Blood Curse {Actual RP 2nd Edition}

~Kodiak, Old Farmhouse~

Like a dog ordered to sit for a treat, Kodiak would obey, but not before rolling up the rug and taking his place on the redwood flood. It would be easier to clean blood off the floor than the couch or the woolen rug. He grit his fangs together inside his mouth as Blondie McSparkletits went digging into his manflesh with the tweezers from the medical kit, pulling out what bits of metal that remained in his battered body. Thankfully, the majority of it had exited his body upon shifting forms back in the woods.

The claws-for-fingernails on either hand slightly raked at the floor, his little way of distracting himself from the brutalizing pain. Most men or women could go with a dab of anesthetic or a few shots of whiskey, but he had to make do with what was available. When she stopped playing Invasive Surgery with Doctor Sparkles, cleaning and dressing the wound, he would push her hand from his face and drag himself to his feet.

"I was shot. You saw what happened." Kodiak turned and disappeared into the second archway again. At the end of the hall, he would open the third door and enter. Inside would be his small room, simple and rather unadorned. The far corner had a writing desk stuffed in it and there was a queen-size bed made with what looked like homespun quilts for blankets creased and folded OCD-neatly. There was a wardrobe next to the window and he would pull it open, revealing several sets of the same clothes: flannel shirts of varying colors on wire mesh hangers and several pairs of jeans folded neatly in 3-high stacks. He grabbed one of each, dressing meticulously slow to avoid aggravating his wound after pulling the tattered remains of his last set from his body and tossing them in the nearby trash bin, filled with similar instances of ruined clothing.

Secretly, he hoped they were quiet enough coming in that he hadn't disturbed Jaclyn's rest. The daytime wasn't her preferred operating hour, so when the day was young and he had nothing to do, he'd watch some of the propaganda on the old television or go out and till his garden. He left the ends of the shirt untucked as he buttoned up with practiced ease and rolled up the sleeves just past his elbow. A mirror hung on the inside of the wardrobe and he examined his world-weary expression. With some rest, color would return to his face, and he would have to rely on his charge to hunt if the wound didn't heal fast enough.

Adjusting the collar on his red flannel. he shut the wardrobe up and left the room, closing the door quietly and coming back into the living room where he expected to find the woman still waiting, likely with more questions. He realized he hadn't thanked her yet for her assistance; Gods knew he was incapable of doing anything medical related, let alone self-treatment with his only other option a frail blind girl.

So he settled for short and sweet. "... Thanks." He'd rasp quietly. If she hadn't guessed by now, Kodiak wasn't much for talking, so getting what little she did out of him was a rarity.
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~Jean Latvia, Old Farmhouse~

Jean frowned again, watching as he violently shoved her hand away. Biting back a lengthy retort about his facial hair was very difficult, and she didn't have to bite her tongue for long because he stood up and walked away... again. Of course she had seen him get shot, but that sure as hell didn't mean she knew why She-Hulk was attacking Princess, maybe he pissed her off... he seemed like he had a real talent for that. She found that she didn't even want to check out his ass as he walked away.

Settling down on the floor away from the blood Princess had shed she waited, she still wanted to ask him questions... even though she had a feeling Nav wouldn't like it... He'd get over, she thought, roughly shoving her hands back into the pockets of her Letterman jacket. When he walked back into the room she quickly stood to her feet and approached him, thankfully he was dressed... in the most country boy outfit she had seen... sans the cowboy hat of course.

"You're very welcome Princess, now will you please tell me what is going on? Why you were trekkin' around naked in the woods. You know there's a whole war going on out in the city..." she said, removing one hand from her jacket and waving it around as she spoke, for emphasis.
~Kodiak, Old Farmhouse~

Golden-yellow eyes followed Sparkletit's hand as it cut the air with various motions and gestures, honestly only half-listening as she railed out question after question. He thought about biting her hand off, or breaking it, just to get her to stop waving around like she's trying to give an invisible fetus some old-fashioned Shaken Baby Syndrome.

