Blood Curse {Actual RP 2nd Edition}

~Bandit, Old Farmhouse~

Dropping the scissors she spun around and glared at Blaze "What the hell are you doing here!" she shouted at him. A growl emitted from her throat as she clenched her fists, calming herself. She ignored Blaze, seeing Jean was taking care of him and went back to work on Howl. "Listen, you are going to have to drink some because this is going to hurt like a b*tch and you will be angry at me and I dont need you snapping my neck." She weakly smiled to the fellow wolf.
+Howl; Old Farmhouse+

"Oh, by the Gods. I don't have a single drop in me and I already feel like I've got a hangover. Could you use the inside voices?" Howl would carry on, stepping away from Bandit for a second as he went to the fridge. He opened it up, producing a few packs of Coronas and some Barcelo, placing them on the table.

He would turn for a moment to give Blaze one of those, 'I will consume your innards' glares as another warning before plopping down in the chair. He had already started on a shitty day and the prospect of mauling someone became more appealing by the second. He grabbed one of the longnecks and hooked the cap on the edge of the table, bringing the flat of his palm down on the top.

With a clack of the metal and the hiss of a fresh beer opening up, the beer cap flew up into the air, bent at a perfect 90 degree angle before it fell upon the same table with a ring, spinning on its edge for several seconds before laying down flat. He pounded back the brew and cleared a quarter of it before he set it down, licking his chops. Truth be told, he had no idea how he was going to react after he got a few in him, all things considered.
~Bandit, Old Farmhouse~

She'd slightly smile and take the beer out of his hands. She takes a swig and places it back where it was. "Ready?" She grabbed a kitchen towel eariler not caring what he thought and placed it over half the wound. She then places her hand on the towel, lightly, and held the scissors tightly in the other hand. Bringing the scissors up she snipped one of the stitches and gently pulled it out. She threw it on the table and kept going.

By the last stitch Bandit could see into the wound and it needed major cleaning. Her long k-9 bit her lip as she sighed. "Im going to have to pour some booze on the wound." She pulled out some gauze and looked at Howl. "Do you have any whiskey?"
~Jean Latvia, Old Farmhouse~

Jean walked over to the table and looked at the beer longingly, forcing herself to sit on the counter instead, she swung her legs and kept an eye on Blaze, keeping her eyes focused on his with a heavy glare. She had no idea why he was here, even Bandit didn't seem to want to speak to him, and that had to say something about him.

Unfortunately if a fight broke lose she would be semi-useless unless she got some sleep soon, she also considered dragging him into the other room. But she didn't fully trust Bandit over there, nor did she think her story was that believable. Muttering she slipped her boots off again and brought her knees to her chest.
+Howl; Old Farmhouse+

He would pout a moment when his beer was the victim of thievery, taking it back once Bandit was finished with it and had himself another swig. After savoring its taste, he'd answer her again. "Yeah, in the crisper. There's rum here too," He would jab his thumb at the Barcelo.

Howl caught Jean's longing gaze and shook his head, taking a fresh brew and tossing it her way. "Drinking alone is boring. Help yourself," He'd grunt and go back to his own. It wasn't long before he had it drained, grimacing only a little as the stitches were tucked out one by one. By the time she'd gotten most of it, he was already working on the second.
~Bandit, Old Farmhouse~

She made her way to the crisper and pulled out the whiskey. Waking back to Howl she glanced Jean's way, giving her a glare. She then turned to Howl and opened the bottle. "This is gonna be a b*tch." She held the towel under the wound and poured the whiskey on and in the wound. Taking gauze she cleaned out the wound being as easy as she could. She then gently places gauze over the wound and wraps him up. "It needs to be cleaned once more in about 8 hours before it can be stitched again."
~Jean Latvia, Old Farmhouse~

Jean caught the beer that was tossed to her, rather hard too, she fumbled barely managing to catch it, she played a lot of sports but football was not one of them.

"God damn Dogbreath, watch where you're throwing shit, Jesus Christ, I almost lost a tit," she spat, wasting no time opening the beer and taking a sip, she stuck her tongue out, this was definitely not the kind she was used to, but beer was beer, "How'd you know I wanted it?" she asked.

She took another sip and made a sour face as a result, setting the beer down beside her, she would drink it later, as her eyes traveled back to Bandit tending to Howl, she decided later was now and quickly downed the rest of the beer, all thoughts of being a lady were lost, she chuckled inwardly as she licked her lips, tucking her knees to her chest again.

