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Fantasy Blood Rose at Midnight (Always accepting! Vampire rp!)

Crines said:
"Many of those that follow the word of God will heed the word of another which follows the allmighty's teachings"
Etoile interjected, she saw much reasoning nestled within Lucian's rationale but also saw the risk of having a priest, or a pious follower turned against the group.

Etoile will continue to speak, finding herself comfortable in Lucian's company, " I. . . served under the late Lord Mountbatten, as part of the renaissance division. . . I protected scouts. "

News of Mountbatten's death might shock Xavier, as the aristocrat was famed for being able to play with both modern and traditional politics but yet earn the humble veneration of many cardinals that formed the Vatican.

@KaalysBR @DaManofWar

(( brb in a hour))
Xavier needed to know more. "How did he die? In battle with the vampires?" He himself never liked the man. He valued more traditional things, not those who used money for their own gain. Things like praying before bed, walks in the park, service to God. Those were what he cared for.
(yet again please thicken up your posts a little more....please stop using one liners)

Orious crouched down to meet the boy's eye level placing his hands on his shoulders. " slow down and tell me what happened,also where are your parents,William?" he asks. He knew this kid. He was William blanc, son of a close friend of his a woman named Tabitha whom he worked with at one point during his some of his time as a butler. William took a deep breath as told and spoke." Mama and papa have been asleep for a really long time and never woke up...I called and called but they can't hear me....the room door is locked..." willam says and grabs orious' hand tugging before gesturing to the house down the street. orious had a strange feeling about all of it and followed the child to the small house. they went inside and orious looked around. the surroundings were filthy and blood ridden furniture destroyed. "how long?" orious asked. willam looked up to the older vampire. "three weeks...." he responds as orious heads to the room where willam's parents usually slept and swung his foot kicking the door down only to see two rotting corspes with wide eyes and quickly scooped up the six-yearold he knew."maybe you should come live with me.....does that sound alright?" he says and will nods. "...ok" he mumurs and clings to orious as he walks out and goes back in the direction he was originally going and meets up with the others. "what's going on here?" he asks sternly seeing the priest among the others. willam shivered at the sight of the priest and buried his head against orious' shoulder murmuring in French.






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DaManofWar said:
Xavier needed to know more. "How did he die? In battle with the vampires?" He himself never liked the man. He valued more traditional things, not those who used money for their own gain. Things like praying before bed, walks in the park, service to God. Those were what he cared for.
Etoile purses her lips intensely, troubled as she recollected the events which let to a massacre.

" It begun. . . a fortnight ago, we were encamped at a position north of here. About a hundred of us in total if you included the entourage of spies that fuel our very lifeline for these sort of campaigns. We lost contact with every single spy and subsequently every scouting party sent after them. Mountbatten ordered a full retreat to our main encampment, and. . . bloodeh' heck. . . "

Etoile furrowed her brows and kept her gaze fixated onto the ground, her voice softened and laced in pain. " It hit us the moment we were all grouped up and at our full strength . . . just. . . It slaughtered every last man or woman standing regardless of their position. . . even the missionaries and nurses were without their heads."

She will say not more, speaking only those cryptic words and a single bead of tears will streak down her cheek.

Lucian put his hand upon Etoile's shoulder as she told her tale,silently offering his support. He was tired of this confrontation with the priest,hoping the man would leave or fight them soon.

When Orious arrived,Lucian couldn't help but wish he hadn't. Another vampire put in the danger by the situation. And he was apparently carrying a little boy along with him,who seemed scared enough already. He turned towards the little boy and nodded.

"Vous serez en sécurité pendant que je suis ici."

@Crines @mewbot5408 @DaManofWar
Crines said:
Etoile purses her lips intensely, troubled as she recollected the events which let to a massacre.
" It begun. . . a fortnight ago, we were encamped at a position north of here. About a hundred of us in total if you included the entourage of spies that fuel our very lifeline for these sort of campaigns. We lost contact with every single spy and subsequently every scouting party sent after them. Mountbatten ordered a full retreat to our main encampment, and. . . bloodeh' heck. . . "

Etoile furrowed her brows and kept her gaze fixated onto the ground, her voice softened and laced in pain. " It hit us the moment we were all grouped up and at our full strength . . . just. . . It slaughtered every last man or woman standing regardless of their position. . . even the missionaries and nurses were without their heads."

She will say not more, speaking only those cryptic words and a single bead of tears will streak down her cheek.

