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Blood Lust

Nero thought he might die as his heart exploded. Her lips pressed to his, it was the most amazing feeling he had ever felt in his entire life. He loved it. He needed it again. He was hooked. Luna's touch was like a drug to him and he already needed another high. He delicately reached for her face again. How did one gain another kiss? He had to have it. He wondered if this was what his father felt the first time that he'd kissed his mother. His mother...he hadn't thought of the woman for such a long time. He pushed it away. That wasn't something to think of when you were pursuing a mate! He lifted her face, heart pounding yet again.

"C-can I kiss you?" he hardly waited for a response before pressing his lips softly to hers. They were together for quite a while increasing the pressure in their chests. He parted from her lips slowly. "You've bewitched me." he said in almost a whisper. "I can't stand to be away from you."
Luna felt Nero's hand make its way back to her face, her heart exploded as she was already embarrassed as it was. Was he mad? Should she have waited? It wasn't her! It was a spell! Something that had just taken over her body, but to her surprise Nero asked if he could kiss her, and before she was able to open her paralyzed lips, Nero answered for her. Their lips united once again, but this time they stayed longer.

Her brain was spinning, her blood was boiling over. Her thoughts were scrambled, but they always ended up with Nero. She giggled to hear him speak, her lips still frozen as she finally spoke out loud, her body was back in one place and her thoughts had organized themselves. "And you've taken my heart. I suppose we are even then?" Luna asked as she leaned her head on his shoulder, looking up at the night sky. The next time anyone teased them... she could just nod, and then kiss him. Instead of laughing it off, it would be great. The feeling of having someone she loved this close, and he was only hers. The thought alone made her smile, a she snuggled into him.
He kissed the top of her head before staring up into the sky, his heart calming with a new satisfaction. He picked her up and carried her bridal style to their room and laid her down on the bed. He picked up her pajamas and set them on the bed for her. He smiled then turned around, not really liking the idea of her smacking him, and he had not yet forgotten her threat from the first time she changed in his room. He went to his closet and changed into some basketball shorts. It was strange to think just a moment ago they were teased and denied their feelings and now...she was staying with him. He even wanted to sleep in the bed with her. That was odd to him since he didn't really sleep that much.

" Go ahead and change, I won't look. I figured that since it's getting late we should probably get some rests. Today was pretty big, huh? Seeing Sebastian, Emanuel, and your folks. And...us..." he blushed, just what was their relationship now anyways?
Luna giggled as she received the kiss on top of her enjoying the view as she was no longer worried. Sebastian was safe, Emanuel was safe, her parents were safe and now she was safely placed beside Nero. Once Nero carried her to the bedroom she only flung her arms around his neck, letting him carry her even though she could have walked just fine too. But didn't utter a word as she found it cute that he wanted to carry her. Once they returned to their room Luna turned her back to Nero, slowly undressing.

She peeked over her shoulder to ensure he wasn't peeking as she kept undressing. It wasn't uncomfortable, and she wouldn't mind if be peeked now, but before would be very awkward. "I know. I'm just glad everyone is okay... and..." Her voice began to shake, her words were failing her again as her heart began beating once more. She took a deeo breath in as she put on the nightgown, crawling underneath the bedsheets as she his half her face underneath it. "We're a couple... right?" Luna muttered underneath the blanket, shyly looking up at him as she hid her blush under the blanket.
Nero smiled and came to bed when he heard her climb into bed. He climbed on top of the blankets. He blushed, not really sure how to ask if he could sleep next to her. He decided she probably wouldn't say anything if he stayed out of the blankets. He lay down and put one arm around her. Tomorrow would bring new challenges, he just wanted to enjoy this moment.


Meanwhile, Lupo paced the floor. He was standing before a mass of werewolves. He, like all of them, was in his werewolf form. He looked massive and terrible. He paced a few more times before them. He had the disappointment of not only losing the girl and his brother, but not killing the mage as well as not finding the girl's parents. He needed a newer, trickier strategy.

"We are werewolves, a supreme race." he started his speech. His company howled in agreement. "We know where our prize sleeps. Now we only need to claim it. The question is how. I will send one of our kind into their midst and they shall lure her out. Who will go?"
(Some more lovely timeskip~)

The morning approached them both and this time Luna woke up first, she had barely gotten any sleep as her head had been spinning around, and with everything that happened yesterday, no one could blame her for feeling restless. Slowly she moved out of Nero's arm, kissing him on the cheek as she moved over to where her clothes was in his closet, and grabbed a pair of jeans, and a loose singlet as it was yet another sun filled day. She hummed on a song as she was looking at herself in the mirror, as the golden locket was hanging around her neck. Once again she opened it to take a look at her biological parents. Her father had silver grey tail and ears, and he had amber colored eyes, as he looked very strong, and somewhat a lot like Adam.