The sound of an axe splitting through wood echoed through the trees, followed by a grunt of satisfaction as Marcus McConnell set the last piece of lumber onto a sizable pile. Setting the axe down next to it, he grabbed a few choice pieces and took them inside for the fireplace, large form never stopping for long. There were things to be done and he'd be damned if they didn't get finished.

Going to the back bedroom of the home, the man quickly cleaned his hands and changed into more comfortable clothing, things that would allow easier movement. He'd have to watch the wind carrying his scent, but such things had become second nature to him since he'd changed. Giving a huff at the thought, he gathered what little gear he needed and made his way back toward the front room, making a mental note to check on the various plants and vegetables in the garden once he got back.

Heading out of the cabin once again, the giant made a line straight for a thicker section of the forest, sniffing the air here and there to breathe in both the smells of the trees around him and the scent of a deer that roamed the area. Giving a bit of a sigh, the male made his way through the brush with surprising agility, boots finding just the right areas to step to minimize his noise. He was a hunter through and through, never minding doing what had to be done, but a part of him did miss going to the surrounding towns weekly for supplies. Shaking away the thought as he ran a hand through his long hair, he continued on, hands stretching open and closed for a second as he got closer to the creature he hunted.
Rain chuckled a bit as the saliva dried and made her skin glisten for a little. "ehehe it's, sort of , yea. it's worse though when I change in to the other form of snake I have. At first I scared the crap out of this one girl. The size of the thing was a killer though. " She stood up brushing off her clothes. She clapped her hands, the cat rubbing against her legs as it purred. "I am more of a ground person than anything. " She looked back and waved her hand toward the black snake that rested in the corner of the alley." Come on." The snake slithered out with a hiss sound. She held out her palm for it to climb up then wrap around her arm. "They are such soft fragile creatures...yet deadly with just a drop from their venom. " She looked back toward the girl and smiled, "The man in the church brings food everyday ,and it's fresh. Half of my family is there." When she had meant family she meant the snakes that were drawn to her.

"so I assume your next form is a bird, right. " She walked out toward the sunlight, the sun beating down on her skin. She didn't mind but she didn't like how bright it was. "We can talk while walking there, it probably isn't safe to just stay here. The boy could have told someone."
Jaclyn had been hiding through the forest, her eyes seemed nearly almost completely black as her pupils grew large. There was a deer she had been hunting down and even thought she felt the presence of another. Food was her main priority. She panted softly staring out as the young doe was away from its others, alone. A feeling she felt most in tune with these days.


The sound echoed as a twig snapped beneath her feet, the doe obviously heard as it took of running; Jaclyn was too fast though. Tackling it down to struggled in a end result of her merely snapping its neck as her fangs pieced the flesh. The crimson warm liquid made her eyes nearly roll to the back of her head in satisfaction. gulping down ever last bit her face was covered in the gooey substance just like before back with Ho-..That man.

moments passed and she was done, the poor creature was utterly drained, her fingertips smothered over its fur." I'm sorry." She whispered softly.
Blaze could see he was not welcomed here. He feared prosecution, so he simply took a few steps back and watched the events take place in front of him. He was unsure if he should just leave, or stay and try to make friends. A few allies wouldn't be a bad idea, especially since the ranks of the Magnus where growing. The very group he wished to overthrow.

With a hesitant sigh, he looks to Jean, who seemed the most upset by his presence. He gave her a slight reassuring smile. "I promise I am not here to harm anyone, I was simply following Bandit. I thought I startled her back in the cave and I wanted to apologize. I had no idea she would have company since she was alone when I met her.". With caution, he takes a few steps forward "Is there anything I can do to help?".
" assignment, huh?" Alan stretched, cracking his neck. "Sorry, boss, you know I don't do this cleansing thing well. I'm an informant, not a killer. Not toys for me. This guy, though..." Alan's arm came around and smacked the back of the soldier that had accompanied him into the room, sending him stumbling forwards. "Strong arms, ready to fight, fresh meat right off the military. Ain't that right? I won't, however, be slacking out. I'll probabky be doing..." Alan flicked out his balisong, played with it for a while, the metal clicking between his dextrous fingers as the blade and the hilt soun around his fingers without drawing blood, " own investigations. Pardone, monsieur."

"I....uh...I oblige. " The soldier answered, unsure of what a good response to this might be. After all, he did have his own....defects, some among which that none of his colleagues even knew of. For one, he was a she. For two, he was part of the infected crowd, barely scraping through when she was drafted into the Magnus Force. The soldier rubbed the back of her helmet and adjusted the scarf around her neck, a keepsake from her days in the military, before she was transferred into the Magnus Force and given her armor, and turned to look at Alan-Nietzsche, who had taken out his phone once more and punched in some numbers. This time, it seemed that his wife had picked up the phone, as he started excitedly talking over the line. The ex-detective waved to the soldier and exited the room with a cheery wave to Valen, leaving the soldier in an awkward silence with the man in charge of the anti-infected campaign.