When she concluded, he'd close his eyes and stuff his hands into his jean pockets. Did he really have to spell it out for her? He opened them the same time he opened his mouth to speak again. "I didn't know her. I was minding my own business, and I guess she thought I looked like target practice." He walked past her into another archway, which led into the kitchen. The floor was marble here, and it was sparse compared to most of the house, with only a refrigerator and stove as the utensils. Most of the walls were covered in more pictures of what looked like family gathered at dinner, and cabinets no doubt filled with various wares and foodstuffs. He opened one next to said refrigerator, producing two glasses, shutting it quietly and opening the fridge. He took out a large mason jar filled with lemonade made the day before and filled both glasses before returning it to its place and shutting the fridge door.

Taking up either glass in his hands, he'd come back through, speaking again as he offered one of them to the woman. "Did you look at the sky last night? It should tell you everything you need to know." He watched her from over the rim of his own glass, taking deep gulps of the lemonade to quench his thirst, alleviating any fears the woman may have of it being poisoned. The sour-sweet liquid rolled down his needy throat, and he cleared half the glass away before he stopped drinking, tongue wiping away at his chops.
~Jean Latvia, Old Farmhouse~

Jean had a hard time believing that she had only just now noticed his eyes, a deep yellow color, and slitted like a cats, just another unsettling thing about the man. Who she realized now probably didn't talk that much in the first place, of course that did nothing to help her irritation with him. She opened her mouth to ask why the hell would someone randomly shoot him, when he got up again and walked away.

She gritted her teeth but found she could say nothing when he returned and offered her a glass of lemonade, she let the corner of her mouth quirk up in a half smile. She watched him before she drank, but noticed him guzzling it down himself, before licking his teeth in a similar fashion a dog would. She was starving herself, two orbs and constant flight had drained her near dry. There was no way she was getting to that outpost today, she considered texting Nav and telling him that, but her cellphone was likely to do absolutely nothing in these conditions.

She pushed back some of the white blonde strands of hair that had escaped and glanced up at the man, trying to make sense of him.

"I mean, I get you're a werewolf Princess, but that really doesn't answer my question," she sighed, shifting from heel to heel and not letting her eyes leave his, "But you don't seem like you talk a lot... and you probably don't want me calling you Princess..." she chuckled, taking in the fact he seemed to be over foot taller than her.

"Well my name is Jean, what's your Princess?" she asked.
~Kodiak, Old Farmhouse~

"The name's Bond, James Bond."

"For someone keen on knowing what I am, you don't know your facts. There was a full moon last night." Kodiak answered dully. The rasp had left his voice, much cleaner and clearer than before, thanks to the refreshing liquid of his lemonade. He noticed that she finally had a good look at his eyes, and he watched the reaction of her face scrunching up like it was something new to her and that it made her uneasy.

He mulled thoughts over in his head, especially when she talked of calling him 'Princess' and asking for his real name. Particularly That's okay, I've been calling you Sparkletits in my head this whole time. A flash of a normally-nonexistent and oddly smug smile creased his thin lips momentarily before he reached up and used his hand to wipe some of his drink out of his short, thick beard. It'd gotten a few inches longer when he'd transformed, it seemed. He gave up on shaving, but he thought his long hair made him look like a hippie, so he'd need to take a couple of clippers to it tonight.

"As for my name... Well, everyone just calls me Howl, for lack of anything better." He seemed to drop out of the conversation from there as he left her standing to go and sit on the couch. His eyes settled on the drips of blood shed upon the floor, making a mental note to grab the pinesol cleaner and scrub them out by tonight. For now, he had to deal with the overpowering stench of blood and cinnamon sticks.
~Jean Latvia, Old Farmhouse~

It took every ounce of her self control not to burst into laughter once he said his name, in fact, she had little self control at all, so the laughter in fact did escape her lips. It didn't help that he had shifted back into his semi-human form with long gorgeous locks of hair... in fact she was jealous of his hair... it looked so thick. Of course the thought of him having to shampoo every bit of his body sent her into another fit of laughter. She didn't care how she looked, since he got up and went to the couch and completely swerved her. She took another sip from the cup and slid over to the couch, sitting on the other end and staring at him, lips curved into a lopsided grin. She had caught that little smile he had on his face before, but had a feeling she didn't want to know what he was laughing at, she quickly scanned over herself to make sure she wasn't laughable.

"Howl? Honest to God? You sound like one of those monsters from a Scooby-Doo special, Hooowl the werewoooolf," she laughed, resisting the urge to kick off her boots, which were beginning to hurt her feet.

