[Blood-Dimmed Tides] Non-PC OOC Thread

There may be some awkward moments with Dorissa at first, if she sees your anima banner. Orcas and sharks, oh dear.
Clearly all it lacks is for Hunger to be Dori's 'mate'. (Mind, part of Hunger's Motivation is in fact to end her mother's worship and then kill her).
Xandra has first dibs on Dorissa's mate-ship. Seniority, y'know. ;)

Ending the cult of Siakal would be a good reason for our characters to work together -- along with Dorissa's natural orca-ish antipathy towards sharks, sharkmen, siaka and siaka gods, and her friendship with the baiji (dolphin gods who have a bitter feud with the Children of Siakal), the Huntress of the Waves (the goddess Dorissa's heavily in debt to) has "destroy and replace Siakal as Western Goddess of War" as her literal Motivation.

And she could call in her marker at any time.
Captmadjaq -- remember, a lot of Lintha worship her (despite the fact that she helped massacre their ancestors).

Indeed, she's the deity-of-choice for pirates in general, since she has no interest in concepts like "right" or "wrong", and sacrificing to her is cheap and easy: bloody a victim and make them walk the plank. The sharks will take care of the rest.
She's also the goddess-of-choice for people who don't want to be eaten by sharks. Or who want their enemies eaten by sharks. ;)
Cinders runs in, takes a random person pretending it's Taddeus, and runs away carrying said person, in an attempt to have the machine follow her.

Athl excellency to run faster and lift the person.

I don't think I have yet used peripheral, and at low motes it won't harm people fast enough to be a problem.
That's a good idea X, but can you do it since you've gone? I know about the reflexive charms for dragon blooded. What you want to do will entail running to someone, stealing them(grappling), and running off with them.

And, for you lintha haters, he did he had help off shoreand there has been talk about the Lintha being in the area. And, Dorissa knows about them since they were mentioned on the ship she landed on.
Lintha hating aside, there is a much more immediate threat of the 'strider to deal with. Then I can take on some demon worshipers. :)
Guys, be patient, I am jet lagged as hell and have barely the main to keep my char going, I can't go back and reread the details of the scene.

Sigh, how much did I sleep today (day?) ? oO

It's dawning as I write...
I'd still stick with my decoy plan, Thaddeus or the other guy are really ok, but I'd be grateful if you could act on my behalf.

I have managed to sleep only 3h in the last 20 or so, I'd be writing shit.

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