[Blight!] Tominic Through the Pipes [OOC]

After xarvh's awesome post in the IC thread, I had visions of my character leaping down (relying on 13L Hardness to avoid injury) swinging his Big Friggin Hammer watching CFS's back. Sadly, that would probably result in my Alchemical quickly surrounded and pecked to bits by Gremlins due to his lack of Combat charms and the demolishment of those soldiers on board the Skiff. Dramatic, but inefficient.
Well, in mass combat CFS must rely on armor 'cause his parry kinda sucks; someone to cover CFS back could be very useful, and CoU is a respectable tanker.


Earlier I was considering "dammit, I want a flamethrower! :mrgreen: " but in mass combat CoU's hammer would do more or less the same.

Unless they are ridiculously sturdy, you are going to splat them like flies.

In short, Teamplay: I take down the leaders, this makes them unable to damage you significantly and far more vulnerable to your attacks, you mop them up.

Your weapon is just ridiculously perfect for that.


Plus. This is Exalted!

Just say something cool, do something cool, and hope it works! :mrgreen:
xarvh said:

Plus. This is Exalted!

Just say something cool, do something cool, and hope it works! :mrgreen:
This is Autochthon! Efficiency matters more than flare! :D

EDIT: Although. You do bring to mind something that could be efficient AND dramatic - such as clearing away a landing point for the Skiff. Also, I just noticed that a Goremaul has a Rate of 2 so the maximum number of Gremlins I could swat in an action is just 2, lacking any Charms currently that ignore Rate. (Actually, what Alchemical Charms ignore Rate?)
Think Mass Combat.

With Exalted rules, Reality Needs Not Apply .

You calculate the damage against the complementary unit more or less as it was the leader.

With a single attack you may kill *hundreds* of enemies.

So in this case CoU would be splatting several enemies per blow, and his soldiers as well.
I wasn't necessarily planning on running this encounter in mass combat, unless you guys would prefer that. In the meantime I'ma typin' away...
My bad.

I assumed mass combat because of many people and because if our chars take the lead they will protect the Bastionians far better.
I wasnt planning on Mass Combat, but it did seem appropriate given my characters' background to take a dot in War.
Xarvh, I had missed that you had War 5, I had only looked over charm choice and didn't see any Mass Combat charms so I didn't think anyone was interested and thus didn't plan accordingly. Apologies. The rest of the party won't be able to participate until they are reunited with you and join your unit so they can take independent actions. Would you be alright functioning in normal combat time until you guys are reunited?

Also, the Temple Guardian write-up is super helpful and doesn't say where all of the soak comes from, so I am gonna look through the spirit charms that add soak to see if it would be considered armor soak, because his listed stamina doesn't add up.

Now I'm going to get to the typing, Happerry I hope you didn't have anything to add before I turn this scene on its ear.

edit: Also, you get 1xp and the usual stunt reward.
Nah, I am good. Thousand is trying to figure out how to best help right now, as open combat is really not her forte.

Also, because I don't think I told anyone here, I'm going bye bye for a bit next month. A minor bit of surgery on the 18th. Should be back before the weeks up if nothing goes wrong, but may be feeling like crap.
@ST: don't worry, I put War 5 because I see CFS as a tactician, with his very weak parry he's not tailored for mass combat.

Let's handle it so that everyone can participate at best, I'm the warrior here so I'll take most of the spotlight anyway.

(And YAY for the XP :mrgreen: )

@haperry: my best for your surgery, take care!

EDIT: also, the Guardian's soak is no big deal.

Armor? I go Piercing.

Natural soak? I go Frog Crotch.

All in all I don't think the damage will change much between the two.
THousand is about one essence of from being good at open combat, honestly. I couldn't afford the make my weapons count as artifacts bit like she had in her first incarnation, so she's going to be acting as support with her crossbow. With her eyes, she should be able to be mean to any enemy that looks like they have a clue...
xarvh said:
Let's handle it so that everyone can participate at best, I'm the warrior here so I'll take most of the spotlight anyway.
What would you call CoU? Not being snide - just curious as to his suitable role.
Ahah, you are right!

CoU is not only a warrior, is a social character.

Unlike him, CFS does only one thing well.
xarvh said:
Ahah, you are right!
CoJ is not only a warrior, is a social character.

Unlike him, CFS does only one thing well.
To be honest, I would not call CoU a true warrior, more a 'defender of the people'
Edited the U in my post... :oops:

Sorry guys, by my brains have burned out.

Pity CoU has no War, it would allow him to defend a unit in mass combat.

Then again, we'll probably eschew the utter mess that exalted mass combat is...
xarvh said:
Edited the U in my post... :oops:
Sorry guys, by my brains have burned out.

Pity CoU has no War, it would allow him to defend a unit in mass combat.

Then again, we'll probably eschew the utter mess that exalted mass combat is...
Um. He does have War, War 1 (Small Units +2)
Sorry for the long delay in posting. Have been trying to think of something Cool to stunt with and have come up with nothing. Going to post something today.

EDIT: There, posted!
This is the third PbP game.. in a row... where the ST has fallen silent. Though naturally I understand rl can be very trying.
Unfortunately it is very common.

It is very human to overestimate one's resources and enthusiasm.

90% of the games here end like that.
It was only a month guys...

Okay, I'm actually really sorry, I should have at least let you know I was wrapped up in it, but I'm back now as long as you will have me!

I'll be posting tomorrow, and as a show of good faith, I will reply promptly to any post until Friday noon CST when I go into work, and work all weekend, but I'll try and post when I'm at home. As an additional show of good faith, I will be giving you all 1xp for every day I didn't post, and from here on out* which amounts to 36xp by my count.

I know that candy won't restore your faith in me, but it is a shot. Once again, I'm sorry.

*Unless I give you guys a heads up for a weekend or something.

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