Blood Red Roses, Dagger Sharp Thorns, Bleeding Swollen Hearts {Members Only}

Flower saw someone else. She turned around throwing knives at the guy after her. She got him in the arm and then appeared behind him kick him down. He grabbed her arm and threw her to a tree. She looked at the guy who had shown up in pain. The one trying to kill her disappeared. She slowly got up.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Flower looked at her and then nodded relizing the others were dead. She looked around and then looked down. "Yes just a bit shaken sorry." she sighed and hen rubbed her head. She looked around again sighing with releif that they were dead. "The other one got away." she said quietly hiding he fact her back was bleeding.
Kilana nodded her head, she knew the scent of blood and the way this girl was standing. "The healer is a few tents down." She said, nodding her head to the large black tent. She let out a breath and decided to let the assassin go, he would tell his employers that the other's were dead. "And please stay in a building or with another person who you wil know will not kill you." And with that she disapeared in black smoke and reapeared next to Yin and Jin.
Mel turned to see Sorin, the man she was supposed to marry. She hesitated a bit before thanking him. At least him liking her performance meant he wouldn't force her to stop. There was an awkward silence. After a while she turned to him and asked, "What do you think of the marriage?"
Arashi finally made it to the place where he had seen the flashes and glints of metal. In his hand he held a set of nun chucks and he had loosed the sheath around his sword. Of course everything seemed to have calmed down, and by calmed down he meant that attackers were dead. "Is everyone okay?" he asked not realizing he had just reiterated a question that had been asked moments earlier. As he surveyed the scene he realized one of the girls was the he was to marry, the girl from Rose Clan.

