Blood Curse {Actual RP 2nd Edition}

~Deep in The Forest~

Pashmina's eyes widened at the site of the man turning into this grotesque wolf form "Heh, I think I can handle that..." she said softly to herself. "Just gotta back up slowly..." Pashmina could feel her heart rate getting faster. She was feeling a rush of adrenaline go through her. "You want me to shoot you again you ugly thing?" she asked him putting another bullet in her rifle. "This time it'll go right in your grotesque face you hairy piece of crap." she pulled her gun up, but hesitated to fire.

She didn't know whether this man was going to attack her or not. She knew her taunting was only going to make this worse. She figured she could possibly outrun this, but wolves were quite fast. She's been hunting for years and could run pretty fast from chasing animals. "Y'know what, I'll spare you this one time" she told him and took the ammo out of her rifle. "Go live your life, but that wound might kill you" she told him. She walked off hoping the werewolf wouldn't follow her.
~Jean Latvia, Forest~

Jean froze as the situation around her began to get increasingly more dangerous, the man, of course, turned out to be a werewolf and the person who gunned her was some green She-Hulk of a woman. The woman began walking away and Jean was stuck with the werewolf... a werewolf who could rip her face of in 3.4 seconds if he wanted. Fear bubbled through her chest and closed her throat, and she felt a familiar dense thudding begin in her rib cage. Of course the hairy naked dude had to be a werewolf, he could just be a cool bro in need of a shave, he had to have the ability to rip her to shreds.

Despite this she moved her eyes away from the residing form of the woman and turned back to the man, those bullet wounds had to hurt, and if he turned on her she was sure the intense burning of his fur would diffuse any other attempts to harm her.

"Look chick, get the hell outta here before I smash your face into that tree trunk. Unlucky for you rifles aren't that great in close combat," she spat, stepping in front of the werewolf before he could do something stupid, like attack her while injured. She turned back to the man and jutted her chin out, hands going onto her hips instinctively.

"And you either sit down here and wait, or come with me to get medical attention," she snapped, pointing at the werewolf... of course not within snapping distance. She liked her fingers.
Equinox flew over Kalladen with a few gentle flaps of her wings. She didn't have large wings protruding from her back, nor was she looking like a regular human. No...she was something more than a human. She was a shapeshifter and right now, believe it or not, she was a hawk. She was following someone, a male...he seemed to be looking for something.

She flew low, but not low enough to not look like a regular old hawk. She wanted to be stealthy, to be unknown to him. She wanted answers and after seeing the execution of the blood drinker, and the way those soldiers listened to him, she figured he'd be the perfect person to talk to.

It was rare that she wasn't in the club but she locked all the important stuff in the basement so no robberies would occur. The key was in her clothing on the roof. The clothes were ripped, tattered and dirty so they didn't look that special anyway.
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The wolf in him told him to kill the broad that had shot him just so he wouldn't have to waste time and energy doing it later; But he knew when to quit, and her baseless threats amounted to nothing in attempting to rile the wereman up. Blood continued to flow freely, and he teetered just slightly from its loss. Primal yellow eyes darted back to the second woman, with the shock of blonde hair and bright eyes that unsettled him.

It seemed he chose flight over fight this time. Wordlessly he would turn his back on the woman, allowing the green one to live for now. It would be up to the other to choose whether or not she followed him back to the old farmhouse; wounds or not, he needed to be with Jaclyn. His movement was limber despite his injuries, and he bound away from the site of the confrontation, clearing quite a bit of distance in mere moments, liable to give Hussein Bolt a run for his money.
~Blaze Carson, Atrum Cave; Forest~

Blaze bit his lip slightly hesitant when she mentioned sticking with him. He hadn't planned on having anyone around for quite awhile. He had grown a deep distrust for humanity since his incarceration. Although, this girl wasn't exactly human. "We are here." he states as he pushes some branches out of the way. In front of them stood a large lake. Towards the back of the lack was a small waterfall running over a cave of shiny ebony rocks. Blaze leads Bandit around the lake to the cave. Once inside, the cave was fairly dark. Random mattresses and pillows where strewn over the rocks. It looked like a place the homeless would take refuge. Blaze let's go over her hand and begins to dig around, trying to find her some clothes.
~Deep in the Forest~