The woman was thin and slender, and a lot smaller than the man standing next to her. Compared to him she looked like a small stick. Her mother had long brown hair and crystal blue eyes, just like Luna herself had as she looked at them both in the mirror, comparing them to each other. I didn't think I would think so much about it...Luna thought as she closed the locket, she was curious about them, but she knew one thing. They weren't alive. She sighed as she didn't draw the curtains, to not burn Nero, but looked outside, admiring the sun that made its way through the thick clouds.
Nero sat up in his sleep, the action waking him. He sat there a moment, drowsily staring at the blankets which he'd absentmindedly crawled into while sleeping. He blushed. His head slowly turned towards Luna. He smiled as his eyes beheld her. The bit of light that filtered in made her very beautiful. He started to climb out of bed. He couldn't help but wonder how long this would last. It was dangerous for him to love someone. Everyone he'd ever loved had been taken away from and it was usually because of Lupo.

"Good morning, beautiful. " he said with a yawn. "God must really like me, a I have been allowed to wake up to heaven."
Luna turned around to face Nero as he woke up and she giggled as he barely looked awake. The sun was blocked by her body, as she was already fully dressed, the sunshine surrounded the outskirts of her body, as it almost seemed as the entire girl was lighting up. "Why good morning to you too," Luna said and walked over, kissing his cheek as she was a bit too shy to kiss him on the lips yet. "I think he loves us both, because I was worried this woyls only be a dream," Luna answered his cheesy line, as she enjoyed how lovey-dovey they were. Now she understood why her parents did it so often.

"Hope you slept well," Luna said to him as she looked at her clock. It was soon breakfast and she still had to help out Zeroe in his studio. Plus, she had just started her training with Nero to master her 'powers' as she still had some difficulties understanding half of what she was, but since Nero was her teacher she would be just fine. She knew that from the bottom of her heart, that as long as Nero was close everything would be just fine.
hey, sorry but I need to take a break from RPing for a while. I'll probably be back around August 8. Thanks for understanding. Bye for now)) 
(I'm going to go ahead and be in and out today. I think for the time allotted my time will just be limited. Sorry for pulling you back and forth >_<))

He kissed her cheek sweetly and put his arms lovingly around her. His life felt pretty damn good right now. He was about to kiss and tease her when a knock sounded at the door. He looked at it with deep rage. He willed the person to leave, but they didn't. He sighed and gave Luna one more peck on the cheek.

"Come in."

Sebastian entered, leaning heavily on his staff. "There is another. Lupo is moving against a young werewolf."

"Poor creature." Nero said. "Get me my sword. Looks like we'll have yet another wolf hunt." he then turned to Luna, willing her not to ask to come too, but somehow knew she would. "You must stay here, Luna. I don't want you caught in the crossfire."

Sebastian gave them a look then smiled. "Ooooo I wasn't wrong in my assumptions. He 'is' your boyfriend."

"Not now Sebastian. Sword!" Nero hissed, blushing.

"I'm on it. I'm on it." Sebastian said leaving.
(Answer when you can and have the time and I will do the same. I can't ask for more, but thanks for the heads up ^-^)

Luna giggled as Nero kissed her cheek, smiling as his arms wrapped around her as she grabbed them, holding herself closer to Nero. Once the door made a sound she ignored it, but it was quickly followed by other sounds as she knew that the person on the side of the door wasn't planning on leaving the two of them alone, almost annoying her in the process, but once Sebastian walked in she smiled. It was at least someone she knew, would have been worse if it wasn't.

Luna was about to suggest to come along, as Nero already rejected her and she puffed her cheeks up, as she almost pouted a bit too. "I- I want to come too! Please let me come with you! You're there all the time, I'll stand beside you, I won't leave you. Not even once, put me on a leash if you have too!" Luna said, looking at Nero then over at Sebastian hoping he would agree on bringing her along to help her convince Nero to let her come too. She wanted to help this poor girl too, as they were in the same boat, and ensure her that it seemed a lot worse than what it actually would turn out in the end.

