Blood Red Roses, Dagger Sharp Thorns, Bleeding Swollen Hearts {Members Only}

Flower looked at him and then looked at her. She motioned for her to sits down and flower did. She saw her shirt stained with blood and pulled it up to see a piece of bark had gotten under the shirt and was stuck in her back. She slowly pulled it out and cleaned the wound. Her back was bruised in several places but there wasn't any real damage. Flower sighed in relief as she was told this. With some pain medicine and a warning flower stood up again. She smiled, her neck was also strained but that wasn't important.
Arashi walked about the tent unsure of what to do now. In some ways he felt as if he should stay, there was an assassin out there trying to kill his fiance but on the other hand he didn't want to seem clingy. He ran stepped out of the tent, it was kind of hot and looked around at the passing people. Everyone had a place to go or something to do, right now he just felt lost.

Yoi finally found a place where she could relax and just sit. She sat down a smooth boulder bordering a stream, however she was still in view of the castle and the festivities. She was behaving just as he parents had asked, quietly and appealing in every way. She was to remain unopinionated and submissive for the rest of her days. It was enough to bring her to the boiling point but she knew that anger would only bring her family shame.
Flower walked out and looked at Arashi. "Hey you ok?" she asked standing straighter now. She put her hands behind her back holding them together. She looked around and then back at him.
"Yeah, I'm fine...what about you? I know they said your gonna be fine but that must of hurt?" Arashi turning to face her. He wasn't even sure she should be moving around right now but he wasn't gonna start telling her what to do. Why start things off on the wrong foot.
Bored and lonely, Mel decided to take a walk in the forest. While walking, she spotted a girl with long black hair and wearing a fancy dress sitting on a rock by the stream. Though it could've been a boy; it was dark and she was looking at the person's back, and she didn't like to judge people's hobbies. She stared for a while and saw that the person wasn't moving. Could she or he be dead and struck with rigor mortis? After thinking about how to check, she did what seemed like a logical choice at the time . . . she jumped the person, pushing them both into the stream.

Soaking wet, she sat up and giggled. That was rather refreshing, but back to the matter at hand. She watched the body to see if it was alive.
Yoi came spluttering to the surface at once angry but upon hearing the other girl laughing the anger faded. It hadn't been her fault and nobody cared whether or not she got wet. At this point the only paying attention to her was this girl. Asa barked sharply from the bank wondering if her owner was okay but the moment Yoi began to laugh she calmed down. Mai merely looked up from grazing then looked back down without a care. "Who are you?" Yoi giggled.
Mel stopped laughing and looked up. "Isn't it rude to ask the name of someone before revealing your own? But I'm Mel of the Thorns Clan," she said while extending her hand to the girl.
(I don't think very much has happened, nobody is married, Flower was attacked by an assassin and Arashi is with her and Mel just pushed Yoi in the water)

"Your absolutely right my parents would be appalled, than again I'm soaking wet in one of my finest dresses they are already furious. I'm Yoi of the Heart Clan," she said as her giggles were spaced far enough apart for her to speak.
Mel stood up and found her dress extremely heavy from the water. "We should probably go back to the inn and change . . ." she started to say but then she saw a dog on the bank. "Puppy!" she shouted before chasing it around.
Yoi slowly made her way out of the water and smiled as Asa took off letting the girl chase her. This Mel was so care free, as if she was fine with this marriage. Almost like she could care less. Maybe she wasn't thinking about it or just refused to care. Because caring about it would only give the marriage power. By withholding all emotions you held the power.
Flower looks at him and smiles. "Yeah, but I do need to sit down for a while." she said, he wasn't a bad guy at all. She was lucky to at least have someone understanding. She could learn to live with him. She looked around and then back at him. "Um how about we sit down over by the shade...if you want to of course I thought we might talk more...if you want."
"Sounds good, uh do you need any help or are you okay?" Arashi asked not wanting her to strain her back any more than necessary. Hopefully they could get to the bottom of this Assassin problem. Who would want her dead and why? Was it a singular attack or did everyone need to be watching their backs? He knew the assassin wasn't from his clan because that would harm the marriage, something the clan had been looking forward too.
Flower looked at him and shook her head no. "it's only a short walk." she said walking over to the area and very slowly trying to sit down without hurting her back to much. She looked at Arashi and then smiles lightly. "So um what do you do for fun?"
Sorin heard a loud splash of water and giggling from where he sat on the rock by the inn. He made his way slowly into the forest and was able to see Mel and Yoi in river. They both laughed a bit and got out. He couldn't really hear what the girl were saying at all. "We should probably go and change.." Sorin smiled a bit, it had been awhile since he went swimming.... He plulled off his shirt and ran to the water, making a cannon ball, soaking the already wet girls.
Mel fell down out of exhaustion but was reenergized by a splash of water. She turned to see Sorin in the stream (aren't streams shallow?). She clapped her hands in excitment and laughed. She would've jumped into the stream again and start a splash war but she was tired. So she lied down and played with Vash.
(It's sopposed to be a river....) Sorin resurfaced and coughed a bit. Shacking his hair, getting a bit of water sprayed on Yoi and Mel.
When that last bit of water hit her, Mel immediately stood up and shed the outer part of her dress, still leaving that white dress underneath. She jumped back into the water and began splashing Sorin.
Sorin disapeared under the water, opening his eyes to the clean water he could see the slight white blur of Mel. He swam under and grabbed her by her ankle, playfully pulling her down, and himself back to the top of the water.
Mel swallowed some water and when she surfaced, she was coughing. Her eyes were tearing up and she said, "That wasn't fun."
Yoi slipped out of the water, she actually liked her dress and ruining it would only get her into to deeper trouble. She climbed back onto the rock spreading out the fabric carefully so the sun could warm it and hopefully dry all of it out. Asa hoped up beside her laying her sandy head in her lap while Mai let out a small nicker.
Arashi followed his eyes darting wearily. HE figured the assassin would try to finish off his target and who knew if he/she would strike sooner or later. He was so focused he almost missed her question. "Fun? Oh I mean I train a lot and plan the defense systems for the Thorn Clan, that keeps me pretty busy," as he said this Arashi realized he really didn't have much time for "fun", he figured he was going to have to start making time if he was gonna spend time with his wife.
Flower looks at him and then sighed. "Well...I train a lot to...but I still make time for friends and fun." She rubs her head. "Of course I guess you still would be busier then me." She sighed and then looked at him and then smiled. "Come're free right now. Let's have some fun." She said getting up. "I'm sure there is something fun to do around here." She smiled and then grabs his arm starting to tug him along.
Arashi smiled, "Alright, I'll follow you on this journey for the elusive fun you speak of," he said with a laugh. He quickly stood up letting her drag him on, his hand was inches from hers. With a flick of a wrist he could grasp her hand in his. It would be easier to do that but there was something so personal about holding hands. It meant something.

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