Pashmina was happy that the man left. She made sure to finish him off if she saw him later. She needed to get to the closest Atrum hideout. She remembered there being one in a cave that was close to here. She started her trek towards the cave. She knew that the others there would be happy she brought food and firewood. She made sure to keep her rifle close to her in case she saw anybody. After about ten minutes of walking she found the cave "I'm here!" she said to whoever was in the cave "I also brought food!"
~Blaze Carson, Atrum Cave; Forest~

Blaze became momentarily silent at the sound of another voice. He wasn't expecting for another person to be here in the middle of the day. Cautiously he walks to the front of the cave, with his hand ready with shadows at his side. He pears out and see's a girl standing there. She didn't appear to be a threat, so he spoke to her "Um, hello?".
Spencer growled lowly, pouncing on the decent sized fox. She snapped it's neck quickly before dropping it from her mouth and walking over to a bush. She changed into her human form and put the clothes from her bag back on, grabbing some sticks on her way over to the now dead wolf.

Once she had a fire up and running, she skinned and gutted the fox, holding it over the fire to cook. She was pretty happy with her kill and knew it would satisfy her hunger for a while before she would have to kill something else. She would hear some twigs and leaves crunch in the distance every once and awhile but ignored them, knowing she could either fight them or get away easily if she had too.
"Hello, who is in the presence of me?" she asked the voice. She walked farther into the cave. She hoped this person wasn't an intruder "My name is Pashmina Afghan. You have probably heard of me! I am quite the hunting sensation!" she smiled at her description of herself "Although I am quite unrecognizable at the moment due to physical..." she paused "deformities?"
~Valen Helsinger, entering the Buxom Lass~

He stopped the moment he saw a sizable pub on the corner of the city street; the Buxom Lass. His lips curled upward as he made his way toward the meager establishment. There was pair of demons standing right outside the bar's entrance, their repulsive, spike-covered bodies side-by-side while they were discussing something in shushed tones...that is, until one of the looked up and saw Valen coming straight toward them. The Purifier was a man of fearsome reputation, and it was that same reputation that made the demon grab his partner and move out of the way. Keeping his eyes low to the ground, the demon muttered quietly to the human; "Sorry, Mr. Helsinger..." It only made he cold man smile before entering the bar.

It was a busy night for the Fae owner of the bar, for several customers had to be tended to. Citizens of all races sat around in the reserved boxes, tables, and bar stools, chatting and drinking themselves to as all they could do. None appeared to have noticed Valen enter, and this suited him. His eyes drifted across the room until they rested at a table with a quad of vampires, and his smile deepened. Valen really had it out for vampires, today. Walking across the room, people and creatures finally began to spot him and fall into silence. By the time he reached his destination, the entire bar had fallen quiet, with the vampires staring at him as though he were insane. Perhaps he was.

He stood there for a moment, smiling at the vampires before taking out one of his silver-lined pistols in his right holster. The movement made the creatures flinch, but they did nothing, simply watching him as he popped out the regular magazine of the pistol and placing it in his pocket. The vampires looked at him oddly...until he pulled out a magazine filled with bullets containing a dark red liquid at their tips. The appearance of the ammunition made one of the vampires hiss while the others simply at there, frozen in fear. Placing the magazine into his gun, Valen placed the pistol back into its holster and sat down in the remaining chair at the table.

Several awkward moments passed before one of the vampires spoke up; it was the one who hissed earlier. "...You aren't welcome here, Helsinger." The response made Valen's smile turn into an icy grin. "Oh? That is a shame...I just thought I would share a drink with you. After all, I would like to speak with some 'decent' vampires...especially after this morning's, um, shenanigans?" All of the vampires, with the exception of the one that spoke, stood up swiftly from their seats. However, the hissy vampire waved them back, a scowl on his face. This one knew what Valen was capable of...he knew the price that would be imposed. Standing up, the vampire narrowed his eyes at Valen before leading his friends away. "He is not worth it. Besides...we don't need to end up like his other victims." The others grudgingly nodded before retreating with their leader.