She sipped her lemonade and decided to watch his face for any sort of reaction, hoping to kill a few minutes with this guy before she began making her way back towards the Outpost... if Nav was even still there... she also wanted to meet whoever was sleeping upstairs, she seemed interesting. Light moments like this were spare now, she used to have feelings like this all the time until the world went batshit. The lopsided smile dissipated from her face and a grim expression settled on her features.

"So, do you not have any part in this war? You don't want peace? You don't want... revenge? Or are you trying to stay out of it? Are you even aware of what's going on?" she asked.
Human Outpost, Navraj Makstav

Navraj was wiping his Rapier with the man's jungle fatigue. He wouldn't mind, A corpse wouldn't mind wouldn't it ? He the hid the Rapier back from under his suit and on it's scabbard. He then searched both man before proceeding inside the outpost. Surely, They were not the only ones in this place. An Outpost would be well guarded, It is like a Checkpoint area.

He stopped in front of the door and waited. He heightened his hearing and listened closely inside. There were whispers, soft, fast, and full of fear. Navraj smiled at this thought, Yes.. Yes.. bring me more fear . But opening the door right now would mean suicide, He needed to look at them in the eyes. So what he did was create an illusion of the man in jungle fatigues and knocked on the door. He waited for a moment and knocked again. Finally, after a couple of minutes. A woman, who looks somewhere in here 30s, opened the door and looked at the man. It seemed she was so relieve to see him and jumped up to hug him. But it was all just a fake.

" Psst, over here. " Navraj called out for the woman as she was startled and looked at Navraj's direction and met his eyes. And there it was, What Navraj was waiting for. Before the woman could react, She was now definitely under his control. Navraj used his mind power to kill the ones inside. The woman, now with an expressionless face, turned towards the door and headed inside.

Navraj could hear 2-3 people inside screaming stuffs like, Are you okay ? Who was that ? Then finally, it changed to, 'What are you doing!? ' and then gunshots followed. Navraj couldn't see what the woman sees. But he can only hear what she hears. The sound of a bullet going through her head was not good for Navraj. He thinks that there is still one more person inside. Navraj walked towards the door and saw a man. The Man's eyes quickly moved towards him as it was as easy as ever. Before the man could aim and shoot Navraj, He made him stop, literally. He stopped the brain from using it's systems. Meaning the man can't see, move, touch, or here.

He then walked towards the man and took his gun from him. And then he stopped his telepathy powers so that he may move again.

" W-why are you doing this.. ? " The man asked, trembling in fear.

" Same thing you are doing to us.. Racism " Navraj answered before his tail wrapped around the man's neck and raising him upwards.

" Humans are such weak creatures.. Just. ( his grip tightens ) like.. ( It tightens even more ) .. You. ( There was a short crack on the neck ) .. " The man died from both suffocation, and the breaking of his neck. His tail then unwrapped him as he headed over the communications system. He then pressed the button and leaned towards the Mic. Sending a message to almost the whole of Kalladen.

" Greetings fellow... Cursed ones.. And low life humans.. I am Navraj Makstav, I have taken over one of the outposts of the humans. And afterwards.. I will free all the cursed ones in Kalladen.. So be ready, Humans " Navraj warned them, And the released the button and smiled to himself.
+Kodiak, Old Farmhouse+

Kodiak expected her to laugh; Truth be told, the nickname was a little ridiculous. But Jaclyn gave it to him, her own little way of being able to communicate with him, since he believed that his identity had died the night he first killed. "Don't let Mistress hear you laughing at her nicknames." Other than his subtle warning, his expression hardly changed, seemingly mesmerized by his own blood on the redwood floor.

Silence fell on the pair for several moments, and in the meantime he had drained the rest of what lemonade was left in his glass. He cradled it in his hands as he slumped forward, brows knitting together as the woman brought up the on-going war between the Vomica and the Magnus army. She wanted to know where his stance rested.

