Blood Red Roses, Dagger Sharp Thorns, Bleeding Swollen Hearts {Members Only}

Flower looked at her and nodded. "Yes...." She said looking at her two friends and then rested her eyes on Arson. She frowned and then looked at the ground rubbing her arm nervously. She sighed deeply and then looked at her. Why did they choose her again?
View attachment 3016(I had to post a pic. I do not possess the linguistic skill to describe it . . . so there it is. I think we're all in fancy clothes, but then again I'm not really sure. Oh well.)

Mel played with the hem of her kimono-like dress. It was frilly and girly, with black lace, flower patterns, and a faux fur obi. It was also a bit hard to move or breathe in . . . and she loved every minute of it. Mel liked the attire. It made her feel pretty and she rarely got to wear anything special because a ninja is supposed to be always training or some other BS Yin was spewing. She twirled around so many times before Yin scolded her yet again. The journey got boring quickly as no one was really talking, probably pre-wedding nerves and second thoughts. Oh great, now she had them. The girl looked around for a distraction until she saw her friends . . . so she made Vash bite Cas.

"OW!" the Thorn ninja shouted before checking his arm. There was blood dripping down his bicep. "The @#$%! I don't remember teeth in that thing!"

Mel laughed. "Of course Vash doesn't have teeth . . . I filled him with my throwing knives," she said before opening the doll's mouth, revealing a multitude of sharpened daggers . . . and a flute.

"You at least removed the poison tipped ones right?"

". . . yes?" she said, avoiding all eye contact.
Yoi, once dressed, swept down the stairs Asa on her tail. The lively dog stayed by her side never daring to leave. All of her belongings had been packed and shipped away the night before and all required of her was to ride. Preferably, gracefully and silently never daring to fuss. Her mother was crying at the bottom of the stairs and swept her into a hug. "You have done us proud," she whispered in Yoi's ear. Her father on the other hand was more frustrated, he hadn't liked the compromise but had accepted it. His daughter had promise, potential that was being wasted with marriage. He too embraced her and whispered, "Remember your strength, value and place. You have always made me proud."

They couldn't travel with her quite yet but would be leaving soon after her. Yoi made her way to the stables where Mai's black mane had been pleated with a red ribbon and coat had been groomed to an ebony shine. The groom handed her the reins and disappeared, Yoi had put her foot down when it came to guards and servants. She hadn't wanted them around when she made this trip. She swung into the saddle landing lightly on the mare's sturdy back then trotted away never looking back.

Arashi searched the kingdom for his sister's presence. They were to be leaving soon and he had been yet to find her. Forced to wear the finest of his armor, Arashi was sweltering and the day had not reached its peak.
(I think we already left because I met Flower and James, and Arson was glaring at Arashi.)

"Onii-chan!" Mel yelled as she ran toward him. She gave a quick wave but kept running because Cas was on her heels, still angry about the bite. She quickly ducked around a tree and when he followed her, she looped around and smacked him on the head with one of her fans. Giggling, she skipped over to her brother and took his hand. She smiled and told him, "I think I met the girl you're supposed to marry. She's really pretty."

(Fun fact: Mel is terrified by the phrase "Secret Technique". Just putting it out there.)
(Who is Arson? Dear lord I can't keep up with these rps)

Arashi finally finding everyone set off. His sister was more than happy to socialize with the other travelers leaving him to his thoughts. Would these marriages really bring peace? To him they almost seemed like a gateway to resentment. All of the clans were known for their strengths and obstinate personalities, forcing them into marriage, a sacred bond between two people, didn't seem like the best idea.
(Arson is a guy from the Rose clan who is in love with Flower.)

Flower looked at everyone and then rubbed her arm looking down. She wasn't sure about any of this anymore. She was so confused now that she knew Arson was in love with her. All the clans could think about was to marry two people? She wanted love not a jail sentence.
Mel tried talking to everyone, but eventually the talking stopped as did her attempts at conversation, leaving her at the mercy of her own thoughts. She wondered who this Soren was. What kind of guy was he? Did he agree with this marriage? What if he had someone he liked? What if he took a mistress after the wedding? What if after they were married, he left her all alone? What if she'd have to move to the Hearts Territory and never see Hikaru or Cas again? What if the Rose girl took Arashi away from her too? She shuddered at the thought of being alone. Cas had once locked her in a shed overnight when she was 6. It was a nightmare.

she thought. I can't let this get to me. I need distraction. So she began to recall every horror legend she could think of to get rid of these thoughts.

