Blood Curse {Actual RP 2nd Edition}

~Leeah, Dingy Bar~

Leeah was about to follow the stranger out of the bar, when the speakers screeched on. She listened to the announcement with a mixture of excitement and sorrow. There was a cure. There was a chance at a normal life here in Kalladen. But...that cure also meant that she would still be alive. She would still deal with the pain of her decisions. Would Blaze seek the cure? Would this mean they could be together again? Would he ever forgive her for acting in fear? No, Blaze was to proud. She was doomed to live with the choices she made. Suddenly.....


A gun shot? Leeah jumped at the sound. She could here shouting, screaming. Something was happening. She rushes out the door leaving the stranger behind. People where running, human and Vomica alike, all towards Magnus Central. Leeah got caught up in the rush of people and was dragged along. She ended up right in front of the post, just in time to hear a man shout "Today...will be a day painted in my family's blood. This is for you, Yuna! Michael!".

Quickly she weaves through the crowd. This was her chance. It was time to face her destiny. She was ready to greet death with open arms. She makes her way to the man who was shouting, spilling blood. She stands up right in front of him. "Please..." she begs. She pulls down the top of her shirt slightly to reveal a crescent moon imprinted on her collar bone. Tears are rolling down her eyes. "Please, do it. Kill me. I am ready to die.".
~Valen Helsinger, out on the streets of Kalladen~

Valen twisted around and leveled both of his pistols at a girl who had approached him, and he hesitated in shooting her. The other Soldiers ran around him, leaving him to the woman while they continued chasing the rioters. Valen looked at her in confusion, before she whispered; "Please...", and lowered her shirt to reveal a crescent moon tattoo. Vampire! Valen thought urgently as he laid his fingers on the trigger. However...what she vampire girl said next shocked him profoundly.

"Please, do it. Kill me. I am ready to die." Valen's eyes widened at the bizarre words that came out of her mouth, and his muscles froze up. This was not right. He had never met one of these creatures that wanted to die. It felt as though a hammer had struck Valen's chest, driving the air from his lungs. His hands shook as he stared at the helpless woman, and he nearly lost his grip on the weapons. His hazel eyes stared into hers, and he did nothing for several seconds. This cannot be right. This woman is fooling me, she cannot be serious! Suddenly, his breath stiffened and his eyes dilated.

Standing there, in the woman's place, was his wife's smiling face. The world around him changed into one of the small meadows right outside Kalladen...the place he had proposed to her. The image was soon replaced by her face being bloodied and her eyes staring blankly in a torn up living room, her eyes looked to be accusing him for what happened. The split-second visions faded, and he found himself in Kalladen once again, with the vampire girl standing in front of him. Gritting his teeth, he could barely feel the tears falling down his cheeks as he whispered in a breaking voice; "Forgive me..." Without another word, he pulled the trigger on the girl, aiming for her moon-shaped tattoo.

~Blaze, Cabin/Magnus Center~

Blaze carefully sits up on the couch where the bear had put him. He notices the pain in his ribs is beginning to subside. He tests the waters, and tries to stand. The pain sears through, but is tolerable. He limps over to Jaclyn and grabs her hand. He gently leads her over to the couch and pulls her down next to him. "I want you to stay by my side." he whispers to her.

The makeshift wrap around his ribs was nearly completely unraveled. With a few small groans, he takes off the cloth, and his own shirt. He begins ripping his shirt into strands and wraps them tightly around his bare chest. He knew he needed better medical attention, but it had to work for now. He feels his neck where Jaclyn nearly strangled him. The small cut had scabs over, but there was now a distinctive hand-shaped bruise around his throat. As he ties the last strand of clothes around his ribs, he hears the announcement boom through the air.

"A cure!?" he huffs. "There is nothing to be cured! We are not diseased. We are Vomica. We are stronger than they are. We have more power then they do. Why do they insist on destroying us?". Anger boiled within him. Adrenaline began pumping through his veins. Without thinking of the pain, he stands straight up. "That's it. I am going down to the Magnus Center and show them who we really are. You two are welcome to come with me if you aren't afraid to shed some blood.". Without waiting to see if they would follow, he rushes out the door and down through the forest.

