Blood Red Roses, Dagger Sharp Thorns, Bleeding Swollen Hearts {Members Only}

Yoi withheld a yelp and snatched the hand touching her shoulder. She spun ready to use the momentum to kick the person behind her. However that never happened because the person behind her was just Solin, you let out a breath of relief and with it released his hand.

"If you must know yes, I am thinking about the marriage," she wasn't in actuality annoyed but she didn't like being surprised in her own territory. Of course she probably wouldn't be so jumpy if this arranged marriage wasn't so confusing. Why was it her responsibility to marry this new man in order to bring peace?
Mel went about the village looking for her older brother (14hca14 Arashi is my brother right?). She was hoping to talk to him about this whole marriage idea. It sucked. She was way to young to get married and to a guy 4 years older than her. She knew it was for the clan but still. Maybe Arashi could help convince her to accept this better.(You can all ignore this and move on to the next day if you wish.)
(Amdreams, that was the ninja master, Jin. LOL And Fire of Hearts, Not nessasarily. If it was then Sorin would be in love with his sister and that would be knida scary. But the Roses clan made the son and daughter of the ninja mistress. So the Roses are related I soppose, The hearts are not, and the Thorns are not. Does that make any sence))

Jin shrugged. "We will be getting up before dawn, perhaps you should rest your head. And i heard of a sleeping remedy that would be useful if you don't." he said smoothly, keeping a calm and happy face. He wasn't really so forceful but tommorow was a huge day for all the clans. Especially for him and the other masters. And the last thing he needed was for Yoi to be tired. "And I'm glad you almdot kicked me, if you didn't I probably would have." He joked a little and walked away.

((Just thought of this, if your character do "have fun" do it in pm or do this: *Fades Out*-- *Fades In*. Thank you!))
Erabella tried to fall asleep, to no avail. She tossed and turned for hours yet sleep did not come. She finally sat up and untied her ponytail. She ran a hand through her dark hair and pursed her lips. It was late and she needed her sleep. As she peeked out through sher window she could see the pink horizon as the sun began to rise.

((We are moving on to the next day right??))
(Sorry to point this out but are you confusing us, Sullenkiller? And I only ask about the brother thing because Arashi and Mel has the same last name. Also how do you feel about swearing?and if asked how are you, can I answer with "I'm just pimpin'.")
((Lol, sorry guys if I confused you. If they have the same last name, they are brother and sister. If not than they aren't. And yes, we are moving to the next dayand I'll post that later because my mother is forcing me to get off. Sorry for confusing you guys!:(And I don't mind if you cuss, just don't offend people with it. And yes you can answer like that Fire of Hearts! ))
Flower woke up and then got ready. She took a shower, dried her hair and brushed it down. She smiled when she was ready and then frowned a bit. She walked outside looking down and then leaned on a tree pushing her hair behind her ears.
Kilana made her way to Flower. The girl was already up and ready to move on. "Flower, are you ready? It is time to leave, go and get your friends if you wish them to come. Meet me at the gate in ten minutes percisley." Kilana said, nodding her head to the old chinese looking gate. (Lol, chinese gate in japan) "I have to go and get James." She said and disapeared into a powder of smoke.
Mel had her things packed up, her violin and flute tucked in so deep no one should be able to find them. She was twirling Vash, a doll made out of a sack and given to her when she was younger. She dressed him up like a Kabuki warrior today. At the gate, she sat on a rock, waiting for the time when they had to leave.

Suddenly, Hikaru glided in on what seemed like a large skateboard, his white cape fluttering in the air. "I have arrived."

Mel smiled at her rather frivolous friend. "Did you come to see me off?"

Roses fell at his feet, Mel looked up to see where they came from but saw nothing. The blond flashed a huge smile, winked, and said, "Oh no darling. We're coming with you."


Then Mel caught sight of Cas brooding by a nearby tree. He sighed and told her, "We can't leave this matter in the hands of a brat like you. I can't begin to think how you'd screw this up."

"I'm not a brat!" She puffed up her cheeks in annoyance, but was glad that she wasn't going to be alone. Now she just had to wait for the others to come.
Flower nodded and then looked around and walked to Erabella and Arson's house. She knocked on the door and then rubbed her arm and looked down. Nervously she waited and then sighed deeply.

James was outside sitting as he was reading a book. He sighed deeply and then looked up again almost expecting someone. He yawned.
(Amdreams Arashi is Mel's brother if that is okay. Also are the girls traveling to the boys or what?)

Arashi awoke early hoping to ease his sister's transition. He had begged their parents to reconsider, give his sister a few more years before tying her down to such a commitment. Oh, he knew she could handle it but would that make her happy? Would the girl he married be happy? He felt guilty as if this were his fault, he had no desire to trap someone in their youth.

