Blood Curse {Actual RP 2nd Edition}

~ Bandit, Old Farmhouse ~

She could strongly smell the other wolf. She could tell it was a wolf. She walked the treeline and spotted a man on the porch of the farmhouse. Half of her wanted to attack and the other half wanted to walk up and introduce herself as one of 'him'. She didn't know what to do. So she stepped out of the treeline, raising up her arm to block out the sun. He was too far away to really see any features but he was big. He could most-likely kill her with a twitch of his wrist.

It clicked in her brain again. She slowly took another step forward. Her eyes stayed trained on the man as she took the step. The wind blew past and ruffled the short sheet she wore as a dress. Another growl came from her throat as she took one more step.
~Jean Latvia, Old Farmhouse~

Jean let out a loud indignant squeak when Jaclyn was placed in her arms, she opened her mouth to scream at Howl about his lack of courtesy but he had already... wait for it... walked away. She didn't even get a chance to thank Jaclyn for being the only one to politely introduce herself. She had a half a mind to walk out there and giver her a piece of his mind via frying pan. But he had growled, and he seemed pretty serious, she shifted the woman over her shoulder like a sack of potatoes and carried her upstairs. She glanced around and took her into the first room she found. She didn't know who's room it was but she gently placed the woman on the bed and clutched the first aid kit.

"Oh no, I'm not scared... I feel pretty at home... Dogbreath...err I mean Howl, gave me a big warm welcome," she said rolling her eyes, "You know after he had got shot and werewolfed out and sent me through a goose chase through the forest... you know what's going on now?" she asked.

Shuffling slightly she sat on the bed a ways away from Jaclyn and looked into her pretty eyes, still unsettling... much like Howl's.
Jaclyn blinked for a moment, she was going to speak but her brow furrowed as she turned to looked at the women confused."W-Werewolf..What are you talking about...? Howl's human.." she chuckled nervously. Being placed on the bed she swallowed hard."W-Wait..Please.." She sat up quickly, holding her arms out, things were changing as the gears turned in her mind." I need to talk to Howl, were is he? " Her voice cracked a little as she called out to him." Howl!" Bumping into a wall she held her hands against it." Howl and I have been together for a long time now, he'd tell me if that were the cast..H-He's just a human that saved me from a wolf a long time ago, it tried to kill me but..I woke up and Howl had protected me...Miss..Please, tell me what you are talking about.."
((Holy bed sheets I have missed a lot in a day @.@))

Adela emerged ahead of Keran on the other side of the wall somewhere near the back of the prison. She was so close to getting to where they could effectively camouflage themselves against the prison's exterior when a voice from her side acknowledged her. Thinking it was a city guard, Adela instinctively whipped her curved sword from it's sheath and threw herself back a few steps.

"You don't have to fight me." She called towards the stranger before any harsh action could be taken from either party. Being part of Lumen she obviously wanted to solve this as peacefully as possible. Adela squinted her eyes to get a better look at the man who called her and Karan out. It was a little dark so mostly what she saw was very long pale hair and skin. Could he be Vomica? Either way, she couldn't be so quick to be too trusting.

Before the stranger could respond Karan stepped forward. "Just turn away, we will not hurt you unless provoked." He warned, trying to sound tough and leader-like for his female partner. Instead, he made himself sound more like a moron to her.

Adela decided not to add anything to the conversation though and just sat and waited for the stranger to respond.
~Jean Latvia, Old Farmhouse~

Jean made the most uncomfortable face she had in her arsenal, she had just screwed something up big time... someone's relationship with another person. She watched as the girl bumped into the wall and she frowned, couldn't she see where she was going? She had two choices, lie to calm her down... or flat out tell the truth. She whined internally as the decision buzzed angrily in her head. She cursed Howl repeatedly, how could he not mention his werewolfness was supposed to be a secret? Especially since the woman was some sort of vampire, and couldn't she look at him and tell? Didn't vampires and werewolves hate each other? Or was that just Twilight?

