Blood Red Roses, Dagger Sharp Thorns, Bleeding Swollen Hearts {Members Only}

Flower looked at him and then rubbed her head. "Um I'm fine...I'm not use to this kind of see I have experience in politics. I in fact have only been just a fighter, my parents died while I was young. I guess that was another reason they choose me...but I don't know."
"I'm sorry," Arashi whispered. he was furious with his parents for letting this happen to his sister. He cared less about how it affected him, he had long ago left his childhood behind. "Well I'm a pro when it comes to these political events so you don't have to worry," he whispered trying to lighten the mood a bit.
Flower looked at Arashi and smiled. "Thanks." She whispered back and then looked around. She looked back at him and then looked at the dance floor. She smiled and looked at him. "Well sir you know how to dance?" She asked, she loved dancing. Although some say her singing was better then her dancing.
(Does anybody know who Yoi's husband is?)

Arashi smiled "Why yes, and milady would you do me the exquisite offer of dancing with me," he asked bowing at the waist and flourishing his hand in an over-exaggerated manner. After he finished "flourishing" his hand he offered it to her to her.
Flower blushed a bit and then looked at him taking his hand. "It would be my pleasure?" She asked unsure of how to correctly answer that and took his hand smiling at him. She looked at the dance floor and walked over.

--- Merged Double Post ---

(She's marrying I will intruduce him soon after Flower and Arashi dance.)
Mel looked around the dining hall. Hikaru, dressed as gaudily as possible, was flirting some of the maids. Cas was standing broodily in the corner, probably trying to look cool. Sorin was talking to Jin. Yoi was sitting down quietly. Her brother and his fiancee, Flower, were dancing. Which reminded her, she hasn't seen the other rose ninjas in a while. Maybe they were sleeping. She sat down in the corner and was making Vash dance a waltz with an invisible partner.

She then eyed the stage of musicians, envying them. It must be so exciting to sing on that stage. She wanted to perform but that would make Yin mad . . . the sky being too blue could upset Yin. So she began quietly singing for the tiny dancer at her feet.
As they made their way on to the dance floor the orchestra began to play a Waltz. "Now I must warn you my lady, my dancing is far from refined. At best it is tolerable so you must lead. Of course you mustn't showyou are leading for I am the man and must be in charge," Arashi joked. He kept his tone as snobby and annoying as possible as he playfully teased her.
Flower looked at him and then rolled her eyes. She flicked his noise. "You don't know who you're marrying...I'll brake you like a hporse before you know it." She said jokingly and leaned in to add to her little act. She patted his head. "Poor Poor boy." She said grabbing his hand and then looked at him. "Are you sure you don't want to lead?"
Arashi snorted softly in laughter, "Break me like a horse, oh come I see how you behave with Snow there was breaking going on. All of that was cajoling and niceties. If what I say is true than I am far from trembling at the thought of you "breaking" me," he said maintaining the snobby character. "....And on a sidebar please, I beg you, please lead," Arashi added pretending to tremble meekly as they danced.

Yoi stood placing Asa lightly on the ground and walked to a balcony. She put a hand to her face where her father had slapped her. He had forgotten to take his rings of and she could feel a small welt forming underneath her eye. Of course if she had tried to retaliate she could have beaten him, she wasn't even sure he was trained as a Ninja but his guards where.
Flower giggled slightly. "I can be as cold as the grave when I want to be." She said leading as he had asked. She looked at him and then smiled. "You still have alot to learn about me Arashi...and I you but I am being quite serious right now."
After Sorin finished speaking with Jin he made his way to the dining tables. Sitting on one of the chairs he watched the others dance. Arashi and Flower seemed to be enjoying themselves. Yoi was sitting alone along with James. And Melidiana was playing with her doll Vash. He somwhat chuckled as he watched her, long pretty dark hair... what was he thinking? He couldn't possibly already of devolped feelings for her. After all she was only 15, he was 19. But still...
Arashi looked down, "Well we haven't a lot of time to learn about each other before tomorrow but at least we will always be surprised. Nothing will be boring together," he said trying to sound light. "That isn't necessarily the worst thing in the world?" he said almost asking her. Arashi needed a bit of reassurance too.
Flower looked at him and then smiled. "No." She said and then backed away as they finished their dance. She put her hands behind her back and then looked to see a friendly face walking in looking handsome as ever. "James?" She said and then giggled as he hugged her. "James!" She said and then looked at his hair and then started to mess with it making it look messy but it looked good on him. "There we go. I almost didn't recognize you with unmessy hair. You look handsome."

James looked at her and then jokingly glared. "It took me hours to get my hair like that." He chuckled. "You looked lovely as well." He looked at Arashi. "Is this your husband to be?" He asked with a smile. "I'm James." He said holding out his hand to him.

Flower looked at James and then smiled. "Yes, he is. Now shouldn't you be with your girl?" She asked and then looked at James who looked at her. She saw him frown a bit. "James?"

James sighed deeply. "Well tell you the truth Flower....I'm very nervous to meet her....I mean." He looked at Yoi and then rubbed the back of his head. "Her name is Yoi."

Flower looked at him and smiled lightly. "Come on James...I'm sure she would want to meet the nice guy she's marrying before the wedding?"
"I'm Arashi," he said with a smile and listened quietly to their conversation. He took a breath wondering if he should confess what he knew about the Heart's clan or more specifically Yoi's father. "You shouldn't worry and this is going to sound terrible but Yoi Sato comes from a very....Oh I guess you would call it traditional family. Most of us would consider it backwards but she has been brought up to view the man as the leader and the woman as the follower. She is not going to call you out on anything she is going to try desperately to please you. In the Sato household the women sit quietly beside the man never making a comment or eye contact until spoken to. So she is going to come to you, your going to have to get her too open up and you may want to start now," he whispered.
James looks at Yoi. "Um...that sounds terrible." He said and then looked at Flower who waved her hand at him meaning go on. James smiled a bit nervously and then slowly walked over to Yoi. "Hello." He said with a small smile. He looked at her, she seemed, not to happy.