When he makes it into town, he finds a riot has already erupted. He smiles, feeling quite proud that he isn't the only Vomica that feel this way. He makes his way through the crowd, searching for any human scum he can destroy. As he gets to the center of the riot, the scene laid in front of him stops him in his tracks. He looks down to see Leeah, the girl he once loved, lying in a pool of her own blood. She is still breathing, barely. Each gasp for air is choked by blood. He kneels down beside her scooping her into his arms. She looks up to him with a smile, blood pouring from the corners of her mouth. He has no words to say. Part of him hated her, or hated what she had done to him. "I will always love you." she manages to choke out the words, before dying in his arms.

For the first time since he had been imprisoned, a solitary tear rolls down Blaze's face. Any shred of humanity he still held in side of him, was torn away with her last breath. He closes her eyes with his hand and looks up. He sees a man standing in front of them with a with a smoking gun. He recognized him immediately. It was the Magnus Soldier who executed Vomica like it was a game, right in the middle of the city streets in everyone's view. Just like he done now to his Leeah. "You..." he looks at the man with a glare of anger and hatred. "You did this to her you filthy Magnus scum! You will pay for this!" he drops Leeah to the ground and leaps at him, thirsting for vengeance. 
((Val, please please please done kill Blaze. You can kick his ass just don't kill him xD ))
There was a twang of a twine from a crossbow, and a silver bolt whizzed past the infected's face, scratching his face slightly and impaling another infected behind him through the neck. Clutching at the silver bolt, the infected, a lycan, gave its last jagged breaths as blood filled his airway and collapsed onto the ground. Without breaking a stride, The Soldier slung the crossbow around his/her armored body, marched forwards and drew back a fist, before lunging at Blaze with a punch. There was no need to hesitate, no need to think about what her actions may entail. She was a soldier, one drafted by the Magnus to wipe the world clean of the infected monsters. There was only one path for the Soldier, and that was to follow the words of his master. Pity, though. The Soldier had found the girl to be really pretty. It could have, she could have actually twisted the unfeeling heart of the militant around had she survived.

But that matter was gone by now, the bullet fired, a shot wasted on such scum and the opportunity to turn the head of the Malato dead as the girl that held the hope of all that could have been. The Soldier's free hand reached behind her, gripping one of the self-carved wooden stakes holstered on her belt and pulled it out with a jerk. Whether her punch was blocked, dodged or received, she'd go in for the kill, a spin of the stake, a rearing of the arm and a slam down onto the heart of the damned man that stood in front of her, to end the hopeless light that stayed in the eyes of the man, a hope to take revenge for his kind, to win this one-sided war. Foolish.
+Howl; Old Farmhouse+

He hovered for several moments in the living room, golden eyes resting on Jean's sleeping form. Many thoughts rushed back and forth in his mind, but he was soon pulled from his thoughts when he heard the faint call of an announcement from Kalladen, calling out to all Vomica that a cure had been achieved. He shook his head; Of course he didn't believe any of that bullshit.

Howl moved to where Jean was resting in the quilts that he had previously slumbered under. He knelt down next to her, and reached out to touch her delicate face with traces from his fingertips, considering a great deal of things. And whether or not to wake her, as she'd asked. Howl exhaled quietly and straightened his knees to stand, walking to the door and stepping outside next to Bandit.

"Wake Jean after some time has passed. And don't follow me. I have something I need to do... on my own." The chill from the air was chewing on his bare upper body but it was mostly negated by the great deal of fur-like hair that covered his extremities. He'd take the cigarette from her lips, and take a drag off it before handing it back to Bandit, tendrils of smoke coiling up out of his nose and around his head before he started to walk for the treeline.

He hadn't gone far when the reverberations of gunshots filled the air with a sickening symphony. When Howl reached the treeline, he took off at a dead run and put the farmhouse behind him.

+James; Street outside Dingy Bar, Kalladen+

James didn't even try to stop the girl as she rushed out. He watched the massacre from the sidelines, having started up on another cigarette, lips wrapped around the cancer stick needily. The gunshots ached in his ears with a dull whine and he shook his head as he turned to leave from the central plaza.

