[Blight!] Tominic Through the Pipes [OOC]

You are a great storyteller, magnificentmomo, I do appreciate the apology and have no doubts that you are genuinely enthusiastic about the game.


You may want to consider whether your life, energy and enthusiasm will allow you to run a game.

It is something very difficult to gauge because the energy and interest you have now are not those you will have in two weeks.

With, say, two posts per month, it would take us a year just to complete a combat.

I for one will be glad to continue with this game, but please take some time to honestly consider if you can take the commitment.

If you discover you can not and say so, none will wish you ill.

Just be honest with yourself and with us.

EDIT: Also, I'm not taking XPs I didn't earn, especially if I won't be able to use them AND especially since my char is already ridiculously powerful.
xarvh said:
I for one will be glad to continue with this game, but please take some time to honestly consider if you can take the commitment.

If you discover you can not and say so, none will wish you ill.

Just be honest with yourself and with us.
I second this, as well. I am happy to continue playing and understand all too well how RL can suddenly make PbP hard but I hope not to have another month long disruption any time soon. I am glad you did come back to the game however.

xarvh said:
EDIT: Also, I'm not taking XPs I didn't earn, especially if I won't be able to use them AND especially since my char is already ridiculously powerful.
36xp.... oooh shiny.... Its awful tempting... Will have to think on this.
I know my post rate was getting a little low, even before October, but I assure you that I do have the time and commitment to run this game. And I meant the XP as an insurance policy on my commitment, not a bribe. In my opinion, you earned the XP by not bailing when I went silent. If I cut it in half by making it 1xp for every 2 days, would you be able to accept that?

Back to the topic of Mass Combat, I could have had the crash site champions form under Sebast, and then your unit and that one could merge once they got to one another. Now that Happerry is split even further, I'll rule that the disabling wound applied to the guardian breaks any kind of drill or coordination in the force, and we can run combat on the personal scale.

Also, I don't believe they said anything in here, but Happerry is currently in the hospital, and should be back within the week, so more power to them and let's give 'em something to come back to!
Since fall damage is soakable with armor, but doesn't say anything about hardness, I'll give it you too. Anything to post in the crash site as is or should I move it on forward?

edit: also, I work tomorrow, and then it is my friend's birthday, but I might do some phone posting.
Whom is clawed guy aiming to?

Is this mass combat? Am I acting as a solo unit or as a leader?

Ar the two Notable Voidbringers accting solo or as leaders?
Sorry I wasn't clear.

We went with regular scale comabt since it would be hard to get everyone on the same timeline, though we might transition to it later.I roll extras as clumps to make it easier, so I see how that could be confusing. The clawed one isn't aiming, it is the chainsawed one. And he isn't aiming at anyone in particular, it was more to describe his demeanor.

MrS, that works. I'll try and post when I get home from the bar.
If happery is expected to be out of the hospital quickly I will wait until his return before posting anything further.
I understand. I can't find their post saying they were going to the hospital, but from what I remember they should be out sometime this week, I think. We could still get another post in or two if you'd like.
I have returned! With low energy and a headache when I focus on things, but I have returned! What did I miss in evil plots?

I don't think I need any rolls for riding on the dragonfly, but are you attempting to grapple one of the fix beetles that didn't self-destruct? Just trying to clarify.
I'm jumping off the dragonfly and landing on one as we almost land to use it as a living shield for a crash landing. Preferably into another enemy.
Well, don't stretch yourself. Rest up as much as needed.

Roll Dex+MA, your whip specialty applies. Instead of DV, it is difficulty 4. If you grab it, you can make a ride check, consisting of just Dex for you, to help decide where to land it. 2d stunt for both rolls.

I usually like a bit more fluff for a stunt, but the fun factor bumped it to a 2d from 1.

edit: the Ride check is also diff 4.
Sorry I'm slow, I had to re-figure out how machine-spirits work.

Still up for a little bit, if any of you are. I'll probably have some quality internet time tomorrow, so don't lose any sleep if you aren't already.
Do I need to roll Join Battle or something? Since the next thing I'll be doing is some form of combat :P Also havent had much experience with Exalted 2e combat (mostly played 1e) ... still find tick based combat confusing.
Go ahead and roll JB MrS. I wasn't sure if you had anything else up your sleeve. Yeah, ticks are weird at first, but they've grown on me, and I'll take care of tick count, so it isn't like a table top where you might be skipped for not paying attention.

In another game I'm in we use the rule that stunt dice are actually autosucceses, to make things go that much faster. I was thinking about instating that rule here. Yeah, it's a power boost, but it also kinda compensates for the fact that Pbp stunts are usually judged a little more strtictly by most, sometimes myself even.

To speed things up even faster, would you guys want me to roll damage for you? You'd just have to declare any charms in your attack post. I know this can be weird because it's putting your character's actions in the hands of someone else's luck.
I do not believe in luck, so I am very find with the ST rolling for me whenever it speeds the game up.
Technically, when you botch you just start at Tick 6, no idea what happens when you Join later.

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