[Blight!] Tominic Through the Pipes [OOC]

BTW, I'm gonna be in Canadaland for the next 6 days, so I won't necessarily post with a quickness, but I won't be completely away. In the meantime, lemme know if you guys are formulating posts or if I should proceed.
I have been trying to make this post for 2 days but I keep getting interrupted by rl when trying to write it and having to come back and start from scratch again.

I am musing what is needed to resolve the refugee problem. Allow me to parlay you with what my thoughts have come up with thus far and give you the opportunity to correct any assumptions I've made that are faulty:

1. The shortage exists because of the mismatch between available positions and the skillsets of the refugees, as I understand it from your posts. And generally not enough positions to go around full stop.

2. Significant skills retraining would most likely break the caste system as I understand it - a manufacturing worker is always worker for some kind of factory and never a technician. Retraining would be the most efficient and quickest way to ease the refugee problem and quiet the masses by giving hope to those without anything to do. But I can forsee the end result of such a policy in the corruption of Yu-Shan which started from a similar functional base of every spirit doing its' alloted task, then given the opportunity of upward mobility in rank and privledge.

3. The infux of refugees must be taxing Bastion's resources since they were unplanned for and the infrastructure to house, feed and generally cope with them does not exist - hence the slums at the edge.

3a. New municipal Charms/city expansions are probably required but Bastion may not have sufficient uncommitted personal Essence to add more Charms.


3b. Resources to support the construction of said infrastructure is most likely in short supply given the perilous state of Autochthon. Therefore new veins must be found and new settlement constructed in that area. Possibly using a limited version of Sova's municipal relay Charms until a sessile Exalt can take root to form a new city. (whenever that happens).
It is a combination of all those things, plus some others. All the refugees showing up was a huge population boom when they were already functioning at all hands on deck. A new factory just opened, but it is a drop in the bucket. Unbeknownst to you, another drop in said bucket will be the additional Reaches Exploration teams created by the Blight Skiffs, although those wont necessarily be coveted jobs.

Re-education isnt really a problem though. Any Non-Populat refugees were quickly absorbed into the hierarchy, leaving only populat behind, and populat do just about everything. Training is involved, but isnt a monumental hurdle.

The Tripartite ruled to keep the bulk of the shifts within the Bastion citizenry, so as not to plant the seeds of unrest in the natural population, to the detriment of the situation in the Slums. The other option on the table was to have EVERYONE do half shifts, so everyone could work, but they decided better to have a new underclass pissed at them than everyone.

The proposal of the Jarishite is to go out and fix the ailing maker, basically by Faith alone. Kind of like a mob going around and fixing everything possible by basically throwing bodies at it until it worked. It is obviously a flawed plan, but desperate times...
magnificentmomo said:
The proposal of the Jarishite is to go out and fix the ailing maker, basically by Faith alone. Kind of like a mob going around and fixing everything possible by basically throwing bodies at it until it worked. It is obviously a flawed plan, but desperate times...
Properly harnessed, such fervour and idealism can be a useful tool. And to a degree prayer and faith are part of the engine that drives the Great Maker like any deity.


The first step would be to improve the slums and convert them all into an organised force instead of a disparate mob, united in faith and doctrine to discover the root of his problem and do what is necessary... yes...
magnificentmomo said:
Exactly. Help them help themselves.
I apologise for the slow posting - if its' a problem I could rejig my Alchemical in the future to be a less social character, thus I wouldnt need so much time mulling about my posts. Although it seems to me that due to the unique relationship of the Alchemicals to their society, almost every one of them has to be cerebral and sociable in some fashion (and to hold Clarity at bay).
It isn't a problem in the slightest. Just let me know if you are working on a post so I don't jump the gun again.


MrSerious said:
This is the best I could come up with, I hope its enough
S'all good. As long as you are enjoying the character. Granted it is the start of a campaign, there is some testing of the waters that happens before you really know.

I'm calling it a night here pretty quick, I may actually ask for a roll on this one when I get back to the internet tomorrow.
Strangely enough I am enjoying the character so far :) . Since I'm making grand speeches and inspiring people rather than trying to politically schmooze and gain advantage with honeyed words which I enjoy far less and more par the course for social characters in Exalted in my experience.

EDIT: Just tell me what to roll chief.
Posted. Extended contested charisma+performance roll.

I've always rather liked extended contested rolls, but feel like they are rarely used. I find it much appropriate for this situation than social combat.
Still alive and still on holidays, but I'm trying to stay updated. ^^

It's definitely cool to have social chars, and we'll need Custodian of Unity as he is.

Plus, we have one of the few STs that can actually handle social combat, so let's enjoy it while we have it. ^^

CFS has War 5 and despite his shitty Social attributes can more or less train the refugees into a military force or at least instill military discipline, or at least keep them busy for a while.

@ST: a humble suggestion: wouldn't be better to keep two different threads for the two different Scenes and create a new one when all the PCs meet?
You guys will join up soon enough if everything goes as planned (it never does,) but I guess splitting them for ease of use wouldn't be so hard...
Didnt think that Chrome Forged Star was aware of my character as a Sovan refugee but I got no problem with it.
Probably doesn't take much more than a week for champions in a city to at least know of each other, and with Chrome-Forged Star's paranoia he probably would have looked into you a little bit when you first arrived... but I am speaking for someone else now, aren't I?
Uh, my assumption is that Champions are always public figures, unless they specifically move incognito.

Further, I assumed that a leader such as Custodian would stand out.

I can edit out CFS mention of Custodian if you want.
like I said, its' no problem - completely justified, I was just surprised thats' all.

EDIT: hmm, I'm supposed to be making some social rolls aren't I? To the IC thread!!
You both had 2d stunts... don't make me regret not just sharing his results...

I'm about to do some heavy traveling, but I have some stupid layovers so I will post sometime this evening.
Wow, awesome work with the splitting of the scenes! (Sorry if I react on delay.... ^^)

That was my shameful attempt at stunting Probe's stealth roll.

I am assuming that the room is packed, so that Probe can fly among the feet without being seen.
Actually, I'm stuck in Montreal due to flooding all over NY. Anyone live near Montreal and have a couch? My current plan is to sit in this 24hour cafe drinking coffee until I can leave, instead of sleeping on the street. The good news is I have internet access, so, expect posts in a little bit.

edit: or this whole getting stranded process can mentally exhaust me and I don't feel like posting. Stay tuned true believers!
Finally got off my holidays, detached from the world for 2 weeks... I didn't even know there was a storm in US, hope everything's all right! oO
Yeah, everything is good, but my trip home was a knock-out, and then I had to catch up on RL for the past couple days. I work tomorrow (fucking retail), but when I get home I'm gonna go on an Exalted binge and catch up, so be ready for posts.

Also, welcome back.

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