It was now or never. He needed to make his way back to the base of operations. The Magnus Army took the offensive and moved first. Now it was time for the Humans For Vomica Front to answer the bloodbath by seeking a way to pierce the iron cocoon that encapsulated Kalladen. With a way out of the city, and hopefully in the first hours of the confusion, many of the Vomica could escape outside the limits and join with the Atrum for their revenge, if most of them weren't killed.

And he could finally see his older brother, Kodiak. To give him a hug and a firm handshake. The handshake of, 'Hey, how are you? Not seen you around in 30 odd years!' A smile, as rare as they were, graced his thin lips for the first time in a long time.
Rain -Old church with Equinox and Old man

Rain looked around the church in confusion . She felt something was off. A cure for such a disease. The snakes that were all huddled around in the corner of the building, where it was damp and warm came slithering over. They hissed along with the cat that seemed to have made friends with most of them. She looked around the room as they all crawled up on her legs. "They don't like it." She petted one snake that had reached her shoulder faster than the others. The old man frowned a little as he went to go take a seat by the alter. "What will you do, you like it here don't you. you don't have to leave." She looked over toward him and sighed. "True even If I do leave I am to ...out there. They way I dress and the markings on me, I would be caught easily."

She took a seat in one of the benches closes to the alter. " I think we should think about this before rushing in to this." The old man nodded his head as he moved his hand toward an open bench for the young girl known as Equinox. The snakes all slithered away on to the seat she was in, trying to fill it in so she had no where to sit. Rain glared and shooed them away, only for them to just gather around her legs. "I mean...even if we do go , we will be treated badly." She shook her head as the announcement played over and over in her head. "I just cant...see this , I mean it is a 50 50 chance that its is true and that is a lie. But when you out in the fact about us being percicuted if we don't go...this sounds so." She frowned more than she did when she was standing.

The old man held his chest and coughed a little. "Rain if you don't want to go then don't, no one is forcing you to make a choice." Rain shook her head no. "We are being forced, before you know it they will come raid homes and churches and other abandon buildings just to kill us all....its as if were are being gathered up for slaughter. Bringing us all in to one place just to kill us. I don't trust this antidote, this cure." The old man frowned as he looked toward Equinox. "You are thinking to hard Rain, it is a simple choice to go or to not. Wait or to meet your faith. God has set a trial for you that you must over come. How can you complete this trial when your doubting God's path that he is laying out for you." Rain glared as she growled , more of a hiss from the pit of her stomach. "God is sending me out to die."

The old man looked scared for a moment, before Rain calmed down. "You said when I met you that this was just a gift from God, which God." The old man gave her a confused look. "There is only one God Rain," Rain chocked a little as she looked toward the door. "I will show you that this God you speak of is sending me down the path of damnation. If I do not return consider me dead." She got up from the bench and stormed out of the church. Her head low as the beads from her hair dangled and clanked against another. The snakes all followed, along with the cat that left last. The church went silent as the old man looked toward Equinox. "What will you do." He said with a sad tone in his voice. He looked back toward the door. "Ra...rain."
Marcus began to pace around anxiously. The message about the cure and the feeling something was amiss washed through his form much like the 'infection' that he'd been changed by. He could only imagine what was going on in the city. Not only would the infected be rushing to get cured, but there would obviously be those in wait, government or not, to kill them as they arrived. Giving a small shudder, he snapped back to reality as many things happened in the large cabin's smaller front room.

First, the Vampir--Jaclyn had called him kind. He snorted what almost sounded like a chuckle, but before he could say a word, he was interrupted by the male whispering Jaclyn toward him. As the other re-did his makeshift bindings with his own clothing, the giant moved to gather some possible medical supplies. Before he could even return, however, the other had reacted poorly to the news of a cure. There was the sound of scuffling, running and the door bursting open. Coming back to the main room, Marcus was speechless, looking toward the girl when he smelled another.

"Wait," he growled, moving her behind his larger form and stalking toward the open door. When he moved through it's frame, however, he was not greeted with the sight of an attacker. Instead there was an elf woman, lying in the mud and reaching for the door. She looked to be not only crying, but out of sorts and quite generally broken up over everything. "How does this always happen to me?" he grumbled, but moved forward quickly and picked her up, carrying her out of the still-pouring rain and into the cabin, the door being kicked shut behind him.

