[Blood-Dimmed Tides] Non-PC OOC Thread

I was just waiting to post to make sure that Koi didn't roll higher than I did.
She did burn Blabber's beard.... :D

He doesn't have the means to light his weapon but Cinder and Xandra do, as far as you can tell. By his tone, it's easy to guess that he's trying to commit suicide and use you as the implements for doing so. Either to light the wick of the petard, or if you lob off his head in self-defense because he's threatening you with one. You three don't know if he does have the means of lighting it. So, it is a scary situation.

And it's just one of those situational combat things I like to do to see how players and characters react. It might be unfair since intent isn't black and white, but you do have the right to give him one heckuva interrogation. That is, if you don't turn him into charcoal.
"Yeah, don't fuck with US, otherwise I may be so pissed to burn ANOTHER of her best friends..."
captmadjaq said:
"Whatever was to befall that poor girl was decided long before I became a part of it. I swear!"
"See? Not my fault, like, at all! Stop being so grumpy about me, Xandra, c'mon!"
I think that only Xarvh gave me a shopping list. I thought Sherwood had, but I don't see it. Don't be shy and tell me what stuffs you want, especially when your doing some investigating. Hints can come up.
I had mentioned the Firey Solar Cannon from Wonders of the First Age as Xandra's dream weapon. That, and some artifact armor would be golden.
another pic

Feantari. any pointers I should be aware of for Feathers, like his character aspects? I pictured him as one of those guys that has multiple faces and hats. Sometimes he's a swell guy, but other times he's complete douche depending on the situation.

How do you want him, and how does Rei see him?
Your perception of him works fine. He's notionally in the intelligence business, but that doesn't earn him his living.

Jeez, Xarvh!

Your fellow party members are going to see you as a villain than a hero for Creation if you're randomly killing like that. Granted, they are crooks....hmm..... :D
I guess so, in a less obnoxious, more entitled way.

Cindy's rationale (and upbringing!) is that Mortals are expendable and they should show respect to the spiritually superior Dynasts, burdened with the safety and protection of Mankind.

She is completely blind to the shortcomings of the Dynasts (unless when she can put herself on a pedestal above them), blind to her privilege and has a ridiculously high sense of entitlement.

While everyone is victim a way or another of cognitive dissonance, Cindy has a lot of it.

Actually, I would expect most Dynasts to be like that.
Eric Cartman's picture was in the article you posted, and I really meant no offense. She can burninate all she wants, hopefully she won't get sworded.
Ahah, no prob, I just thought a clarification was due.

I haven't really managed yet to fit Cindy completely in a TV Trope...

Now I am imagining a scene with Cindy with a toothbrush moustache and a red swastika on the arm, addressing an army of extras from the balcony, with ample hand gestures... O_O

Damn you, Cartman!

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