"Yes, yes he's a werewolf... I'm sorry I'm sure he wanted to be the one to tell you, please don't try to go out there, just come over here and wait," she said, leading Jaclyn back to the bed and helping her sit down, if she chose to do so.

She resisted the urge to shudder again when she heard their story, these two had been together for awhile, hopefully she hadn't ruined their friendship.
~Valen Helsinger, in a bar in Kalladen~

He listened to the strange girl quietly until a loud ring came from his pocket. Fishing out a pager from his coat, he looked at the screen and frowned. A distress signal was coming from an outpost off in the forest-sector of the quarantine zone; he was being called back to the command center for briefing. "I'm sorry, Miss Equinox, but I must go. Be safe, but most of yourself." Standing up from his seat, he swiftly walked away from the table and shoved past a pair of men near the bar exit, rushing out without another word.

Valen emerged onto the streets in a rush, picking up his pace as he power-walked down the sidewalk toward the direction of the command center. Grimacing, he pulled out his cell phone and raised it to his ear as the number he dialed rang. When the call was picked up, a gruff-sounding man answered with a grunt. "Valen? What can I do you for this time, hmm?" "I have a special upcoming hunt, Charles. I am going to need those new toys you promised me." "Ah, those. Where do you want them?" "Forward Command Alpha-X13. I want them ready by the time I get there." "Of course, Valen, of course. Anything for the man who saved my daughter from those wretched beasts."

With that settled, Valen hung up and continued on his way, an eager smile on his face. Today was going to be entertaining, indeed.

She growled and slammed her fist on the table as he left. Demons, vampires and humans all gave her looks...some of hunger, some of confusion and the rest...they were just looking at her. Making her their next target. They didn't know what she was and she liked that. It made them think that she was weak and then when they turned the corner into that alley it would be a dead end with no 'innocent' or 'weak' girl. No...instead it'd be a panther...coming out of the shadows and ripping their throat out.

She sighed and calmed down as the waitress came back setting a bowl of beef stew on the table and handing her a spoon. She whispered a polite thank you and watched the woman leave. After awhile she finished the stew and left the pub, walked into an alley and sat down with her back against the wall. She needed to figure out what all was going on.
+Kodiak, Outside the Old Farmhouse+

He remained glued near the front of the door for several moments, his eyes trained on the distant figure. It was unmistakable that they had come here deliberately as they took closer and closer steps toward him and the house. This caused another growl to be elicited from his throat, this one very much uncontained and quite loud. It was a warning, to let the other know that he wasn't going to tolerate any silly business, and that he was perfectly willing to fight if need be.

Kodiak chose to step out from the house, walking forward to close some of the distance. He stopped a quarter of the way, continuing to watch the treeline for anything else on top of the intruder. Closer looks showed that she had taken on a controlled form, and that if he had any chance of surviving a fight here, so did he. But he'd lost a lot of blood, and endured a great deal of physical trauma. Whether or not he could sustain changing again now... Could he do it, or would it kill him? Would he pass out from the pain? He decided to wait and try to gauge the other werewolf's intent first.
~Bandit, Old Farmhouse~

She could hear his growl which made her take a step back. She could smell his blood and a lot of it. She had an urge to run over and take care of the wound but doing that would get herself killed. The growl she heard made him sound like a leader. Was he taking care of someone? Two people? Are they human? They sure as hell don't smell like were-creatures. She ran her hand through her reddish brown hair and moved it out of her face, strands falling back in place. What are you doing here Bandit. It clicked again. She wasn't liking the fact that she had the urge to make herself at home.
~Jean Latvia, Old Farmhouse~

Jean knew she had no time to wait for Jaclyn's answer, the scene outside the window had caught her attention, it looked like a werefight was about to go down, and she didn't want ALL her hard work on his shoulder to go to waste because DogBreath wanted to get himself killed. Gritting her teeth she manifested her wings and flitted toward the window.

"Jaclyn please stay there! I'm sure Howl will explain everything in a bit, let me just save his sorry ass for a second," she called out, gritting her teeth and wiggling through the window before sliding into a controlled glide all the way down until her boots reached where Howl stood.