After he'd set her down and gone to grab both blankets and towels, he looked toward the door once again and voiced his disapproval toward the Vampir. "I know ya' probably wanna' go after him, but you shouldn't. It's gonna' be a death sentence out there with all this cure bullshit - and that's exactly what it is. Bullshit. Call me paranoid, but they're tryin' to draw us out. That guy-friend a'yours just fell for it. The condition he's in? Christ."

Stopping his lecturing for just a few minutes, he turned toward the Elf female again. "And you... how the hell do people keep findin' me an' this place?" he scowled in frustration, then put a hand to his head and sighed. He was quiet for a moment, calming down before addressing her again, his voice softening as he handed her one of the large towels he'd brought. "You alright?" It was the best he could manage for any sort of caring these days and it'd have to do. "The hell were you doin' out there, anyway?"
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Blaze words ran through her mind as well as the man that had helped her before. Her fist balled onto her chest before she stood up." I have to try.." She gave a bow in his direction." I'm the reason for his current condition, his death would be my fault and I cannot allow that. I pray you understand my position and try not to stop me. This cure or not...I fear for an uprising. No one, nor human nor infected will be safe in this blood bath." Jaclyn felt very uneasy and even if she couldn't see, her senses were in tuned enough to follow Blazes scent. If the man decided to attempt to stop her she couldn't change his mind but she could escape if need be.
~Chris, at the Magnus Central Command in Kalladen~

Standing at attention in one of the many rooms that were in central command was Chris. Her feet where together as her hands where held behind her back. She stood up tall and the look of determination planted on her face. Her hair was tied up in to a tight high pony tail due to regulations that she was nearly failing at. They didn't like loose hair, the preferred buns or short bob like cuts. This was a request however, and this request was accepted. The rest of her attire was marked as ok, not great but ok. Chris wore black baggy pants. Each side has 3 pockets that are sealed with metal clasp. The bottom of the pants are wide so they come over half of her shoes. She wears the classing combat army boots that are tied three times and shoved on the right side of the boots. She wears a silver chain on both left and right of her belt loops. The top part of her pants are fitted toward her waist, to show of some of her lower body figure. She sports a shirt that has a high collar , which tucks in the back part of her hair.

The top is a low v neck which exposes most of her chest. She wears a black bra but it covered by the shirt. The shirt comes down to stop at the beginning of her pants and is designed with white roses around the bottom. She wears black open fingered gloves except the thumb which is covered. She has several tattoos that combine in to one of her left shoulder and up to her neck. She sports a high pony tail, leaving some bangs to hang down in front of her face. She has dark brown ,that could be mistaken for black messy hair. She wears a dull red lipstick , that is close to being a brow. Her eyes are hazel brown. They are always narrowed, and hardly ever opened all the way. These were not standard issues clothes but like before she made a request.

She was called there for a specific thing , and event they were holding for the infected. When the general began to speak she nearly chocked at the word cure. She knew very well there was no cure. Once that event happened down at the hospital, there was no ounce of attempt to even create one. You had two choices, either get shot or hide you ass off real well. He looked toward her and said her name with such fierce as if she had gotten in trouble. "CHRIS." She was pulled from her thoughts about what she wanted for dinner and said in a loud voice ."YES COMANDER." He stared at her right in to her eye before looking away. "You will be helping out with this, when they come and they will...silence them." Chris fell quiet as she looked away. The plain was horrible , and just gathering them , getting their hopes up.

"Do you understand?" "YES SIRE." He nodded his head and shooed her away. "dismissed." She nodded her head and quickly left the office. Her throat was burning and the thought of killing them all put a horrible strain on her mind. She was like them, just like them. After she joined Magnus it appeared . It was dormant for awhile but it came. She slammed her fist against the wall as she coughed out. She needed blood, and getting a meal from here was a no go. She would have to venture out again, but when." She held her head as she walked down the hall, trying her best not to hold her throat. "damn."
~Blaze, Magnus Central~

Blaze saw red. He was set on vengeance. He was prepared to kill the man in front of him and any other that may get his way. No one else mattered now. Vomica or Human. Atrum or Lumen. He was set to kill them all. As he begins to swing at the man that killed Leeah, he sees a wooden stake lunging at him from the corner of his eye. He puts his arm up to block it, the stake impaling his wrist. Obviously, this solider didn't know that he was a demon, not a vampire. Even a simple wooden stake to the heart wouldn't kill a vamp.