Her cheeks turned red when Sebastian saw they were together and pointed it out. She fiddled with her fingers... shyly looking down at the floor as she nodded quietly, smiling as she was happy about it, but it was a bit hard to say out loud as her heart would beat like crazy only by the thought of it.
thanks for understanding :) I really appreciate you))

Nero shook his head. "It's too dangerous to take you along." he said, caressing her face. "If I bring you with me there is a chance that Lupo could get his hands on you. I won't allow that. Especially now that I..." he paused and held her hand to his chest. "Now that I've fallen in love with you, Luna. If something happened to you I don't know what I'd do. It will be too hard to protect you and someone else at the same time."

Sebastian rolled his eyes. "For Christ's sake, Nero, let the girl come if she is so desperate to. I'll protect her if I need to. We could even round up a gang. If Lupo is gonna be there we may not wanna take him on alone."

Nero stared at him crossly, but could tell he was defeated. "Fine, go to Zeroe's and get fitted with a weapon. You can at least shoot, right? I don't want you being ganged up on without any defenses."
((You are most welcome kind madam ^^))

"I promise I'll be there, all the time. I'll even wear armor! I'll chain myself to you if you don't bring me with you," Luna said as she was definitely pouting, looking a bit angrily at Nero, until he brought up that he was simply afraid of her, due to the two of them being in love. "I- I can protect myself you know..." Luna insisted as Sebastian decided to jump in, and a glimmer of hope jumped into her as he understood her hint, and managed to convince Nero to let her come with them, and she almost jumped up in happiness and wrapped her arms around Sebastian, and gave him a quick peck on the cheek. "Thank you Sebastian! You're the best!" She exclaimed as she ran out of the room, heading straight for Zeroe's.

"Zeroe? I'm very sorry for disturbing you, but may I borrow a weapon? I'm going with Nero to help a girl find her way here," Luna asked proudly as she entered the studio, a lot more calm and collected than earlier, as she looked around the studio for him, seeing Thunder laying in the window still sleeping, she walked over and petted him gently, as the cat had grown accustomed to having her around him.
Nero watched her go before grabbing Sebastian by the scruff of his collar and slamming him into a wall. He was pissed as all hell. Sebastian smirked. However the smirk died away when he saw the heated red blaze in Nero's eyes.

"If anything happens to her, Sebastian, her blood will be on your hands and I WILL kill you first."

Sebastian sighed. "Then I guess I will have to protect her with my life, won't I?"

Zeroe hobbled out of his room. He was in a large black robe. He rubbed his eyes drowsily as he walked towards Luna. He was surprised to have her there so early in the morning. He yawned again and pulled up a seat.

"What's this I hear about you going on a mission? Luna that's dangerous."
Luna smiled as she walked over to Zeroe and smiled, despite knowing he could not see her smile. She left Thunder alone as he was still quietly purring in the windowstill. "Sebastian let me come, so I'm going to help. Nero told me to find a weapon," Luna explained to him and smiled as she looked around the studio and smiled, she hadn't been there for a while and she had almost missed it a little bit too. She had cleaned and such, but it had been a long time she had gotten the chance to talk to Zeroe properly.

"He said you had one, so... is there anything you could offer me?" Luna asked in a happy tone, hoping she wasn't worrying Zeroe too much. Sebastian and Nero was there to watch her, she should be fine, and she could defend herself a little bit too! She had gotten better at transforming after all! Even if Nero said she shouldn't do it among people...

Zeroe sighed and fetched her both a sword and a gun. One could see by his countenance that he did not approve of her going on a mission. Thunder woke as he scuffled around and sat beside Luna. He gave her a seemingly concerned look before meowing loudly at her. He then sat upon his hind legs and lifted his front paws into the air like a child wanting to be picked up. Zeroe stood aside, listening to his cat's movements. He sighed again before holding out the weapons.

