accepting! Vampire rp!)

Despite being a pureblood vampire orious didn't behave like one but considering how he had been treated at a early age he acted like a wild animal that had been trained to do everything his master asked of him. Orious dependent on the need for command to the point he didn't always function right without someone with him. It was like having withdraw from drugs. He moved to the door opening it as told and stared down at cas from his height of 6'9 with his violet eyes his expression surprised at the guy. "Oh,hello and who may you be? A guest,come on in its raining." Orious greets opens the door further for him to enter and stepped back with a formal bow as a servant should when greeting a guest.

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River smiled, chugging down the soda and she popped open the bag of salted chips. She picked out a few and shoved them in her mouth before chewing and swallowing, "I can't thank you enough." she said softly before continuing to eat. Her hair had started to dry in ringlet curls all over her head and a small strand fell in the middle of her face. She huffed it away continuing to eat.
Claudine grows bored and silently makes her way down the staircase. Dont get caught and if I do make a really good excuse up!.. And hopefully this bracelet will help me some.. Well or it will be the death of me.. She continues to make her way down the stairs.

He glanced up at the tall man, considering how it was a vampire had managed to grow to such an astronomical height, he shrugged it off though. Vampires could get just as tall as humans could, if they had lived for long enough he supposed. "My name is Castiel." he offered the tall man with a hint of a smile. "Who might you be? And may I ask to speak with your clan leader?"
Curious about the voices coming from the kitchen,Serana walked to the kitchen. She felt the smell of a human,which only raised her curiosity.

"Hello,everyone. Seems like we are having quite the cozy gathering here."
The air shifts and grows several degrees colder as Jacque approached the building where this crowd had gathered

His last sculpture went well and he hopes that the gifts he brought will be

Well received

He knocks lightly on the door

@Anyone and everyone
Sitting upon a mossy rock within the forest, Winnie sighed and looked around, she had sensed something (or someone) earlier and was looking for what she had felt, wanting to know what it was out of curiosity and fear, she would not be vulnerable in this forest, not now, not ever
Serana rolled her eyes towards the girl,but her smile had a turn of playfulness to it.

"Seriously,Val? I thought we had solved our differences decades ago. I wish you no harm. And I have nothing against the human with you either."

She sat by the lady's side with a smirk.
River waved back, a bright smile on her face but it cascaded into a confused look, human? Aren't all of us human? That was odd way to put things... She tilted her head before continuing to eat her chips
Damian keeps walking around not knowing where to go or what to do. He pulls out his honey bun from his pocket and eats it slowly while walking.
Serana watched the girl eating chips with curiosity,wondering how that food even tasted. Her puzzled look turned to a smile.

"You know,chips lady. You are very pretty."

The female vampire considered how beautiful the girl would look if she were immortal.
Claudine smiles cutely, walking closer to the girl. She noticed the confused way she tilted her head.

@J I N X
(I'm back)

"We might have settled them, but that dosen't mean I forgave ypu for stealing him," Val said, looking at the princess, she thine whispered "there are two humans here. You have to play it off likr your also one!"

Ori nodded brushing aside his dark bangs."orious. My name is orious xavian...." He says introducing himself to the shorter vampire looking at him with his beautiful violet eyes before tilting his head hearing the door again." I don't know which would be the household head....." He says before going to the door opening it and letting the new guest in and orious couldn't help but to smile even more as he greeted him. "Is there any business you have here?" he asked.

Orious seemingly pleased. Two hot guys in one moment how nice. Orious must've been high or asleep or something because he felt like this wasn't real.


"Seriously? I don't even know how to act like a human anymore. They do things like eating and breathing. But I will try."

Serana looked down at the table,embarrassment obvious in her face.

"I know I don't deserve your forgiveness. But I don't have him anymore. He was always meant to be yours. I will make it up to you someday"

"I was simply curious"Jacque says in a Victorian era England accent

He holds out several perfectly crafted roses made of pure ice with no abnormalities as if they were made of diamonds

"I bring gifts I do hope you enjoy"

He says all this with a formal bow that undermines his tattered clothing making him look more like a prince than a homeless young boy@mewbot5408

Damian not watching where he was going trips on a branch and scraps his knee. He tries to wipe up the blood but he finds it hurt to because it's making him gag.
Cas walked into the kitchen, where he'd heard plenty of commotion earlier. With a start, he realized that a human was sitting at a table with a great deal many vampires. What's more, she was eating human food as though she didn't care for what was going on, or that she was surrounded by monsters from mythology.

"How queer." He murmured before stepping into the room, a smile on his face. "Good evening." He greets the group as a whole.
Claudine sensed yet another person coming into the kitchen. She looks at the other human and sighs. Must be better to not know your surrounded by vampires.. She continues to smile cutely and push the crimson hair that fell into her face behind her ear. Not only did she feel uncomfortable but she felt awkward only inside of a nightgown. ... My clothes are probably still wet..


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