He screams as he pulls the stake from his wrist. Pain sears through his body, but it is matched by his own adrenaline keeping him going. He lifts the injured hand pointing to the soldier that tried to kill him. His blood drips down to the floor. Shadows begin forming around his wrist like bandages. Then, more shadows ball up around his pointed finger. He sends the shadows hurling at the soldier like a shadowy bullet.
The shadow bullet struck, impaling through the armor of The Soldier, and slamming right into her chest, just below her shoulder. The Soldier stumbled back slightly, flinching as the force sent her entire left side of her body to move back due to the power. Well, this was unprecedented. This wasn’t a werewolf, not a vampire either. Must be one of them demons. No matter, it was still a monster needed to hit the dirt and hit the dirt HARD. The Soldier marched forwards, undaunted by the shadow bullet ramming right into her body just a matter of seconds ago, the boots crushing the bodies underneath it as she made her way to the demon, stopping dead just in front of him. A smirk seemed to emanate from underneath the helmet.

“Dude, your girlfriend’s dead. There’s no way you can save her. Do you honestly think trying to kill me or the Commander is going to fix anything?” The Soldier brushed the hole where the bullet had entered through and looked up, the red visors on the helmet boring into Blaze’s own eyes. “You’ve got something else coming, buddy. Ain’t no curin’ for dyin’. Pity. I liked her face.” With that, she reared back her right fist, her left arm coming right up to grab onto Blaze’s shoulder, before unleashing a vicious right hook across Blaze’s face.
~Bandit, Old Farmhouse~

Her head snapped up to the treeline when she heard the announcement. Her eyes widen as she takes a step forward. She then shakes her head when Howl steps out of the house. "Wh-?" She was cut off by him taking the cigarette from between her lips. "Where are you going?" He ignored the question. "You are hurt! You cant leave! HOWL!" Too late. Hes gone. Bandit cursed under her breath.
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~Valen Helsinger, out on the streets of Kalladen~

Valen stared down at the body of the woman he had just shot, his eyes wide and his hands shaking. A Vomica that had wanted to did not make sense. Also, why did she have to look like Yuna? Why? His mind was warring with itself, the numerous sides of his consciousness shouting and screaming at him. Valen resisted the urge to hold his head, and was preoccupied when suddenly a man came out of nowhere and flung a fist at Valen. Before Valen could react, the soldier from his office came and deflected the blow that the man was going to deal to Valen.

This woke Valen up from his mental stupor, and he became aware of the situation. The soldier swung a stake at the man who tried to assault Valen, but the creature blocked it with his wrist and leaped back. Valen was curious on the use of the stake, but that curiosity vanished when the injured man raised his hand and pointed his fingers at the soldier, dark energy collecting on his finger tips before being released at the soldier, puncturing through his armor and revealing blood.

Grimacing, Valen approached with his pistols raised and leveled on the demon before him, his amber eyes locked on it. The soldier from before also came up to the demon, his movement undaunted by the shadow bullet, while also speaking rather harshly to the creature before them. For some odd reason, Valen felt the urge to fire at the soldier after what it said about the girl, but he suppressed it and kept his mind on the battle at hand. Watching the soldier attempt to grab the demon, he could see the vicious right hook coming down to beat the creature senseless.

~Blaze, Kalladen City Streets~

Blaze's head spins and spots cover his vision with the blow to his face. The hit lands square on his jaw, causing his lip to cut against his own teeth. He staggers back out of the soldiers grip. He feels his lip, then bends over to spit out the crimson liquid. As he does, he sees the stake lying on the ground. It was covered in his blood. His own, highly poisonous, highly deadly blood. He picks up the stake, gripping it in his fist like a dagger. He looks at the soldier with a grin, his mouth and teeth stained red. "You are going to pay for that, but first...."

His attention focuses back on the one who slain Leeah. He glares at him, the rage in his eyes growing. Shadows begin dancing around him. "You are scum. You had no reason to kill her. She was innocent. We are not the are. You slay innocent people for fun. That girl that died at your hands...I loved her. She was everything to me, and now..." his breathing was hastened and harsh."Now you will die at my hands.".