Valen sat there, confused for once. He was sure they were going fight him...why not now? The question made his head swerve...he needed that drink, and badly. Turning to a rather pretty human waitress, he whistled loudly. "Miss! Get me the finest brandy you have." The poor girl flinched before nodding, rushing away to go place his order. It was t this point that the bar began to be filled with chatter again, now that it was clear that Valen had not come for anything other than a drink. He leaned back in is chair, waiting for his alcohol to arrive.

Navraj smiled as he looked up. The sky was dark and it was a cloudy night. For some reason, He preferred night time rather than day time. Because it makes the saying, " Monsters at night " real. He didn't mind being called a monster by the normal ones, or humans. In return, He would just give them nightmares. Nightmares that will never leave them until, 1. Navraj dies, 2. The human dies, 3. Navraj stops giving him or her the nightmares.

He was walking towards an Outpost of human soldiers, where they watch over the border of the forests. He wanted the humans to know, what he will do and what he can do. He wanted the humans to fear him, and his subordinates. Now that reminds him, he thought where his comrade, Jean, disappeared to. That ticked him off and decided that he's gonna punish her for that. But now's not that time to think like that. He has to show fear in his Human Outpost.

" So, How's your kid ? " A human in jungle fatigue, meaning his a ranger who's assigned in this outpost, asked one of his buddies.

" He's doing well ! " The man sat down and rolled out a cigarette stick and lit it up on his lips. " I can't wait to go back to meet him " The man smiled as he exhaled a cloud of smoke.

" Too bad you won't " Navraj appears in front of them as they both quickly looked up. The moment their eyes met, Navraj already had them in his power.

" W-who are you !? " The man in Jungle fatigue asked as he took out his m1911 Colt .45 and pointed it at Navraj.

" Me ? " Navraj raised both hands to sarcastically show he is 'harmless', " I'm Navraj " He introduced himself to the both of them with a smile. His tail wagging left and right slowly. He thought for a moment what kind of nightmares will he give to play with them before finishing them off, Then he though of the right thing.

The man who was smoking stood up and took out a hand cuff from his back and grabbed 'Navraj' and cuffed him from behind. " You sir Navraj, Are going back to that Prison " he said as he finished cuffing him and turned him around. But only to notice, He was cuffing his wife. Who was now complaining that why he cuffed her. The man quickly, and stupidly, apologized. Not knowing that he was already in an illusion. And Navraj gave him something worst. But that is for him to see, Not for Navraj.

Then he turned over the man in Jungle Fatigues. The man looked at his buddy who was now ranting randomly at someone who wasn't even there. This made Navraj smile, This showed that humans were weak and dumb. " W-what's wrong with him ? " The man asked with his side arm pointed at Navraj.

" I made him see, what he wanted to see, His wife " Navraj smiled as he thought about what kind of nightmare he will gives this guy next. Then he realized, This would be better.

" D-d-did you do that !? " The man asked nervously, his hands shaking. Navraj loves the scent of fear, Especially if the fear is focused on him. " P-p-please ! Let us go ! " The man asked nervously as Navraj walked closer and closer. Without any hesitation, The man let out a shot from his gun. Hitting 'Navraj' on the chest and falling down. Then the man eased down, sighed and breathed deeply. He then walked over the corpse and stuttered backwards to see, It wasn't the red skinned man, But his Girlfriend, Tanya. Feeling guilty and confused, He immediately went to her side and held her on his arms. He then cried out loud from what he has done.

Navraj, Watching from the sides just smiled. Watching their agony and pain. He waited a couple of minutes for the two idiots to suffer from their nightmares. And decided he would end the both of them now. He took out a Rapier from under his suit, The slowly walked over towards them.

It was a dark and cloudy night. And a night that Navraj's hands were about to be soaked in crimson red blood.
Blaze rubs his finger on his chin as he ponders this new girl. The name sounded mildly familiar. He though maybe he heard mention of it in Fathom Hallow. He walks up to her and squints his eyes trying to see her better."I can't really say that I have heard of you. The name is Blaze Carson." he puts out his hand in the same friendly gesture he had given to Bandit when they first met.
Pashmina shook his hand firmly "A true lady has a good handshake" she told him. "And how have you not heard of me?! I've been hunting for people since I was ten! I have my own business! Have you never heard of Afghan Hunting?!" she asked in shock "But I digress. Can you light a fire?" she asked and threw the logs she had gotten at Blaze.
Blaze catches the logs and looks at her with a cocked eyebrow.Her attitude seemed overly positive for being on the side of Atrum. "I haven't heard of you because I been locked up in Fathom.". He sets the logs down and walks over to the cave wall, leaning against it. "I hadn't planned on being here long, so you can make your own fire.".
~Jean Latvia, Forest~

Jean watched as the hulking wolf-man flat out ignored her and continued on his way, shuffling and bleeding as he did. She walked after the werewolf and began rapidly tapping his arm trying to keep him from leaving the area, of course her effort was futile, she was pretty sure he was going to pass out if he didn't slow down.

