Blood Curse {Actual RP 2nd Edition}

~Jean Latvia, Old Farmhouse~

Jean breathed a sigh of relief when DogBreath finally came back to his senses and trudged back into the house she followed quickly behind him. Wincing herself as he shrugged off his shirt to reveal the wounds, she hadn't had a chance to even begin her work before Jaclyn entered the room and the pained dialogue between them began. She quietly went up the stairs and came back down the with the medical kit, approaching Howl from behind much like she had before. She gingerly put her hands on his broad shoulder, partly in order to steady herself and partly to provide him a sense of comfort. She began to unwrap the soaked bandages and tenderly began to clean around the wound and the wound itself the best she could.

She wanted to say that she was about to begin but she knew it didn't matter if she said it or not, Howl was a tough patient. She could barely bring herself to look at Jaclyn, so distraught and limp, she couldn't believe she had caused this. After reading a quick article on her phone she began the process of stitching his wound together, teeth gritted and eyes narrowed she finished the job. It was a little sloppy but got the job done nonetheless...

"Howl, I'm the one that mentioned it... I'm so sorry... I didn't know it was a secret," she muttered.
Felling his touch she quickly backed away."Don't..." What was she suppose to be right now, Angry..? Sad...Bitter? Understanding? "To protect from what! " This time she was angry." To protect me from you..." The scent it was the same." You...You were the one that night...The night in the church, you were the one that nearly killed me...But, you didn't....Why?! Because I was so weak you felt you had to protect the ill women?! To atone for your sins! "

Shaking her head she didn't even know him, the man before her wasn't Howl, he wasn't the human she cared for." Out of all the things..All the times...You couldn't have told me..No.."she whispered."It would have meant you'd have to face it yourself.." It seem all so clear now.

"I don't know...Who you are." Her voice cracked." I don't know anything anymore....The one person I thought I could trust and..-" Moving pass him a tear slid down her throat, having trying to reach out her hand had touched against the red liquid. Her pupils dialted as she ran, holding her head she slammed into the door frame, cracking it slightly in her struggle to get out. It was happening again, shapes formed, figures were coming to shadows in the grey light. Panting she could only look back at Howl before taking off to the forest once more.

All she did was run, running from everything, the lies..The dreams...Her blood lust was finally taking over.
+Kodiak, Old Farmhouse+

I don't know... who you are. You... You lied to me! To atone for your sins?!

Jaclyn's words played over and over in his head as she screamed them at him, dulling everything else, including pain to his senses. Truth be told, he couldn't really notice Jean working on his wound with a needle and thread except for the tugging on the flesh.

He felt in shock. Kodiak didn't even try to stop her as she fled from the house, out the door and into the wilderness. How could he even face her now? He wanted to be mad. Mad at Jean. Mad at the world. He wanted to blame everything else for something he had been at fault for. But he couldn't. He knew where the blame solely rested, everything was on his head, not anyone else's.

I don't know who you are...

Something about those words tore out his heart, dropped it to the floor, and stomped it out. When Jean finished, he slumped his head against the wall, gritting his fangs visibly. He spoke very quietly, as if he talked any louder, he'd spook the dead. "Neither do I..." He clenched his hand into a fist and exhaled slowly before turning to face Jean, face haggard and world-weary.
~Jean Latvia, Old Farmhouse~

Jean's face blanched again in complete and utter horror as Jaclyn left the house, thumping her head hard against the door frame, as she did. She turned back to Howl and found her staring her down, head on, face weary and numb. The stress of these situations combined began to eat at her, the fact Nav was probably going to do horrible things to her for abandoning him, this new catastrophic explosion of emotion she had just caused. A part of her wanted to cry, the stronger part of her forced that side to shut up. She pulled her hand away and shoved them deep into her pockets, watching him stare through her.