With a blinding rage he swings the stake at him, to angry to take careful aim. He was blinded by the events unfolding, yet empowered by the adrenaline rushing through him. So many thoughts raced through his mind. The main one being the fact that he was willing to die for a girl that betrayed him.
~Jean Latvia, Old Farmhouse~

She knew she should have woken up when she felt the warm, rough hands on her face, but she felt herself wake with a start when someone screamed "Howl". She sat up quickly and jumped to her feet, her vision blurring as she did. She gripped her head to force the sleepy spinning to stop and snapped out of it quickly, she glanced at Bandit eyes wide.

"Did he leave? Oh God, he can't leave. He'll do something he'll regret! Come on you know his scent! We have to go after him," she begged Bandit, taking the woman by the arm and attempting to pull her along. She leaned far out the doorway.

"HOWL!!" she screamed.
~Bandit, Old Farmhouse~

Bandit looked down at the smaller girl as she came running out. She pulled her arms away from the girl and looked at the treeline. "COME ON!" She shouted as she caught the sent of his blood. "I feel like a damn blood hound." She huffed as she took off for the woods chasing Howl. She dodges trees and jumped over boulders as she ran. Her feet taking her as fast as they could go. Howl's sent became stronger, she could tell she got closer to the man. She pulled back some not wanting him to know she came after him.
+Howl; Inner Forest+

Despite what he heard, he didn't stop running. He was by no means trying to outdistance them, but to simply head in the direction of Kalladen. Howl had known it would be a trap, as his gut was often right, and his ears had not betrayed him when the massacre began.

Twigs and leaves snapped and crunched underfoot as he weaved between trees and overstepped large rocks with the grace of the wild. He moved at an extraordinary pace for being outside of his wolfen form, resultant of the curse brought upon him, bestowing supernatural strength, speed, and endurance. It wasn't long before he reached the opposite tree line again, bolting past a cabin first.

He broke free from the forest and stood on the descent of a rolling hill towards the great iron city of Kalladen. And what he saw when he got there made him question his eyesight.

+James; Inside Kalladen, Near the Wall+

Having left the plaza behind him, James wasted no time in gathering the other members of the Humans For Vomica Front. He had told them all that it was time, that it was now or never. This was the focal point where the rest of the battle would be waged. Soon, it would be all-out war for all or nothing.

When he'd gathered every available man or woman that hadn't been killed during the riot massacre, they used such an event as the perfect distraction. While Magnus soldiers were busy fighting those who were in the riot and gunning down anyone nearby, it left them thin enough to enact their operation, aptly named 'Puncture Wound'.

Each of them carried a handful of shaped C4 clay and spread out in a wide diameter, while a handful stood guard against any nearby patrols. When he gave the signal from a nearby rooftop, they poured out of the alleyways and began working along the designated route, placing the charges at critical points in the iron wall's structure. oftentimes standing on each other's shoulders to reach high enough to do proper amounts of damage. They acted swiftly. Time was of the essence. When all was said and done, they fell back.

In his hand was the detonator, a small matte black remote with a cliche red ignition button. James cast his dreary eyes out across the city one final time, taking in its dystopian view with his back turned to the wall. He turned it over several times in his leather-clad hand, the wind whipping at his coat.

He closed his thumb over the button, which produced a soft click. A few seconds passed by like an eternity, before each charge, one by one, went off with a deafening boom, punching through the great iron wall in a large arc. Shrapnel was sent out in a torrent of fire and hot air, and choking black smoke rose to join the dismal clouds in the sky, which soon crackled with thunder and began to drizzle.

Boom after boom, the explosives rocked the earth, the wall, the very fiber of his being. When all was said and done, all that was left where they placed the charges were charred iron and broken gurdurs jutting out here and there. It was sure to attract a great deal of attention. Hence why all his men and women went dashing for the hole. He took the rope in his hands, tied around his waist, and quickly began to rappel down the side of the building.

He cleared the distance and his boots hit concrete. He cut the rope free from his belt and turned to run for the breach. Sirens began to wail, and soldiers could be heard marching in on them. A few spotted the escaping rebels, blowing earsplitting whistles and opening up with rips of automatic weapon fire that ricocheted all around him, killing friends on either side of him.