Yoi escaped to her bed chambers saying her goodnight to Jin. There were waiting for her was her Inu dog Asa, she lay curled up with her tail tucked over her nose. The dog hardly stirred as she slipped into bed. Yoi could hear the soft snores of horses in the stables and wondered if one of them was her mare Mai. With these quiet thought she managed to sleep.

She awoke the next morning to the bustling of maids in her room. She hated finding people in her room, it made her feel defenseless. They swarmed her cleaning, combing, brushing, dusting, and spraying her with perfumes. They gestured to a red and black gown. It had a tight black bodice that from her waist down flowed smoothly into waves. HOwever these waves were split so she could move freely, underneath were a pair of slim black breeches that came to her knee. The wait was wrapped with a red sash and the long sleeves were lined with the same red silk.

Shikoku Inu:

Erabella and Arson came rushing out, clothes peeking out of their suitcases. Erabella cursed as one of her knives clattered onto the floor. She snatched it up hastily and hurried out after Arson and Flower. She smiled at the others that had already arrived and watched as Arson glared at the boy destined to be Flower's husband. She shot him a hardened glare and shook her head. There would be no fights today. Not on six people's wedding day. Not on the day that would bind all the clans together. Arson looked long and hard at his sister and lay a hand on Flower's shoulder as he turned to galre again at the boy destined to be her husband. He didn't like this at all. Not one bit. He loved Flower, and yet how could he tell her on her wedding day. She was getting married and there was nothing to do about it. And yet he had to tell her before it was too late. He took hold of her hand and led her to a spot out of hearing distance of the others. He watched as Erabella's eyes urged him to come back but he shook his head gently. He took both of Flower's hands in his own. He stared her in the eyes "Flower..." he started "I-I...I love you." There. He had said it. Now he waited for her reaction.
Flower looked at Arson confused and then looked down. "....You're telling me this now?" She said and then looked at him. " should have told me." She said and then pulled her hands away. She felt deeply troubled now, even worse, she was already troubled about the marriage. "I'm so confused now." She said almost about to cry.
Just so you know:

"This is Mel talking through Vash."

"This is Mel talking in her own voice."

And this is Mel thinking.

Mel saw one of the brides, the Rose clan one she thought, run away from another Rose clan boy. He probably bullied her, she thought, puffing out her chest. She started running after her before Cas stopped her.

"Where do you think you're going?"

Mel thought for a moment and then said, "It's my time of the month."

Immediately, the black haired boy let go and walked away. After giggling, Mel ran off in pursuit of the fleeing girl.

She caught up with the white haired bride-to-be and tapped her on the shoulder with Vash, still dressed as a Kabuki warrior.

"Are you okay? Did that boy make fun of you? I can beat him up." And then Mel lifted her arm up in a super hero like pose.
Flower turned around and then blinked. "Huh? No we're just talking!" She said and then looked at her. She sighed deeply calming down. "Please do not worry, we are just talking." She said rubbing her arm. She looked at her with a slight smile trying not to act strange. Although....the girl might have beaten her to that.
Mel smiled brightly and twirled around. In Vash's hands now was a lollipop. She handed it to the Rose girl. "I'm Melidianna Cain of the Thorns Clan. But everyone calls me Mel. It's easier that way."
Flower nods and then smiles. "I'm Flower, Roses clan." She said and then looked around. "Nice to meet yo Mel." She said holding out her hand to the girl. She was trying to be nice even though she was busy having a freak out over the boy behind her who just told her he loves her.
Mel shook Flower's hand. The smile faded from her face though and she tilted her head to the side. She sensed an awkwardness in the air but couldn't put her finger on where it came from. "Are you okay?"
Flower nodded. "Yeah....why?" She said and then looked at James who was walking towards them. She smiled, a friendly face. He walked over and then smiled at Flower.

"Hello Flower." He looked at the girl she was talking to. "Hello, who might you be?" He asked and then looked at Flower and then back at Mel. "Um I'm not interupting anything am I?" He asked rubbing his head.
Mel shrugged. She wasn't exactly sure if there was anything to interrupt if the girl was okay. Vash offered the lollipop to him. "I'm Mel. Who are you?"
James looks at her and nods. "Nice to meet you Mel, I'm James." He said and then looked around for his bride to be. He sighed not sure if he wants to be married yet. He looked back at Mel. She wasn't it, he could tell because he knew all their names, just not their faces.
Mel stood there confused. Why does no one want the candy? It's strawberry flavored. But she just shrugged and put the lollipop in her mouth. She then twirled around again, gave a little bow and ran back to her group.
Yin ran up behind Mel. "What are you DOING!" We HAVE to wait for Kilana then move to the Heart clan! Not dily daly with random NINJA'S!" He yelled then glanced at the two. They wre the ones meant to wed. "Ugh, look there's Kilana now! We can finally move to tthe HeaRTS!" Kilana rolled her eyes as she made her way to Yin and his weds. (Let's just say that thew other thorns ninja wed is here.) "Ae they coming or no?" She asked to Flower, because we must be going soon." She said, her hair in waves of light gold.

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