She put a hand on his arm and shook him, "Hey you won't be any good if you bleed out and die, if this turns into a fight I got it, okay?" she said, doubting his testosterone would let him hear anything other than "Nag nag nag nag nag,"

She looked back at the scantily clad woman, most likely not by choice, and wondered why all of these hot babes were out here chilling in the woods... not that Howl was one of those hot babes. He was more of a... hairball. She watched, noticing the woman did not put up threat at all, maybe it was an accidental territorial issue?

"Hey there! Can I ask what's going on?" she yelled out.
+Kodiak, Old Bunny Ranch Farmhouse+

Kodiak pulled his arm free out of Jean's grasp, looking at her from the corner of his eye. "I thought I told you to stay with Jaclyn? If this does turn bloody, you have to be there for her." There was an edge to his voice when he talked, resultant of the dispute between himself and the other werewolf. His primal blood was showing through in everything he did, from growling as a wolf and cautiously approaching. To settle an animal's problems, one had to become the animal.

He didn't do this by choice, it was just the kind of monster that he happened to be. When Jean shouted, trying to figure things out, he had to let another growl out to make it known that the non-wolf was under his protection. Pack animals tended to view outsiders like meals, and it was his way of vouching for her before she ended up getting mauled. Still, he made no more threatening noises, already having issued his warnings. Now it was up to the other to play their cards and it would determine just how this situation resolved: peacefully or in a bloodbath.
~Bandit, Old farmhouse~

The gold eyes snapped to the girl who shouted at her. "Hey there! Can I ask what's going on?" The woman called out. She narrowed her eyes and tried to figure out what she was. She then heard another growl come from the man. She lowered her head showing she was no threat. For the first time her light voice called out to him. "I'm here because of you." She pointed to the man as another growl came from her throat and her eyes glared at him. Bandit! Be nice! He will most-likely be the only other werewolf you will ever meet!
Kain admired the courage, but it was foolish to do such, he sounded like a moron. Kain took a few steps forward. "What on Earth are you running from?" Kain asked strangers. "I mean you no harm unless you provoke me, I don't like being threatened." Kain said his voice with a hint of hostility. "It matters not to me, I will leave you to your actions." Kain said turning and leaping onto a building and running off into the night.

(Heads up warning, I'm gonna be gone for the next four days, I'm going to a Church Camp called Wild Week.)
~Jean Latvia, Old Farmhouse~

"If you're worried about her being safe... go to her and protect her, you're not going to do much fighting with a messed up shoulder out here Dogbreath... and she doesn't seem like she's trying to kill you," Jean stated, placing her hands back on her hips as he had another growl fest.

He was animaling out and she was sure if he shifted into the change he and his wound might not make it, what he really needed was real medical attention. Of course he was going to completely ignore her if she suggested that. Maybe she could Google and article on home made stitches? She remembered her stupid Tinker Bell wings were still out and allowed them to dissipate, feeling the soft crunch of dirt on her boots as her full weight was pressed back onto the Earth. She had no idea what to do now, she was sure the girl wasn't going to hurt them, but then again it could be a set up.

"Howl, do you really think you could stand up to her in a fight? If you shift you'll tear your wound open or some shit like that," she said, glancing at him.
+Kodiak, Old Farmhouse+

On the verge of actually listening to what Sparkletits had to say for once, he had turned to answer her when the other werewolf spoke. So she had come for him? That as much intrigued his interest. And finally, his human intelligence shone through raging animal hormones, considering the very real fact that he wasn't the only one afflicted with this curse.

