[Blood-Dimmed Tides] Non-PC OOC Thread

...so how are we going to arrange things so Dorissa doesn't try to eat her alive within five minutes of meeting her? :shock:

Because I think one homicidal PC-versus-PC encounter is quite enough!
I'll just keep down the homicide. :mrgreen:

Guys, this is a game, not RL.

In RL, killing is something really bad.

In a game, killing an Extra is completely inconsequential, is an opportunity for your chars to show their moral standing, beyond which they can effectively ignore it without even appearing bad.

It's slapstick comedy.

Killing someone and then yelling "Respect my authorita!"

If Cindy killed Blabber or Feather, now THAT would be psycho and your PCs should attack and kill without mercy or remorse.

But ok, probably I am the only one laughing about it, if you prefer the tone to be more grim, I'll tone comedy down. :mrgreen:
I get that its just a game, and you only took out an extra, but Xandra is not the type to just kill with no reason. She was just reacting in character, thats all. If being a homicidal maniac is how you see Cindy, that will just be another source of friction between them.
I get that.

Any sane, compassionate character would react like that if this is the tone we decided to set.
FWIW Rei is compassion 3 and conviction 1. (which is also why she probably wouldn't be a very good spy master in the traditional sense)
As a ruling class, killing can be a privilege. And that's fine, butit usually ends with the aristos losing their heads.


I actually found guillotine porn looking for pics. :shock: :shock: :shock: Yikes! :shock: :shock: :shock: So, not sexy!
Gullottine porn... Ow!

Well, it's the history of Exalted: the primordial got ousted, then the Solars got ousted, sooner or later someone will oust the Dynasty...
xarvh, I hope that Xandra is not stealing any of your thunder by shooting first and asking questions later. It just seemed like the right thing for her to do. :shock:

But I am curious about what plans they have, maybe they bring us somewhere we like.
Am I actually expected to play against a damned *water aspect*!? :mrgreen:

Man I will, I don't know how to counter all their cheats, but I will... ^_^

Plus, doesn't look like, but Cindy has Sta 4. :mrgreen:
xarvh said:
Btw, how does the game work?
I don;t drink in RL, so I'm kinda fresh...
I have yet to see a good example of what gateway is or how it's played. Supposedly it's like how Star Trek portrayed chess.

Say! Free stuff! Limited time!

It's a 3d program I've found pretty simple to use. I mean like, very easy.


and now it's free for a limited time. Not to sound like a billboard ad, but sometimes I know players like making pictures of their characters and may not have the talent to draw them. just a thought.
'Been using Bryce for more than 8 years...

Unfortunately, I realized computers don't get me laid.

BTW, nice work with the metal soldiers thingy.

xarvh said:
'Been using Bryce for more than 8 years...
Unfortunately, I realized computers don't get me laid.

BTW, nice work with the metal soldiers thingy.

Figured out where the conflict is heading, have you?
captmadjaq said:
Figured out where the conflict is heading, have you?
I'm too easily distracted and with poor memory to figure out the grand scheme of things.

But I have some ideas...

Whohho! Look! A butterfly!
Yes, extended rolls will do, even if I didn't understand what the game is about beyond drinking.
Cap, you should be beaten about the head with a large metal pipe for bringing in My Little Ponies to a discussion about Exalted. :evil:

Unless it is a Lunar's totem form. That would be different. :lol:

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