As he picked up his pace she was forced to go into a full sprint before giving up and allowing her wings to manifest in order to keep up with his rapid face. She flitted upwards once again twisting to avoid foilage before hovering directly in his path.

"Hey. Dude, you're gonna get hurt if you don't do something about the bleeding... well more hurt. Let me at least bandage you," she sighed.
Pashmina breathed out a heavy sigh. "Fine, if you insist" she said with an annoyed expression. She picked up the logs and arranged them into a campfire. She rubbed two sticks together to create friction and make a flame. She started to skin the bird that she shot. "Do you need any food?" she asked Blaze. She decided she liked him saying no. She had never met anyone willing to say that to her.
The man had went into a Pub she had journeyed to a couple of times in search for food...the Buxom Lass. She let a screech escape from her beak, and swerved around to fly to the roof of her home. She swooped down as if grabbing some prey of hers and shifted into her human form before she hit concrete. She was nude for a couple of seconds until she found her clothes, then she got dressed in her normal outfit of a blue t-shirt, worn out blue jeans, a black hoodie and a pair of scrappy combat boots.

She put her hood up and climbed down the wall using a rope that was tied to a satellite at the top of the roof. Equinox jumped down and made her way to the Buxom Lass on foot. A few twists and turns and she was there in a couple of minutes. The demons and monsters in front of the building paid no attention to her as she walked inside, all clearly distracted by the man inside. She located him and went and sat in a seat across from him.

"Hello, sir." She said, looking directly in his eyes.
Darius held out a hand and used a push of will and energy into creating a solid illusion. The man he stood across from in the dark alley then knew what he was, demon spawn like all the others he had hunted. All the others he had slain. "So come to avenge your worthless brethren eh, I knew it'd come to this one day. But you better not believe it'll be so easy to take me out." The man stood strong, his back rigid and his salt and pepper hair and beard clinging tightly to his face. He pulled out a large knife and stood ready. Darius looked up at him and shook his head, "No, that isn't why I am here at all. You don't have any idea do you?" He drew a knife from his belt and at the same time the six other black skinned copies did the same. He made sure each of them had the same shadow movements and body ticks, as to make them appear the same.

He dashed forward and so did all of the others. The man he faced took a swipe and cleared away one illusion, while two others slashed him and passed right through. He jumped back and stabbed forward piercing another illusion and slamming right through another. That left only two possibilities, the others disappearing in the seconds afterwards. "You thought it'd be that easy did you? How arrogant and appropriate for a scum demon such as yourself." The two onyx skinned demons laughed at him. That made him angry and he dashed forward slashing through the one all of his instincts believed that should be the real one, and he passed directly through it. He cursed and turned sideways as the third and final one reached out in seemingly slow motion to plunge his demonic dagger into his heart.