"Howl, I really am so sorry... I didn't know she didn't know about that... I'll leave if you want me to... Howl I... Howl you need to sleep, you won't get better without sleep," she said, thinking of it more, "And no, I won't leave. Because I don't trust you to get better,"

She couldn't even muster the courage to glare, or put her hands on her hips...
~Valen Helsinger, Magnus Central Command Center~

Valen studied the briefing handed in to him by one of the Commander's under-lieutenants, his hazel eyes scanning the contents for several minutes before they turned on the soldier before him. The young man was squirming inside; Valen could tell. After all, a man with the sort of brutal reputation Valen usually got that sort of reaction...he was used to it. He was young himself, but he felt decades older than he actually was. Closing the folder, he handed it back to the nervous soldier. "Inform the Commander that I will take the mission, and I will take my squad with me. Also, contact Nietzsche. I want him in here for briefing." The soldier saluted before exiting the small office, shutting the doors behind him. Valen sat back in his leather chair, waiting for his 'partner' to arrive.

+Kodiak, Old Farmhouse+

His back slumped against the wall, and he slid down until he was sitting. He no longer looked Jean in the face, preferring to focus on the mess of TV guides scattered on the floor. "What does it matter anymore...?" He muttered. He looked utterly broken and hopeless. His eyes had reflected how he was before, but now he finally came to terms with just how inhumane he really felt.

In his blindness, he drove away the only reason he had tried to cling to his humanity. So what was the point if he took care of himself? Exhaustion washed over his entire body, but he didn't want sleep. He'd knew that the nightmares would come if he did. The last thing he wanted now was to re-enact all the bloody murders on his hands. And his only coping mechanism was gone.

"It's not your fault.... It's mine. I should have told her the very first time. You reap what you sow..." Kodiak muttered and drew one leg up to rest his arm on. His whole body ached and his mind was just... numb. If it weren't ingrained in his psyche, he'd probably have forgotten to breathe just out of shock.

What was he going to do now? What point did his life have, other than to be a blight on the lives of others? ... He clenched his jaw. If he was a monster, he would show them all a monster. He'd give them something to be afraid of.
Kalladen City ; the Lower Dstrict

"sssssssssss" Just like before it was dark, the sun hadn't reached her side of town yet but it would soon come. Just like the previous day she would slither back in to the darkness, so the sun wouldn't touch her. It wasn't because she hated the sun , or she was weak to it like some would assume. She would rather stay in the dark to hide herself from others. Random people running by to get to the towns square. Annoying kids who heard sss sounds so they would stop and try to peak behind the trash bin where she sat. Of course this wasn't her home. No she only comes here to clear her head ,sleep peacefully. This also was a memorial place for her. This was where her family lived. She would come and pray for their guidance and their wisdom. She refused to do the sacrifices and the chants around the circle that is made of white powder, that they easily found in the store.

Just thinking about the old days made her want to shed a tear. She held her legs close , as she looked around the dark alleys. The trash can helped her hide from those who sought her out. She was only 5'5 so she was perfect for hiding. She let all the pain and soreness from her body ease away as she closed her eyes. Drifting off in to a sleep , hoping for the sun to just skip this area. She let a soft sigh escape her red lips as she rocked herself back and forth. Her bare back hitting the cold bin, making her shiver a little. Her toes playful moved up and down as she started to hum a small tune to herself to help quicken the sleep she wanted. After five minutes of rocking and humming, she was going no where with it. She settled her body once more and held her legs tighter. Maybe if she started to reminisce about the past , that would make her sleepy. She though she would give it a try, but where to start was the question. Her mind trying to pick out events that made her smile, some that made her wish she had her family again. Finally with much aggravation her face she found one.

It was on an evening, she believed to be a Sunday. It could have been Saturday due to the nasty weather they had that morning. Her father had came home from work that day, bringing his paper work with him. Her mother did nothing and stayed home. A day off was what she guess, or maybe she got fired. Her siblings out and about trying to get their chores done so they could play. She was smart and did her chores before Sunday. She was able to go with her mother to pick out food for tonight's dinner and for the midnight ritual. She was unable to grab the items herself , so she was accompanied by her mother. Everyone stared at them as they picked up each ingredient , marking it off as they went. " 6 candles, a bag of white powder, charcoal, wood, three sets of knives, and lets see...I think we should go with the bigger garbage bags." Rain nodded toward all the items then tugged on her mothers skirt. "Don't forger the sacrifices." The mother had put her things away and hushed her. They were in public and if word had gotten out that they were sacrificing animals, well then they would be in big trouble.