Soon she could see the opening gate to the Hearts territory (or wherever the hell we're supposed to be at the moment. I honestly have no idea) .
((No, there sopposed to be at the Hearts. And I'm sorry, the big names always used to confuse me to! I had to look at the first page to remember Kilana's name!))

Sorin, dressed in a a white wrap and loose pants didn't really quite get dressed for an occasion that he did not expect. Two Thorns and Two Rose Clan weds were here. And one of them is going to be my wife.. he thought to himself. He didn't really know witch one was witch. He only knewthat the one he would be wed to was named Melidianna Cain. A girl around the age of 16 or 15 had long black hair and blue eyes. Pretty, he thought and looked at the other girl. Long white hair, some what like his. She was pretty to... Jin walked up from behind the thinking boy and placed his hand on his shoulder. "And there they are... she's pretty isn't she? The one with black hair is your future wife.." He trailed off and walked up to the other two ninja clan master. "When will we be leaving for Kurin?" He asked with a heart ful smile at them both. "Today if possibe..." Kilana broke off as Jin jumped in. "What do you meen? We leave right away!" He hissed and crossed his arms, tapping his foot impatiently. "Jin smiled at him, "I'm sure they need rest, let them get to finally know all each other, besides what needs to be rushed?" He asked his bird chirping. "Ugh!! Why must some of my best ninja's marry your-" "Shut up Jin, before I rip out your loud little tounge." Kilana hissed. "Besides, they do need rest." She murmered and walked away with Yin following her, mumbling something like "That bastard if it werent for the damn marriage I'd kill him.." Jin rolled his eyes and gestured for Sorin to come up and introduce himself.
Mel saw the man he was to marry. 4he quickly hid behind Arashi's back and stared at Soren almost as if analyzing him. When their gazes met, she stuck her tongue out at him and ducked behind her brother.
((Sorry for my unexpected disappearance I got Hand-Foot-Mouth Disease and couldn't type. Luckily the antibiotics helped and I'm all better!))

Arson had wanted to say he was sorry to Flower. But she was with someone else. He watched as Erabella glared at him. She was angered that he had ruined it for Flower. Now Flower had to choose, Arson or Arashi...Erabella walked over to her brother. She crossed her arms "How could you?" she hissed. "I love her, Bella. Can't you respect that?" "Not when she's one of six who are going to bind our clans together!" "Bella, just let it go." "Over my dead body, Arson Cloakwood." With that she turned and left him stunned. He had never seen his sister so angry, let alone hear her say the words 'Over My Dead Body'. He turned his eyes to find Flower looking at him. He waved lightly and smiled.
Sorin lowered his blue eyes at the girl for a moment. He was to be wed to a girl that looks like she's 14? He thought and made his way to introduce himself to everyone. "Welcome to the Ninja Clan of Hearts, I am Sorin. It is a pleasure to meet you all." He said, putting his hands to his sides.
Mel peeked out from behind Arashi. Still trying to find out what type of person she was going to marry, she spoke in a voice barely above a whisper, "My name is Mel."
Yoi arrived at the place of the ceremony just in time. She handed her mare over to one of the grooms before slipping into place. Sorin had already started the speech and she did her best to simply blend in.

Arashi smiled as his little sister hid behind him. But at the same time he felt like throwing her on a horse and sending her back to their clan. His eyes fell on his future brother and law and his glare was icy. "Come here," he whispered putting an arm protectively over his sister. He would have to talk to his new "family" soon and straighten some things out.
Mel's head hit her brother's armor with a small clang. Her eyes teared up a bit but she stopped them before she started crying. She swung Vash around for a bit and then realized that Arashi's armor was practically burning her face. She looked up at his face and asked, "Onii-chan, are you hot in there?" She wondered if there was a place she could buy a popsicle nearby, a snow cone would be okay too.
Flower looked at her future husband and then put her hair behind her ear looking down. She looked at Arashi and then slowly walked over looking at the three and then backed up. She turned around and then looked at Arson. She moved her sight to a bird. She rubbed her head and then looked down.
Mel had found a place that sold snow cones, so naturally she bought one in every flavor they had. Carrying an armful of colored cups, she saw Flower looking around and finally at a bird. She handed the cups to some random NPC to hold for her and ran to the Rose ninja. Mel clasped her hands and opened them to reveal a small origami crane. After a few seconds, the crane began flapping its wings and flew up about 6 or 7 inches . . . before spontaneously combusting and falling to the ground in flames.