Flower looked at Arashi and then at Yoi. "I would not stand for that." She said crossing her arms. "It's cruel to think women lower. It's wrong." She said pretty angry at the idea and then looked off to the side.
Arashi sighed, "I never said it was right. I figured the guy had a right to know what he was getting into before he went and stepped in. You know I don't think like that and maybe that girl is going to benefit from this marriage. She is gonna realize there are other options for her besides the one set by her father," he said softly.

Yoi turned to see the man who was to be her husband. She immediately dropped her hand from her face and dropped into curtsy flaring her fan before her face. "Good Evening," Yoi said peeking her eyes over the fan feeling more and more disgusted with herself. Every move she was making was planned out by her father and nurse. Her mother at the time had been busy fussing over her hair and skin.
James looked at her and then tilted his head. "Um....good evening. You are Yoi yes?" He asked sitting beside her and smiled. "I'm's nice to meet you." He said holding out his hand. He looked at her keeping her background in mind.

Flower looked at him and then nodded. She smiled. "If anything James is most likely the one to be bossed around. He'd be great for her to teach her a different way besides being bossed around." She looked at Arashi. "He'll be very kind to her I know it." She smiled at him. "Must like you to me."
Yoi kept her fan expertly placed across her face hiding the small welt underneath her right eye without drawing much attention to it. She nodded, "It is also nice to meet you James," she said softly. Her father had given her a ridiculous amount of information on the Rose clan their customs, their economy, their politics and on top of that he had found out information on James. She knew that he liked sword fighting, taking walks, and reading. All things she liked, especially the sword fighting of course she would never be able to spar with him. Woman learned to fight so they could pass it on to their children. But now she had paused to long she needed to entertain him, " you...would you like to go for a walk?" she asked blushing deeply.

Arashi smiled, "I'm glad you think that. My biggest fear was trapping the woman I would be marrying and I prayed she would be nice, someone I could talk to intelligently without walking on eggshells. And you know what, I'm not afraid anymore," he whispered.
James looks at her and smiles. "I would love to." He smiled and got up. He held out his hand and then smiled. "Well mis. Yoi...where do you wish to go?" He asked smiled. He was trying to be mindful she was use to being ruled over so giving her a choice would be good for her. He gave her a sweet smile. '

Flower looked at him and gave him a bright smile. "Yeah. I'm glad." She whispered back and then looked around. She looked ack at him. "I was worried you were going to be a pervert or something...or just a big jerk. But I'm npot worried about that anymore. You're really sweet and kind." She whispered and giggled blushing from embarrassment. "Yeah a lot of things were running through my head."
Yoi paused for a moment surprised to be asked the question. "Well um we can go where ever you wish. The fountains and gardens are nice as well as the actual castle. We have a fine livery and I can also show you the armory," she said trying to list things he may find interesting all the while fluttering the fan before her face.

Arashi smiled at the sound of her giggle it was sweet twinkling like a bell. "I'm glad your worries have been dissolved. And now what about that fun you were going to teach me, there has to be something fun to do here," he said looking about the ball room.
Flower looked at him and then thought for a moment. "Well I don't know." She said looking around. "Hmm..." She looked at him then sighed a bit. "Ok...I can't think of anything." She sighed and then looked down. She rubbed her head.

--- Merged Double Post ---

James looks at her and then tilts his head. "...But where do you want to go....come on I want you to be yourself around me don't have to hide behind that fan seriously." He smiled at her and then looked around.
Mel stood up and said, "Screw this!" Then she marched to the stage and asked one of the violinists to lend her his instrument. He did. Then turning to face the crowd she exclaimed, "My name is Mel and someday, you're going to remember that name." She then began filling the room with soft notes before proceeding to sing a song. Her voice was soft but clear.

Yin's face began turning red in anger and his eye began to twitch. How dare one of his own ninja embarrass him like this. He felt a hand on his shoulder. It was Jin. The Hearts Master smiled at him and said, "She's pretty good."
Sorin heard a loud, "Screw this!" To realize it was Mel. She went to the stage, took the violinists intrument and said, "My name is Mel and someday, you all wil remember that name."Sorin couldn't help but smile at this girls forwardness. Yin, however was not taking it so well. Of course, Jin was all happy about it, then Jin was extremely angry about it, and Kilana didn't really seem to give a shit. He closed his eyes to the soft tune of the intrument. And the melody of her voice, it was so, so soothing. He opened his eyes and saw that the room had turned into a slow dance.
Flower looked at Arashi and then smiled. " more dance?" She asked and then smiled at him. It was a slow dance but they were going to be husband and wife so...why not? She didn't mind dancing with him if he didn't. She did hope he wasn't afraid of a slow dance.
"Dinner's Here!" A loud man yelled across the floor to everyone. And almost insatntly at the very least thiry butlers came out and served silver platters on the long table. A loud ding sound came and Yin had a huge smile played on his lips. "Please take your seats, the weds are in the front and all the rest are in the back." He finished and put away the ding thingy that Sorin couldn't really make out. He got up from where he was sitting at and made his way up front. Finding is name with a little black heart beside it. Infront of him was Mel's name with a Thorn sign on it. ((All of the matches wil be facing infront of eachother.))

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