She hushed with a clap of her mouth as it closed. People stared as they walked out of the store and down to the pets mart. Rain squinted her eyes a little when she felt a singe of heat on her shoulder. She groaned as she scooted over more so the sun wouldn't touch her. Turning her head to the side she resumed her dream, smiling at the small arguments her and her mother had. "We need two dogs, two cats, four different kind of snakes, three birds and a ..." Her mother looked about the store as she tapped her chin. "We will also take a turtle." The man was amazed and nodded his head happily. Rain gave him a sorrowful look. If only he knew that these were not for pets. They took the animals wit ha little help from the store owner to put in the car. Driving off Rain was in the front swinging her legs. Patting her knees and moving her head from to and fro. There was no music though but she made some. The thunder in the sky with a little boom from when the car dipped. The pattering from the rain that hit the seal and the tanks when the belt hit against the door.

Her little orchestra ended when she had to get out of the car. She unloaded the animals and put them in a bin big enough for everyone to share. She herself had to put the snakes in her room. Interesting creatures they were. Their eyes could look through anything . They way the moved was so graceful but you can tell they had a bite. She remembered before coming to this town, this place, that they lived in a village. Her native background following her to this day. She had had ate an anaconda, after the ritual was finished. It took four hours to finish just one plate, and she was told to eat more. She was shook from her father when he told her to come on for dinner. With all the earns and talking they did, time had flown by faster than everyone thought. They were already eating dinner, and discussing there day. It turned out that mother was home because her job was under construction. Her eldest sibling got in trouble for hanging with the children who lived farther away from the,. The ones who have money and spend it with out a care in the world. Her father found something neat on the internet but said it was just a good read, nothing to actual get in to.

She had nothing to say, she was only following her mother around. Soon dinner ended and it was about time for the ritual to begin. She was told to set up everything on her own.. She needed to know responsibilities , determination and observation. Last time a candle was out of place, and the ritual ended with everyone being sick. She aligned the candles and made everything perfectly. She stepped back to admire her work before calling everyone down stairs to the basement. Everyone hurried themselves along so they could make it back in time for their program, or their cake in the fridge. Since she made the ritual lay out this time , she got to sit in the middle. She was able to lead them through beginning and end. Their eyes rolling back as their body shook. The raw meat of each animal high in the sky as they spoke in tongue. When the fire went out that was when they ate. Beast in the night feeding. They would stop when the fire flicked back on. By then you should have devoured it , and move on to the next animal.

Before she could continue more in to her dream she was awoken by a cat who rubbed up against her leg. She had opened her eyes to stare at it. It was white with black spots, so what appeared to be him having three legs was just a spotted one. "Hello" The cat purred and rubbed up against it's leg. In her right ear she could hear the hissing sound of the snake that had woke her up before. She turned her head to face it, giving it a warm smile. The snake hissed as it snapped its jaws open and closed. Jerking itself forward to take a bite at the cat. "He has done nothing wrong." The snake quickly looked over toward her with his sharp eyes. Snapping his jaws at her , she did the same. The snake looked away and lunged. His fangs digging into the skin of the cat. Rain grabbed the snake and ripped it away from the Cat. She was no longer back against the bin, but on her knees as she stood between the two like a border. "Enough." She darted eyes toward the snake who seemed to ignore her useless attempts of block his meal. The cat was shivering as it whine out. His paws lifting toward the air as he brought it back down slowly. She quickly looked toward the snake and the patterns it had. Her eyes went wide as she turned back toward the cat.

