[Blight!] Tominic Through the Pipes [OOC]

I can fight or not. Wouldn't mind just getting on with it though. And no need for apologies, we seem to be just as slow as you.
Whoops! Hectic work schedule this last week, as well as house hunting.

I'll post up tonight.

The river may sometimes become a creek, or even a trickle, but it will never dry up entirely!
A poorly paced scene ended with a ham-fisted Adamant Caste. Awesome. The following scenes will be better, I assure you.

I"ll post the beginnings of the next thread tomorrow. I gotta get some shut-eye.
So far I've liked the game.

Good narration, and the plot is not obvious and twists merrily.

I'd say it was a good job. ^_^
Howdy y'all. I just got added on to the game, and once I've read up on some of the past posts, I'll have a rough draft of my character for Magnificintmomo to give the ok to.
OH yeah, scatterbrained me. Sherwood and Arynne will be joining us to give another push into this new year. Should be fine considering we lost one player before the game even started.

I added Probe's excellencies.

Also, when do we get XPs?

I'd suggest to assign something every time a scene is closed.
My character is up and ready for approval, but I don't anticipate any troubles. As for my familiar, do I submit a write-up for it, or will you? If you've seen Ghost in the Shell, you'll have the perfect picture of the Tachkoma. I was thinking of giving it the following Charms: Optical Shroud (Thermoptic camo) and Personal Gravity Manipulation (wall walking), with some sort of Essence beam weapon for attack, and enough room in the rear pod for a rider.
Looks good so far. With everyone else who has a familiar I let them submit their projected stats and whatnot. Just get a background to me, then we can work you in.

Yeah, I've been meaning to post XP, but I'v been waffling on the amount per page. I haven't quite pinpointed the growth rate I want for this game. Does 4xp per page sound good for everyone? Split scenes compile, so it would be a total of 4 pages for the first scenes for everybody.

I'll most likely get an xp thread up tonight.
I am doing 1 xp per 8 posts which gets integrated with bonuses here and there, usually for stunts.

Meh, whatever you choose you can adjust it later.

Ok, here I have a problem.

We have to capture Dinari alive before he does whatever to the Autharch, possibly in a way as to get Tryr and everyone behind.

Thing is, Chrome is utterly paranoid and will trust only a Soulsteel NPC, while I would like to involve also the PCs.

Thoughts and ideas?
Interesting. Sucks that currently you are the only PC native to Bastion, or Claslat even. thousand diamond echoes has the meeting scheduled with Tryr, would a Starmetal cut it?

Also, edited my post to reflect Dinari having the same aura.

I perfer a higher rate of XP gain, so that you should potentially beable to get a new charm every thread. Maybe 3xp per page?
I was thinking that Ma3a would be fresh from the vats, having been made in response to the disasters that just took place. That would explain why I'm late to the party. What metropolis would be the place of my creation?
Well you have your pick of the litter of polis' in Claslat. Not sure if Bastion would have the resources, but they could have scrounged something up, especially having lost an orichalcum caste not too long ago (see Chrome's background).
Has the Seal of Eight Divinities been breached? If so, where and do we know about it?
All that is known is that there were a lot of rumors about project razer before the great void quake. After the great void quake there has been a distinct lack of communication, even within one's own nation, let alone between countries.
I've been reading up on my copy of CoCD Autochthonia, and the Centropolis of Harmegis looks like a reasonable place for my Alchie to have been constructed. I'm ready to go as soon as you finish off the approval of my character and familiar, and can be introduced to the story whenever you want.
How much background will I have being fresh out of the Vats? :?
You come out a full-fledged person, with the shared experience of at least a dozen lives. Personality, goals, ambitions. I just wanted to figure out who the character is and where to throw him and what to throw at him.

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