"Here, but I do not think you should go, Miss Luna. Thunder doesn't like it."
((Welcome back :D ))

Luna giggled as she saw Thunder's gesture, but at the same time she understood why and looked at the hesitant Zeroe that gave her both the sword and gun. Simply having the weapons in her hands made her a bit more hesitant towards going with Nero, but she had made up her mind and she wanted to help. If Luna began to doubt it now, then she could never go on another one. It was time for her to prove her usefulness to Nero! "Do not worry about me Thunder and Zeroe, I promise to stick to Sebastian and Nero so please do not look so concerned," Luna said and gently patted Thunder on the head before kissing Zeroe on the cheek. "Thank you Zeroe. I will return these later," Luna said as she hurried back to Nero, hoping her first mission would be a success, then maybe she could join on other missions.
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Thanks :) ))

Nero, Sebastian, and a few others were standing near the gate, waiting. They had formed a group for this. Emanuel's lover was among them, though Emanuel was no where to be seen. Emanuel's lover was at least two heads taller than everyone else, he had a broad build, dark hair, and dark skin. He was also fairly muscular. Nero nodded as Luna came up to meet with them. He was obviously still not happy about her joining them. He sighed. He hadn't even had a chance to train her with a gun or sword yet.

"Is that everyone then?" Nero asked.

"Looks like it." Sebastian stated. He gestured for Luna to fall at his side. "My charge will be traveling closest to me." he stated.

"You're bringing her along?" Emanuel's lover inquired, his voice an echoing boom.

"Of course." said Sebastian. "Otherwise, how will she ever learn what we're up against." Said Sebastian, giving everyone a stern look. No one else dared to say anything else, as Sebastian was well known for his temper.

"The dark wood is where our mission takes us." Nero said plainly, mounting his motorcycle.

Sebastian sat delicately upon his staff, which floated in the air, and gestured for Luna to sit beside him. The others mounted motor cycles or climbed into small cars. They would have to blend in with humanity.
Luna looked up to what had to be the same man that Emanuel had thrown himself over when they came back. He was far from anything Luna had imagined as he was almost the exact opposite of Emanuel himself, but opposites were suppose to attract each other, so it did make some sense to her. Luna gave the tall dark man a quick nod and a smile as she could see how much Nero and he disapproved that she tagged along on their mission, but Sebastian did luckily back her up. Luna felt a small chill run down her spine when she heard they were going to 'the dark woods'. The title was intimidating enough, but she had made up her mind. She was going with or without Nero's approval.

The rest began mounting their normal vehicles as Sebastian sat upon his staff and gestured for Luna to sit on it too. With a small sign of hesitation she gently sat down and wrapped her arms around Sebastian, to make sure she did not fall off, and looked at the sword and gun she had been given. How was she suppose to use any of them? Luna had never used a sword or gun... hopefully she wouldn't need to use them. "Sebastian. The Dark Woods. Anything I should be wary off?" Luna asked him, to prepare herself of anything that might come their way so she wouldn't end up being an easy prey.
They took to the sky post haste and the group was off. "Your bullets are silver, a were wolf's bane. When you wish to shoot you use the slight lift on the gun's muzzle to aim. It will help to tell you where the bullet is going to go. Pull the trigger when ready. When you are out of bullets hack at your enemies with the sword. I will give you more detailed training later. No worries, with this size of a group this mission will be a piece of cake. " he paused. "Oh and don't fret over Nero's temper too much. He just doesn't want to live to lose another loved one."

As they soared through the clouds the Dark Woods came into view. It was precisely that, a dark and sinister forest, encircled with a brick wall. From the sky it was plain to see that the woods surrounded a dark mansion. It was terribly eerie. The landed beside the group when they stopped nearest the wall.

"From here we will continue on foot. Be ready." Nero said sharply.
"Lift, aim, and then pull..." Luna muttered to herself pretending that her fingers was a gun, as she practiced a little bit. The time was short and she felt the need to at least pretend she was practicing. "Slash when I got no bullets left..." Luna muttered yet again making a small mental list to remember everything that Sebastian told her. The reassurance of Nero's temper made her calm down a bit, as she did feel she was being a bit pushy and maybe crossing the line, Nero did tell her how his brother had killed his village before after all. Maybe it was a bad idea to join them, but it was already too late to turn back, so she didn't say anything about the matter.

Once their feet were safely on the ground Luna let out a large loud sigh of relief, but quickly regretted the gesture when Luna took in her surroundings. It was just as the name had suggested a scary, eerie dark forest. Fortunately the large group gave her some comfort and being by Sebastian's side as well as Nero's as Luna found a comfortable walking spot in between the two of them, scouting her surroundings as she regretted it more and more as the forest occasionally gave her chills down the spine.