"Shit...the venom." The cat looked so close to death that it made her break in to tears. She looked around her area, hoping no wondering children would come and look in this area again. She gulped as she closed her eyes. concentrating on the center , her core. Her stomach began to expand and her ears began to merge with her skin. She leaned down toward the cat and began to suck the venom out. Spitting over her shoulder toward the snake who kept retreating when it landed to close. She was almost done when she heard a child call out freak. Her head darted up toward the narrow entrance of the alley way. Her eyes that of a snakes and her skin forming scales. Her nose was not that of a humans and her mouth was becoming wide. A long pink tongue slithered out from the gap of her mouth as she hissed.
~Jean Latvia, Old Farmhouse~

Jean felt her stomach clench in tension, she had never seen someone break in front of her... Broken people were common when she was in that hospital, no prison. But she had never had a grown man actually break down in front of her, it was very stomach turning and she hoped to God he wouldn't cry. But then she saw the setting of his jaw and watched as his face slid into a familiar expression... one she knew very well. She had seen the very same face in the mirror when she heard the government turned their back on her.

She sat down a ways away from him and ran a hand through her hair, closing her eyes and almost not opening them again, exhaustion had really hit her hard. She doubted she'd be able to reason with Howl, and didn't know why she even wanted to...

"Howl please go take a nap, I promise I will keep guard allright? You need your rest... you're not going to get better until you do that," she said, slipping off her boots and pulling her knees tightly to her body.

"I know you're mad, I know you wanna f**k shit up... and I'm not going to try to stop you, in fact I can help with that... but what you need now is sleep," she said firmly.
+Kodiak; Old Farmhouse+

Jean's voice fell on deaf ears, only coming through in muffled breaks. The combination of shock, blood loss, and the actual pain his body experienced had finally taken its toll on him. He lowered his head and his chin rested on his chest as his consciousness slipped in and out. It wasn't quite sleeping, not quite awake. Some dreamstate in between.

His breathing became slow and haggard, broken in places as his body shut down for its needed rest. His mind was on cloud nine, however, lost in a familiar dream of inky blackness. All he could see inside his mind was darkness. Suddenly, eyes would open. Primal, golden-yellow. They burned in the darkness, a beacon. No longer empty, but bright with a new fire, a fire of hatred.

The fire illuminated the rest of the creature slowly, until he came to recognize what he saw. Standing there was the beast that he becomes upon the full moon, and it is grinning a mouth full of jagged and glistening fangs that dripped with crimson blood. It opened its maw and it let forth a howl.

I don't even know who you are... Werewolf!! NO! STAY BACK!! Get... Get away from me! Please God no more...

The voices of his victims echoed in his head, jumbled all together with Jaclyn's words. And then, a gunshot. The side of his head burned. Another gunshot. He felt his whole body heating up as if set aflame. This whole time, those damned eyes were staring at him, before the beast leapt forward and consumed his point-of-view in a flash of fangs. All was darkness again, and sleep fully enveloped his psyche.

~Jean Latvia, Old Farmhouse~

She watched as Howl completely dozed off in front of her, normally her reaction would have been irritation but the fact that she had managed to make someone fall asleep caused her to smile and snort slightly.

"Cute Princess... very cute," she snorted, walking upstairs to get him a blanket from one of the beds and draping it over his huge form. She walked into the kitchen and found something to munch on, not wanting to eat all of Howl's food she made a conscious effort to only eat a little bit before walking back into the main room. She considered locking the door but decided to keep it open for the girl to come in. Everything had happened so fast it was ridiculous.

She glanced back at Howl, who looked completely exhausted and curled up beside him in an attempt to keep her small form warm and watched the door, waiting for the woman to come in. She just wished that he didn't smell like blood, maybe it was a good thing, she didn't want to go and fall asleep on him. And wake up and have him nomming on her like a toy... no none of that, she thought managing another small smile.
Equinox decided it was time to go out when her enhanced hearing picked up some hisses. She decided to travel the alley ways to where she was hearing the noise. She turned into a hawk and flew over the wall and into the alley ways. She navigated through a few turns and ran into a few dead ends a long the way but eventually she landed silently and hid in the shadows of an alley occupied by a child and a woman who looked to be in her mid 20s. The woman didn't look happy and the kid did not look like they were gonna move. She quietly shifted into a wolf and brought herself out of the shadows. She gave a glance to the woman, before grabbing the kid by the scruff of his shirt and dragging him to the end of the alley.