The soldier coughed. "Sir. As Nietzsche has offered, I would be proud to be part of this mission." She tilted her head and her upper torso slightly, the scarf touching the floor as she did, before straightening up. A finger pulled at the scarf, loosening it slightly, as she waited for Commander Valen's further instructions.
Equinox smirked "Yeah...A hawk...I killed it for food and just tried eating it uncooked and poof. Here I am able to be a bird..." She laughed and followed Rain. She didn't know why but being with someone of her own species made her comfortable. She probably would have met more if she came out of the basement more.

"My bird form allows me to go to the forest around the city though so its helpful...You probably think I'm stupid for not leaving but I'm waiting for all these citizens to rise up against the soldiers. It's bound to happen sometime..." She whispered to Rain looking around at all the people. It made her nervous, to be in near so many people. Equinox got over it though, considering she could probably put up a good fight if she needed to.
"Oh interesting. I can only form in to two snakes and a wolf. I don't like the wolf form because when I shed, its looks more weird than the snake I think." She picked up the kitty and held it n her hands with a smile. She looked around the area they were in and nodded her head. "I am sure a riot would happen but look at them." Her brow dented as she looked around them. " They are scared, If they were going to start I a riot....they would need a motivation to start the fire...if they don't have that. They will still coward under their rule." Two more cats came trotting over as the mewed. The cat lifted up its paw and then put it down. The cats mewed and started to walk beside them. Their tails high in the air as they mewed.

Rain giggled a bit as she pointe toward the old church. the side of it was covered from the trees by the forest. "There it is, the church. It has four rooms in the back. You can use one. There is a kid that lives there, he is human but he is not afraid of." The cat in her arms jumped out and ran down the small padded street. The other cats following. The snake on her arm slithered up more and around toward her other shoulder. The snake looked at the girl then lowered it's head. "He wants you to pet him." Rain looked toward Equinox and nodded her head. "He wont hurt you."
Blaze could see that he was clearly not welcomed. Without waiting for an answer, he nods to Bandit then leaves the farm house. He shoves his hands in his pockets and begins to stroll off into the forest. He had no real direction, no real destination. He thought about going back to his apartment in the city. The place he lived before he was infected. But he then remembers that Leeah might possibly still be there.

He started to wonder aimlessly through the forest, playing music on his pan flute and humming a tune to himself and the woodland creatures around him. He soon heard sounds that didn't seem normal for the animals that made this forest home. He carefully crept up through the brush. The sight that fell in front of him was a strange one.

A young girl was bent down, draining the blood from a deer, face covered in blood. A small smile formed in the corner of his mouth. He approached the hunched over girl with a walk of confidence. "This is not a sight I see everyday. Having a little lunch, are you?".
Jaclyn gasped as she turned at the unfamiliar voice, specks of meat as she had torn into the flesh of the deer lingered on her mouth. She quickly wiped it away. After having not fed for so long this was mere like a treat before the main course." W-Who's there..." She was staring right at him but of course her being blind she didn't actually see him. Her chest rose and fell before she clenched her head, the hunger was only growing stronger and stronger now that she had actually tasted blood again.

A feeling she most often leveled with the same as being taken by a spirit or completely loosing yourself to another person. Her body bent over as she winced in pain."P-Please! Go away, you shouldn't be here! Your in d-danger!" She warned as that overwhelming feeling bubbled up again. Her normal pale seafoam green hues began to fade as her pupils grew, a sharp pain shooting through her body.
Equinox looks at the snake hesitant to pet it at first, but she does after a second with two of her fingers. She smiles a bit and speaks up. "Sorry if he can tell I'm scared of snakes...I've been close to death several times in my life by snakes and their venom." She looks back at Rain and towards the Church. "I have a place myself...a basement where I study, live, practice and store my..." Equinox whispers and pauses in mid sentence "...loot and food. I don't steal from poor people, don't get me wrong, I only steal from the ones who have the wealth or use us. Anyway I can turn into a tiger, panther, wolf and the hawk. That's all so far..." She whispers her body tensing up as she looks around for soldiers and nearby citizens who may have overheard her.