His gaze shifted, and he stared into the bottom of his glass. "I have no stake in its outcome... I've lived out here all my life, and in the five years since the outbreak, I've never been bothered by anyone except today." His hand moved to his injured shoulder, showing that he spoke of the lady that had shot him. "Why should I care what happens? Whatever Mistress Jaclyn decides, I'll follow her lead. I owe her as much." Golden-yellow eyes fell on the woman's face again. In the dim light of the living room, his eyes seemed to glow like they were burning. But there was no shine in them. His eyes were dead.
Jaclyn had been sleeping again, or at least it was what she got Howl to think. Every month of so on the 10th night, or other varying on the month.He would leave her alone, always saying it was for a good reason but never actually telling her anything. This night though, it was nothing short of the term special in her mind. She had left to go find him;worried of his safety, the moment the wooden door closed she waited, listening till she put on a large long black hood, sneaking out the window she used the trees to venture into the forest.

As much as she loved Howl she knew he was lying to her, something wasn't right but who was she to question him aloud? Her pale hues shifted as she heard the sound of a beast, one much like the Howl protected her from.

"Please...Be safe." Her voice muttered as the rosey hung from her neck, swaying in the slight wind she hiked up her long dress and continued on wards.

It seemed like forever till the swift sound of movement and music filled her ears, people were laughing and cheering. A body bumped into her.

"ah, sorry about that, Lassy. You should be more careful." The man responded, Jaclyn could feel his smile.

Jaclyn gulped back before giving a kind bow followed with a smile as well." Forgive me, perhaps you can tell me where I am, kind sir?"

He blinked as his stare remained on Jaclyn for a moment or two." Sliverville. Tonight's the festival, oh I get it, you must be from out of town. People come from miles and miles to see this festival, how about it? "

A little taken back." How about what?" She responded.

"A dance of course, you cannot come to the festival and not dance!" Laughing he grabbed her hand before taking her off into the center of the dance floor, the violin, guitar and drums filled her sensitive ears.

"My names Abel by the way, and yours?"

"J-Jaclyn..." She stated a bit on edge, it was happening again...That feeling. The overwhelming hunger.

"What a pretty name for a pretty women." The compliment made the heart of what she had left shatter." I have to get back home now, or my..My family will worry."

A sudden smell of blood filled the air as Jaclyn's teeth clinched, there was arguing in the back ground." Oh geese, another bar fight. Its like the second one this night!" Abel exclaimed before turning around, Jaclyn was gone.

In the woods she ran as fast as she could, falling a couple of times her clothing torn. "Jaclyn?!" Abel called for her as he saw a shadow moving in the forest." Jaclyn...?" He could see a hunched over being near a tree. "You didn't have to run so far alone, I would have taken you home."

"GO AWAY!" A demonic voice cried loudly from the body." J-Jaclyn...Are you alright...?" " I SAID GO AWAY!!!" Her yell shook the trees and made the wind howl. Falling on his back he crawled away screaming 'monster.' Jaclyn ran away back to the cabin, knocking loudly on the front door she panted as tears streamed down her face. He hadn't fed for weeks now in the hopes of maybe...Just..Maybe she could for one moment feel human. Though, of course some vampires had gone mad from not feeding. "Howl! Please open the door!"
~Jean Latvia, Old Farmhouse

Jean repressed the involuntary shudder that attempted to quake through her body as soon as Howl mentioned the word "mistress". She began to contemplate what sort of relationship was going on, it didn't seem sexual, he didn't seem like the type of guy to be into that kinda stuff. Too serious and gruff.

The silence that soon followed was unbearably numbing, and she shifted between slipping off her boots and bringing her knees to her chest and twisting and tugging the wild waves of her hair. She finished her lemonade and looked up at him as he spoke again, revealing his side in the arising conflict.

Mistress Jaclyn, eh? The eerie dullness in Howl's eyes fully matched his tone as he spoke.

"So you're in debt to this... Jaclyn woman Dog breath? Who is sh-" her speech stopped as a rapid knocking on the door began and Howl's name was called. Jean quickly hopped to her feet, wondering why she was so terrified.
+Kodiak, Old Farmhouse+

He shot forward off the couch like a loaded gun at the sound of the banging, and Jaclyn's distinct voice crying for him. Kodiak ignored the sudden stinging pain that wracked his body, jerking the wound and causing it to bleed through the bandages somewhat, and soak into the back of his red flannel shirt. The crimson mixed with the fabric, although it couldn't be told apart except for a slightly darker shade and dampness, and of course the unmistakable stench.