She watched the child run away crying then spun around and stalked towards the woman. As she made her way towards her, she observed her features...scales...snake eyes...her mouth...she wondered if the woman was a shapeshifter. She sat in the shadows near a wall a few feet away from the cat and the snake-like lady and watched with glowing eyes.

~Bandit, Old Farmhouse~

A woman slammed out of the house and ran into the forest. She thought about going after but that clicking kept going on and it was pissing her off. She slowly made her way to the porch of the home. The door was now f*cked up from the woman, what ever she was, barreling through it. She pulled open the broken door and pulled it closed the best she could. Reaching up to place the chain lock on it she turned to the main room of the home. The large man was slumped against the wall. She raised an eyebrow and looked at the woman on the couch. Bandit moved to the far side of the main room and sat on the ground. She looked up at the woman. "I'm sorry if I caused all this..." She paused and thought for a moment. "My name is Bandit." Why do you have to have a f*cked up name? She is going to think you are here to rob them...
~Jean Latvia, Old Farmhouse~

Jean glanced up from her curled position next to Howl and blinked sympathetically at the woman, running a hand through her hair to tug the strands back.

"Actually... that was a little of both of our faults.. not you, me and Howl..." she said, sitting up slightly and shrugging of her leather jacket and tossing it that to the girl.

"Here you look like you might want something to cover yourself..." she chuckled, "The other woman that lived here might have some clothes you can fit..."

"Bandit? Interesting name... my name is Jean, Dogbreath over here... his name is Howl," she said.
Finally, She got down from the tree and then Navraj decided to show himself. He walked out of his hiding spot and showed himself from her. His tail was wagging of course, from the excitement at what he might do to her. He couldn't wait until they make an eye contact. Navraj already thought a couple of things on what he might do, and he just thought of the perfect one.

" So, Enjoying dinner ? " He called out to her as he crossed his arms, his tail moving left and right.
~Bandit, Old Farmhouse~

She looks down at the sheet that was ripped up. It covered her up but it was bloody. There was a rope tied under her breasts to make it fit like a dress and she did have undergarments on. She then looked up with a confused look on her face. "You dont live here?" Bandit asked quietly not knowing if she would wake the man Howl. She then laid the jacket over her legs as she talked to the younger woman.
~Jean Latvia, Old Farmhouse~

Jean watched as the woman put the jacket over her legs, a confused expression crossing her face as she spoke, of course, one gorgeous woman runs out the house and another one runs in. Maybe it was those stupid pee trees, she stood up and smiled at the woman.

"Nope, just got here today. Howl got his dumbass shot in the forest and did nothing to help his wounds, I just stitched him up," she said, "Hold on, let me get you one of Jaclyn's... clothing...articles"

She hopped up and rushed up the stirs, pillaging quietly through the rooms until she returned with an outfit that looked like it might fit the girl and tossed it to her. She walked back down and curled back up next to Howl, she braced herself against his large body, confident he wouldn't wake up and watched the woman.

"So... something in your brain told you to come here?" she asked.
Kalladen City ; the Lower Dstrict

Rain looked toward her with narrowed eyes. She hissed a bit moving toward her slowly. Unlike the average snake, because of her built she was bigger than the original black snake that lied in the other end of the corner. "Who are youuu." She let her tongue slid out from the gap, hissing as it moved up and down then back in. She slithered more closer to her know raising the front part of her body off the ground. Her head was wide so she had to title it so it didn't seem to big. "Sssssspy, or are you part of the ssssservice....another ssssshape sssssshifter maybe."
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~Bandit, Old Farmhouse~