"...anyway...if the citizens don't have the guts to do it, I'll end up leaving her or convincing them myself..." She whispers and look seriously at the church.
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~Blaze, Deep in Forest~

Blaze let out a slight chuckle. He was amused that she would think she was a danger to him. He was extremely confident in his own ability's and doubted a mere vampire could do him in. " danger? I believe you are severely mistaken miss. Besides...." he walks up closer to her, until only the lifeless deer was between them. He could see the crimson blood covering the animal, making it almost unidentifiable. "I believe you are the one in danger of me. My blood sure is tempting though, isn't it?". At this point he was toying with her, knowing his blood was poisonous.
Her body convulsed as the thought of blood entered her mind more and more." Stop it....Stop it.." She pleaded holding her bloody hands over her ears. It was like a shark to blood or a hungry lion. Once the blood lust hit it was all there was too it. Now, Jaclyn herself had no idea what was to happen as she mentally blacked out allowing the virus to take over.

Her face lifted slowly as he stared nearly through him before her tongue trembled coming from her mouth to lick off the blood and within a moment she had tackled the man down letting out an cannibalistic growl.
Blaze was shocked as he was suddenly pinned to the ground. A mischievous smile formed on his face. He didn't think this girl would have been so easy to manipulate. "Oh, we have a feisty one here....I like it.". He wiggles his fingers from under her, pulling in long strands of shadows. He twists the shadows into two ropes, wrapping them around the woman's wrist, and uses them to lift her up slightly.

He then forms more shadows into a small dagger and uses it to make a tiny cut on his neck. He laughs at the girl "Smells good, doesn't it? Right here for the taking, fresh....warm....blood. What irony it would be." another laugh escapes him as the blood begins to trickle on his neck.
She grunted as her wrist twisted and turn to get away from the shadows, it was so much so they became bloody from the rubbing and the substance tearing into her wrist. Her head fell limp for a moment as she took the scent in, her hair covered her eyes as she let out a slight hiss before her knee slammed into her hip bone, taking her opportunity she freed one hand before twisting with all the force a vampire had at his own wrist.

The other taking hold of his neck, that large grin spreading from ear to ear. Her eyes were completely hidden under the tangled blood stained locks of hair.
She smiled a little when the snake retreated to her other shoulder. "... The old man feeds me,but when he cant I find my way around the forest pretty well." The snake hissed as he crawled on to her head. "I know but if you would want to sleep over you can, being around someone like me ...well I just feel safe and secure you know. I have always been on edge when this happened to me, and others look at me as if I am gross ." The snake slithered on the top then stood up to look around. "No need to be afraid of snakes, at least not with me. They wont hurt you but be careful not to step on them. " She pointed toward one that was coming for her. "They don't like to be startled, and stepping on them is bad." She stopped so the snake could slither on to her shoe then up her leg. "They love me ahah."

She waved toward a little boy who was running around. "All aren't so bad, he thinks I just like snakes. A part of me wants him to keep thinking that." The snake hissed toward the other as it began to climb up her leg. "I can form in to a Bowa snake an anaconda, and a wolf. it sounds contradicting right, but I like the two snakes. I rarely change in to the wolf form. More painful then the other two, however on the anaconda one I tend to stretch. "
Blaze groaned as he felt the knee grind into his hip. He closes his eyes momentarily gaining his composure. One of his hands grabs for her wrist that is around his neck, and the other one reaches up, brushing the hair out her face. He notices something peculiar about her eyes. There was a vacant stare. She was looking at him, but at the same time, not seeing him. "Go ahead. Drink." he states to her "But I guarantee it will be a slow painful death.".
Her eyes widened at the touch it felt just like... She panted more and more. Her mind was there and she heard the words but she had no control. Her lips reached down to bite his neck. The blood ran down his neck as she bit, but it wasn't his blood it was her own. She had bitten her bottom lip much like before with Howl. Her grip kept going from tighter to loose. Applying more force to his neck the ground indented beneath them. Jaclyn's forehead touched the ground as she closed her eyes, trying to calm herself. It was almost over...The feeling was leaving..." I'm so sorry.." She whispered lightly, her voice was choked and graveling, almost to soft to even be audible.
"Shit!" it was the only thing Blaze could mutter as she went for his neck. The force this woman held was incredible. More strength than any one woman should hold. He felt as if she was crushing him. He could feel and hear his ribs cracking. He screamed out from the pain. She was so intense, so strong. As she finally calms and collapses, Blaze wraps his arms around her and rolls her over so she is no longer on top of him. He then tries to sit up, but a searing pain shoots through his ribs, and he collapses back down. "You didn't get any of my blood did you?" he asks through panting breaths.

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