Yoi, realizing the meeting was over headed back to the stable and found Mai happily munching on some grass. She ran her hands through the beautiful mare's mane before mounting the horse and setting off. She knew her parents wanted her to stay around the castle, near her future husband. Be dainty, they said. Be a beautiful flower, they said. Do not show your strength, they said. And above all things do no approach him, you are the wife he is busy and may come to you when he pleases....they said.
Flower looks at arashi and then nods to him. "Yes." she said and then looked down. "I was jut going to go to the healers." she said and then looked at him. "Um...would you mind coming with me..,.one of the leaders said I shouldn't go anywhere alone." she said looking at the ground.
Sorin pondered the qusetion for a moment. "I think it was wrong for someone to force a marriage on someone at all. But when it actually happens to you, you get some what scared." Sorin looked out the window for a moment, imagining Yoi's face, then he looked back at Mel, she had equal grace and beuty. So why did he still have feelings for Yoi? He let out a sigh and scratched the inside of his palm, a nervice gesture for him. "What do you think of the marriage?" He asked, hoping another awkward silence didn't happen across them.
Mel stuck her tongue out in disgust. "I don't want to get married. Especially to someone 4 years older than me. It makes you look like a lolicon. But if this war is over, I won't have to fight anymore. I'll have time to do what I want." She observed Sorin and how he seemed . . . conflicted.She clapped her hands in realization. "You have someone you like! Don't you?"
Sorin smiled at the lolicon joke and then he heard what she asked him. Or it was more like a statement. "I.. guess you could say that. Not much hope for neither of us now though." He let out a deep breath that he didn''t even realize he was holding in. "How about you, ever loved some one before?" He asked, leanig on the door's frame.
Mel shook her head. "No. I'm too young to say I love someone . . . You're too young to say you love someone." She thought hard. "I did used to like Hikaru when I was little but then he got weird . . . Anyway I've never been in love and I intend to keep it that way."
"Love can creep up on you and stb you int the back if you're not careful." He mumbled silently. "If you need anything, just let me know. I'll be on that rock I showed you guys earlier." And with that he disapeared behind the door and into the cleaing.
Arashi nodded, "Where are you hurt?" he asked immediately concerned. Some might say his concern was just because he was marrying the girl or in some ways romantic but he was just generally concerned. "I guess we might as well start getting to know each other," Arashi added with a half-hearted smile.
Flower looked at him and then smiled a bit. "Um...just my back I think. I hit the tree pretty hard." she said and then started walking but was having trouble. "Um so..." she looked down sighing deeply. "I'm sorry...I don't know what to say." she rubbed her head and then pushed her hai behind her ears. She tried not showing to much pain on her face but it was almost killing her to walk.
Arashi could see the hitch in her gate, "Let's start with being honest, you didn't just hit the tree you didn't something worse. Ninjas don't move with such a jerk to their gate, how can I help you?" he asked in a calm almost commanding voice. He wasn't ordering her to do anything but Arashi found that by taking control of a situation then backing off then taking over again and then backing off created a weird aura of calm without making him too pushy looking.
Flower looks at him and then sighs, she didn't like to show weakness. "I may have done something to my spine but once I get it healed it'll be fine." She said and then looked away. "You don't need to do anything....I just wanted you to come along because she said I should have someone with me at all times seeing as I was almost assassinated."
"That's understandable," Arashi said with a nod, "So you didn't ask me to tag along because of my charming good looks? Listen I get the situation isn't ideal your a strong independent woman, maybe you didn't plan on getting married but we are and we are going to have to start working as a team soon enough. We are gonna learn things about each, our quirks, our strengths and god forbid even our weaknesses. But now I don't see a weakness in you, you are still just the strong independent woman, who maybe stubborn enough not to let me help her. If you won't let me help for your benefit let me help you for mine. How does it look if I'm just walking beside a beautiful limping girl instead of helping her?" He took a step forward ready to either support her somehow or just carry her.
Flower looked at him, she looked very angry. "Fine." She said stopping as she thought of someway for him to help her walk. She looked at him and then looked away. She couldn't think of anything, probably because she didn't want to. She sighed and then looked down at the ground.
"You're not going to make this easy, are you? May I carry you to the medical tent, we can get there faster and with less damage to your back," Arashi added taking another step forward. Flower was refusing to look at him, as if by making eye contact with him she would lose a battle or something.
Flower face softened a bit to a more saddened look. She let of a sigh of relent and then slowly nodded. She looked at him. She had to face the fact that this was going to be her husband and the marriage of love she so dreamed of wasn't going to happen. Aston...he would have to face the fact she couldn't be with him as well. She pushed her hair behind her ear.
With a sigh Arashi picked her up and started walking, "You know I'm not the bad guy, I feel terrible that I may be ruining your life or taking away your dreams but I can promise you that I will be kind and caring. I don't believe in crushing the spirits of a wife just because she is a woman." He didn't know how cheesy that sounded but to him it didn't really matter because all of it was true.
Flower looked out in front of them and then leaned her head back on his arm. She felt less pain in her back and she relaxed more. She looked at him. "I guess you aren't." she said looking back in front of them. "At least I will we'd someone who is caring. I shouldn't be taking my anger out on you, but as the wedding drew closer I couldn't help but feel trapped." she sighed relaxing more into his arms, he was also a victim.
Arashi smiled as she relaxed a bit, it was easy for him to carry her when she wasn't bunched up like a coiled wire. "I think everyone is feeling a little trapped, none of us had an option in our marriage. I am sure a pretty girl like you has or had a sweetheart that you had to leave behind but once we are married we can figure something out. They may be able to force us to marry but they can't control our marriage. I don't personally have anyone back home but if you are in love and you can't be happy with me an affair isn't out of the question," he whispered with a blush. He had thought about this quite a bit. If Flower truly couldn't be happy with him they could just view there marriage as a title nothing more nothing less.
Flower looked at him and then smiled lightly. "I would think you would have a girl. However I don't know if I love him, although exploring such a possibility of an affair with him I think would be rash. I rather would give this marriage a chance since the possibility of being truly happy is still there. Even if I were to have an affair even knowing that you pretty much gave me permission I couldn't marry him or really be happy with him. Either way the fact is this situation prevents me from being truly happy with someone else. I'm sorry I should be thinking more of you but since I'm the one who has a dellema in such an area I guess I was purely thinking of me not being happy with an affair. You on the other hand may find happiness in it, I'm sure a stubborn, aggressive, emotional, and independent girl like me may just drive you insane. "
Arashi listened quietly and smiled, "You should give yourself more credit. You are more than a stubborn, aggressive, emotional, independent girl you are also smart on top of all that. And so far you seem to be kind of nice. But here is one thing your wrong about, marrying someone who wasn't all of those so called negative personality traits woud be boring. I don't know if you have talked with a lot of the woman around here but they tend to either fall into two categories. Girls like you and girls who are quiet, boring, and just agree with me because I'm a man. I couldn't live with a girl like that it would make me feel like a dictator." Arashi stopped talking because they had finally reached the medical tent.
Flower looked at him and then chuckled. This boy had no idea how strong willed she was. She looked at the women in there and then looked back at Arashi. "Mind putting me down now?" she said and then looked at he medic. "Um I hurt my back pretty badly I think."
Arashi set her down carefully but his hands hovered close to her. He didn't trust her to hold her own weight, back injuries had a funny way of striking when you last expect it. One wrong movement of your head or neck and they could drop you to the ground.

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