Xavier felt sorry for her. "I see....What, exactly, was it?" He noted the presence of two new vampires, but would not act. He would not cause a scene. Instead, he just smiled.
Val walked over to Ori, "He stopped us and started talking. When I tried to take the other two to the store and he stopped me. Showed his sword and accused us to be vampires. He's a priest and won't let us go," she whispered. Val glared at the priest, "He's a hunter," she finished. "So Ori, who's the kid?"

Etoile did not say anymore, but gives Lucian a softened smile when she glanced to him and a polite nod to Val when she returned. She was warming up to her companions, but will bury the pressing question that Xavier had given.

Whom or what had managed to wipe out one of the better divisions of the Vatican's own forces . . . with such effective degree no less.
Crines said:
Etoile did not say anymore, but gives Lucian a softened smile when she glanced to him and a polite nod to Val when she returned. She was warming up to her companions, but will bury the pressing question that Xavier had given.
Whom or what had managed to wipe out one of the better divisions of the Vatican's own forces . . . with such effective degree no less.
"Well," Xavier asked again. He kept watch the two vampires and Val. He knew she felt uneasy around him. "I need an answer."
Kuroko said:
"Are you sure? you look lost. Are you going back to town? I'll take you back wherever...you're going."Kuro asked,stepping forward until he was in front of her. He lowered himself to her height and looked into her eyes as he touched her forehead to see if she had a fever. In which she didn't. But when he touched her, his hand shuddered. his hazel eyes turned gold and his black pupils tuned into white glowing slits. (he won't know), she didn't seem to be like any other girl he's seen in town. sure, some were attractive, but not this attractive. And usually people would die of frostbite, walking barefoot in the snow....well not him. For some reason, he never got cold, or any disease for that matter.
She flinched back and her eyes grew wide. He was a vampire!
" Nobody. . . knows. . . We scattered after. . "

Etoile's voice finally cracks and the dishevelled girl begun to weep, burying her face into her gloved hands.

" It crucified him on t-top of a tree. . . , n-nothing...not even the k-knight commanders could reach h-him, It was l-laughing. . . It was enjoying murdering us all" Etoile wails.

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"She doesn't know,priest." Lucian spit the last word like it was some sort of disease. That man was a murderer,not a man of God and he despised him more with each passing second. "Don't you see that you have no right no be questioning us? This is going to end here and now."

He took a step forward towards the man,fire in his eyes. If he didn't leave now...maybe he would find the confrontation he had been looking for.

Crines said:
" Nobody. . . knows. . . We scattered after. . "
Etoile's voice finally cracks and the dishevelled girl begun to weep, burying her face into her gloved hands.

" It crucified him on t-top of a tree. . . , n-nothing...not even the k-knight commanders could reach h-him, It was l-laughing. . . It was enjoying murdering us all" Etoile wails.

Xavier put his hand on her shoulder, looking sad. "My child, do not feel sad. I will hunt this monster down myself. His Holiness has given orders to the Knights of Malta, the Knights of Rhodes, and the Knights Templars to begin preparations. Exorcists are being called up as well. A crusade is coming."
Lucian pushed the man's hand away from Etoile. The elder vampire was much more dangerous when he lost his temper,a occurrence that hardly ever happened.

"You will stay away from my friends,Father."

He pulled Etoile along with him,keeping one arm tight over her shoulders. His other hand was pulling Val along with them. The man awakened the killer instinct inside of Lucian,but all he wanted was to leave.

"We have no more businesses here."
Etoile will mutter incoherently, but had shifted into Lucian's hold regardless.

She'll lower her gloves to look to Xavier, showing her tear-smeared visage.

" N-Not. . . that"

A crusade had not been called for almost eight hundred years, the Vatican must have been driven to desperation to approve of one now. It would not bold well, it might even cause a schism war between the conservatives and progressives within the Vactican. Mountbatten was instrumental in bridging that gap, but he was no longer along.

The Tenth Crusade will be a bloody war between various factions if it materialises


Crines said:
Etoile will mutter incoherently, but had shifted into Lucian's hold regardless.
She'll lower her gloves to look to Xavier, showing her tear-smeared visage.

" N-Not. . . that"

A crusade had not been called for almost eight hundred years, the Vatican must have been driven to desperation to approve of one now. It would not bold well, it might even cause a schism war between the conservatives and progressives within the Vactican. Mountbatten was instrumental in bridging that gap, but he was no longer along.