There was no time to answer the woman's follow-up question. For now, it didn't matter. He tore through the house and came to the door, undoing the deadbolt and throwing it open to the sight of Jaclyn sobbing. His brows remain knitted as he reached out and took her hand in his, pulling her into the safety of the house, golden-yellow eyes scanning the immediate outside area for the source of her distress.

Keeping her cradled within his injured arm, he shut the door and threw the deadbolt back into place with a solid
kerthunk! Quickly he would lead Jaclyn away from the door and to the couch where the woman sat, sitting his charge down and doing his best to calm her.

"What's wrong, Jaclyn? What happened?!" Concern edged his voice, determined to get to the bottom of things. His shoulder ached but it was of no consequence to him right now. He wanted to sit there and ask her a million different questions, but that wouldn't solve anything. He'd have to figure them out later. For now, he pushed back the hood on her cloak and touched her face with one hand, wiping away tears and trying to get Jaclyn to look at him.

"T-There was...I was worried and I went into town looking for you and then...." Her sentenced stopped as she stared forward, the shadowy grey figure came into view as she could smell the sweet scent of the crimson liquid she so desired to drain from the bodies. Her body trembled as her mouth opened slightly, showing off her fangs as her face twisted, like something else was pushing her more and more to his neck. "No...."She shook her head as more tears fell from her light sea foam green eyes."No..No.. Please God, no..." She whispered before taking her leg and kicking him back with as much force as she could summon. Her chest rose and fell quickly as she stared at him with murderous intent. "G-Get...Away..." She breathed out with such a dangerous glare.

Jaclyn could feel it, it was as if she suffered from different personalities it was so bad sometimes, normally she could control something like this but it had been literal months. Every time Howl would get her an animal or something she would let it go lying to make him fell better. "I SAID GET OUT!!!" She bit down onto her own arm as blood seeped from the deep bite marks, there were plenty other scars of the same. Her eyes clenched tight, a growling noise sounded from the depths of her throat.

No more killing... It was all she thought through the sobs, her mouth up to nose covered in her own blood.
~Jean Latvia, Old Farmhouse

Jean paused as her insides went into a full on panic, stupid Howl had opened his wound back up! And this new chick thought it would be pretty cool to just chomp her own arm after kicking Howl across the room.

"PRINCESS! YOUR SHOULDER REMEMBER?" she yelled, "You have a death wish don't you? You don't need to lose ANY more blood!"

She turned back to the woman, so this was Jacklyn.... She was gorgeous... At least she would be if she wasn't slurping on her arm like a Twizzler and sobbing hysterically. She took a few steps back as realization dawned on her, she was a victim of the virus too...and she seemed pretty hungry. She was tempted to step in front of Princess to help him, but he wouldn't like that, if she guessed correctly and emotional smack fest was about to go down and she was going to be in the middle.

She snapped back to attention and backed away from the woman, vampires and light don't chill together, correct? So a light orb would take care of her if she got to close... Of course that would only enrage Howl....
~Valen Helsinger, in a bar in Kalladen~

The man studied the girl before him for a moment more, until he heard what she said. Tell her more about this town? Anyone should know what Kalladen was like after five years of imprisonment...but, wait, did that mean that this girl was from 'outside'? Impossible; no one could enter or leave without the approval of the government...but here sat one girl who was from the outside world. How? She was far too young to be a government agent. That made Valen smirk, for he had been rather young when he developed his vaccine for this virus and lost his family in the process. By the law, he was supposed to drag this girl in for questioning...but she intrigued him. That can come later. "Of course; what is it you would like to know, Miss...?" He looked at her for a moment while waiting for her name.

+Kodiak, Old Farmhouse+

Something felt wrong the moment he'd gotten Jaclyn's hood down and tried talking to her. She lurked forward, her eyes mesmerized and fixed on his flesh like a succulent bloody werecicle. However, the poor girl snapped and her boot went right into his gut. He was off his guard, so he took the full blow and it sent him crashing away into the TV stand opposite of the couch. Stacks of show guides thudded on top of him and the remote slid off last, cracking him in the brow, stars exploding in his eyes.