Another werecreature. A werewolf. He thought he was the only one like this, a beast of the night. But standing before him was proof otherwise. He glanced at Jean, and took a few more steps forward. "For me...? What do you want?" He'd call back, touching his injured shoulder lightly. The pain was a sharp throb, it seemed, with every beat of his heart. What he needed was to be lying down right now, seeing a doctor. But he had to resolve this first.
~Bandit, Old farmhouse~

When the man took a step forward she took one back. Clearly she was afraid of him. She listen to him speak while glancing the Twinklegirl's way. She looked back to the man and asked herself the same question. Why? After thinking for a moment she spoke up. "I... I dont know... Something in my brain made me come find you..." She shut her mouth after that. She wondered if the Twinklegirl knew what she was... Bandit looked like a normal human other than her gold eyes and her long k-9 fangs...
~Jean Latvia, Old Farmhouse~

Jean impatiently tapped her foot on the ground, the psychological f**ked upness of the situation was really starting to irk her, that along with the animal territorial crap that Howl was doing for whatever reason. And there was also the faint smell of piss that was attacking her nostrils.

Her eyes picked up on something, the girl's eyes were gold... a similar color to Howl's... did that mean anything? She hoped not.

"Look Princess over here is hurt, we don't have the time to sit here while you babble on about your brain leading you places and whatever other mess is going on... he is going to bleed to death if I can't re-address his wounds," she snapped, she turned to Howl, cocking an eyebrow and gesturing to the girl.

"Please invite her in to talk or tell her to go away, I need to patch you up so you don't leave Jaclyn in there a werewolfless mistress..." she sighed, her face blanched as she realized she barely had the energy to manifest her wings, she was running close to empty and she could feel it taking it's toll. She had never run herself this dry before, hopefully she didn't pass out like a wuss. That was the last thing she needed, she stopped herself from reaching out to nudge Howl so he would finally listen to her, she'd had her hand swatted at enough today by his big bear palm, if he did it again she'd have to deck him.
Pashmina finished plucking the feathers and skinning the bird. She was starving and ready to eat. She stuck some of it over the fire on a spit and let it roast. She sighed and sat back. She wondered what she was going to do when she finished eating. She didn't have that many people to meet up with. She had no allies so it wast going to be easy traveling alone. She wipe off the handle of her rifle and set it next to her. She figured she could find an ally. There were a lot of people in this forest. She could hear her stomach growling like a bear every time she looked at her bird. She hoped the damn thing would just cook already!
Navraj laid his foot on the table while sitting on a chair and leaning backward. He was waiting for his comrade to show up. He waited for a couple of minutes, but during those interval, he wasn't just idling around. He was thinking of his next plan. What he would do next after capturing the outpost. And now that he introduced himself to the whole of Kalladen. How would he free them. The answer was obvious, To kill the person who's locking all of them up. The head of all head.

Finally, Tired of waiting. He got up from his chair and walked out of the Outpost. His tail wagging back and fourth on the ground. He never knew that a tail like this would be as useful as hell. The mutation was really a good, no, a great thing. Navraj started to walk away from the outpost and towards the forest. He decided he would want to hide now that they know where he is. The humans would've probably send a couple of soldiers to get him.

He continued walking on the grassy and merciless train of the forest. He looked back to see how far he was from the outpost. Only to see that it had disappeared already from his sight. He looked back forward and noticed a trail of smoke coming from somewhere in the forest. He decided that he would follow the smoke, eventually, it'll lead him to someone, human or cursed, it all depends on how they react.

Navraj finally arrived at the scene, only to see a girl cooking her dinner. He raised an eyebrow and decided to watch and study her. She seemed harmless, except for the rifle that she carried. Navraj is not an immortal being. Being shot by a hunting rifle would mean death, depending on where it hits. He may be able to control minds, But not bullets.