Mel paniced and frantically shook Vash. "This wasn't supposed to happen. I swear!"
Flower looked at her giggling and then smiled. "I'm sorry, that was kind of funny. Good try though." She said and then looked around before looking at her. She smiled, she had cheered her up slightly although her mind was still on her little problem with Arson and her to be husband.
((There going to be wed in the main village but right now there staying at the Hearts Clan until they can travel there until tommorow. <----- for anyone who didn't know))

"If any of you would like a specific place to stay, such as with a view... if you give a $hit... tell me now so I can give you that specific room." He said and scratched his head, not really knowing what else to do. "We will al attend a buffet in the main dining hall, he gestured with his head to a large japanese styled house. "And I will show you your rooms after the meal.." he looked around for a moment for Jin who disapeared with the other ninja master's. "If any of you need anything, I'll be staring into the tree's mindlessly on a rock..." he said and walked away, half joking but that was what he usually did.
Flower looked at him and smiled. "Thank you." she said to him as he left. She looked back at Mel and then looked down smiling. She was struggling to keep it. Why did Arson have to tell her now? She looked around before looking back at Mel. She at least was being nice to her, so far from the other clans. She didn't know if she should try to talk to someone else but talking to Mel seemed like the right thing to do right now. She was very grateful for the attention.
Arson had headed towards the inn where everyone was supposed to say, glancing back at Flower until she was out of view. He soon saw his sister with a bunch of older boys smoking hookah. He walked over and grabbed her wrist knocking the pipe out of her hand. He continued walking, Erabella fighting him the whole way.
"I DON"T CARE!" Yin yelled at Jin who sat calmly sipping on his tea. "I'm just saying, you need to work on your temper." Jin raised his cup to Kilana who glaned at her own cooling tea. She knew from a long time ago not to eat or drink anything that you hadn't mixed yourself. So she dilbertly switched the tea given to her with Jin's. "NO I DO NOT!" Yin yelled out, breaking a random vase. "That was a rare europian vase, you owe me 10,000 dollars.." Jin said smoothly, not flinching when he broke another vase. "Damit Yin, if you don't stop I'll rip out your tounge and shove it up your a-" She was cut off by Yin, "Now, now, we don't need to fight. I'm sure he'll pay me back." Jin said smoothly, rolling his eyes in a joke form.
Flower looked around and then just walked off on her own. She sighed and then jumpped into a tree putting her arms around her knees as she sat on a branch. She rubbed head looking at the ground as she thinks to herself. She suddenly was pulled out of her thoughts. A random assassin had thrown a star at her. She jumped down and then threw knives but she had to get back with the others.
Mel searched through the hallways and lit up when she found a piano in one of the rooms. Looking around to make sure no one was around she jumped onto the seat and began playing. The room filled with clear notes. But the happy tune she was playing quickly changed to a melancholy one. She didn't want to get married. What if this Sorin banned her from playing music like stupid Yin did?
Arashi began to wander through the kingdom of hearts. He had noticed the girl from the Rosa clan, the girl he was supposed to wed, earlier at the ceremonies but had later lost her in the crowd. He sat down on a window ledge swinging his legs through the open frame. As he looked at worn frame he realized he wasn't the only one who had had this idea. He noticed a glinting movement in the trees followed by a swift blurred movement. Arashi spun so he was facing the wall and scaled down it racing for the site of action.
Sorin's eyes closed in the rythym. Jin had always been into music making, always loved to play. He had made his way to the inn to see if anyone was having trouble and when he heared a light rythmic sound from come from the main room he took a peek. It was Mel, the girl he was sopposed to wed. Atleast he knew they had something in common. "It's beutifull.." He self consiously commented and snapped open his yees, hoping he didn't startle her.

Kilana heard the sound of metal against tree bark and had a horrible feeling in her gut. Her eyes filled with smoke as she evaporated into a black mist and appeared infront of Flower Full Moon. She caught a ninja star between her fingers and reflected it into one of the assassin's throats. He fell, baring no mark of either or the three clans. Good. She threw one of her own, killing three in a row., they all fell, there throats bleeding a deep scarlet. She moved forward quickly and ripped out one of there tounges. (old you she had a sick fedish, and ther eis a reason there "Are you alright?" Kilana turned to look at Flower.

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