Whatever pain he had felt was now tripled as he stirred from the mess on the floor. More blood flew freely from his wound and he grimaced, holding onto his battered shoulder. He looked across the room, ignoring the woman's exclamations of his injuries. He just didn't give a damn!

"Jaclyn... Stop hurting yourself! Don't do this!" He'd take a few steps, his legs wobbling and threatening to give out on him. Physical exertion, pain, and blood loss were all taking their tolls on him. But he struggled back to her side and did his best to use both hands to separate her mouth from her arm, and pulling her against him to keep her from trying to harm herself again.
Jaclyn bit her lip till it bled then, she had already promised the day she met this man that she would never harm him in any shape way or form. Of course, the thing itself was taking a toll on her due to her body attempting to heal itself after the wounds, the lack of blood only made it take more of her strength. Her knees buckled and she fell in his arms." I'm sorry..." She whispered weakly. Her eyes staring down wards as the hunger left, the tears had stopped and she was calm now." My bodies to weak to want to feed, its focus is attacking the injuries and healing them, but for the lack of blood its t-taking. " She winced.." A lot out of me..."

Placing a hand on his chest she looked up to him sadly, her voice but a whisper." Are you okay? I didn't hurt you too much, did I?" Turning her head she could feel the presences of another in the room." Nor your friend?"
"My name is Equinox...and before you start I know its a strange name for a girl. First..." She whispered then sat back and continued to speak. "...I would like to know your name. ...Or should I just call you executioner?" She said with a straight face. Her posture revealed that she was staying on her guard in case anything should happen and her eyes surveyed the room for danger. Instead of danger, her eyes fell upon a waitress approaching the table with a drink.

She sat patiently until the beverage was set upon the table next to the man, before she looked at the waitress and opened her mouth. "Can I get a bowl of beef stew from your kitchens? I was here a week or so ago when your chef prepared some for me and it was delicious." Equinox whispered kindly curving her lips into a small smile that didn't show her teeth at all. The waitress nodded with a smile and shuffled away quietly. With the waitress gone, her smile faded and her gaze was, once again, upon the man across from her.
~Valen Helsinger, in a bar in Kalladen~

Valen lifted his drink from the table and took a long, deep swallow of the brew before slamming it down onto the table, a content expression on his face. He laughed softly, returning his eyes back to the girl who was staring at him. "So you saw that 'unfortunate' business. The infected here must be put under harsh laws; otherwise, we will have anarchy that was much worse than the old days. In this quarantine zone, I am known as the Purifier, but you can call me Helsinger. Valen Helsinger." He took another few gulps from his bottle before setting it down once more, but he kept a grip on it.

"I'm not really a fan of blood drinkers anyway..." She shrugs and continues speaking " this virus....what is it? I heard that there was a virus before I locked myself away...I didn't really care about it when I arrived though. Now things are different." She takes another look around before running her fingers through her hair to remove the tangle in her hair that was there before. "Now everything is complicated...monsters are everywhere, even in plain sight. They used to just blend in with the crowd." She hisses.
~Jean Latvia, Old Farmhouse~

A sense of unwanted easiness began to wash over Jean as she watched the vampire addressed her, after throwing in a prolonged speech about how hungry she was. At least she was concerned about Dogbreath, who took one hell of a kick and was now bleeding profusely. She was now currently in his arms and Jean felt as if she was intruding on a private moment. She awkwardly shuffled backwards, stuffing her hands in her pockets and offering Jaclyn a weak smile.

"Er, sorry... Howl here managed to get himself shot and I was helping him out..." she said, voice barely above a mumble. In fact she had completely lost track of time, Nav was going to murder heeer.
+Kodiak, Old Farmhouse+

His eyes shifted, and their gaze was on the woman. They seemed to tell her to go somewhere else until he'd gotten everything under control here. Kodiak turned his attention back to Jaclyn, whom he cradled in his arms very carefully, holding her to him so she would not fall. With one hand he would wipe away the blood that was on her mouth with his sleeve, cringing as the movement only caused pain to wrack his body again. The wound had since worsened, but he did his best to ignore it.

"No, I'm fine... Don't worry about me." He would answer her back quietly, forcing a pained smile even though he knew she couldn't see it, something instinctual, how he let others know that he was fine even when he wasn't. "There's nothing to be sorry about." He wanted to know why she hadn't been feeding off the animals that he hunted, why she let things get so badly. Now she really needed her rest.