The dagger passed right through him and the illusion disappeared. "What in the hell?", he said out loud. "Damn demon spawn and their practical jo-", he cut off as the last two feet of a sword passed through the front side of his chest through his spine. There was a grinding, scraping, ear rending noise as the sword slowly slid out of his body, through his heart, and through his spine. He blinked a couple of times and then slumped to the ground, he coughed up a spout of blood, and stared up at the real deal onyx skinned demon that had been the one to take him out. "You misinterpret what I am here for. All of us "demon spawn" as you so call us are not evil. You have killed countless innocent children, teens, adults, and senior citizens because of your misconceptions. You kill because we are different, you kill out of fear, out of misguided vengeance. I however kill those who kill indiscriminately, those who kill for misguided, pointless reason. I kill your kind." He looked at the man and gave him a few second to register what he said. Then with a last glance he left the bleeding, paralyzed man to die alone.
Bandit walked around the corner still in the sheet she wore but now it was more appealing. It was more neat and she added a rope around her midsection under her breasts. She glanced at Blaze then looked at the newcomer. Bandit was telling the truth when she said she didnt talk much. She didnt even think about talking to the girl. With the clothing back around the corner she found some boots. Easy to get on and off. She slipped them on and looked around the cave. "There is alot of things here...." She spoke to herself. Bandit looks up at Blaze. She didnt know if she should stay but staying with him means that she wont go off and kill some random family later on. She stood there, behind Blaze, awkwardly.
Kodiak knew his capabilities, how far he could push himself. All he could do was to hold out until he reached where he needed to go so desperately. If the blonde was really interested in helping him, then he could afford to let her near Jaclyn. His charge was not fragile, being a vampire, but he treated her like such and kept her out of harm as often as he could. The years since they had met were long and the events they suffered through varied, but thick and thin, he stuck by his oath. Of course, even if the blonde had other intentions, nothing stopped him from leaping on her and ripping her throat out in seconds and abandoning the old farmhouse.

He swerved trees that sat in the middle of the path, twisting left and right. He glanced back out of the corner of his eye, pointed ears twitching at the sound of wings. She was managing to keep up and watch him through the foliage as she cried out her concern. Of course, he ignored her and focused back on running.

It wasn't long before they got to the old farmhouse. It was Kodiak's home before the outbreak. It wasn't in as great as upkeep as it had been before, but it was still home. He no longer raised animals, having long expended them in his early infection days. Instead, he maintained a quaint garden with rows of different vegetables, ranging from tomato, corn, beans, etc. He would finally come to a stop at the back door of the house. It stood two stories tall, painted a matte white that began to chip near the A-frame roof. Where he stood walked into an 'outdoors' porch, enclosed and screened in to keep out the bugs but allowing wind through to enjoy the oftentimes pleasant country air. In it there was a worn mahogany table and three chairs, where he and his parents gathered for many years to eat dinner in peace. ... He shook his head, trying not to reminisce as he waited.
~Jean Latvia, Old Farmhouse~

Jean let out an exasperated groan as wolf-man kept his forward charge on full throttle, forward. Nav was gonna eat her a new asshole, she needed to get to the outpost but bleeding Scooby-Doo kept running like a princess. Well...maybe a stumbling bow-legged princess, but a princess nonetheless. She finally reached him and landed on the porch, letting her wings fade and her breath catch as she skidded to halt with her boots. This is not how she normally went after men, especially bleeding one. So when she did reach him she made sure to fix him with a heavy glare.

"Look...Twinkletoes..." she said, wheezing slightly, "I just want to freaking help you... what I'm going to need you to do... is to un wolf out, and hand me some tweezers..."

As she spoke she took in her surroundings, a cozy, lived-in house, a cute porch, cute chairs, cute table, not the type of house one would think a werewolf would live in. Come to think of it, don't they move in packs? The realization hit her like a train and the dawning sense of dread hit her even harder. If this was a trap she was screwed, she cursed silently to herself, of all the things this damn virus could of turned her into and it chose Tinker Bell. Shrugging her shoulder slowly in a circle she turned back to the wolf man, eyes narrowing as she continued her glare.
~Valen Helsinger, at a bar in kalladen~

Valen glanced at the woman who had appeared out of nowhere and sat down at his table, an eyebrow rising at the surprise of someone approaching him willingly. This was an odd day, indeed! "...Yes? Is there something I can help you with?" Something about this woman, but Valen could not explain what it was. The woman appeared to be normal...but so did most werewolves before their 'change' with the moon. Intrigued, Valen leaned forward and studied the person before him, his dark-brown eyes luminescent in the low light of the bar.
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~Kodiak 'Logan' James Howlett , Interior Old Farmhouse~

He was panting to gather much-needed air back into his lungs when Sparkletits finally landed. Now that he had stopped moving, he felt the effects of the traumatized muscle. In his controlled form, it was a very dull and annoying pain that didn't interfere much with things but he knew the pain was going to be severe when he eventually morphed back. He seemed to ignore blondie for the most part, indeed turning back with low and tragic snarls of a beast that shied away from the touch of its abusive owner.

