[Blight!] Tominic Through the Pipes [OOC]

Xarvh, the only person who has a chance of seeing Probe is Thousand Diamond Echoes, so if you want to roll stealth for Probe and Thousand Diamond Echoes can roll perception to see it. Or, with your permission, you can forgo your roll and Thousand Diamond Echoes can succeed hers.

MrS Imma typin now. Your argument put me in a spot more than the dice did. I almost just ended the contest, but I would have felt like I was cheating you, so I came up with something.
A quick question regarding spending Peripheral Essence in a social setting since this is not Creation - does it make a difference in social settings if an Exalt is spending peripheral to bolster his argument? Is it frowned upon? what is the 'ettiquete' I suppose of that kind of thing?

EDIT: Secondly, would Patriotism Provoking Display (page 144 MoEP: Alchemicals) function as written in this situation? (I have the submodule Many Is One Node which allows it to work on groups)
In this situation, showing anima would just be stunt fodder, attesting to the grandeur and glory of the Great Maker and his Chosen. There exist situations where showing the fact that you are being magically superior would be a problem, but there won't be any backlash here.

Reply edit: I had actually looked at this charm for this situation. The affect on Conviction channels stands, and to compensate for the lack of WP or Loyalty expenditures in this free-form contest, if you choose for the effect to be UMI it will remove 2 successes from the Jarishite's total. Sound fair?

There will be more orthodox Social Combat later so you will be able to use charms as intended, but this just seemed easier at the time. And in the event of going off the rails and improvising systems like we are doing feel free to ask about charms applying in different ways.
I am happy keeping this Natural Influence, if you can come up with some other benefit.

EDIT: The way I structured his reply, do I get the benefit of his Storytelling specialty in Performance?
Nah, I'm here. Your specialty applies. 2d stunt. AAAAaaaaand I'm gonna come up with something better for the Charm use to help off-set the cost.

That passage about the beginning of conurbation was one of my favorite moments of the Compass.

I'm gonna get the charm use hammered out tonight, but I might not get a reply up tonight, but I have tomorrow off in that case. Gimme a minute or two.

edit: I'm gonna go with Natural levying the same penalty, 2 successes from the opposition, but since it is natural you would not be able to get the same benefit this scene. So, you won the contested roll!

double edit: you get stunt rewards from both rolls BTW, I don't remember if you already took them from the first roll.
ooh, I forgot about them! so I got.... 8 motes back?

Regarding the beginning of conurbation - all I heard when picturing the secne was 'NOT ENOUGH PYLONS' being shouted out by Ixut :P

EDIT: So I didnt roll a dice I should have... to invisible castle!!
8 motes or 2 WP or any combination thereof... the only one not explicitly mentioned being 4 motes 1wp

edit: yeah, I'm gonna wait until tomorrow to let the other group post, because we might be at a good spot for a party unifying event. If not we will continue on.
Cool... If I had known that our ST is so devious I'd have gone for social char... :mrgreen:

Anyway: Probe's Dex+Stealth = 11 dices: 4 successes

I haven't used the Moving Silently specialty.

Uh, I also roll on honor: you guys trust what I roll here: http://xxx.4orsi.it/nw/roller.html

If you have any issue with it, I'll be happy to use whatever diceroller you use.
hmm, all the scheming went over my head it seems O.o .... Must be why I'm playing a Charismatic outwardly social character instead of a manipulative bastard ;) What does the probe do anyways?
Probe is just there to listen.

The Essence pattern on Tryr was kinda suspicious, my hope is to get some interesting pieces of private conversation.

What if Bastion suspects something about Tryr but is not yet in a position of making a case for it?

She's not the socialite, but she's not stupid.
I just figure I'm talking to the man, I have the vision upgrades installed, I might be able to see the probe.
hmm, that Jarshite man is obviously infested with the taint of the Void to be espousing such blatant untruths and requires re-education :D . Seriously however, Custodian would be concerned by his outlook and resistance to his Charms and would seek to alert the proper authorities - who would they be? Or is it up to Custodian to bring him in for re-education?
The Preceptors would be your best bet, as they're the Autochthonian Inquisitors. There was one present at the impromptu rally, but he disappeared. As Champion you do have the leeway to attempt to take him in yourself. Regulators could also assist you in bringing him in.
MrSerious said:
Seriously however, Custodian would be concerned by his outlook and resistance to his Charms and would seek to alert the proper authorities - who would they be?
The one with the biggest gun. 8)
Hi and apologies for the intrusion. :D

I just wanted to mention to all those brave heroes of the Great Maker, that I just received my copy of CoCD: Autochthonia, therefore in case you need any information from there don't hesitate to send me a PM. :D
Also, in case you guys haven't seen it before, Holden wrote this amazing little piece of fiction. It doesn't quite apply to us, as we are deep in Auto and will probably be there for awhile, unless you guys decide to make a B line for the big C.

I'm gonna start posting more towards every other day or more, rather than the once a week I've been pulling. Thanks for your patience guys.

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