"Can you bring me the medical kit? Her arm..." He'd trail off to Sparkletits as he continued to dote on Jaclyn. "And... There's food in the pantry if you're hungry. You can stay here as long as you want. For helping me." His voice cracked and he held Jaclyn tighter, not quite squeezing her.
~ Jean Latvia, Old Farmhouse~

Jean began to feel awkward, like she was spying on them as their Twilight moment went on, he cradled her so gently and forced a smile so soft she felt so wrong standing here watching. She was happy to trot off and find the medical kit, anything to get away from the oozey feelings back there. She took her time finding it, returning with it in hand and stooping down next to Howl's hulking form, if they allowed her to she would clean and tend to the wound as best she could.

"Thank you... I think I will stay for a little while..." she said, shoving her hands in her pockets and scooting away from the pair. She was hungry, starving but she really didn't want to pillage their fridge and remove all of it's contents. But what she was more worried about was what Nav was going to do, he never treated her as an equal...always as an underling... at first she tolerated it because she assumed he was going to do what he said... but he could find no sense in his plans and all of the merciless killings... she was bitter but not completely twisted. She had no doubt that if he found her he would turn her life to hell with his mind games, the people who were infected with the virus that were granted telepathy and telekinesis and the like terrified her the most.

Pulling her leather jacket tighter around her person as an involuntary chill ran through her she stared at the wall... did she really want destruction? Or just to be human again... The question brought the grim expression back to her face and she looked down from the ceiling and back at one of Howl's family photos.
"I'm fine...really.." Wincing she lifted from her friends hands. The smell of his blood still rich in the air." You have to get that fixed properly. I could have killed you, a human wouldn't stand a chance against that kick. Then again I suppose you are the strongest human I have ever met." Since the day she met him as the wolf she never actually knew what he was, most times she thought perhaps he was just an older human who had dealt with these things before, even if the sent of wet dog were present from time to time he always told her it was just her smelling being impaired or something like that.

And much like he she never questioned him either and would only smile. Touching her arm she rubbed the bite marks that had already began to heal." I'm sorry for being so rude before, Miss. A friend of Howl's is a friend of mine through and through, so please make yourself at home. I pray I didn't scare you.."
~ Bandit, Old Farmhouse ~

Something clicked inside Bandits head telling her to go. Telling her to change. She ran out of the cave as fast as her legs would take her and into the forest. A sent caught her attention as her gold eyes searched the trees. Dodging the trees that flew past her she stopped and looked around. The sent was now all around her. She looked to the ground and seen blood. She knew what this was... Another werewolf. A growl emitted from her throat as she took off in another direction.

When she finally stopped an old farmhouse stood just beyond the treeline. She could smell it there and she had no clue why she wanted to come here. When it clicked. Packs... We roam in packs... She took a step forward and could smell two other beings there. She could not tell what the other 2 where, but she was going to find out.
+Kodiak, Old Farmhouse+

Something in the back of Kodiak's head seemed to click. The hairs on his neck stood up like the hackles on a dog, and an instinctive growl came low out of his throat, albeit extremely stifled. Through the blood and the cinnamon sticks was the unmistakable marking odor that all werecreatures were familiar with. "Spark- Ahh... Jean. I need you to take the first aid kit and carry Jaclyn upstairs and stay there."

Kodiak rose without word, wincing as he scooped Jaclyn up in his arms and moved to the other woman. He deposited her into the other's arms without even bothering to ask her, and gave the medical kit to Jaclyn for her to hold onto. He did not wait for an agreement or protest, lightly guiding them to the stairs.

He would do his best to suck up the pain and turn away now, moving to the front door. He'd peer through the one-way peephole and his brow knitted at the sight outside. Something was definitely out there, and it wasn't any human, for sure. He had put scent markers in a mile radius around the property to ward off predatory animals from daring to come onto the property line, but whoever this was... Either he'd missed somewhere, or they were issuing a direct challenge. Or could it be something else?

He undid the deadbolt and winced as he stepped outside, shutting the door behind himself and turning to face the treeline of the woods, his eyes focused on the figure in the shadows. Now all he could do was wait.

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