The Tenth Crusade will be a bloody war between various factions if it materialises


Xavier sighed. "Vampire scum...." He hissed. But the Tenth Crusade was coming for a reason. From what was gathered, this thing was powerful. It had to be stopped. And now, the Pope was willing to send the knightly orders to war. To kill this thing. And whatever else was like it.
mewbot5408 said:
orious tilted his head looking at Val."ah,this is William. He's my son...Tabitha thought it was okay to leave him unattended while she decided to go with her rich husband to Hawaii... "Orious says in response with a very annoyed exhale like he was genuinely passed off due to a ex-wife but anyone who personally knew Orious knew he never married. He gave Val a look like he'd explain everything later. William simply nods."yeah...mommy isn't very nice."





Val gave a nod, "Come on Lucian, we have shopping to do," Val said, taking his hand and trying to lead him away from the priest. She hates religious persons, so many wars had been started due to religion. "Goodbye Father," Val said politely, giving a small wave.

"He has no right,he has no right."

Lucian kept muttering the words as he allowed himself to be pulled by Val. He carried Etoile along,a disturbed look upon his face as flashes of his past passed through his head. Lucian looked about to have a mental breakdown,but he held onto Val's voice for support.
KaalysBR said:
"He has no right,he has no right."
Lucian kept muttering the words as he allowed himself to be pulled by Val. He carried Etoile along,a disturbed look upon his face as flashes of his past passed through his head. Lucian looked about to have a mental breakdown,but he held onto Val's voice for support.
"Come hold it together, well leave town soon and you can loose it at home," Val said, leading them to the store where they would get what things they ran out of. "Well Ori, you lead. I don't shop for the house," Val said, looking at Ori.

Xavier was secretly following them. He was keeping tabs on the vampire Lucien. Something didn't feel right about him.
Orious looked at the priest."next time don't accuse my kids of weird stuff please,this is modern day. We all know vampires don't exist. Science!" He says to the priest before following with Val and Lucian. He kinda started to wonder where castiel had ran off to. He blushed a the thoughts invading his mind and William looked up at Orious."Ori....that guy was scary..."

Orious looked at Lucian.poor kid. His brain damage must've been pretty bad."hey, Lucian. You want to push the cart?" Orious asked getting out a shopping cart and putting William in it so he could ride. He then looked at Val getting out the groceries lists. "Let's see.....Val can you grab everything on this list? It's mostly snacks and things you girls requested...I'll handle this list. Also don't be afraid to get things in bulk we have a full house after all." He says to her.






"I'm okay." Lucian insisted stubbornly,pushing his hair away from his face. He seemed to be back at his old self now,less aggressive than before. A smirk appeared in his face as he nodded and pushed the shopping cart. "Science,huh?"

He often looked over William to make sure he was all right. He had been hoping to ask Orious about the boy,but he didn't trust the priest. He could probably hear them somehow.
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mewbot5408 said:
Orious looked at the priest."next time don't accuse my kids of weird stuff please,this is modern day. We all know vampires don't exist. Science!" He says to the priest before following with Val and Lucian. He kinda started to wonder where castiel had ran off to. He blushed a the thoughts invading his mind and William looked up at Orious."Ori....that guy was scary..."
Orious looked at Lucian.poor kid. His brain damage must've been pretty bad."hey, Lucian. You want to push the cart?" Orious asked getting out a shopping cart and putting William in it so he could ride. He then looked at Val getting out the groceries lists. "Let's see.....Val can you grab everything on this list? It's mostly snacks and things you girls requested...I'll handle this list. Also don't be afraid to get things in bulk we have a full house after all." He says to her.






"Yeah sure," she waved her hand and took the list from Ori, "You know where I'll be," She said, walking off. She headed over to the snack isles. She got the normal stuff, chips, some cookies, other sweet stuff and cheese its. Looking over the list she saw a few things that she new Ori or Cas had added. She rolled her eyes and got the rest of the stuff then just walked around the store, until she found the others again. "Hey, I'm done."
orious went around putting things on the list he had in the cart. "if you're wondering technically willam is my son but that's because harris was unable to do anything properly and since they trusted me more than a random stranger. yeah....also, I know it's sudden for me to take him and odd without discussing the matters with castile first but considering the circumstances it'd be pretty bad to leave him alone in that house for much longer. you should've saw it. the house looks terrible." he explained with a sigh as he finished up getting the rest of the grocies. willam had his head on his arms and he swung his legs back and forth quietly looking at Lucian obserbently before tilting his head to look at val. "will you be my big sister???" he asked innocently and curious.







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