[Blood-Dimmed Tides] Non-PC OOC Thread

She didn't have a chance.

Rei, can you walk out in the water?

And Thief, that avatar picture of yours is frightening! Between the blood and eyes...:eek:-gah!
I want to double check something; what is the effect on our scene-long charms, like my Infinite Archery Excellency? Do the effects of those come to a stop?
Also if we have no motes can we actually reattune artifacts?

I think you're going to have to spell it out for us mechanically in painful detail. :-P Also maybe give us a heads up on when the motes start trickling back as we go along.
You're not without motes. Your essence pools are disoriented, meaning your pool virtually dropped one dot. So, for one scene you don't have the power to fuel charms at the level. Any commitments, like attuning to artifacts are gone and put back into your essence pools. It isn't difficult, you know the difference in power between essence 2 and 3. Since mortals are only essence one, the disruptor is like putting a hamster in a microwave, as there isn't enough essence to hold their bodies together and they just pop. There are approximately 500,ooo mortals in Creation that can survive the disruptor. You are still gaining motes at the normal rate.
This is good.

For just once I thought that Elemental Empowerment Meditation was NOT just a ludicrously useless bumpspeed Charm that I immensely resent having to buy...

Anyway, it's much better to have the motes.

What about Ess3 Charms that once activated last "Indefinitely"?

Anyway, Cindy has left the Scene to reach Feather... =D
It sounds like I was right when I posted my firewand vanishing on me. It is a Essence 4 Charm, but at least my excellencies are still running.

I got sick. My head was viced in sinus pressure and I just couldn't get on a editor to write for nothing. Let me catch up and see if Koi explodes with his petard. :D Just kidding...maybe. Maybe I should have a poll, if possible, to see if he should go boom or not.
Can we get an estimate on how long the Lintha boats will take before they arrive at the shore?
That's a good question Sherwood, and I'm glad you asked that. My plan was to ask what you all wanted your characters be doing, and then create a situation on that.
I think Rei is going to try to attune things and dive down to get the head (with her gill cloak). Until her bow attunes it should make a good diving weight.
What Xandra will be doing depends on how long we have before more trouble arrives. If it is long enough to do so, she'd put her armor on over the swimsuit for more protection, then reattune my daiklave and maintain her commitment of motes to her scene long Charms for her firewand.
Dorissa will change shape again, as soon as she hits the water, and look for our ejecting AI down below.

Depending on how tough-looking the Lintha hulls are, she may try to poke a few holes in them from below, too.

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