[Blood-Dimmed Tides] Non-PC OOC Thread

Heartstones must be inserted in attuned artefacts to give their specific effects.

For motes transfer, skin contact is enough, but at this point it doesn't matter.

Cinder doesn't need her gear to fight, but she needs her 3rd Essence dot.

I was considering to exploit the situation to stunt like hell her training time for the future 4th Essence dot.

I am currently trying to leave the scene with a plausible excuse so that my Essence dot will come back faster, but that may be a bit too much an exploit of the game montage. ^_^

However, it may be fun to get her to Feather, asking the Lens.
Stuck in a hotel with $12 a day Internet, probably be slow and intermittent via phone.

Re: it's dark, as I'm guessing feeling the air won't apply all Rei has for light is her anima
xarvh said:
So, wait, in Exalted we have penguins in the North? oO
I've just been reading MoEP: Sidereals, and I noticed that one Survival Charm gives a Sidereal the power to "lie down with the lions of the Southeastern savannas or march with the penguins of the frigid Northwestern islands." :D
Sherwood, to be honest, I think the mechanics of the game are against you and your strategy if you're looking to sink ships. Otherwise it's brilliant towards keeping them from launching their little dingies. I'm actually in the process of making a new list of possibilities to the genius of you players, as my children climb over me like ants as I write this...
Xandra is in full Dawn mode right now. Her fangs are out and she wants blood, and unless it is clear that she is just wasting her time, she'll continue her attacks against the boats and their crews.
Question: are the boats Xandra is attacking the same ones Hunger is currently directly under?

Because if so, then those Lintha are about to have a really, really bad day.
yeah, and you should be able to see the flying Solar with her anima at max level firing gouts of flame
May I make a formal request to shift into the same thread as Xandra, then, since she and I are focusing on the ships while Rei and Dori are dealing with the warstrider's head?
I think everyone should move on, considering.

As for Xandra wasting her time, I really think she is. There are three ships brimming with lintha pirates. She'll scorch several of them easily there's so many of them. They in fact give each other a -1dv because of overcrowding. So...hum...yeah, she can do some real damage, I think.
Why do you even have that, Fea? oO

@ST: please let me know when and where shall I start posting.
A few selections from Scroll of Kings: "Burning: Artifact hulls are fireproof (at least against non-magical flames). The same cannot be said for wooden boats caulked with highly flammable pitch. Any mass combat attack incorporating fire automatically sets a wooden vehicle ablaze for 1L structural damage on its captain’s next action. The damage cumulatively doubles with each successive action until the blaze entirely consumes the vessel or its captain successfully rallies the crew to put it out. Such attacks are especially effective against already-fragile sails." (p. 43)

Another, from the section of types of damages against vehicles:

"A simple litmus test for insignificance is a thought experiment consideration of the attack versus a solid wall

made of the hull’s substance, assuming the attack achieved maximum possible effect. For instance, consider a wall of

wooden planks, with 3L Armor. By the letter of the rules, if you rolled 50 archery attacks against a wooden wall, odds

are good that the volley destroys the wall. But really, no one ever sank a ship by shooting its hull full of arrows. The

arrows, therefore, are an insignificant attack. Axes and chopping swords are another matter entirely, as are flaming

arrows whose insignificant impacts still have the potential to set the ship ablaze."
So, let's see...

My main attack: fire.

My anima effect: fire.

My anima flare: fire.

My defensive charms: fire.

Oh boy oh boy oh boy...
Thanks for the find!I already had read it, and was applying old rules to new since Savage Seas has mundane ship stats.

Also, I was stuck on the passage on threat / damage levels done to vehicles, blah...blah...blah. And if Xandra would be a threat. Frankly, I was picturing a can of hairspray, a match, and a 2 x 4 plank of wood and seeing how that would work out when I was examining the damage. See, I was trying real life to fictional and put a damper on all the fun of it.

But I got it now.

Xandra, is shooting the yachts or the small boats. The small boats are likely going down.

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