Soon, however, he was clear to the other side. But he didn't stop running as more and more people filed in behind him and made for the forests. Past the treeline became Vomica territory. The Magnus Army wouldn't dare follow them in there... yet.
~Jean Latvia, Forest Pursuit~

Jean had been able to keep pace for a while until Bandit began to pick up the pace, the muscles in her thighs began to burn and her lungs began to construct. She had been on the track team in high school but that was a while ago, and they weren't dodging nature when they ran. She jumped forward arms outstretched and felt her wings manifest, her forward speed began to pick up and dodging the foliage became much easier. Twisting and diving through tree branches she could feel her and Bandit gaining on Howl.

She broke free of the blanketing trees of the forest and skidded to a halt beside Howl, in fact she consider tucking into a ball and cannon-balling his ass, only his injured shoulder kept her from doing so. Instead she bumped the shit out of his bare side with what her shoulders could reach.

"What the hell? Howl I told you to wake me up!" she snapped, she paused glancing at the scene before her, light eyes widening and mouth clamping shut.
~Bandit, Outside Kalladen~

When a roar of explosions erupted, Bandit skidded to a stop. She watched at Jean flew over her. Up ahead she could see Howl's figure. She started a slow walk to the treeline where Jean and Howl where standing. She stood a few feet away looking down at all the people running through the hole in the wall of Kalladen. With out looking over she spoke quickly. "What the hell is going on? Its all bull shit! The cure was bull shit!" She yelled out.
"Are you serious?" She asked him "Well, I guess there isn't many people in the woods to invite into your home" she told him and laughed. She stepped inside the house "This is a nice place you got here!" She told Darius "I never knew you could hold so much stuff in just a tree. "Pretty cozy place. Is it nice living here?" She asked. If she didn't have anywhere to stay she would want to stay here. Well, technically she had nowhere to stay now, but that doesn't really matter!
Darius passed through the illusory veil he had placed over the tree with Pashmina close behind. He went over to a torch on the wall and lit it with the flint kept handy nearby, he kept the fire carefully concealed and away from the actually bark as to not kill himself in an oven. He turned towards her and smiled, "Thank you and yes. I have gently advised people away from here when i knew they were headed this way, and generally no one comes out here anyway, so I haven't had company before. I enjoy living here but it can get boring or lonely sometimes." He went over to one wooded wall and grabbed a couple of sodas from an ice chest he had moved out here himself a while ago. He handed her the soda and went to go light the center fireplace, small but warm enough to heat the place without starting a fire. It really was a good thing he had been able to spend that first few months alone hollowing out this tree. It was one of the largest in the forest and had helped him stay safe using it and the woodsman skills his father had taught him.

"So tell me about yourself, you may be a hunter and trader and all that. As a matter of fact my parents used to trade with you, but that tells me nothing of you." He moves over to a spot where he had carved out a wooden bench and smoothed it down, one of the few parts of the original center of the tree he had left be. He patted the couch and opened his soda, taking a small swig. "Come on, sit, talk. I don't bite." He smiled at her. He was greatly appreciative of having company for the first time in so long, and she was quite beautiful at that. He was rather happy to say the least to have her in his home.
Equinox turned her head towards the man and spoke. "I never really believed in see no reason he should save me...but may your 'God' help you." She tried to say it respectfully and walked out of the church, trying to find Rain. She bit her lip as tears started forming in her eyes and her mind went back to thinking about the cure. She had a boyfriend before this...before he was killed. He was turned into a demon because of the virus and when the wall was built, he wanted out. He fought the soldiers trying to get out. He yelled at her to help him and she just stood there, frozen in fear. Then he was shot. She would destroy plenty of soldiers before she gave up her powers or even her life. She bumped into Rain as her tears fell from her eyes. She turned away from her and wiped the tears off her face. "S-Sorry..." She stuttered out.
Adela Deep Forest

Adela's vision seemed to blur in and out she couldn't tell if it was the tears or the rain or what, all she did know was that she was suffering and right as she was ready to just let herself sleep the door burst open and the young man she saw over the beast's shoulder ran out, nearly stepping on her in the process and hightailed in in the direction she had come from.

'He didn't even look at me.' She thought as her body began to tremble and she laid her face down against her arm. Just as she began to feel as if there was no hope she felt large, warm arms wrap around her and lift her weak body from the cold, muddy ground and bring her into the cabin.