He hid behind a tree and decided to watch over her for awhile.
Pashmina rested her cheek on her hand. Could this bird take any longer to cook?! She stood up and grabbed her rifle. She would hunt a little to make the wait more bearable. She walked into the forest with her rifle close just in case anybody approached her. As she traveled further in she heard a twig snap! She quickly shot in the direction of the noise and saw she shot a rabbit. Rabbit was pretty tasty, but she bet that she could shoot one more. She climbed up the branches of a tree and perched in the crook of two branches. She kept her eyes peeled for more game.
Navraj raised an eyebrow at her lucky shot. The moment she turned and firing a rifle without even aiming was pretty amazing. He continued to hide behind a tree and tried not to be seen. Or if he is seen, he needs to make an eye contact. If she does aim down on him, All he needs to do is look back at her and she is under his control. He waited patiently for her to come down, And he could go on with his plan. The plan to be able to control her or at least read her mind.
Pashmina heard a chirping sound in the sky. She saw a bird and shot it as quick as you could blink. She laughed as the bird fell and hopped out of her tree. She went and grabbed the bird and put it in her bag. She walked over to the rabbit she shot and put it next to the bird. She though she could feel the presence of another person. She decided to shake off the feeling and walk back towards the cave. She saw her bird ha finished roasting and grinned. She took it off the spit and immediately tore into it. She thought this was the best food she had ever tasted in her life! She took off her hat and wipe the sweat off her head:
+Kodiak, Old Farmhouse+

For once, it seemed, he would listen and nod at Jean as he backed down from the girl. Talking of Jaclyn brought him away from his territorial duties. He spoke, before heading over to the door. "If you want to talk, then enter. But the two here are not to be harmed." He would nod at Jean and clutch his shoulder as he entered back into the farmhouse, leaving the door slightly ajar for the others. Hopefully one or the other would be smart enough to lock it behind them.

Kodiak found his place on the floor again, and reached up to undo the front of his flannel shirt. He gritted fangs together in his mouth, biting the inside of his cheek as he worked the flannel off his bruised and battered body. Despite his inhuman strength, speed, and endurance there was only so much he could do against being shot and beaten about.

The bandages wrapped around his shoulder and upper back were nearly soaked completely through, crimson stains threatening to overflow again. Luckily, it was contained. He needed stitches and bandaging, and plenty of rest. And he needed to find a way to get his Mistress Jaclyn to feed, or she was in quite a bit of danger.
"H-Howl...?"She called out, it had took her a bit but she found the door way and to get back to the main room. Her eyes scanned, she could smell the blood. His blood. It was her best way of tracking him now, but now she thought about it she could smell something else. The same scent that night, the night that was burned into her memory." You lied..." She whispered harshly attempting to move forward, a fallen guide from before caused the girl to fall on the floor, weakly Jaclyn tried to stand." You lied to me...This whole time!"

Never once had Jaclyn yelled at the man before her, so many emotions were running through her mind as her hands felt around the ground, attempting to lift herself up. She looked so weak, so frail as if nearly just one touch would kill her." You aren't a human are you...? " Panting her movements stopped, her eyes widened as she smelled the scent." Werewolf.." Was all she could say as she scrambled back into a corner, if there was one thing she feared most in the world it was that. Her body trembled, she was alone again..
+Kodiak, Old Farmhouse+

He hadn't much time to relax when he had heard Jaclyn coming down the stairs. She'd fallen, after calling out the name she had given him. To top it off, she seemed to have finally figured out his darkest secret. Something he had kept hidden from her for years, the truth about his existence. And now she knew. He turned to look at her from his place on the redwood floor. "Jaclyn..." He swallowed hard, his throat tightening up with emotion. He shifted to his feet, wincing from pain, and against his better judgement he approached her to help her from the floor.

Despite how much she would likely fight it, he got her to her feet again. "You're right. I'm... not a human." He admitted it to her; it was a bit late for that, though, wasn't it? He made sure that he didn't box her into the corner in case she wanted to move away from him again. A cornered animal was the most dangerous kind. "I.. never meant to lie. I didn't tell you because I didn't know how you felt. I was trying to protect you from me while I protected you from the world!" How did she find out? A million scenarios ran through his head. The only conclusion he could come to was... Jean. She'd let it slip. But he didn't make it out to be a secret with her.

Now the proverbial cat was out of the bag. What was he going to do now? Would Jaclyn disassociate with him now? He didn't know how he could take that. She was the only reason that kept him going up until this point. The only reason he held onto his humanity, because she gave him something to believe in.

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