She stood and tossed the younger girl her jacket back. She held up her finger and disappeared around the corner. Bandit came back in shorts and a button up shirt. She pulls at the tight shirt and raises an eyebrow. She then sits on the ground again, across from Howl and Jean. Bandit then nodded her head. "Yes, something told me to come here. Something clicked and my legs brought me here... to him." She motioned to the large man who was slumped against the wall, out cold.
~Jean Latvia, Old Farmhouse~

Jean caught her jacket and slipped it on, zipping and unzipping it repeatedly until she finally shoved her fidgeting hands underneath her thighs and trying to sort through what Bandit was saying. Why the hell would her brain tell her to seek him out?

"Your brain tells you to seek out distraught werewolves?" she asked, unable to look at Howl's face, which was weary and worn even while he "slept", she pulled the blanket up further over him and leaned back against him, watching the woman intently.
~Bandit, Old Farmhouse~

Bandit's eyes laid on the man. He looked like he was in pain and it begin to hurt her. She shook her head and looked back to Jean. "Uhh... Yea, I'm also a Werewolf... I heard rumors that we travel in packs and you dont chose your packs... The packs just.... Form?" She thought for a moment and looked back at Howl. "When I first got here I had the urge to... errr.... Change? It hurt to hold it back. Plus half of me wanted to attack him..." This was the most Bandit has spoke in a while. She shivered some.
Pashmina nearly choked when she heard the voice behind her. She whirled around quil ly and grabbed her rifle and quickly slapped on her cap. She laughed when she saw her intruder's appearance "What a cute costume! Are you getting ready for Furry-Con or something?" She asked sarcastically and snorted "How'd you get your tail to work though?" Pashmina's eyes focuse on the swaying tail "I'm gonna go ahead and say you're not going to Furry-Con..." She said on further observation noticing this tail was real. "Don't hurt me or anything then!" She had heard about the demons having tails and knew they were quite powerful and could mess with your head. She chuckled nervously "Bird?" She asked pointing to the remaining part of the breast.
~Jean Latvia, Old Farmhouse~

Jean sighed and ran a hand through her hair and pinched the bridge of her nose, great more weird werewolf and vampire crap, exactly what was needed right now. She once again began sorting through the babble that was coming out out of Bandit's mouth, rumors? Who the hell has rumors about a disease effect? She ignored the stupidity of the situation and nodded.

"Sounds like a bunch of werewolf problems... I guess you'll have to wait until Howl wakes up so you can settle this... he's a little... upset... as you can see," she said gesturing to Howl.
He raised his eyebrows as he was asked about Furry Con. He wasn't such a big fan of Furries and never will be. Navraj then realized that she didn't look at his eyes, meaning that couldn't enter her mind. Not yet. He walked towards her and sat down as his tail lifted itself upwards and slowly wagged left and right. He took the said bird and took a bite, ripping of a large chunk of it before setting it down.

" Don't worry, I don't hurt fellow cursed ones " He assured her. Well, he doesn't plan to hurt her until he can read her mind about her. If someone doesn't tell him their past, Might as well see for himself.
~Bandit, Old Farmhouse~

The older woman looked up to the girl with a glare. Her anger rose some and she tried to calm herself. She looked at Howl. "Would it be okay if I see his wound?" She asked Jean. Bandit stood up and walked over to Howl. she crouched down and begin to look him over. The bandage was good and tight but he was still bleeding bad. "You should have packed the wound... The stitches need to be taken out."
Pashmina let out a breath she had been holding in. She took off her cap and set her rifle down. She walked up and say next to the strange demon "What brings you here?" She asked. There hasn't been too many people here and none stopped for very long. "I've been here for about an hour or so" she told him "Probably wait until dawn to leave. There are tons of people waiting to kill you out there at any moment. Good thing I have my rifle." She pointed to the rifle she had set against the cave wall. "I suppose since you're a demon you'd like to look into my eyes?" She asked looking at his mouth which was eating the bird he had cooked.

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