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Fantasy Blood Rose at Midnight (Always accepting! Vampire rp!)


"It's..complicated." He said, still dazed. "I'll tell you about it when we get back to the house." He glances down at the little kid standing with his mate. "Did I miss something?" He asked as he swayed on his feet, looking almost sickly, which seemed impossible for the vampire.
"Im heading back home with cas, I'll see you guys at home." He says. Orious nods and looks to the others. He then looks at his mate and smirks. "This is our love child..."Orious says as he starts walking with castiel.

Enmyira said:
"I-- I have to get you there before anyone else sees you!" She hurridly said and walked quicker.
"huh? get where? Vasilisa, where are we going?" Kuro asked, matching her pace with ease. He wondered who 'they' were."look, just tell me where we're going and i can get us there way faster." kuro said, looking at her as he kept the pace.

"Really now?" He smiles tiredly "well, he's certainly cute like you, so I'll accept that." He leans over and kisses Ori's cheek gently. "I'll just be happy to get home."
Orious heads home with castiel walking by his side pleased to be with him. William pretty much fell asleep on Orious' shoulder already exhausted. The older vampire step towards the door entering the house and he quickly headed upstairs he went to the room that was right across from his and castiel's room remembering it was a children's room tucking William into bed before going to his own room. grabbing his mate's arm gently he pulled castiel torwards him falling backwards on the bed."Now explain what happened.....or Is it you're just in need of my blood?"
He sighs as he lies down on the bed. "It's memories, they come back to me sometimes. It's always sudden, and I can't do anything when they get a hold on me. It's like I'm in a whole different place, reliving all of the times I've been hunted, all of the times I've been staked. It doesn't always happen during the day, it can happen at night too. But when that happens it's usually like a nightmare, I can wake up. During the day I'm stuck."
Kuroko said:
"huh? get where? Vasilisa, where are we going?" Kuro asked, matching her pace with ease. He wondered who 'they' were."look, just tell me where we're going and i can get us there way faster." kuro said, looking at her as he kept the pace.
A wiry nervous smile pushed onto her lips. 'It has to be him... he's changed a lot... but that necklace...' she thought to herself. As they crested the hill the mansion came into view. "There. We're going there!" She told him quickly, and took a big sniff of the air, trying to see if any others were around.
Comet said:
(Ok, I'll break it down for ya. Val, Ori, Cas, new guy named Lucian, and the humans are in town. Val, Lucian, and a human called Et get stopped by a priest. They talk, priest accuses Val of being a vampire when Lucian brings up that she blushes, something vampires can't do. The priest seems to by it but follows the group while they're shopping. He also wants to kidnap Val, which I'm pretty sure is gonna happen. Ori found a kid named William, and him and Cas are taking the groceries to the mansion. Lucian is looking for a gift for Val, while Val is looking for a git from Lissa and Lucian. She's being watched by the priest)
Enmyira said:
A wiry nervous smile pushed onto her lips. 'It has to be him... he's changed a lot... but that necklace...' she thought to herself. As they crested the hill the mansion came into view. "There. We're going there!" She told him quickly, and took a big sniff of the air, trying to see if any others were around.
"Thank you. Now when i do this, hitting me is not permited." kuro said, taking off his hoodie, then the 300 lb weight covering his body. When the eight hit the ground it dug into the ground. (it's so heavy the ground gave way). When the weight was off, exposing his well toned 6 pack and well muculed arms, he pulled the hoodie back on. Then he picked up Vasilisa princess style and prepped his feet. He then took off, the area around him blown back. He was speeding at an alarming rate, making it to the mansion in seconds. "Oh man, that's a new record. 5 seconds. I didn't even know i could go that fast." Kuro said, still carrying her and oddly not tired at all. He breathed normally, and gave her a charming and bright smile.
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FireMaiden said:
(Ok, I'll break it down for ya. Val, Ori, Cas, new guy named Lucian, and the humans are in town. Val, Lucian, and a human called Et get stopped by a priest. They talk, priest accuses Val of being a vampire when Lucian brings up that she blushes, something vampires can't do. The priest seems to by it but follows the group while they're shopping. He also wants to kidnap Val, which I'm pretty sure is gonna happen. Ori found a kid named William, and him and Cas are taking the groceries to the mansion. Lucian is looking for a gift for Val, while Val is looking for a git from Lissa and Lucian. She's being watched by the priest)
(Thannnkkk youuu!)