"W- Who are we looking for?" Luna whispered to Nero trying to start a conversation as it helped her get her mind off the forest.
sorry for disappearing, been busy))

“We’re looking for a were girl, excommunicated from her kind for disagreeing with Lupo.” Nero said solemnly. “ He looked then to Sebastian as they entered the woods. “I hope we’re not too late. Sebastian, Which-“

“I’m on it, no worries.” He said removing a golden orb from his coat pocket. He tossed it into the air and it glowed. It then shot to one direction and the group followed it. Sebastian linked arms with Luna and hurried her with him. “It’s a tracker orb. I’ve locked it on her magical signature. If we’re lucky we’ll get to her before Lupo’s men….if we don’t just stick close to me and do as I have already suggested.”
((Oh no that's fine ^^ Take your time ^^))

"I see... Let's hurry along then," Luna said as she found some new courage by only the mentioning of the name 'Lupo', she hadn't forgotten that was the one that was after her, or rather her blood, but still it wasn't anything good. If she was an excommunicated, maybe she had some information she could share with the rest of them? If so, then that would help Nero to defeat his brother, it was a perfect opportunity! They could get to know more about Lupo, and then prepare to fight him! Let's not get ahead of ourselves Luna... Rescue her first, and then plan the rest. Luna thought as she followed Sebastian, having her arm linked with his as he pulled her in one direction, the same as the golden orb had headed.

"I remember the routine, don't worry Sebastian. I'll be fine," Luna said with a lot of confident, so she reassured him hopefully more than she had managed to reassure Zeroe and Thunder, as she felt a little confident, but only because of what Sebastian had told her. She had no clue on how to use the gun, but with the few instructions Sebastian made, she should somehow manage to get by. She wouldn't be completely helpless this time, she would contribute, even if that was just one bullet.
thanks for understanding...spent the last 4 hours doing house cleaning u_u))

It was about a half hour later that they came upon a group of 12 were wolves in their half wolf half human form attacking an already wounded girl. She was about the same age as Luna. Nero led their party in. Emanuel's lover, Adrian, charged in head first and head butted a wolf in the stomach before hammering it with his enormous fists. Sebastian then cast curses causing plants to engulf another pair of wolves. Nero lunged and stabbed one wolf but then ducked under another and lobbed off its leg. It was an all out battle.

"Back me up!" Sebastian said to Luna as he pinned another were wolf.
((Oh my... Do not strain yourself. Taking a rest once in a while is good too ^^))

Luna looks over to all the werewolves and the one poor girl in the middle of it all, and then she begins to load the gun with her shaking fingers. She can hear the others attacking, and the werewolves were shouting in pain and agony. She tried her her best to block it out, only to focus on what Sebastian had told her earlier to do it right as she finished loading the gun. She witnessed Nero stab one wolf, and looked away from the blood as her hands were still shaking. Luna, pull yourself together! What was you expecting? Aim, and pull! Shoot and help them! Luna mentally kicked herself as she steadied her hand and aimed at the werewolf entangled in the plants.

"I got it!" Luna shouted as she shot one bullet straight to the head to one werewolf, and then to the chest to the second. She closed her eyes both times, but the bullets hit their targets as another one sneaked behind her, as she barely dodged it, making it scratch her arm a little bit. "Take this idiot!" Luna said as she shoved the gun to the werewolf's chest and fired, landing on the ground on her other arm as she looked over to Sebastian and smiled. "I'm fine! Only a scratch!" Luna said as it was already starting to close, but still bleeding.
Shortly after destroying the remaining enemy another thread of foes appeared on the horizon. Nero turned and helped the girl to her feet. She was in too much shock to say anything. Sebastian gathered the group close together. To him enough lives had been taken today. He pulled the glass eye right out of his head and threw it onto the ground. A puff of purple smoke surrounded their company, the girl included, and the next thing they knew they were beside their rides. Sebastian had a satisfied expression on his face though blood once again trickled down his jawline.

"That was a reckless move, Sebastian." Nero growled, grabbing his friend's face and examining it.

"We should hurry and leave before the enemy gains. If they gain, this was all for not."

Nero's eyes turned red and he was obviously fighting off a deep blood lust. Sebastian quickly pulled Luna onto his staff and they took to the air. He knew too well that his friend and the rest of their company would be desperate to devour them. He looked fairly grieved by this, but was relieved when they got on they rides, the girl beside them, and tore off for home.

"I am going to have to apologize to your parents...I did say I would curse that eye...heh heh..."

(Sorry for rushing the fight...I suck at fight scenes)

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