Again, his body would grotesquely shift and change, bones readjusting with very audible snaps and cracks as they force themselves back into place. Most of the hair problem cleared up, but the shock of brown hair kept its length, straggling down his blood-soaked back. His ears shrank, his claws disappeared (mostly) and his jaw became more rounded off and less wolfish.

He trembled, clutching at his chest as this all took place. When all was said and done, he let out a muffled cry of very intense pain, but the sound of it was very much humanly wrenching. Sweat fell in cascading beads from his brow and mixed with the blood that came to be on the grass from his wound. He gasped and straightened as much as he could, turning his eyes on the woman for a few moments. His face was haggard from what he had just underwent, and he looked ten years older, pale from bloodloss.

Still, stubborn as he was, he turned and went inside with a limp, leaving the screen door wide open. He called from inside. "Close the door behind you and be quiet. A friend is sleeping upstairs." His voice was deep and gravelly, sounding as if he really needed to wrap his lips around a glass of water. Inside was as quaint as one would expect watching it from the outside, cozy and feeling very earthy in its color scheme of various wooden browns. The hallway from the porch to the main portion of the house was covered in framed photos of a man much younger than Kodiak standing between an old couple looking lovingly content in each other's arms, a sweet smile plastered on their thin lips. They all shared the same hair color, single photos, and some photos of a few extended family member gatherings.

From the hall came the living room, with a small color TV sitting on a matching mahogany stand littered with stacks of TV guides and a small remote. Two recliners sat side by side in the corner, and there was a comfy-looking but worn beige couch pushed against the far wall. A large woolen rug spread itself out across the redwood floor and the walls here were littered with more photos and various hunting trophies. A disarmed hunting rifle sat on a mount above the couch. The room itself had a very light scent of brown cinnamon sticks.

An archway led into another hall, with three doors in this. Two belonged to bedrooms. The third, in which Kodiak entered, was the bathroom in which he nearly stumbled into. He pulled open the medical cabinet and produced a small first aid kit. It had what the woman needed from him. He didn't bother to shut it as he turned and went back to the living room. If she had followed him, he would offer her the kit.

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Equinox took off her hood and looked back at you. Her right eye was a nice deep blue while her left eye was the amberish gold color of a gold coin and her brown hair fell a bit past her shoulders. Her face was expressionless and her skin kind of pale. "I was thinking that you might be able to give me some answers...about this town." She whispered across the table, keeping her mouth towards the table and fairly closed so her larger than normal canines wouldn't show.
~Jean Latvia, Old Farmhouse~

Instead of regarding her with the normal speech a regular person would, such as a "thank you" or "you didn't have to follow me, gorgeous" he simply made some man grunts and shifted back into his normal form. It was rather stomach lurching to watch, he made it very obvious it was painful change. Not that she imagined it would be easy, with your bones and muscles changing sizes that rapidly, the bone structure of your face readjusting, not a very cute thing. Putting a hand on her stomach but unable to look away she watched as Princess made his way back to the state she found him in before. Exhausted, battered and nude. She watched as his face blanched and beads of sweat rolled down his face, a very uncomfortable feeling settled over her, she wasn't used to watching people show their vulnerabilities.

She opened her mouth to as if he was okay but he was on the move again, she followed him through the quaint little house, eyes focusing on smaller details. Like the pictures of the family on the wall, and a smaller person who resembled and could possibly be Princess himself.

The soft cinnamon smell was being over run by the sharp scent of blood and Princess' general "I just survived a war" musk. The hunting trophies were everywhere, there was even a rifle adorned on the wall, with love and care... was Princess a country boy? She'd always been a city girl... the country didn't seem that appetizing. She stood still as he went into the bathroom, not daring to sit on the couch or show any signs of her guard being let down.

And who the hell was upstairs? His mother?

He returned with the medical kit and she motioned for him to sit down and lean forward, if he did this, she would begin and use the tweezers to painfully dig the bullets from his skin. She winced as she did this, remembering only having done it once, when her brother got a bb gun pellet lodged in his knee and their parents weren't home. After tugging out the bullets she cleaned the wounds with alcohol before bandaging them tightly and feeling his forehead.

"Shit Princess, you got messed up pretty bad, what the hell was that?" she asked.

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