She closed her eyes as and mechanically took everything the male handed her. It felt like towels. They were warm too and instead of attempting to dry herself off she just pressed them too her, trying to take whatever warmth they offered and put it into her very soul. Her teeth chattered and her fingers were numb but her ears and face felt hot. In the background she could hear the man speaking to her but, she didn't catch a word.

"Please, Karan." She muttered and looked up and into the eyes of her savior. He seemed irritated and immediately her gut tightened in shame. "I failed." She whimpered as tears began to brim her large eyes. It was then apparent that she was far from okay.

Adela's eyes flitted from the large beast-man and over to the vampire female who was standing near the door with a posture that said she was ready to fly off at any moment. She had not even so much as looked at her but, that didn't stop Adela from trying to speak to her through her chattering teeth. She hadn't caught everything that was said between the vampire female and the werebear but, she knew it had something to do with Kalladen.

"Complete shit." She suddenly burst into wails, unable to control herself she fell over to her side on the couch and buried her face in his cushions, they smelled like old wood and wet animal but she didn't care. She was heartbroken and sick and tired and embarrassed and all she wanted to do was die. Well not literally but, she was pretty upset.
When Jaclyn stood and bowed, speaking of the other male and his well being, Marcus couldn't help but snort his disapproval. "I'm sorry, but no matter how much of his injuries you caused, yer' not responsible for'm throwing his life away. And all this talk about an uprising and a blood bath? You expect me to let ya' leave and walk into all that?"

As she moved toward he put his hands out onto her shoulders. His grip was strong, but not painfully so. "Listen," he started, frowning. "Just lemme' get the elf situated and deal with that first. Then... I'll go with ya'." He couldn't believe the words that were coming out of his own mouth, but there they were. 'What're ya' doing? Helping someone ya' don't even know?' he thought to himself. 'This could be a trap. Probably is one.'

Burying the thoughts, he let go of the Vampir's shoulders and moved toward the elf again. Instead of drying herself, it looked as if she was just trying to get warm. When he'd picked her up though, her face had been burning. Was it the crying, or was she sick? Rambling on, she hadn't seemed to have listened to him before and, from the look of it, her composure was getting worse. Just as Marcus was about to speak to her again, she burst forth with a round of wailing that pierced the cabin.

Kneeling down next to the sofa, the male spoke in hushed tones to the other, voice oddly comforting and obviously very much unlike his usual demeanor. "Listen, I can't imagine what happened to ya' out there, or what ye've been through, but you gotta' put that all behind you for now. Crying ain't going to solve anything. Yer' soaked to the bone and you need to get dry, first off, then tell me who ya' are and how you ended up here."

Going quiet for a moment to let the words sink in, the giant shifted where he kneeled. Whether it was from physical discomfort or just the uncomfortable situation he found himself in, one couldn't' be sure. "Either way, you heard that announcement. All hell's probably breakin' loose out there and, despite my best efforts, I'll probably end up in the middle of it. You wanna' leave, that's fine. Wanna' stay with us, that's fine too... I suppose." He grumbled the last words in a half joking manner. "If you want, there should be some dry clothes in the guest bedroom at the end of the hall. They're my sisters, not mine, so they should fit ya' if yer' sick of all that rainwater."

Finally standing, he shut his trap again and watched her, wondering how she'd react to all that nonsense he'd just spilled. It was obvious that he wasn't very good at the whole 'comforting' bit, but at least he'd rambled something that could be considered 'nice' or 'welcoming'. Or something. Exhaling a sigh through his nose, he leaned back against the nearest wall and tried to make sense of what the near future held.
Rain with Equinox - Outside of the abandon church

Rain looked back with half a smile . "No your fine." She looked toward her and pointed to those who were infected and were walking toward the square. "It just doesn't sit well with me...but if there is a cure. " She looked at her hands then the snakes that slithered around. "I think I want it...but then I would loose my friends." The snakes rubbed against her legs for comfort." if we do go and there's something up...I am not going down with out a fight." She gave a little smirk when she looked back. "I lost my family to this, lost them to them...and I , you know pay back I guess." Her hands were shaking from the fear but she would stand her ground. "Equinox, ill go if you go, we can stay in the back so we aren't up front when things go side ways."

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