Orious runs his fingers through castiel's hair. "Is that so. Well, I won't let anyone hurt you I can assure that..."Orious says softly. He moves a arm around his mate's waist moving to be positioned above him looking down at castiel with his violet eyes. he had a hand against the side of his mate's face cupping his cheek brushing a thumb. orious' gaze was somewhat territorial but also very loving. "Shall I make our bond complete?" He whispered.Orious leaned in pressing his lips to castiel's.
Kuroko said:
"Thank you. Now when i do this, hitting me is not permited." kuro said, taking off his hoodie, then the 300 lb weight covering his body. When the eight hit the ground it dug into the ground. (it's so heavy the ground gave way). When the weight was off, exposing his well toned 6 pack and well muculed arms, he pulled the hoodie back on. Then he picked up Vasilisa princess style and prepped his feet. He then took off, the area around him blown back. He was speeding at an alarming rate, making it to the mansion in seconds. "Oh man, that's a new record. 5 seconds. I didn't even know i could go that fast." Kuro said, still carrying her and oddly not tired at all. He breathed normally, and gave her a charming and bright smile.
No one had ever picked her up... or carried her for that matter.. other than when they were childhood friends..It was new and slightly exciting. She was still lightly clinging to his hoodie when he stopped. "A--ahh." She murmered and unattached herself. She cleared her throat and hopped out of his arms. She nervously glanced around before quietly opening the front doors. She glanced back at him and put a finger to her lips to ask him to keep quiet.
Enmyira said:
No one had ever picked her up... or carried her for that matter.. other than when they were childhood friends..It was new and slightly exciting. She was still lightly clinging to his hoodie when he stopped. "A--ahh." She murmered and unattached herself. She cleared her throat and hopped out of his arms. She nervously glanced around before quietly opening the front doors. She glanced back at him and put a finger to her lips to ask him to keep quiet.
Kuro nodded in response, and stood behind her. This reminded him of the days he spent as a child sneaking out to meet his friends. He followed her in, and waited for further instructions. Huh. Waiting for instructions from a blonde haired girl. That was familiar, but he couldn't put a finger on it. His brain hurt whenever he tried to remember his past beyond 3 years ago.

(sry, ima post more)
Kuroko said:
Kuro nodded in response, and stood behind her. This reminded him of the days he spent as a child sneaking out to meet his friends. He followed her in, and waited for further instructions. Huh. Waiting for instructions from a blonde haired girl. That was familiar, but he couldn't put a finger on it. His brain hurt whenever he tried to remember his past beyond 3 years ago.
(sry, ima post more)
She pushed the doors open a bit more before tugging him in behind her. She then hurriedly scampered upstairs, motioning for him to follow.
Enmyira said:
She pushed the doors open a bit more before tugging him in behind her. She then hurriedly scampered upstairs, motioning for him to follow.
Kuro followed, unsure why they were sneaking around what looked to be her home. None the less, he followed, making no noise on the floors and stairs.

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Castiel's cheeks went warm at his mate's touch, and his arms timidly slipped around the more dominant vampire's waist, a small smile spreading his lips. "I would love that Ori." He whispers as he holds onto his mate.

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(Hmmm. i thought one of your chars were female. Guess i was wrong....)



BlueOctober said:
(If you want to be,technical, I as a real tvlife person am neither male nor female so)
Lol. Same. But I prefer going by male.)

(As for who could be a female in more he character relationship, Orious is more feminine looks wise but it seems behaviour wise castiel is)
Cas breathes lightly as he rests his head against his mate's chest, one hand curled into Ori's, the other resting on the taller vampire's arm. The question came out of left field, and for a moment, Cas didn't know how to answer. He'd never loved before, so he didn't know what it felt like exactly. However, he knew that what he felt for Ori was stronger than he'd ever felt for anyone else in existence. It was like Ori was the only other person in the world. If that wasn't love, he didn't know what it could be. "With all my heart." He whispered in return to his mate.

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